De casibus liber singularis
Dig. 12,6,63Gaius libro singulari de casibus. Neratius casum refert, ut quis id quod solverit repetere non possit, quasi debitum dederit, nec tamen liberetur: velut si is, qui cum certum hominem deberet, statuliberum dederit: nam ideo eum non liberari, quod non in plenum stipulatoris hominem fecerit, nec tamen repetere eum posse, quod debitum dederit.
Gaius, Cases. Neratius speaks of a possible case where a party who could not sue to recover what he had given, on the ground that he had discharged a debt, is still not released; for example, where he was obliged to deliver a certain slave, and gives one who was to be free under a certain condition; for, in this instance he is not released because he does not make the said slave the absolute property of the stipulator; still, he cannot recover him because he was paying a debt.
Dig. 28,5,89Gaius libro singulari de casibus. Ei qui solvendo non est aliquo casu evenit, ut et servus cum libertate heres exsistat et praeterea alius heres adiciatur: veluti si servo cum libertate herede instituto ita adiectum sit: ‘si mihi Stichus heres erit, tunc Titius quoque heres esto’: nam Titius, antequam Stichus ex testamento heres exstiterit, heres esse non potest, cum autem semel heres exstiterit servus, non potest adiectus efficere, ut qui semel heres exstitit desinat heres esse.
Gaius, On Cases. Where a testator, who is insolvent, happens to have an heir in addition to a slave who has been appointed his heir with the grant of his freedom, for instance, where the testator in appointing the slave his heir with the grant of his freedom added: “If Stichus should be my heir, then let Titius also be my heir”; for Titius cannot be the heir before Stichus becomes such under the will, and as the slave has at once become the heir, he who was added cannot share in the estate; so that where the slave becomes the heir, the other ceases to be one.
Dig. 35,1,107Gaius libro singulari de casibus. Aliquando accidit, ut sub condicione datum legatum purum intellegatur, veluti quod sub eadem condicione relictum est, sub qua etiam heres alius institutus est, item quod sub hac condicione relictum est ‘si hereditatem adierit’. ex diverso quoque purum datum legatum condicionale videtur, veluti quod sub condicione ademptum est, quia sub contraria condicione datum intellegitur.
Gaius, On Events. It sometimes happens that a legacy bequeathed conditionally may be understood to be absolute; as where something is left dependent upon the same condition under which another heir was also appointed. The same rule applies where a bequest is left under the condition that the heir enters upon the estate. On the other hand, where a legacy is bequeathed absolutely, it may be held to have been conditional; as, for example, where the property bequeathed is taken away under a condition, because it is understood to have been left under an opposite condition.
Dig. 37,14,22Gaius libro singulari de casibus. Satis constat, etiamsi in potestate sit parentis filius patronae, nihilo minus legitimo iure ad eum pertinere hereditatem.
Gaius, On Special Cases. It is well established that even if the son of a patroness is under parental control, the estate will still belong to him by law.
Dig. 38,1,49Gaius libro singulari de casibus. Duorum libertus potest aliquo casu singulis diversas operas uno tempore in solidum edere, veluti si librarius sit et alii patrono librorum scribendorum operas edat, alter vero peregre cum suis proficiscens operas custodiae domus ei indixerit: nihil enim vetat, dum custodit domum, libros scribere. hoc ita Neratius libris membranarum scripsit.
Gaius, On Cases. A freedman who has two patrons can, in some instances, perform different services for both of them, at the same time; as, for example, if he is a copyist, and works for one of his patrons by writing books, and takes charge of the house of the other while the latter is on a journey with his family; for nothing will prevent him from writing books while he is in charge of the house. Neratius stated the same opinion in his Works of Parchments.
Dig. 40,7,37Gaius libro singulari de casibus. Si ita scriptum sit: ‘Stichum Titio do, ut eum manumittat: si non manumiserit, liber esto’, statim Stichum liberum esse.
Gaius, On Special Cases. If it is stated in a will, “I give Stichus to Titius, in order that he may manumit him, and if he does not do so, let him be free,” Stichus will immediately become free.
Dig. 45,3,8Gaius libro singulari de casibus. Item si alter ex dominis uxorem ducturus sit et huic servo dos promittatur.