Rerum cottidianarum sive aureorum libri
Ex libro I
Dig. 39,6,4Gaius libro primo rerum cottidianarum sive aureorum. aut per insidiosa loca iturus.
Gaius, Diurnal or Golden Matters. Or travel through dangerous places,
Dig. 40,2,7Gaius libro primo rerum cottidianarum sive aureorum. Non est omnino necesse pro tribunali manumittere: itaque plerumque in transitu servi manumitti solent, cum aut lavandi aut gestandi aut ludorum gratia prodierit praetor aut proconsul legatusve Caesaris.
Gaius, Diurnal or Golden Matters, Book I. It is not absolutely necessary for the manumission to take place in the tribunal, and therefore slaves are frequently manumitted while in transit, when the Prætor, the Proconsul, the Deputy, or the Emperor confers this benefit upon them while on the way to the bath, to the tribunal, or to the public games.
Dig. 40,4,24Gaius libro primo rerum cottidianarum sive aureorum. Nominatim videntur liberi esse iussi, qui vel ex artificio vel officio vel quolibet alio modo evidenter denotati essent, veluti ‘dispensator meus’ ‘cellarius meus’ ‘cocus meus’ ‘Pamphili servi mei filius’.
Gaius, Diurnal or Golden Matters, Book I. Slaves ordered to be free are considered to be expressly mentioned where they are clearly designated, either by their trades or offices, or in any other manner whatsoever, as, for instance, “My steward; my butler; my cook; the son of my slave Pamphilus.”
Dig. 40,9,10Gaius libro primo rerum cottidianarum sive aureorum. In fraudem creditorum manumittere videtur, qui vel iam eo tempore, quo manumittit, solvendo non est vel datis libertatibus desiturus est solvendo esse. saepe enim de facultatibus suis amplius, quam in his est, sperant homines. quod frequenter accidit his, qui transmarinas negotiationes et aliis regionibus, quam in quibus ipsi morantur, per servos atque libertos exercent: quod saepe, adtritis istis negotiationibus longo tempore, id ignorant et manumittendo sine fraudis consilio indulgent servis suis libertatem.
Gaius, Diurnal or Golden Matters. A person is considered to defraud his creditors by manumitting a slave who was insolvent at the time that he manumitted him, or ceased to be solvent after granting him his liberty. For men very frequently think that their property is more valuable than it really is, which often happens to those who, through the agency of slaves and freedmen, conduct commercial enterprises beyond sea, and in countries in which they do not reside, because they are often impoverished by transactions of this kind for a long time without being aware of it; and they grant their slaves freedom by manumitting them as a favor, without any intention of committing fraud.