Ad edictum provinciale libri
Ex libro XIV
Dig. 37,1,11Gaius libro quarto decimo ad edictum provinciale. Si pupillo tutor bonorum possessionem petierit et plus incommodi quam commodi haec bonorum possessio habeat, tutor tutelae iudicio tenetur.
Gaius, On the Provincial Edict, Book XIV. Where a guardian claims prætorian possession in behalf of his ward, and it is found to be of greater disadvantage than benefit to him, the guardian will be liable to an action on guardianship.
Dig. 37,4,7Gaius libro quarto decimo ad edictum provinciale. Si retentus fuerit in potestate nepos filio emancipato, admittitur nepos vivo avo ad patris bonorum possessionem.
Gaius, On the Provincial Edict, Book XIV. If a son should be emancipated, and his son retained under the control of his grandfather, the grandson, during the lifetime of his grandfather, will be permitted to obtain prætorian possession of the estate of his father.
Dig. 37,4,9Gaius libro quarto decimo ad edictum provinciale. Utrum autem pater adoptivus vivit an defunctus est, nihil interest: nam hoc solum quaeritur, an in adoptiva familia sit.
Gaius, On the Provincial Edict, Book XIV. It makes no difference whether the adoptive father is living or dead, for the only inquiry made is whether the child belongs to the adoptive family.
Dig. 37,4,12Gaius libro quarto decimo ad edictum provinciale. Si duobus filiis et ex altero filio duobus nepotibus bonorum possessio competat et alter ex nepotibus non petat, pars eius fratri adcrescit. si vero ex filiis alter non petat, tam fratri quam nepotibus id prodest: namque tunc duo semisses fiunt, ex quibus alterum filius, alterum nepotes consequuntur. 1Si prius testamentum exstet iure factum, quo filius exheredatus est, sequens imperfectumaaDie Großausgabe liest inperfectum statt imperfectum., in quo praeteritus sit filius, posteriore testamento praeteritus recte petet bonorum possessionem, si remoto quoque filio potiores sunt in ea hereditate posteriore testamento scripti heredes: et ita ius habet, ut, cum is, contra quem filius petit bonorum possessionem, amoto filio possit optinere hereditatem, filius quoque recte videatur petere bonorum possessionem, si vero ille non possit optinere hereditatem, filius quoque excludatur.
Gaius, On the Provincial Edict, Book XIV. Where two sons together with two grandsons by another son are entitled to prætorian possession of an estate, and one of the grandsons does not claim it, his share will accrue to his brother; but if one of the sons does not claim possession, his brother, as well as the grandsons, will profit by it, for then the estate will be divided into two equal parts, of which the son will obtain one, and the grandsons the other. 1Where there are two wills, and one, by which a son is disinherited, is properly drawn up, and the second, in which the son is passed over is imperfect, he who is passed over in the last will can legally claim prætorian possession of the estate, if the heirs mentioned in the second will are such as should have preference over those mentioned in the first, in case the son should be excluded. Hence the rule is established that, when he against whom the son claims prætorian possession of the estate can obtain it if the son should be excluded, the latter also can legally demand prætorian possession, but if he could not obtain the estate, the son will also be excluded.
Dig. 37,7,2Gaius libro quarto decimo ad edictum provinciale. Filia in adoptionem data et heres instituta debet sic ut emancipata non solum bona sua, sed et dotem, quae ad eam pertinere poterit, conferre. si adhuc pater adoptivus vivit, hic necesse habebit conferre.
Gaius, On the Provincial Edict, Book XIV. A daughter who has been given in adoption and appointed heir must, in the same manner as an emancipated daughter, contribute for collation her private property, as well as the dowry which she may have received. If her adoptive father should still be living, it will be necessary for him to make the collation.
Dig. 37,9,5Gaius libro quarto decimo ad edictum provinciale. Curator ventris alimenta mulieri statuere debet. nec ad rem pertinet, an dotem habeat, unde sustentare se possit, quia videntur quae ita praestantur ipsi praestari qui in utero est. 1Curator ventri datus solvendi debiti rationem habere debet, utique eius, quod sub poena aut pignoribus pretiosis debetur.
Gaius, On the Provincial Edict, Book XIV. The curator of the unborn child should also provide the woman with maintenance; for it makes no difference whether she has a dowry by means of which she can support herself, or not, because what is furnished her is considered to have been given for her unborn child. 1Where a curator is appointed for an unborn child, he should take care to pay the debts of the estate, especially those whose non-payment involve pecuniary penalties, or where valuable pledges have been deposited as security.
Dig. 38,1,19Gaius libro quarto decimo ad edictum provinciale. aut certe ita exigendae sunt ab eo operae, ut his quoque diebus, quibus operas edat, satis tempus ad quaestum faciendum, unde ali possit, habeat:
Gaius, On the Provincial Edict, Book XIV. It is clear that services should not be required of a freedman without giving him certain days upon which to perform them, and allowing him sufficient time for earning enough to support himself.
Dig. 38,1,22Gaius libro quarto decimo ad edictum provinciale. Cum patronus operas stipulatus sit, tunc scilicet committitur stipulatio, cum poposcerit nec libertus praestiterit. nec interest, adiecta sint haec verba ‘cum poposcero’ an non sint adiecta: aliud enim est de operis, aliud de ceteris rebus. cum enim operarum editio nihil aliud sit quam officii praestatio, absurdum est credere alio die deberi officium, quam quo is vellet, cui praestandum est. 1Cum libertus promiserit patrono operas se daturum neque adiecerit ‘liberisque eius’, constat liberis eius ita demum deberi, si patri heredes extiterint. heredes tamen extitisse liberos parenti ita demum prodesse ad operarum petitionem Iuliano placet, si non per alium heredes extiterunt. itaque si quis exheredato emancipato filio servum eius heredem instituerit et per eum servum heres extiterit filius, repelli eum ab operarum petitione debere, perinde ac repelleretur patronus, qui operas non imposuisset vel quas imposuit revendidisset. 2In omnibus operis praecipue observandum est, ut temporis spatia, quae ad curam corporis necessaria sunt, liberto relinquantur.
Gaius, On the Provincial Edict, Book XIV. Where a patron stipulates for services, the stipulation becomes operative when the patron makes the demand, and the freedman does not render them. Nor does it make any difference whether the words “when I demand them” are added or not; as one rule applies to the services of the freedman, and another to other matters. For as the performance of services is nothing more than the discharge of a duty, it is absurd to suppose that a duty should be performed on some other day than the one on which the person who is entitled to it wishes it to be done. 1When a freedman promises his patron to render him services, and does not include his children, it is settled that the services will only be due to his children if they become the heirs of their father. Julianus holds that, even if they become the heirs of their father, they will only have a right to demand the benefit of the services of the freedman where they did not become heirs through the intervention of another person. Therefore, if anyone, after having disinherited his emancipated son, should appoint his slave his heir, and the former should become his heir through the said slave, he ought to be barred from demanding the services of the freedman; just as a patron would be barred who did not impose any services upon his freedmen, or had sold those which he did impose. 2It should, by all means, be noted that in every kind of services such periods of time as are necessary for the proper care of his body should be granted to the freedman.