Corpus iurisprudentiae Romanae

Repertorium zu den Quellen des römischen Rechts

Digesta Iustiniani Augusti

Recognovit Mommsen (1870) et retractavit Krüger (1968)
Convertit in Anglica lingua Scott (1932)
Gai. Rerum cottidianarum sive aureorum lib.Gaii Rerum cottidianarum sive aureorum libri

Rerum cottidianarum sive aureorum libri


Ex libro I

Dig. 39,6,4Gaius libro primo rerum cottidianarum sive aureorum. aut per insidiosa loca iturus.

Gaius, Diurnal or Golden Matters. Or travel through dangerous places,

Dig. 40,2,7Gaius libro primo rerum cottidianarum sive aureorum. Non est omnino necesse pro tribunali manumittere: itaque plerumque in transitu servi manumitti solent, cum aut lavandi aut gestandi aut ludorum gratia prodierit praetor aut proconsul legatusve Caesaris.

Gaius, Diurnal or Golden Matters, Book I. It is not absolutely necessary for the manumission to take place in the tribunal, and therefore slaves are frequently manumitted while in transit, when the Prætor, the Proconsul, the Deputy, or the Emperor confers this benefit upon them while on the way to the bath, to the tribunal, or to the public games.

Dig. 40,4,24Gaius libro primo rerum cottidianarum sive aureorum. Nominatim videntur liberi esse iussi, qui vel ex artificio vel officio vel quolibet alio modo evidenter denotati essent, veluti ‘dispensator meus’ ‘cellarius meus’ ‘cocus meus’ ‘Pamphili servi mei filius’.

Gaius, Diurnal or Golden Matters, Book I. Slaves ordered to be free are considered to be expressly mentioned where they are clearly designated, either by their trades or offices, or in any other manner whatsoever, as, for instance, “My steward; my butler; my cook; the son of my slave Pamphilus.”

Dig. 40,9,10Gaius libro primo rerum cottidianarum sive aureorum. In fraudem creditorum manumittere videtur, qui vel iam eo tempore, quo manumittit, solvendo non est vel datis libertatibus desiturus est solvendo esse. saepe enim de facultatibus suis amplius, quam in his est, sperant homines. quod frequenter accidit his, qui transmarinas negotiationes et aliis regionibus, quam in quibus ipsi morantur, per servos atque libertos exercent: quod saepe, adtritis istis negotiationibus longo tempore, id ignorant et manumittendo sine fraudis consilio indulgent servis suis libertatem.

Gaius, Diurnal or Golden Matters. A person is considered to defraud his creditors by manumitting a slave who was insolvent at the time that he manumitted him, or ceased to be solvent after granting him his liberty. For men very frequently think that their property is more valuable than it really is, which often happens to those who, through the agency of slaves and freedmen, conduct commercial enterprises beyond sea, and in countries in which they do not reside, because they are often impoverished by transactions of this kind for a long time without being aware of it; and they grant their slaves freedom by manumitting them as a favor, without any intention of committing fraud.

Ex libro II

Dig. 1,8,5Gaius libro secundo rerum cottidianarum sive aureorum. Riparum usus publicus est iure gentium sicut ipsius fluminis. itaque navem ad eas appellere, funes ex arboribus ibi natis religare, retia siccare et ex mare reducere, onus aliquid in his reponere cuilibet liberum est, sicuti per ipsum flumen navigare. sed proprietas illorum est, quorum praediis haerent: qua de causa arbores quoque in his natae eorundem sunt. 1In mare piscantibus liberum est casam in litore ponere, in qua se recipiant,

Gaius, Legal Doctrines of Daily Application and Utility. Book II. The public use of the banks of rivers is subject to the Law of Nations, just as the rivers themselves are. Therefore, everyone is free to conduct a boat to the bank; to attach ropes to trees growing there; to dry nets, and draw them up from the sea; and to deposit any cargo thereon; just as he can navigate the river itself. The ownership of the banks, however, is vested in those to whose lands they are contiguous; for which reason the trees growing upon them also belong to the latter. 1Those who fish in the sea have a right to erect a hut upon the shore in which to shelter themselves.

Dig. 7,1,3Gaius libro secundo rerum cottidianarum vel aureorum. Omnium praediorum iure legati potest constitui usus fructus, ut heres iubeatur dare alicui usum fructum. dare autem intellegitur, si induxerit in fundum legatarium eumve patiatur uti frui. et sine testamento autem si quis velit usum fructum constituere, pactionibus et stipulationibus id efficere potest. 1Constitit autem usus fructus non tantum in fundo et aedibus, verum etiam in servis et iumentis ceterisque rebus. 2Ne tamen in universum inutiles essent proprietates semper abscedente usu fructu, placuit certis modis extingui usum fructum et ad proprietatem reverti. 3Quibus autem modis usus fructus et constitit et finitur, isdem modis etiam nudus usus solet et constitui et finiri.

Gaius, Diurnal, or Golden Matters, Book II. An usufruct can be created in any real property by means of a legacy, so that the heir may be directed to transfer the usufruct to some person; and he is understood to transfer it if he conducts the legatee upon the land or permits him to enjoy or use the same. Where any one wishes to create an usufruct, he can do so by means of agreements and stipulations, without making a will. 1An usufruct may be created not only with reference to land and buildings but also with reference to slaves, beasts of burden, and other property. 2In order, however, that the mere ownership may not become absolutely worthless on account of the perpetual existence of the usufruct, it has been decided that the usufruct may be extinguished in various ways, and revert to the mere ownership. 3Moreover, in whatever way an usufruct is created and terminated, mere use can in the same way be created and terminated.

Dig. 7,8,11Gaius libro secundo rerum cottidianarum sive aureorum. Inque eo fundo hactenus ei morari licet, ut neque domino fundi molestus sit neque his, per quos opera rustica fiunt, impedimento sit: nec ulli alii ius quod habet aut vendere aut locare aut gratis concedere potest.

Gaius, Diurnal, or Golden Matters, Book II. The party entitled to the use can remain on the land only as long as he does not molest the owner of the same, or interfere with those who are engaged in agricultural pursuits; and he cannot sell, lease, or transfer gratis to anyone the right which he has.

Dig. 8,4,16Gaius libro secundo rerum cottidianarum sive aureorum. Potest etiam in testamento heredem suum quis damnare, ne altius aedes suas tollat, ne luminibus aedium vicinarum officiat, vel ut patiatur eum tignum in parietem immittere, vel stillicidia adversus eum habere, vel ut patiatur vicinum per fundum suum vel heredis ire agere aquamve ex eo ducere.

Gaius, Diurnal, or Golden Matters, Book II. A testator in his will can direct his heir not to raise the height of his house, in order to avoid obstructing the light of an adjacent building, or charge him to permit a neighbor to insert a beam into his wall, or to allow the rain water to fall on his premises from his roof, or permit his neighbor to walk or drive through his land or conduct water from it.

Dig. 17,1,2Gaius libro secundo cottidianarum. Mandatum inter nos contrahitur, sive mea tantum gratia tibi mandem sive aliena tantum sive mea et aliena sive mea et tua sive tua et aliena. quod si tua tantum gratia tibi mandem, supervacuum est mandatum et ob id nulla ex eo obligatio nascitur. 1Mea tantum gratia intervenit mandatum, veluti si tibi mandem, ut negotia mea geras vel ut fundum mihi emeres vel ut pro me fideiubeas. 2Aliena tantum, veluti si tibi mandem, ut Titii negotia gereres vel ut fundum ei emeres vel ut pro eo fideiubeas. 3Mea et aliena, veluti si tibi mandem, ut mea et Titii negotia gereres vel ut mihi et Titio fundum emeres vel ut pro me et Titio fideiubeas. 4Tua et mea, veluti si mandem tibi, ut sub usuris crederes ei, qui in rem meam mutuaretur. 5Tua et aliena, veluti si tibi mandem, ut Titio sub usuris crederes: quod si, ut sine usuris crederes, aliena tantum gratia intervenit mandatum. 6Tua autem gratia intervenit mandatum, veluti si mandem tibi, ut pecunias tuas potius in emptiones praediorum colloces quam faeneres, vel ex diverso ut faeneres potius quam in emptiones praediorum colloces: cuius generis mandatum magis consilium est quam mandatum et ob id non est obligatorium, quia nemo ex consilio obligatur, etiamsi non expediat ei cui dabatur, quia liberum est cuique apud se explorare, an expediat sibi consilium.

Gaius, Diurnal or Golden Matters, Book II. Ad Dig. 17,1,2 pr.ROHGE, Bd. 10 (1874), S. 402: Haftung aus Rath und Empfehlung nur wegen Dolus nicht auch wegen culpa.The obligation of mandate is contracted between us whether I entrust you only with my business, or whether I charge you only with that of another party, or with his along with mine, or with my business and yours or with yours and that of another. Where I direct you to attend to a matter which concerns you alone, the mandate is superfluous, and no obligation whatever arises from it. 1A mandate only has reference to an affair of mine where, for instance, I direct you to transact my business, or to purchase a tract of land for me, or to become my surety. 2It only has reference to the affairs of another where, for example, I direct you to transact the business of Titius, or to purchase a tract of land for him, or to become his surety. 3It has reference to my affairs and those of another, where, for example, I direct you to transact the business of Titius and myself, or to purchase a tract of land for myself and Titius, or to become surety for him. 4It has reference to your affairs and mine where, for instance, I direct you to lend money at interest to someone who is negotiating a loan on my account. 5It has reference to your affairs and those of another, where, for instance, I direct you to lend money at interest to Titius, but if I direct you to lend it to him without interest, the obligation of mandate is only contracted in favor of a third party. 6Ad Dig. 17,1,2,6Windscheid: Lehrbuch des Pandektenrechts, 7. Aufl. 1891, Bd. II, § 412, Note 21.The obligation of mandate is only contracted in favor of you, where, for instance, I direct you to rather spend your money for the purchase of land than to lend it at interest; or, on the other hand, to rather lend it at interest than to invest it in land. A charge of this kind is, properly speaking, rather advice than a mandate, and on this account it is not obligatory, for the reason that no one is bound by advice, even though it may not be beneficial to the party to whom it is given; because every one is free to investigate whether the advice will be advantageous to him or not.

Dig. 17,1,4Gaius libro secundo rerum cottidianarum. Sed Proculus recte eum usque ad pretium statutum acturum existimat, quae sententia sane benignior est.

Gaius, Diurnal or Golden Matters, Book II. Proculus, however, thinks that he can bring an action for the amount of the established price; and this opinion is indeed the more indulgent one.

Dig. 17,2,72Gaius libro secundo cottidianarum rerum. Socius socio etiam culpae nomine tenetur, id est desidiae atque neglegentiae. culpa autem non ad exactissimam diligentiam dirigenda est: sufficit etenim talem diligentiam communibus rebus adhibere, qualem suis rebus adhibere solet, quia qui parum diligentem sibi socium adquirit, de se queri debet.

Gaius, Diurnal, or Golden Matters, Book II. One partner is liable to another on the ground of negligence, that is to say of failure to act and lack of diligence. Negligence in this instance, however, is not understood to mean want of the most exact diligence, for it is sufficient for him to employ the same diligence in the partnership affairs as he is accustomed to do in his own; because where anyone takes a partner who displays very little diligence he has only himself to blame.

Dig. 18,6,2Gaius libro secundo cottidianarum rerum. Hoc ita verum est, si is est venditor, cui sine nova vindemia non sint ista vasa necessaria: si vero mercator est, qui emere vina et vendere solet, is dies spectandus est, quo ex commodo venditoris tolli possint. 1Custodiam autem ante admetiendi diem qualem praestare venditorem oporteat, utrum plenam, ut et diligentiam praestet, an vero dolum dumtaxat, videamus. et puto eam diligentiam venditorem exhibere debere, ut fatale damnum vel vis magna sit excusatum.

Gaius, Daily Occurrences, Book II. The following also is true, namely: if the vendor has need of the vessels for the new vintage, and he is a merchant who is in the habit of purchasing and selling wine, the time must be considered when the wine can conveniently be removed from the possession of the vendor. 1Moreover, let us see in what way the vendor must take care of the wine before the time appointed to measure it arrives; must he exercise exact or ordinary diligence, or is he only liable for fraud? I think that the vendor should merely exercise ordinary diligence, and is excusable in case of unavoidable accident or the display of superior force.

Dig. 18,6,16Gaius libro secundo cottidianarum rerum. Si vina quae in doliis erunt venierint eaque, antequam ab emptore tollerentur, sua natura corrupta fuerint, si quidem de bonitate eorum adfirmavit venditor, tenebitur emptori: quod si nihil adfirmavit, emptoris erit periculum, quia sive non degustavit sive degustando male probavit, de se queri debet. plane si, cum intellegeret venditor non duraturam bonitatem eorum usque ad in eum diem quo tolli deberent, non admonuit emptorem, tenebitur ei, quanti eius interesset admonitum fuisse.

Gaius, Daily Occurrences, Book II. Where wine in casks is sold, and it is spoiled on account of its nature, before it is removed by the purchaser, and the vendor has vouched for the good quality of the wine, he will be liable to the purchaser; but if he said nothing with reference to this, the purchaser must bear the loss, either because he did not taste the wine, or, if he did taste it, he formed an incorrect opinion, and has only himself to blame. It is clear that if the vendor knew that the good quality of the wine would not last until the day when it was to be removed, and did not notify the purchaser, he will be liable to the extent of the interest of the latter in being warned.

Dig. 19,2,2Gaius libro secundo rerum cottidianarum. Locatio et conductio proxima est emptioni et venditioni isdemque iuris regulis constitit: nam ut emptio et venditio ita contrahitur, si de pretio convenerit, sic et locatio et conductio contrahi intellegitur, si de mercede convenerit. 1Adeo autem familiaritatem aliquam habere videntur emptio et venditio, item locatio et conductio, ut in quibusdam quaeri soleat, utrum emptio et venditio sit an locatio et conductio. ut ecce si cum aurifice mihi convenerit, ut is ex auro suo anulos mihi faceret certi ponderis certaeque formae et acceperit verbi gratia trecenta, utrum emptio et venditio sit an locatio et conductio? sed placet unum esse negotium et magis emptionem et venditionem esse. quod si ego aurum dedero mercede pro opera constituta, dubium non est, quin locatio et conductio sit.

Gaius, Daily Events, Book II. Leasing and hiring resembles purchase and sale, and is established by the same rules of law. For as purchase and sale is contracted by an agreement as to the price to be paid, so also is leasing and hiring understood to be contracted where an agreement is made as to the rent. 1Purchase and sale is held to bear such a resemblance to leasing and hiring that, in some instances, it is customary to make the inquiry as to whether the transaction is one of purchase and sale, or one of leasing and hiring; for example, if I have a contract with a goldsmith to make me some rings of a certain weight, and of a designated form, and he agrees to make them for three hundred aurei; is this a purchase and sale, or a leasing and hiring? It is held that it is only a single transaction, and is rather a purchase and sale than a leasing and hiring. If, however, I furnish him the gold, and compensation for his work is agreed upon, there is no doubt that this is a leasing and hiring.

Dig. 22,1,28Gaius libro secundo rerum cottidianarum. In pecudum fructu etiam fetus est sicut lac et pilus et lana: itaque agni et haedi et vituli statim pleno iure sunt bonae fidei possessoris et fructuarii. 1Partus vero ancillae in fructu non est itaque ad dominum proprietatis pertinet: absurdum enim videbatur hominem in fructu esse, cum omnes fructus rerum natura hominum gratia comparaverit.

Ad Dig. 22,1,28Windscheid: Lehrbuch des Pandektenrechts, 7. Aufl. 1891, Bd. I, § 186, Note 12.Gaius, Daily Occurrences, Book II. Ad Dig. 22,1,28 pr.Windscheid: Lehrbuch des Pandektenrechts, 7. Aufl. 1891, Bd. I, § 186, Note 5.The yield of flocks, such as milk, hair, and wool, is also considered profit. Therefore lambs, kids, and calves, at birth, immediately become the absolute property of a bona fide possessor, or an usufructuary. 1The offspring of a female slave is not, however, considered to be profit, and therefore belongs to the owner of the property. For it would seem absurd for a man to be classed under the term “profit,” when Nature has prepared the fruits of everything for the benefit of the human race.

Dig. 41,1,1Gaius libro secundo rerum cottidianarum sive aureorum. Quarundam rerum dominium nanciscimur iure gentium, quod ratione naturali inter omnes homines peraeque servatur, quarundam iure civili, id est iure proprio civitatis nostrae. et quia antiquius ius gentium cum ipso genere humano proditum est, opus est, ut de hoc prius referendum sit. 1Omnia igitur animalia, quae terra mari caelo capiuntur, id est ferae bestiae et volucres pisces, capientium fiunt:

Gaius, Diurnal or Golden Matters, Book II. We obtain the ownership of certain property by the Law of Nations, which is everywhere observed among men, according to the dictates of natural reason; and we obtain the ownership of other things by the Civil Law, that is to say, by the law of our own country. And because the Law of Nations is the more ancient, as it was promulgated at the time of the origin of the human race, it is proper that it should be examined first. 1Therefore, all animals which are captured on land, on sea, or in the air, that is to say, wild beasts and birds, as well as fish, become the property of those who take them.

Dig. 41,1,3Gaius libro secundo rerum cottidianarum. Quod enim nullius est, id ratione naturali occupanti conceditur. 1Nec interest quod ad feras bestias et volucres, utrum in suo fundo quisque capiat an in alieno. plane qui in alienum fundum ingreditur venandi aucupandive gratia, potest a domino, si is providerit, iure prohiberi ne ingrederetur. 2Quidquid autem eorum ceperimus, eo usque nostrum esse intellegitur, donec nostra custodia coercetur: cum vero evaserit custodiam nostram et in naturalem libertatem se receperit, nostrum esse desinit et rursus occupantis fit:

Gaius, Diurnal or Golden Matters, Book II. For what does not belong to anyone by natural law becomes the property of the person who first acquires it. 1Nor does it make any difference, so far as wild animals and birds are concerned, whether anyone takes them on his own land, or on that of another; but it is clear that if he enters upon the premises of another for the purpose of hunting, or of taking game, he can be legally forbidden by the owner to do so, if the latter is aware of his intention. 2When we have once acquired any of these animals, they are understood to belong to us, as long as they are retained in our possession; for if they should escape from our custody and recover their natural freedom, they cease to belong to us, and again become the property of the first one who takes them,

Dig. 41,1,5Gaius libro secundo rerum cottidianarum. Naturalem autem libertatem recipere intellegitur, cum vel oculos nostros effugerit vel ita sit in conspectu nostro, ut difficilis sit eius persecutio. 1Illud quaesitum est, an fera bestia, quae ita vulnerata sit, ut capi possit, statim nostra esse intellegatur. Trebatio placuit statim nostram esse et eo usque nostram videri, donec eam persequamur, quod si desierimus eam persequi, desinere nostram esse et rursus fieri occupantis: itaque si per hoc tempus, quo eam persequimur, alius eam ceperit eo animo, ut ipse lucrifaceret, furtum videri nobis eum commississe. plerique non aliter putaverunt eam nostram esse, quam si eam ceperimus, quia multa accidere possunt, ut eam non capiamus: quod verius est. 2Apium quoque natura fera est: itaque quae in arbore nostra consederint, antequam a nobis alveo concludantur, non magis nostrae esse intelleguntur quam volucres, quae in nostra arbore nidum fecerint. ideo si alius eas incluserit, earum dominus erit. 3Favos quoque si quos hae fecerint, sine furto quilibet possidere potest: sed ut supra quoque diximus, qui in alienum fundum ingreditur, potest a domino, si is providerit, iure prohiberi ne ingrederetur. 4Examen, quod ex alveo nostro evolaverit, eo usque nostrum esse intellegitur, donec in conspectu nostro est nec difficilis eius persecutio est: alioquin occupantis fit. 5Pavonum et columbarum fera natura est nec ad rem pertinet, quod ex consuetudine avolare et revolare solent: nam et apes idem faciunt, quarum constat feram esse naturam: cervos quoque ita quidam mansuetos habent, ut in silvas eant et redeant, quorum et ipsorum feram esse naturam nemo negat. in his autem animalibus, quae consuetudine abire et redire solent, talis regula comprobata est, ut eo usque nostra esse intellegantur, donec revertendi animum habeant, quod si desierint revertendi animum habere, desinant nostra esse et fiant occupantium. intelleguntur autem desisse revertendi animum habere tunc, cum revertendi consuetudinem deseruerint. 6Gallinarum et anserum non est fera natura: palam est enim alias esse feras gallinas et alios feros anseres. itaque si quolibet modo anseres mei et gallinae meae turbati turbataeve adeo longius evolaverint, ut ignoremus ubi sint, tamen nihilo minus in nostro dominio tenentur. qua de causa furti nobis tenebitur, qui quid eorum lucrandi animo adprehenderit. 7Item quae ex hostibus capiuntur, iure gentium statim capientium fiunt:

Gaius, Diurnal or Golden Matters, Book II. Wild animals are understood to recover their natural freedom when our eyes can no longer perceive them; or if they can be seen, when their pursuit is difficult. 1It has been asked whether a wild animal which has been wounded in such a way that it can be captured is understood immediately to become our property. It was held by Trebatius that it at once belongs to us, and continues to do so while we pursue it, but if we should cease to pursue it, it will no longer be ours, and will again become the property of the first one who takes it. Therefore, if during the time that we are pursuing it another should take it, with the intention of himself profiting by its capture, he will be held to have committed a theft against us. Many authorities do not think that it will belong to us, unless we capture it, because many things may happen to prevent us from doing so. This is the better opinion. 2The nature of bees, also, is wild. Hence, if they settle upon one of our trees, they are not considered to belong to us until we have enclosed them in a hive, any more than birds who have made their nests in our trees. Therefore, if anyone else should shut up the bees, he will become their owner. 3Likewise, if bees make honey, anyone can take possession of it without being guilty of theft. But, as we have already stated, if anyone enters upon the land of another for such a purpose, he can legally be forbidden by the owner from doing so, if the latter is aware of his intention. 4A swarm of bees which has left our hive is understood to be ours as long as it is in sight and its pursuit is not difficult; otherwise, it becomes the property of the first one who takes possession of it. 5The nature of peacocks and pigeons is also wild. Nor does it make any difference whether or not they have the habit of flying away and returning; for bees, whose nature has been decided to be wild, do the same thing. Certain persons have stags, which are so tame that they go into forests and return, and no one denies that their nature is wild. Moreover, with reference to such animals as have the habit of going away and returning, the following rule has been adopted, namely: “That they shall be understood to belong to us, as long as they have the intention of returning, but if they should cease to have this intention, they will no longer be ours, and will become the property of the first occupant.” They are understood to have ceased to have the intention to return where they have lost the habit of doing so. 6The nature of chickens and geese is not wild, for it is well known that there are wild chickens and wild geese. Hence, if my geese or my chickens, having been frightened for any reason, fly so far that I do not know where they are, I will, nevertheless, retain ownership over them, and anyone who takes them with the intention of profiting by it will be held to have committed theft. 7Likewise, anything which is taken from the enemy immediately becomes by the Law of Nations the property of him who takes it.

Dig. 41,1,7Gaius libro secundo rerum cottidianarum sive aureorum. adeo quidem, ut et liberi homines in servitutem deducantur: qui tamen, si evaserint hostium potestatem, recipiunt pristinam libertatem. 1Praeterea quod per alluvionem agro nostro flumen adicit, iure gentium nobis adquiritur. per alluvionem autem id videtur adici, quod ita paulatim adicitur, ut intellegere non possimus, quantum quoquo momento temporis adiciatur. 2Quod si vis fluminis partem aliquam ex tuo praedio detraxerit et meo praedio attulerit, palam est eam tuam permanere. plane si longiore tempore fundo meo haeserit arboresque, quas secum traxerit, in meum fundum radices egerint, ex eo tempore videtur meo fundo adquisita esse. 3Insula quae in mari nascitur (quod raro accidit) occupantis fit: nullius enim esse creditur. in flumine nata (quod frequenter accidit), si quidem mediam partem fluminis tenet, communis est eorum, qui ab utraque parte fluminis prope ripam praedia possident, pro modo latitudinis cuiusque praedii, quae latitudo prope ripam sit: quod si alteri parti proximior sit, eorum est tantum, qui ab ea parte prope ripam praedia possident. 4Quod si uno latere perruperit flumen et alia parte novo rivo fluere coeperit, deinde infra novus iste rivus in veterem se converterit, ager, qui a duobus rivis comprehensus in formam insulae redactus est, eius est scilicet, cuius et fuit. 5Quod si toto naturali alveo relicto flumen alias fluere coeperit, prior quidem alveus eorum est, qui prope ripam praedia possident, pro modo scilicet latitudinis cuiusque praedii, quae latitudo prope ripam sit: novus autem alveus eius iuris esse incipit, cuius et ipsum flumen, id est publicus iuris gentium. quod si post aliquod temporis ad priorem alveum reversum fueritaaDie Großausgabe fügt et ein. flumen, rursus novus alveus eorum esse incipit, qui prope ripam eius praedia possident. cuius tamen totum agrum novus alveus occupaverit, licet ad priorem alveum reversum fuerit flumen, non tamen is, cuius is ager fuerat, stricta ratione quicquam in eo alveo habere potest, quia et ille ager qui fuerat desiit esse amissa propria forma et, quia vicinum praedium nullum habet, non potest ratione vicinitatis ullam partem in eo alveo habere: sed vix est, ut id optineat. 6Aliud sane est, si cuius ager totus inundatus fuerit: namque inundatio speciem fundi non mutat et ob id, cum recesserit aqua, palam est eiusdem esse, cuius et fuit. 7Cum quis ex aliena materia speciem aliquam suo nomine fecerit, Nerva et Proculus putant hunc dominum esse qui fecerit, quia quod factum est, antea nullius fuerat. Sabinus et Cassius magis naturalem rationem efficere putant, ut qui materiae dominus fuerit, idem eius quoque, quod ex eadem materia factum sit, dominus esset, quia sine materia nulla species effici possit: veluti si ex auro vel argento vel aere vas aliquod fecero, vel ex tabulis tuis navem aut armarium aut subsellia fecero, vel ex lana tua vestimentum, vel ex vino et melle tuo mulsum, vel ex medicamentis tuis emplastrum aut collyrium, vel ex uvis aut olivis aut spicis tuis vinum vel oleum vel frumentum. est tamen etiam media sententia recte existimantium, si species ad materiam reverti possit, verius esse, quod et Sabinus et Cassius senserunt, si non possit reverti, verius esse, quod Nervae et Proculo placuit. ut ecce vas conflatum ad rudem massam auri vel argenti vel aeris reverti potest, vinum vero vel oleum vel frumentum ad uvas et olivas et spicas reverti non potest: ac ne mulsum quidem ad mel et vinum vel emplastrum aut collyria ad medicamenta reverti possunt. videntur tamen mihi recte quidam dixisse non debere dubitari, quin alienis spicis excussum frumentum eius sit, cuius et spicae fuerunt: cum enim grana, quae spicis continentur, perfectam habeant suam speciem, qui excussit spicas, non novam speciem facit, sed eam quae est detegit. 8Voluntas duorum dominorum miscentium materias commune totum corpus efficit, sive eiusdem generis sint materiae, veluti vina miscuerunt vel argentum conflaverunt, sive diversae, veluti si alius vinum contulerit alius mel, vel alius aurum alius argentum: quamvis et mulsi et electri novi corporis sit species. 9Sed et si sine voluntate dominorum casu confusae sint duorum materiae vel eiusdem generis vel diversae, idem iuris est. 10Cum in suo loco aliquis aliena materia aedificaverit, ipse dominus intellegitur aedificii, quia omne quod inaedificatur solo cedit. nec tamen ideo is qui materiae dominus fuit desiit eius dominus esse: sed tantisper neque vindicare eam potest neque ad exhibendum de ea agere propter legem duodecim tabularum, qua cavetur, ne quis tignum alienum aedibus suis iunctum eximere cogatur, sed duplum pro eo praestet. appellatione autem tigni omnes materiae significantur, ex quibus aedificia fiunt. ergo si aliqua ex causa dirutum sit aedificium, poterit materiae dominus nunc eam vindicare et ad exhibendum agere. 11Illud recte quaeritur, an, si in aedificium vendiderit is qui aedificaverit et ab emptore longo tempore captum postea dirutum sit, adhuc dominus materiae vindicationem eius habeat. causa dubitationis est, an eo ipso, quo universitas aedificii longo tempore capta est, singulae quoque res, ex quibus constabat, captae essent: quod non placuit. 12Ex diverso si quis in alieno solo sua materia aedificaverit, illius fit aedificium, cuius et solum est et, si scit alienum solum esse, sua voluntate amississe proprietatem materiae intellegitur: itaque neque diruto quidem aedificio vindicatio eius materiae competit. certe si dominus soli petat aedificium nec solvat pretium materiae et mercedes fabrorum, poterit per exceptionem doli mali repelli, utique si nescit qui aedificavit alienum esse solum et tamquam in suo bona fide aedificavit: nam si scit, culpa ei obici potest, quod temere aedificavit in eo solo, quod intellegeret alienum. 13Si alienam plantam in meo solo posuero, mea erit: ex diverso si meam plantam in alieno solo posuero, illius erit: si modo utroque casu radices egerit: antequam enim radices ageret, illius permanet, cuius et fuit. his conveniens est, quod, si vicini arborem ita terra presserim, ut in meum fundum radices egerit, meam effici arborem: rationem enim non permittere, ut alterius arbor intellegatur, quam cuius fundo radices egisset. et ideo prope confinium arbor posita, si etiam in vicinum fundum radices egerit, communis est

Gaius, Diurnal, or Golden Matters, Book II. To such an extent is this true that even men who are free become the slaves of the enemy; but, still, if they escape from the power of the enemy they will recover their former freedom. 1Moreover, anything which a river adds to our land as alluvium is acquired by us under the Law of Nations. That, however, is considered to have been added by alluvium which is added little by little, so that we cannot perceive the amount which is added at each moment of time. 2But if the force of a stream takes a portion of your land away from you, and brings it upon mine, it is evident that it will continue to be yours. If, however, it should remain on my land for a long time, so that the trees which it brought with it take root in my soil, it will be considered to form part of my land from that time. 3Where an island arises in the sea (which rarely happens), it becomes the property of the first occupant; for it is considered to belong to no one. Where an island is formed in a river (which takes place very frequently), and it occupies the middle of the stream, it becomes the common property of those who have land near the banks on both sides of the stream in proportion to the extent of the land of each person along the banks. If the island is nearer to one side than the other, it will belong to him alone who has land along the bank on that side of the stream. 4If a river overflows on one side, and begins to run in a new channel, and afterwards the new channel turns back to the old one, the field which is included between the two channels and forms an island will remain the property of him to whom it formerly belonged. 5If, however, the stream, having abandoned its natural bed, begins to flow elsewhere, the former bed will belong to those who have land along the bank, in proportion to the extent of the land situated there, and the new bed will come under the same law as the river itself does, that is, it will become public by the Law of Nations. But if, after a certain length of time, the river should return to its former bed, the new bed will again belong to those who own the land along the banks. Where the new bed occupies all the land, even though the river may have returned to its former channel, he to whom the land belonged cannot, strictly speaking, assert any right to the bed of the stream; because the land which formerly belonged to him has ceased to be his, having lost its original form; and since he has no adjoining land, he cannot, by reason of neighborhood, be entitled to any part of the abandoned bed. To rigidly observe this rule, however, would be a hardship. 6The rule is different when anyone’s field is entirely covered by water, for the inundation does not change the form of the land; and it is clear that when the water subsides, the land will belong to him who previously owned it. 7Ad Dig. 41,1,7,7Windscheid: Lehrbuch des Pandektenrechts, 7. Aufl. 1891, Bd. I, § 187, Note 2.When anyone makes an article in his own name with materials belonging to another, Nerva and Proculus think that its ownership will belong to him who made it, for the reason that what has been fabricated formerly belonged to no one. Sabinus and Cassius think that, in accordance with natural reason, he who owned the materials would also be the proprietor of what was made out of them, because no article can be manufactured without materials; as, for instance, if I should make a vase out of your gold, silver, or brass; or a ship, a cupboard, or a bench cut out of your boards; or a garment out of your cloth; or mead out of your wine and honey; or a plaster, or an eye-wasli out of your drugs; or wine out of your grapes, or grain; or oil out of your olives. There is, however, a moderate opinion entertained by persons of good judgment, who believe that, if the article can be reduced to its original form and material, what Sabinus and Cassius hold is true, but if this cannot be done, the opinion of Nerva and Proculus should be adopted; for example, when a vase of gold, silver, or copper can be melted and returned to its original rough metallic mass, but wine, oil, or grain cannot be restored to the grapes, olives, and ears from which it was derived; nor can mead be restored to the honey and wine of which it is composed, nor can a plaster or an eye-wash be resolved to the drugs out of which it was compounded. Still it seems to me that some authorities very properly held that no doubt should exist on this point, when wheat has been obtained from the ears of others to whom the latter belonged, for the reason that the grain retains the ears in its perfect form, and he who threshes it does not manufacture a new article, but only extracts what is already in existence. 8If two owners agree to mix materials belonging to them, the entire compound becomes their common property, whether the materials are of the same description or not; as where they mix wine or melt silver, or combine different kinds of substances; or where one contributes wine and the other honey, or one gold and the other silver, although compounds of mead and electrum are products of a dissimilar character. 9The same rule of law will apply where materials belonging to two persons are mingled without their consent, whether they are of the same, or of a different nature. 10Where one person erects a building on his own ground out of materials belonging to another, he is understood to be the owner of the building, because everything is accessory to the soil which is built upon it. Nevertheless, he who was the owner of the materials does not, for this reason, cease to be such, but, in the meantime, he cannot bring an action to recover them, or to compel their production, under the Law of the Twelve Tables, by which it is provided that no one can be forced to remove timbers belonging to another which were used in the construction of his own house, but he must pay double their value. By the term “timbers” out of which buildings are constructed, all materials are meant. Therefore, if for any reason a house should be demolished, the owner can then bring an action to recover the materials, and have them produced. 11Ad Dig. 41,1,7,11Windscheid: Lehrbuch des Pandektenrechts, 7. Aufl. 1891, Bd. I, § 175a, Note 2; Bd. I, § 182, Note 13.The question was very properly asked, if the person who built the house under such circumstances should sell it, and it, after having been owned for a long time by the purchaser, should be demolished, whether the owner would still have a right to claim the materials as his own. The reason for the doubt is that, although the entire building can be acquired by prescription after a long time has elapsed, it does not follow that the separate materials of which it was composed can also be acquired. The latter opinion has not been adopted. 12On the other hand, if anyone constructs a building on the land of another with his own materials, the building will become the property of the person to whom the ground belongs. If he knew that the land was owned by another, he is understood to have lost the ownership of the materials voluntarily; and therefore if the house is demolished he will have no right to claim them. Where, however, the owner of the ground claims the building, and does not reimburse the other for the value of the materials and the wages of the workmen, he can be barred by an exception on the ground of fraud; and if he who constructed the building did not know that the land belonged to another, and hence erected it in good faith, this course should certainly be pursued. For if he was aware that the land belonged to another, it can be alleged that he was to blame for rashly building a house upon land which he knew was not his. 13If I plant a shrub belonging to another upon my ground, it will belong to me. If, on the other hand, I plant one of mine upon the ground of another, it will belong to him; provided that in either case it has taken root; for, otherwise, it will remain the property of him who previously owned it. In accordance with this, if I press a tree belonging to another into my soil, so it takes root, it will become my tree; for reason does not permit that a tree shall be considered to belong to another unless it takes root in his soil. Hence, if a tree planted near a boundary line sends its roots into the adjoining earth, it becomes the common property of both owners,

Dig. 41,1,9Gaius libro secundo rerum cottidianarum sive aureorum. Qua ratione autem plantae quae terra coalescunt solo cedunt, eadem ratione frumenta quoque quae sata sunt solo cedere intelleguntur. ceterum sicut is, qui in alieno solo aedificavit, si ab eo dominus soli petat aedificium, defendi potest per exceptionem doli mali, ita eiusdem exceptionis auxilio tutus esse poterit, qui in alienum fundum sua impensa consevit. 1Litterae quoque licet aureae sint, perinde chartis membranisque cedunt, ac solo cedere solent ea quae aedificantur aut seruntur. ideoque si in chartis membranisve tuis carmen vel historiam vel orationem scripsero, huius corporis non ego, sed tu dominus esse intellegeris. sed si a me petas tuos libros tuasve membranas nec impensas scripturae solvere velis, potero me defendere per exceptionem doli mali, utique si bona fide eorum possessionem nanctus sim. 2Sed non uti litterae chartis membranisve cedunt, ita solent picturae tabulis cedere, sed ex diverso placuit tabulas picturae cedere. utique tamen conveniens est domino tabularum adversus eum qui pinxerit, si is tabulas possidebat, utilem actionem dari, qua ita efficaciter experiri poterit, si picturae impensam exsolvat: alioquin nocebit ei doli mali exceptio: utique si bona fide possessor fuerit qui solverit. adversus dominum vero tabularum ei qui pinxerit rectam vindicationem competere dicimus, ut tamen pretium tabularum inferat: alioquin nocebit ei doli mali exceptio. 3Hae quoque res, quae traditione nostrae fiunt, iure gentium nobis adquiruntur: nihil enim tam conveniens est naturali aequitati quam voluntatem domini volentis rem suam in alium transferre ratam haberi. 4Nihil autem interest, utrum ipse dominus per se tradat alicui rem an voluntate eius aliquis. qua ratione si cui libera negotiorum administratio ab eo qui peregre proficiscitur permissa fuerit et is ex negotiis rem vendiderit et tradiderit, facit eam accipientis. 5Interdum etiam sine traditione nuda voluntas domini sufficit ad rem transferendam, veluti si rem, quam commodavi aut locavi tibi aut apud te deposui, vendidero tibi: licet enim ex ea causa tibi eam non tradiderim, eo tamen, quod patior eam ex causa emptionis apud te esse, tuam efficio. 6Item si quis merces in horreo repositas vendiderit, simul atque claves horrei tradiderit emptori, transfert proprietatem mercium ad emptorem. 7Hoc amplius interdum et in incertam personam collocata voluntas domini transfert rei proprietatem: ut ecce qui missilia iactat in vulgus, ignorat enim, quid eorum quisque excepturus sit, et tamen quia vult quod quisque exceperit eius esse, statim eum dominum efficit. 8Alia causa est earum rerum, quae in tempestate maris levandae navis causa eiciuntur: hae enim dominorum permanent, quia non eo animo eiciuntur, quod quis eas habere non vult, sed quo magis cum ipsa nave periculum maris effugiat. qua de causa si quis eas fluctibus expulsas vel etiam in ipso mari nanctus lucrandi animo abstulerit, furtum committit.

Gaius, Diurnal or Golden Matters, Book II. For this reason plants which have taken root on land belong to it, and grain which has been sowed, is also considered to form a part of the soil. Moreover, as in the case of one who builds upon land belonging to another, if the latter brings an action to recover the building, he can be barred by an exception on the ground of fraud; so, likewise, he who has, at his own expense, sowed seed upon the land of another, can protect himself by means of an exception. 1Letters, also, even though they may be of gold, form part of the papyrus and parchment on which they are written; just as materials of which houses are constructed are accessory to the land, and, on the same principle, seeds that have been sown form part of it. Hence, if I write a poem, a history, or a speech of my own upon papyrus or parchment belonging to you, not I, but you, will be understood to be the owner of the work. If, however, you bring an action against me to recover your books or your parchment, and refuse to pay me the expense incurred by writing, I can protect myself by an exception on the ground of fraud, provided I have obtained possession of the articles in good faith. 2Pictures, however, do not usually constitute part of the tablets on which they are painted, as letters do of the papyrus and parchment on which they are written; but, on the other hand, it has been decided that the tablet is accessory to the painting. Still, it is ever perfectly proper that a prætorian action should be granted to the owner of the tablet against him who painted the picture, provided he is in possession of the tablet; of which action he can effectually avail himself if he tenders the expense of painting the picture: otherwise, he will be barred by an exception on the ground of fraud, as he certainly should have paid the expense if he was the bona fide possessor of the tablet. We say, however, that an action to recover the tablet will properly lie in favor of him who painted it, against the owner, but he should tender him the value of the tablet; otherwise, he will be barred by an exception on the ground of fraud. 3Property which becomes ours by delivery is acquired by us under the Law of Nations; for nothing is so conformable to natural equity as that the wish of an owner, who intends to transfer his property to another, should be complied with. 4It, however, makes no difference whether the owner himself delivers the article in person to another, or whether someone else does it with his consent. Hence, where the free administration of his affairs is entrusted to anyone by a person about to depart upon a journey to a distant country, and the former, in the regular course of business, sells and delivers anything to a purchaser, he transfers the ownership of the same to him who receives it. 5Sometimes, even the mere wish of the owner is sufficient to transfer the property without delivery, as, for instance, if I have lent or hired an article to you, and then after having deposited it with you, I sell it to you. For, although I have not delivered it to you for this reason, still, I render it your property by the mere fact that I permit it to remain in your hands on account of it having been purchased. 6Ad Dig. 41,1,9,6Windscheid: Lehrbuch des Pandektenrechts, 7. Aufl. 1891, Bd. I, § 153, Note 7.Likewise, if anyone sells merchandise which is stored in a warehouse, and, at the same time, delivers the keys of the warehouse to the purchaser, he transfers to him the ownership of the merchandise. 7Moreover, at times, the will of the owner transfers the title to property to a person who is not designated; for example, where someone throws anything into a crowd, for he does not know how much of it any individual may pick up; and, still, as he is willing that whatever anyone may pick up shall belong to him, he immediately renders him the owner of the same. 8The rule is different where merchandise is thrown into the sea during a storm for the purpose of lightening a ship, for it remains the property of the owner, as it was not thrown overboard with the intention of relinquishing it, but that the owner together with the ship might the more readily escape the perils of the sea. For which reason, if anyone obtains the property while on the sea itself, or after it has been cast on land by the force of the waves, and removes it with the intention of profiting by it, he commits a theft.

Dig. 41,3,36Gaius libro secundo rerum cottidianarum sive aureorum. Potest pluribus modis accidere, ut quis rem alienam aliquo errore deceptus tamquam suam vendat forte aut donet et ob id a bonae fidei possessore res usucapi possit: veluti si heres rem defuncto commodatam aut locatam vel apud eum depositam existimans hereditariam esse alienaverit. 1Item si quis aliqua existimatione deceptus crediderit ad se hereditatem pertinere, quae ad eum non pertineat, et rem hereditariam alienaverit, aut si is, ad quem usus fructus ancillae pertinet, partum eius existimans suum esse, quia et fetus pecudum ad fructuarium pertinet, alienaverit,

Gaius, Diurnal or Golden Matters, Book II. It can happen in several ways, that a person laboring under some mistake may sell or give away property as his own which belongs to another; and, under such circumstances, it can be acquired by usucaption by a bona fide possessor; for instance, if the heir should sell property which was lent to the deceased, or leased by him, or deposited with him, believing that it belonged to the estate. 1Likewise, if anyone, misled by some opinion, and thinking that he is entitled to an estate, which is not the case, should alienate property forming part of the same; or where a person to whom the usufruct of a female slave belongs, believing her children to be his, for the reason that the increase of flocks belongs to the usufructuary, should sell the children;

Dig. 41,3,38Idem libro secundo rerum cottidianarum sive aureorum. Quam rem ipse quidem non potest usucapere, quia intellegit alienum se possidere et ob id mala fide possidet. sed si alii bona fide accipienti tradiderit, poterit is usucapere, quia neque vi possessum neque furtivum possidet: abolita est enim quorundam veterum sententia existimantium etiam fundi locive furtum fieri.

The Same, Diurnal or Golden Matters, Book III. A person cannot, himself acquire the property by usucaption in this case, because he knows that it belongs to another, and therefore he is a possessor in bad faith; but if he transfers it to someone else who receives it in good faith, the latter can acquire it by usucaption, for the reason that he has gained possession of property which has not been acquired by force, and has not been stolen: as the opinion of certain ancient authorities, who held that a theft of land or a house could be perpetrated has been abandoned.

Dig. 44,7,1Gaius libro secundo aureorum. Obligationes aut ex contractu nascuntur aut ex maleficio aut proprio quodam iure ex variis causarum figuris. 1Obligationes ex contractu aut re contrahuntur aut verbis aut consensu. 2Re contrahitur obligatio mutui datione. mutui autem datio consistit in his rebus, quae pondere numero mensurave constant, veluti vino oleo frumento pecunia numerata, quas res in hoc damus, ut fiant accipientis, postea alias recepturi eiusdem generis et qualitatis. 3Is quoque, cui rem aliquam commodamus, re nobis obligatur, sed is de ea ipsa re quam acceperit restituenda tenetur. 4Et ille quidem qui mutuum accepit, si quolibet casu quod accepit amiserit, nihilo minus obligatus permanet: is vero qui utendum accepit, si maiore casu, cui humana infirmitas resistere non potest, veluti incendio ruina naufragio, rem quam accepit amiserit, securus est. alias tamen exactissimam diligentiam custodiendae rei praestare compellitur, nec sufficit ei eandem diligentiam adhibere, quam suis rebus adhibet, si alius diligentior custodire poterit. sed et in maioribus casibus, si culpa eius interveniat, tenetur, veluti si quasi amicos ad cenam invitaturus argentum, quod in eam rem utendum acceperit, peregre proficiscens secum portare voluerit et id aut naufragio aut praedonum hostiumve incursu amiserit. 5Is quoque, apud quem rem aliquam deponimus, re nobis tenetur: qui et ipse de ea re quam acceperit restituenda tenetur. sed is etiamsi neglegenter rem custoditam amiserit, securus est: quia enim non sua gratia accipit, sed eius a quo accipit, in eo solo tenetur, si quid dolo perierit: neglegentiae vero nomine ideo non tenetur, quia qui neglegenti amico rem custodiendam committit, de se queri debet. magnam tamen neglegentiam placuit in doli crimine cadere. 6Creditor quoque, qui pignus accepit, re tenetur: qui et ipse de ea ipsa re quam accepit restituenda tenetur. 7Verbis obligatio contrahitur ex interrogatione et responsu, cum quid dari fierive nobis stipulemur. 8Sed aut proprio nomine quisque obligatur aut alieno: qui autem alieno nomine obligatur, fideiussor vocatur. et plerumque ab eo, quem proprio nomine obligamus, alios accipimus, qui eadem obligatione teneantur, dum curamus, ut quod in obligationem deduximus, tutius nobis debeatur. 9Si id, quod dari stipulemur, tale sit, ut dari non possit, palam est naturali ratione inutilem esse stipulationem, veluti si de homine libero vel iam mortuo vel aedibus deustis facta sit stipulatio inter eos, qui ignoraverint eum hominem liberum esse vel mortuum esse vel aedes deustas esse. idem iuris est, si quis locum sacrum aut religiosum dari sibi stipulatus fuerit. 10Nec minus inutilis est stipulatio, si quis rem suam ignorans suam esse stipulatus fuerit. 11Item sub impossibili condicione factam stipulationem constat inutilem esse. 12Furiosum, sive stipulatur sive promittat, nihil agere natura manifestum est. 13Huic proximus est, qui eius aetatis est, ut nondum intellegat, quid agatur: sed quod ad hunc benignius acceptum est: nam qui loqui potest, creditur et stipulari et promittere recte posse. 14Mutum nihil pertinere ad obligationem verborum natura manifestum est. 15Sed et de surdo idem dicitur, quia, etiamsi loqui possit, sive promittit, verba stipulantis exaudire debet, sive stipuletur. debet exaudire verba promittentis. unde apparet non de eo nos loqui, qui tardius exaudit, sed qui omnino non exaudit.

Gaius, Golden Matters, Book II. Obligations arise whether from contract, from crime, or from various other causes by operation of law. 1Obligations arise from contracts either by words or by consent. 2In the case of a loan for consumption, the obligation is contracted with reference to the property lent. Such a loan consists of articles which can be weighed, counted, or measured; as, for instance, wine, oil, grain, and money; we also lend things in such a way that their ownership vests in the person who receives them with the expectation that other articles of the same kind and quality will be given us in return. 3He to whom we lend anything for use is liable to us on account of the transfer of the property, but he is also obliged to restore the very same thing which he received. 4Ad Dig. 44,7,1,4Windscheid: Lehrbuch des Pandektenrechts, 7. Aufl. 1891, Bd. II, § 375, Note 8.He, however, who has received a loan for consumption, still remains liable if he loses what he receives by any accident whatsoever; but anyone who receives an article for use is released from liability if he loses what he received by an accident which human weakness could not provide against (as, for example, by fire, by the falling of a building, or by shipwreck). He is, nevertheless, held to the strictest diligence in taking care of the article loaned; nor will it be sufficient if he loses what he received by an accident which human weakness to his own property, provided another could have exercised greater vigilance in its preservation. He is also liable for occurrences which could not be prevented when it was his fault that the property was lost; for instance, if anyone, having invited his friends to supper, should borrow silverware for that purpose and then, having gone on a journey and taken the silverware with him, should lose it, either by shipwreck or by an attack of robbers or enemies. 5He, also, with whom we deposit property is liable to us for it, and is obliged to return the same article which he himself received. If, however, he should, through negligence, lose what was entrusted to his care, he will be free from liability, as he did not receive it for his own benefit, but for that of the person from whom he obtained it, and he will only be responsible if any of it was lost through fraud. He, however, will not be liable on the ground of negligence, who entrusted his property to a friend of his, who was careless, for he has only himself to blame. Still, it has been decided that gross negligence is included in the offence of fraud. 6A creditor who has received property in pledge is also liable on this ground, and is obliged to return the very same article which he received. 7An obligation is verbally contracted by question and answer; as when we stipulate that something shall be paid to or done for us. 8Anyone can be bound either in his own name or in that of another. Where a person is bound in the name of another, he is called a surety, and we frequently bind a man in his own name, and receive others from him who are bound by the same obligation, in which way we provide for the better discharge of an obligation which is contracted for our benefit. 9If we stipulate for something to be given to us, which is of such a nature that this cannot be done, it is evident that such a stipulation is void by natural law; as, for example, if an agreement is entered into for the delivery of a freeman, or for that of a slave who is dead, or for a house which has been burned, and this is done between parties who did not know that the man in question was not free, or that the slave was dead, or that the house had been destroyed by fire. The rule is the same if anyone should stipulate for the transfer of a sacred or religious place to himself. 10A stipulation is also void if a person contracts for property which belongs to himself, not knowing that this is the case. 11It is also established that a stipulation made under an impossible condition is void. 12It is clear, by natural law, that the act of an insane person who makes either a stipulation or a promise is of no effect. 13He resembles a child who is of such a tender age that he does not yet comprehend what he is doing. The law, however, is more indulgent to him, for anyone who can speak is believed to be capable of making a valid stipulation or promise. 14It is perfectly clear that a mute cannot contract a verbal obligation. 15The same rule also applies to a person who is deaf, for, if he can speak or promise, he should hear the words of the stipulator; but if he stipulates, he should hear the words of the promisor. Hence it is apparent that we are not speaking of one who hears with difficulty, but of one who does not hear at all.

Ex libro III

Dig. 44,7,4Gaius libro tertio aureorum. Ex maleficio nascuntur obligationes, veluti ex furto, ex damno, ex rapina, ex iniuria. quae omnia unius generis sunt: nam hae re tantum consistunt, id est ipso maleficio, cum alioquin ex contractu obligationes non tantum re consistant, sed etiam verbis et consensu.

Gaius, Diurnal or Golden Matters, Book III. Obligations also arise from criminal acts, for example, from theft, damage, robbery, injuries, all of which offences are of the same kind, for they are all derived from the matter itself, that is to say from the offence; while, on the other hand, obligations arising from contract are not only derived from the transfer of the property, but also from the words and the consent of the parties.

Dig. 44,7,5Idem libro tertio aureorum. Si quis absentis negotia gesserit, si quidem ex mandatu, palam est ex contractu nasci inter eos actiones mandati, quibus invicem experiri possunt de eo, quod alterum alteri ex bona fide praestare oportet: si vero sine mandatu, placuit quidem sane eos invicem obligari eoque nomine proditae sunt actiones, quas appellamus negotiorum gestorum, quibus aeque invicem experiri possunt de eo, quod ex bona fide alterum alteri praestare oportet. sed neque ex contractu neque ex maleficio actiones nascuntur: neque enim is qui gessit cum absente creditur ante contraxisse, neque ullum maleficium est sine mandatu suscipere negotiorum administrationem: longe magis is, cuius negotia gesta sunt, ignorans aut contraxisse aut deliquisse intellegi potest: sed utilitatis causa receptum est invicem eos obligari. ideo autem id ita receptum est, quia plerumque homines eo animo peregre proficiscuntur quasi statim redituri nec ob id ulli curam negotiorum suorum mandant, deinde novis causis intervenientibus ex necessitate diutius absunt: quorum negotia disperire iniquum erat, quae sane disperirent, si vel is, qui obtulisset se negotiis gerundis, nullam habiturus esset actionem de eo, quod utiliter de suo impendisset, vel is, cuius gesta essent, adversus eum, qui invasisset negotia eius, nullo iure agere posset. 1Tutelae quoque iudicio qui tenentur, non proprie ex contractu obligati intelleguntur (nullum enim negotium inter tutorem et pupillum contrahitur): sed quia sane non ex maleficio tenentur, quasi ex contractu teneri videntur. et hoc autem casu mutuae sunt actiones: non tantum enim pupillus cum tutore, sed et contra tutor cum pupillo habet actionem, si vel impenderit aliquid in rem pupilli vel pro eo fuerit obligatus aut rem suam creditori eius obligaverit. 2Heres quoque, qui legatum debet, neque ex contractu neque ex maleficio obligatus esse intellegitur: nam neque cum defuncto neque cum herede contraxisse quicquam legatarius intellegitur: maleficium autem nullum in ea re esse plus quam manifestum est. 3Is quoque, qui non debitum accipit per errorem solventis, obligatur quidem quasi ex mutui datione et eadem actione tenetur, qua debitores creditoribus: sed non potest intellegi is, qui ex ea causa tenetur, ex contractu obligatus esse: qui enim solvit per errorem, magis distrahendae obligationis animo quam contrahendae dare videtur. 4Si iudex litem suam fecerit, non proprie ex maleficio obligatus videtur, sed quia neque ex contractu obligatus est utique peccasse aliquid intellegitur, licet per imprudentiam, ideo videtur quasi ex maleficio teneri. 5Is quoque, ex cuius cenaculo (vel proprio ipsius vel conducto vel in quo gratis habitabat) deiectum effusumve aliquid est ita, ut alicui noceret, quasi ex maleficio teneri videtur: ideo autem non proprie ex maleficio obligatus intellegitur, quia plerumque ob alterius culpam tenetur ut servi aut liberi. cui similis est is, qui ea parte, qua volgo iter fieri solet, id positum aut suspensum habet, quod potest, si ceciderit, alicui nocere. ideo si filius familias seorsum a patre habitaverit et quid ex cenaculo eius deiectum effusumve sit sive quid positum suspensumve habuerit, cuius casus periculosus est, Iuliano placuit in patrem neque de peculio neque noxalem dandam esse actionem, sed cum ipso filio agendum. 6Item exercitor navis aut cauponae aut stabuli de damno aut furto, quod in nave aut caupona aut stabulo factum sit, quasi ex maleficio teneri videtur, si modo ipsius nullum est maleficium, sed alicuius eorum, quorum opera navem aut cauponam aut stabulum exerceret: cum enim neque ex contractu sit adversus eum constituta haec actio et aliquatenus culpae reus est, quod opera malorum hominum uteretur, ideo quasi ex maleficio teneri videtur.

The Same, Golden Matters, Book III. Where anyone who transacts the business of an absent person performs some act by virtue of a mandate, it is evident that, from the contract which is made, actions on mandate will lie between the parties, in which each of them can prove how one should act toward the other in compliance with the rules of good faith. If, however, the agent acts without a mandate, it has been decided that the parties will be mutually liable; and, on this account, proceedings have been introduced which we designate actions based on voluntary agency, by means of which we can compel one another to do whatever justice and good faith demand. Actions of this kind, however, do not arise either from contracts or from crimes, for he who transacts the business of another during his absence is believed to have made an agreement with him previously; and it is no breach of the law to undertake to transact the business of another without a mandate. Thus, it can still be said that he whose business has been transacted without his knowledge has either made a contract or committed a criminal offence; but through motives of convenience it has been established that the parties are liable to one another. This rule has been adopted for the reason that men frequently depart for foreign countries with the intention of speedily returning, and, on this account, do not commit the care of their business to anyone; and afterwards, through the occurrence of unforeseen events, they are necessarily absent for a longer time than they expected to be, and it is unjust that their business should suffer which would, indeed, happen if the person who offered to attend to their affairs should not be entitled to an action to recover any expense which he had properly paid out of his own purse; or if he whose affairs had been transacted should have no right of action against him who took charge of his business without authority. 1Those who are liable to an action on guardianship are not, properly speaking, considered to be bound on account of contracts, as no agreement is entered into between guardian and ward. But, for the reason that they cannot be held responsible on account of a criminal offence, they are considered to be liable under a quasi contract. In this case, also, the actions are reciprocal. For not only can the ward bring suit against his guardian, but, on the other hand, the guardian is entitled to an action against his ward, if he has expended anything upon the property of the latter, or becomes responsible for him, or encumbered his own property to one of his creditors. 2An heir who owes a legacy is not understood to be liable either on account of a contract or a crime, for a legatee is not understood to have made any contract with the deceased, or with his heir, and it is perfectly clear that no criminal offence has been committed in a case of this kind. 3He, also, who, through the mistake of the person who made the payment, received something to which he was not entitled, is bound as in the case of a loan, and is liable to the same action as that to which a debtor is liable to his creditor. It should not, however, be understood that he who is responsible in a case of this kind is bound by a contract; for anyone who pays money by a mistake does so rather with the intention of discharging an obligation than of contracting one. 4If a judge should render an improper decision, he is not, strictly speaking, considered to be liable on account of a crime, nor is he bound by virtue of a contract; still, as he has committed a fault, even if this was done through ignorance, he is considered to be liable on account of a quasi offence. 5He, also, is considered to be liable on account of a quasi offence, if, from an apartment which belongs to him, or which he has leased, or occupies gratuitously, he throws down, or pours out anything so that it injures a passer-by. Hence, he cannot properly be understood to be liable on account of having committed an offence, because very frequently he is responsible for the carelessness of another, for instance, for that of a slave, or a child. He resembles one who places or hangs something in a part of the house under which people are accustomed to pass, and which may injure someone, if it should fall. Therefore, if a son under paternal control, who lives separately from his father, should throw down or pour out anything from his apartment, or should place or hang anything above the street which threatens injury to the passers-by, it is the opinion of Julianus that an action should be granted against the son himself, and that neither an action De peculia nor a noxal action should be granted against the father. 6Likewise, the master of a ship, or the proprietor of a tavern or an inn, is held to be responsible for a quasi criminal offence for any damage or theft which may be committed on board the ship, or in the tavern or inn, provided he does not himself commit the offence, but someone does whom he employs on the ship, or in the tavern or inn; for as this action cannot be brought against him on account of a contract, and as he is, to a certain extent, guilty of neglfgence for making use of the services of bad men, he is considered to be liable on account of the quasi criminal offence.

Dig. 50,13,6Gaius libro tertio rerum cottidianarum sive aureorum. Si iudex litem suam fecerit, non proprie ex maleficio obligatus videtur: sed quia neque ex contractu obligatus est et utique peccasse aliquid intellegitur, licet per inprudentiam, ideo videtur quasi ex maleficio teneri in factum actione, et in quantum de ea re aequum religioni iudicantis visum fuerit, poenam sustinebit.

Gaius, On Diurnal Occurrences or Golden Matters, Book III. When a judge makes case his own, he is not, properly speaking, guilty of a criminal offence; but, for the reason that he is not bound by a contract, and certainly can be understood to be, to some extent, to blame, although this may have occurred through ignorance, he is considered to be liable to an action in fætum, as having committed an unlawful act, and he must submit to any penalty which may appear just to the court having jurisdiction of the case.