Ad edictum provinciale libri
Ex libro XII
Dig. 26,1,16Gaius libro duodecimo ad edictum provinciale. Tutela plerumque virile officium est. 1Et sciendum est nullam tutelam hereditario iure ad alium transire: sed ad liberos virilis sexus perfectae aetatis descendunt legitimae, ceterae non descendunt.
Gaius, On the Provincial Edict, Book XII. Guardianship is generally an office whose duties are exercised by men. 1It must be understood that guardianship does not pass to another by hereditary right. The legal guardianships of parents, however, descend to children of the male sex, who are of age, but others are not transmitted.
Dig. 26,2,1Gaius libro duodecimo ad edictum provinciale. Lege duodecim tabularum permissum est parentibus liberis suis sive feminini sive masculini sexus, si modo in potestate sint, tutores testamento dare. 1Item scire debemus etiam postumis filiis vel nepotibus vel ceteris liberis licere parentibus testamento tutores dare, qui modo in ea causa sint, ut, si vivo eo nati fuerint, in potestate eius futuri sint neque testamentum rupturi. 2Item ignorandum non est eum, qui filium in potestate et nepotem ex eo aeque in potestate habebit, si nepoti tutorem dederit, ita recte dedisse videri, si nepos post mortem eius in patris sui potestatem recasurus non sit: quod evenit, si vivo testatore filius in potestate eius esse desierit.
Gaius, On the Provincial Edict, Book XI. Parents are permitted by the Law of the Twelve Tables to appoint by will guardians for their children of either the female or the male sex, provided they are under their control. 1We should also remember that parents are allowed to appoint testamentary guardians for their posthumous children, grandchildren, or any other descendants, if, where such children were born during the lifetime of the testator they would have been under his control, and would not have broken the will. 2It should also not be forgotten that, where anyone has a son, and also a grandson by the said son, under his control, and he appoints a guardian for his grandson, he must be held to have properly appointed him, if the grandson, after his death, does not again come under the control of his father, which would be the case if his son should cease to be under his control during the lifetime of the testator.
Dig. 26,4,9Gaius libro duodecimo ad edictum provinciale. Si plures sunt adgnati, proximus tutelam nanciscitur et, si eodem gradu plures sint, omnes tutelam nanciscuntur.
Gaius, On the Provincial Edict, Book XII. Where there are several agnates, the next of kin among them will obtain the guardianship, but where there are several in the same degree, they will all be entitled to it.
Dig. 26,5,5Gaius libro duodecimo ad edictum provinciale. Illud semper constitit praesidem posse tutorem dare tam absentem quam praesentem et tam praesenti quam absenti
Gaius, On the Provincial Edict, Book XII. It has always been settled that a Governor can appoint a guardian, whether the latter be absent or present, for a ward who is either present or absent;
Dig. 26,7,13Gaius libro duodecimo ad edictum provinciale. Tutor secundum dignitatem facultatesque pupilli modum servorum aestimare debet, qui circa eum futuri sunt. 1Non est audiendus tutor, cum dicat ideo cessasse pupillarem pecuniam, quod idonea nomina non inveniret, si arguatur eo tempore suam pecuniam bene collocasse. 2In solvendis legatis et fideicommissis attendere debet tutor, ne cui non debitum solvat, nec nuptiale munus matri pupilli vel sorori mittere. aliud est, si matri forte aut sorori pupilli tutor ea quae ad victum necessaria sunt praestiterit, cum semet ipsa sustinere non possit: nam ratum id habendum est: nec enim eadem causa est eius, quod in eam rem impenditur et quod muneris legatorumve nomine erogatur.
Gaius, On the Provincial Edict, Book XII. A guardian should apportion the number of slaves who are to be in attendance upon his ward, in accordance with the rank and means of the latter. 1A guardian should not be heard when he alleges that he has not invested the money of the ward because he could not find a suitable place to do so, if it is proved that he has invested his own money profitably during that time. 2In the payment of legacies and the discharge of trusts, the guardian should be careful not to pay anyone to whom nothing is due. Nor should he give marriage gifts to the mother or sister of his ward. It is another thing, however, for the guardian to furnish the mother or sister of his ward with the necessaries of life, where they are unable to support themselves, for this should be ratified; as there is much difference where money is spent for this purpose, and where expense is incurred for presents or legacies.
Dig. 26,8,9Gaius libro duodecimo ad edictum provinciale. Obligari ex omni contractu pupillus sine tutoris auctoritate non potest: adquirere autem sibi stipulando et per traditionem accipiendo etiam sine tutoris auctoritate potest: sed credendo obligare sibi non potest, quia sine tutoris auctoritate nihil alienare potest. 1Ex hoc autem, quod pupillus nullam rem sine tutoris auctoritate alienare potest, apparet nec manumittere eum sine tutoris auctoritate posse. hoc amplius licet tutoris auctoritate manumittat, debet e lege Aelia Sentia apud consilium causam probare. 2Pupillus ex omnibus causis solvendo sine tutoris auctoritate nihil agit, quia nullum dominium transferre potest: si tamen creditor bona fide pecuniam pupilli consumpserit, liberabitur pupillus. 3Hereditatem adire pupillus sine tutoris auctoritate non potest, quamvis lucrosa sit nec ullum habeat damnum. 4Nec ex senatus consulto Trebelliano hereditatem recipere pupillus sine tutoris auctoritate potest. 5Tutor statim in ipso negotio praesens debet auctor fieri, post tempus vero aut per epistulam interposita eius auctoritas nihil agit. 6Etiamsi non exaudiat tutoris auctoritatem is qui cum pupillo contrahit, scriptis tamen hoc adprobetur, recte negotium geritur, veluti si absenti pupillo per epistulam vendam aliquid aut locem et is tutoris auctoritate consentiat.
Gaius, On the Provincial Edict, Book XII. A ward cannot be rendered liable by any contract without the authority of his guardian; he can, however, acquire property for himself by means of a stipulation, as well as by delivery, without the authority of his guardian, but he cannot bind himself by lending money, because he cannot alienate anything without the authority of his guardian. 1With reference to the rule that a ward cannot alienate any property without the authority of his guardian, it is evident that he cannot manumit his slaves without his consent, and even if he should manumit a slave with the authority of his guardian, he must, in accordance with the Lex Ælia Sentia, give a good reason for doing so, in the presence of the Council. 2Where a ward, for any reason, makes a payment without the authority of his guardian, his act is void, because he cannot transfer the ownership of anything. Where, however, the creditor, in good faith, spends the money repaid by the ward, the latter will be released. 3A ward cannot enter upon an estate without the consent of his guardian, even though it may be advantageous to him, and he suffers no loss by doing so. 4Under the Trebellian Decree of the Senate, a ward cannot receive an inheritance without the consent of his guardian. 5The guardian ought to be present and authorize the transaction, and his consent will be of no effect if subsequently given, or communicated by letter. 6Even if the party who makes a contract with a ward does not know that the authority of the guardian was granted, still, if this can be proved by written evidence, the transaction will be valid; for example, if I sell or rent anything by letter to a ward who is absent, and he gives his consent, after having been authorized by his guardian.
Dig. 27,3,14Gaius libro duodecimo ad edictum provinciale. Si post pubertatem tempore aliquo licet brevissimo intermiserit administrationem tutor, deinde coeperit gerere, sine ulla dubitatione tam tutelae quam negotiorum gestorum iudicio cum eo agendum est.
Gaius, On the Provincial Edict. Book XII. If, after the ward has reached puberty, the guardian should relinquish the administration even for a very short time, and afterwards resume it, there is no doubt that he can be sued in an action on guardianship, as well as in one on voluntary agency.