Ad edictum provinciale libri
Ex libro XI
Dig. 23,1,8Gaius libro undecimo ad edictum provinciale. Furor quin sponsalibus impedimento sit, plus quam manifestum est: sed postea interveniens sponsalia non infirmat.
Gaius, On the Provincial Edict, Book XI. It is perfectly evident that insanity is an impediment to betrothal, but if it occurs afterwards, it will not annul it.
Dig. 23,2,17Gaius libro undecimo ad edictum provinciale. Per adoptionem quaesita fraternitas eousque impedit nuptias, donec manet adoptio: ideoque eam, quam pater meus adoptavit et emancipavit, potero uxorem ducere. aeque et si me emancipato illam in potestate retinuerit, poterimus iungi matrimonio. 1Itaque volenti generum adoptare suadetur, ut filiam emancipetaaDie Großausgabe liest emanciparet statt emancipet.: similiter suadetur ei, qui nurum velit adoptare, ut emancipet filium. 2Amitam quoque et materteram, item magnam quoque amitam et materteram magnam prohibemur uxorem ducere, quamvis magna amita et matertera quarto gradu sint. utique autem amitam et amitam magnam prohibemur uxorem ducere, etsi per adoptionem nobis coniunctae sint.
Gaius, On the Provincial Edict, Book XI. Where the relationship of brother and sister has been acquired by adoption, it will be an impediment to their marriage while the adoption lasts; therefore I can marry a girl whom my father adopted and afterwards emancipated. We can also be united in matrimony if I have been emancipated, and my father has retained her under his control. 1Hence, a man wishing to adopt his son-in-law was advised to emancipate his daughter; and, in like manner, one who wishes to adopt his daughter-in-law is advised to emancipate his son. 2We also forbid anyone to marry his paternal or maternal aunt, or his paternal or maternal great-aunt; although the former are related to him in the fourth degree. We also forbid a man to marry his paternal aunt and great-aunt even though they are connected with us by adoption.
Dig. 23,2,53Gaius libro undecimo ad edictum provinciale. Nuptiae consistere non possunt inter eas personas quae in numero parentium liberorumve sunt, sive proximi sive ulterioris gradus sint usque ad infinitum.
Gaius, On the Provincial Edict, Book XI. Marriage cannot take place between parties who stand in the relationship of parents and children, or in the next degree, or in any more distant degrees, ad infinitum.
Dig. 23,2,55Gaius libro undecimo ad edictum provinciale. Quin etiam nefas existimatur eam quoque uxorem ducere, quae per adoptionem filia neptisve esse coeperit, in tantum, ut et, si per emancipationem adoptio dissoluta sit, idem iuris maneat. 1Patris adoptivi mei matrem aut materteram aut neptem ex filio uxorem ducere non possum, scilicet si in familia eius sim: alioquin si emancipatus fuero ab eo, sine dubio nihil impedit nuptias, scilicet quia post emancipationem extraneus intellegor.
Gaius, On the Provincial Edict, Book XI. It is also considered abominable to marry an adopted daughter, or granddaughter, and this rule of law is of such force that it still remains applicable even where the adoption has been dissolved by emancipation. 1I cannot marry the mother of my adoptive father, nor his maternal aunt, nor his granddaughter the issue of his son, as long as I remain in the family. After I have been emancipated, however, there is no doubt that nothing will prevent me from marrying any one of them, because I shall not be considered as related to them after emancipation.
Dig. 23,3,42Gaius libro undecimo ad edictum provinciale. Res in dotem datae, quae pondere numero mensura constant, mariti periculo sunt, quia in hoc dantur, ut eas maritus ad arbitrium suum distrahat et quandoque soluto matrimonio eiusdem generis et qualitatis alias restituat vel ipse vel heres eius.
Ad Dig. 23,3,42Windscheid: Lehrbuch des Pandektenrechts, 7. Aufl. 1891, Bd. II, § 500, Note 1.Gaius, On the Provincial Edict, Book XI. Where property which can be weighed, counted, or measured, is given by way of dowry, this is done at the risk of the husband, because it is given to enable him to sell it at his pleasure; and when the marriage is dissolved, he must return articles of the same kind and quality, or his heir must do so.
Dig. 23,4,15Gaius libro undecimo ad edictum provinciale. id est, ut citeriore die reddatur:
Gaius, On the Provincial Edict, Book XI. That is to say, it may be returned sooner.
Dig. 23,5,4Gaius libro undecimo ad edictum provinciale. Lex Iulia, quae de dotali praedio prospexit ne id marito liceat obligare aut alienare, plenius interpretanda est, ut etiam de sponso idem iuris sit quod de marito.
Gaius, On the Provincial Edict, Book XI. The Lex Julia, which has reference to land given by way of dowry, and provides that a husband cannot encumber or alienate it, ought to be more broadly interpreted, so as to apply as well to a betrothed person as to a husband.
Dig. 24,1,6Gaius libro undecimo ad edictum provinciale. quia quod ex non concessa donatione retinetur, id aut sine causa aut ex iniusta causa retineri intellegitur: ex quibus causis condictio nasci solet.
Gaius, On the Provincial Edict, Book XI. Whatever is retained by reason of a donation which is not permitted by law, is understood to be retained without any reason, or unjustly; in either of which instances a right of action for recovery will ordinarily arise.
Dig. 24,1,8Gaius libro undecimo ad edictum provinciale. Si, antequam servus manumittatur, morte aut divortio solutum fuerit matrimonium, resolvitur donatio: inesse enim condicio donationi videtur, ut manente matrimonio manumittatur.
Gaius, On the Provincial Edict, Book XI. If, before the slave is manumitted, the marriage should be dissolved by death or divorce, the donation will be annulled; for it is held to be a condition of such a donation that the slave should be manumitted during the marriage.
Dig. 24,1,10Gaius libro undecimo ad edictum provinciale. quia in hoc tempus excurrit donationis eventus, quo vir et uxor esse desinunt.
Gaius, On the Provincial Edict, Book XI. For the reason that the event of the donation extends to a time when the parties cease to be husband and wife.
Dig. 24,1,30Gaius libro undecimo ad edictum provinciale. utilem tamen viro competere.
Gaius, On the Provincial Edict, Book XI. Still, the husband will be entitled to an equitable action.
Dig. 24,1,42Gaius libro undecimo ad edictum provinciale. Nuper ex indulgentia principis Antonini recepta est alia causa donationis, quam dicimus honoris causa: ut ecce si uxor viro lati claviaaDie Großausgabe liest clavii statt clavi. petenti gratia donet vel ut equestris ordinis fiat vel ludorum gratia.
Gaius, On the Provincial Edict, Book XI. Another reason for a donation has been recently introduced through the indulgence of the Emperor Antoninus, which we say is done for the sake of honor; for example, where a wife makes a donation to her husband to enable him to seek admission into the Senatorial, or Equestrian Order, or for the purpose of exhibitions.
Dig. 24,1,61Gaius libro undecimo ad edictum provinciale. vel senectutem aut valetudinem aut militiam satis commode retineri matrimonium non possit:
Gaius, On the Provincial Edict, Book XI. Or where marriage cannot conveniently exist on account of old age, illness, or military service,
Dig. 24,2,2Gaius libro undecimo ad edictum provinciale. Divortium autem vel a diversitate mentium dictum est vel quia in diversas partes eunt, qui distrahunt matrimonium. 1In repudiis autem, id est renuntiatione comprobata sunt haec verba: ‘tuas res tibi habeto’, item haec: ‘tuas res tibi agito’. 2In sponsalibus quoque discutiendis placuit renuntiationem intervenire oportere: in qua re haec verba probata sunt: ‘condicione tua non utor’. 3Sive autem ipsi praesenti renuntietur sive absenti per eum, qui in potestate eius sit cuiusve is eave in potestate sit, nihil interest.
Gaius, On the Provincial Edict, Book XI. The word divorce is derived either from diversity of opinion, or because those who dissolve their marriage go different ways. 1In cases of repudiation, that is to say, in renunciation of marriage, the following words are employed: “Retain your property” or “Retain the management of your property.” 2For the purpose of dissolving betrothals, it is certain that a renunciation must be made, in which case the following words are used, namely: “I will not accept your conditions.” 3It makes no difference whether the renunciation takes place in the presence or in the absence of the person under whose control one of the parties may be, or of him who is under said control.
Dig. 24,3,27Gaius libro undecimo ad edictum provinciale. Si post divortium mortua muliere heres eius cum viro parenteve eius agat, eadem videntur de restituenda dote intervenire, quae ipsa muliere agente observari solent.
Gaius, On the Provincial Edict, Book XI. If the wife should die after a divorce, and her heir should bring an action for the dowry against her husband, or his father, it is held that the same rules will apply with reference to the restoration of the dowry, as are ordinarily applicable where the woman herself institutes proceedings.
Dig. 41,1,32Gaius libro undecimo ad edictum provinciale. Etiam invitis nobis per servos adquiritur paene ex omnibus causis.
Gaius, On the Provincial Edict, Book XI. We acquire by means of our slaves in almost every way, even against our consent.