Ad edictum aedilium curulium libri
Ex libro I
Dig. 21,1,3Gaius libro primo ad edictum aedilium curulium. vel protervi vel gibberosi vel curvi vel pruriginosi vel scabiosi, item muti et surdi:
Gaius, On the Edict of the Curule Ædiles, Book I. Or insolent, humpbacked, crooked, or affected with some skin disease, or with the itch, or dumb or deaf:
Dig. 21,1,13Gaius libro primo ad edictum aedilium curulium. Item clodus morbosus est.
Gaius, On the Edict of the Curule Ædiles, Book I. A slave who is lame is also considered diseased.
Dig. 21,1,18Gaius libro primo ad edictum aedilium curulium. Si quid venditor de mancipio adfirmaverit idque non ita esse emptor queratur, aut redhibitorio aut aestimatorio (id est quanto minoris) iudicio agere potest: verbi gratia si constantem aut laboriosum aut curracem vigilacem esse, aut ex frugalitate sua peculium adquirentem adfirmaverit, et is ex diverso levis protervus desidiosus somniculosus piger tardus comesor inveniatur. haec omnia videntur eo pertinere, ne id quod adfirmaverit venditor amare ab eo exigatur, sed cum quodam temperamento, ut si forte constantem esse adfirmaverit, non exacta gravitas et constantia quasi a philosopho desideretur, et si laboriosum et vigilacem adfirmaverit esse, non continuus labor per dies noctesque ab eo exigatur, sed haec omnia ex bono et aequo modice desiderentur. idem et in ceteris quae venditor adfirmaverit intellegemus. 1Venditor, qui optimum cocum esse dixerit, optimum in eo artificio praestare debet: qui vero simpliciter cocum esse dixerit, satis facere videtur, etiamsi mediocrem cocum praestet. idem et in ceteris generibus artificiorum. 2Aeque si quis simpliciter dixerit peculiatum esse servum, sufficit, si is vel minimum habeat peculium.
Gaius, On the Edict of the Curule Ædiles, Book I. Where a vendor asserts that a slave has some good quality, and the purchaser complains that this is not true, he will be entitled to an action for the return or the appraisement of the slave, in order to recover the deficiency in his value; for example, if he should say that the slave is steady and industrious, swift of foot, or vigilant, or that he had increased his peculium on account of his frugality; and he, on the contrary, is ascertained to be changeable, insolent, lazy, given to sleep, and a glutton. All these things are considered to signify that what the vendor had asserted cannot be rigorously exacted from him, but that he must be treated with some degree of moderation; so that, for instance, if he declared that the slave was steady, such gravity and constancy as would be shown by a philosopher ought not to be expected from him; and if he asserted that he was industrious and vigilant, constant labor by day and night should not be required of him; but all these qualities he should be expected to possess to a certain extent, according to what is proper and just. We understand the same rule to apply to any other statements which the vendor may make. 1Where the vendor says that the slave is an excellent cook, he must furnish one of the very best belonging to that calling. If, however, he should merely say that he was a cook, he is held to have complied with his statement if he furnishes a cook of moderate ability. The same rule applies to other skilled laborers. 2Again, if anyone should merely assert that the slave has a peculium, it is sufficient if he has only a very small peculium.
Dig. 21,1,20Gaius libro primo ad edictum aedilium curulium. Si vero ante venditionis tempus dictum intercesserit, deinde post aliquot dies interposita fuerit stipulatio, Caelius Sabinus scribit ex priore causa, quae statim, inquit, ut veniit id mancipium, eo nomine posse agere coepit.
Gaius, On the Edict of the Curule Ædiles, Book I. If, however, the statement was made some time before the sale, and then a stipulation was entered into several days afterwards, Cælius Sabinus says that the purchaser can institute proceedings on this ground from the day when the slave was sold.
Dig. 21,1,22Gaius libro primo ad edictum aedilium curulium. et neque per se neque per heredem suum futurum, quo minus eum hominem venditor habeat.
Gaius, On the Edict of the Curule Ædiles, Book I. And that neither he nor his heir will do anything to prevent the vendor from recovering his slave.
Dig. 21,1,24Gaius libro primo ad edictum aedilium curulium. Et generaliter dicendum est, quidquid extra rem emptoris per eum servum adquisitum est, id iustum videri reddi oportere.
Gaius, On the Edict of the Curule Ædiles, Book I. Generally speaking, it must be held that whatever the slave has acquired from the purchaser otherwise than in managing his property, it seems to be just should be returned.
Dig. 21,1,26Gaius libro primo ad edictum aedilium curulium. Videamus tamen, ne iniquum sit emptorem compelli dimittere corpus et ad actionem iudicati mitti, si interdum nihil praestatur propter inopiam venditoris, potiusque res ita ordinanda sit, ut emptor caveat, si intra certum tempus pecunia sibi soluta sit, se mancipium restituturum.
Gaius, On the Edict of the Curule Ædiles, Book I. Let us see whether it is not unjust for the purchaser to be compelled to surrender the property, and have recourse to the action on judgment, if he could not recover anything on account of the property of the vendor; and should not matters be so arranged that the purchaser can give security to restore the slave if the purchase-money is refunded to him within a certain time?
Dig. 21,1,28Gaius libro primo ad edictum aedilium curulium. Si venditor de his quae edicto aedilium continentur non caveat, pollicentur adversus eum redhibendi iudicium intra duos menses vel quanti emptoris intersit intra sex menses.
Gaius, On the Edict of the Curule Ædiles, Book I. Where a vendor does not furnish security with reference to the matters mentioned in the Edict of the Ædiles, they promise an action against him for the return of the property within two months; or one to the extent of the interest of the purchaser, within six months.
Dig. 21,1,45Gaius libro primo ad edictum aedilium curulium. Redhibitoria actio duplicem habet condemnationem: modo enim in duplum, modo in simplum condemnatur venditor. nam si neque pretium neque accessionem solvat neque eum qui eo nomine obligatus erit liberet, dupli pretii et accessionis condemnari iubetur: si vero reddat pretium et accessionem vel eum qui eo nomine obligatus est liberet, simpli videtur condemnari.
Ad Dig. 21,1,45Windscheid: Lehrbuch des Pandektenrechts, 7. Aufl. 1891, Bd. II, § 394, Note 2.Gaius, On the Edict of the Curule Ædiles, Book I. An action for the return of a slave has a twofold effect, for sometimes the vendor will have judgment rendered against him for double damages, and sometimes merely for simple damages. For if he refuses to refund either the price of the slave or any accessories attaching to him, and will not release him from the liability incurred on his account, he will be ordered to pay double the amount of the price and the accessories. Where, however, he returns the price and the accessories or releases the slave from the obligation incurred for his benefit, judgment for simple damages should be rendered against him.