Ad edictum provinciale libri
Ex libro XV
Dig. 26,8,11Gaius libro quinto decimo ad edictum provinciale. Si ad pupillum aut furiosum bonorum possessio pertineat, expediendarum rerum gratia et in agnoscenda et in repudianda bonorum possessione voluntatem tutoris curatorisque spectari debere placuit: qui scilicet si quid eorum contra commodum pupilli furiosive fecerint, tutelae curationisve iudicio tenebuntur.
Gaius, On the Provincial Edict, Book XV. Where a ward or an insane person is entitled to the possession of an estate for the purpose of expediting matters, it is established that the wishes of the guardian or curator must be consulted in the acceptance or the repudiation of the estate; and it is clear that if he does anything contrary to the interest of the said ward or insane person, he will be liable to an action on guardianship or curatorship.
Dig. 28,6,22Gaius libro quinto decimo ad edictum provinciale. Is qui contra tabulas testamenti patris bonorum possessionem petierit, si fratri impuberi substitutus sit, repellitur a substitutione.
Gaius, On the Provincial Edict, Book XVII. Where a son demands possession of the estate of his father in opposition to the terms of the will of the latter, and he has been substituted by the said will for his brother under the age of puberty, he will be excluded from the substitution.
Dig. 29,1,2Gaius libro quinto decimo ad edictum provinciale. De militis testamento ideo separatim proconsul edicit, quod optime novit ex constitutionibus principalibus propria atque singularia iura in testamenta eorum observari.
Gaius, On the Provincial Edict, Book XV. The Prætor issued a separate Edict with reference to the wills of soldiers, for the reason that he was well aware that, according to the Constitutions of the Emperors, peculiar and extraordinary rights have been established with reference to their wills.
Dig. 29,1,17Gaius libro quinto decimo ad edictum provinciale. Si certarum rerum heredes instituerit miles, veluti alium urbanorum praediorum, alium rusticorum, alium ceterarum rerum, valebit institutio perindeque habebitur, atque si sine partibus heredes eos instituisset resque omnes suas per praeceptionem cuique legando distribuisset. 1Iulianus etiam ait, si quis alium castrensium rerum, alium ceterarum scripsisset, quasi duorum hominum duas hereditates intellegi, ut etiam in aes alienum, quod in castris contractum esset, solus is teneatur, qui castrensium rerum heres institutus esset, extra castra contracto aere alieno is solus obligetur, qui ceterarum rerum heres scriptus esset. cui scilicet conveniens videtur respondisse, ut ex quaqua causa debeatur militi, vel huic heredi vel illi ipso iure debeatur. quod si alterutra pars bonorum aeri alieno, quod ex ea causa pendebit, non sufficiat et propter hoc is qui ex parte heres institutus est non adierit, alterum qui adisset compellendum esse aut defendere totam hereditatem aut totam creditoribus solvere. 2Si eodem testamento miles eundem heredem, deinde exheredem scripserit, adempta videtur hereditas, cum in paganorum testamento sola hereditas exheredatione adimi non possit. 3Si pater a filio familias milite ex castrensi peculio heres institutus omissa causa testamenti aliquid ex peculio possidebit dolove malo fecerit, quo minus possideret, datur in eum legatorum actio. 4Si miles testamentum in militia fecerit, codicillos post militiam et intra annum missionis moriatur, plerisque placet in codicillis iuris civilis regulam spectari debere, quia non sunt a milite facti, nec ad rem pertinere, quod testamento confirmati sunt. ideoque in his legatis, quae testamento data sunt, legi Falcidiae locum non esse, at in his, quae codicillis scripta sunt, locum esse.
Gaius, On the Provincial Edict, Book XV. Ad Dig. 29,1,17 pr.Windscheid: Lehrbuch des Pandektenrechts, 7. Aufl. 1891, Bd. III, § 553, Note 14.Where a soldier appoints heirs to certain property, as for instance, one to certain property in a city, another to certain lands in the country, and still another to other property, the appointments will be valid, for it will be considered just as if he had appointed the said heirs without assigning them their shares in the estate, and that he had distributed all his property through making his bequest to each one by preference. 1Julian also says that where a testator appoints one heir to his property obtained while a soldier, and another the heir to the remainder of the estate, this is to be understood to be the disposal of two distinct estates belonging, as it were, to two different men, so that that heir alone who was appointed for the property obtained while in the service shall be liable for debts incurred by the soldier while in the army, and he alone who was appointed heir to the remainder of the estate shall be bound to pay any debts contracted outside of the service. In this instance it seems to be proper to hold that where anything is due to the soldier from any source, it will be due by operation of law to either the former or the latter heir. If, however, either of the shares of the property should not be sufficient to pay the debts for which it is liable, and for this reason the party appointed heir to this share does not accept it, the other who did accept must be compelled either to take up the defence of the entire estate, or to pay the creditors in full. 2Where, in the same will, a soldier appoints a certain person his heir, and afterwards disinherits him, he will be held to have been deprived of the estate, while by the will of a civilian, an estate cannot be taken away by a mere disinheritance of this kind. 3If a father should be appointed heir to the castrense peculium by his son under paternal control, who is serving in the army, and he fails to take advantage of the will, and has some of the property in possession, or fraudulently relinquished it to avoid having possession, an action will be granted to the legatee against him. 4If a soldier should make a will while he is in the army, and a codicil after his term of service has expired, and he dies within a year of his discharge, it is held by many authorities that the codicil should be considered to have been made in accordance with the rule of the Civil Law; because it was not executed by a soldier, and it should not be held that it is confirmed by the will. Therefore there is no room for the application of the Falcidian Law in the case of any legacies bequeathed by the will, but this law is applicable to such legacies as are included in the codicil.
Dig. 30,64Gaius libro quinto decimo ad edictum provinciale. Captatoriae scripturae simili modo neque in hereditatibus neque in legatis valent.
Gaius, On the Provincial Edict, Book XV. Documents procured by the schemes of interested parties, in like manner, are invalid, where they have reference to estates or legacies.
Dig. 37,12,2Gaius libro quinto decimo ad edictum provinciale. Non usque adeo exaequandus est patrono parens, ut etiam Faviana aut Calvisiana actio ei detur, quia iniquum est ingenuis hominibus non esse liberam rerum suarum alienationem.
Gaius, On the Provincial Edict, Book XV. A father is not to be considered the equal of a patron to the extent that the Favian or Calvisian Action may be granted him, for the reason that it is unjust for freeborn men not to have unrestricted power to alienate their property.
Dig. 38,2,5Gaius libro quinto decimo ad edictum provinciale. Libertinus, qui patronum patronique liberos habet, si patronum ex parte debita heredem instituit, liberos eius in eandem portionem substituere debet, ut, licet patronus vivo liberto mortuus fuerit, satisfactum videatur liberis eius. 1Si patroni filium emancipatum et nepotem ex eo, qui in avi familia remansit, libertus habeat, filio tantum, non etiam nepoti satisfacere debebit libertus: nec ad rem pertinet, quod ad parentis bona pariter vocantur.
Gaius, On the Provincial Edict, Book XV. Where a freedman has a patron, and the latter has children, and he appoints his patron heir to the share of his estate to which the latter is entitled, he should substitute his children for the same share, in order that, although the patron may die during the lifetime of the freedman, he can be considered to have satisfied the claims of his children. 1If a freedman has the emancipated son of his patron, and grandsons descended from another son, who is under the control of the grandfather, the freedman must only leave what he owes to the son, and not to the grandsons; for, in this instance, it makes no difference whether they are equally called to the succession of their grandfather, or not.
Dig. 38,2,7Gaius libro quinto decimo ad edictum provinciale. Nam absurdum videtur licere eidem partim comprobare iudicium defuncti, partim evertere.
Gaius, On the Provincial Edict, Book XV. For it would be absurd to allow the same person to partly approve the will of the deceased, and partly reject it.
Dig. 50,17,51Gaius libro quinto decimo ad edictum provinciale. Non videtur quisquam id capere, quod ei necesse est alii restituere.
Gaius, On the Provincial Edict, Book XV. No one is considered to acquire something which he is obliged to deliver to another.