Institutionum libri
Ex libro VIII
Dig. 2,14,57Florentinus libro octavo institutionum. Qui in futurum usuras a debitore acceperat, tacite pactus videtur, ne intra id tempus sortem petat. 1Si ex altera parte in rem, ex altera in personam pactum conceptum fuerit, veluti ne ego petam vel ne a te petatur: heres meus ab omnibus vobis petitionem habebit et ab herede tuo omnes petere poterimus.
Florentinus, Institutes, Book VIII. Where a man accepts interest from a debtor in advance, it is held to be a tacit agreement that he will not bring suit for the principal during the time for which the interest is paid. 1Where a contract is drawn up in such a way that it is personal on one side, and relates to property on the other; as, for instance, that I will not bring suit, or that you shall not be sued; my heir will then have a right of action against all of you, and all of us will have a right of action against your heir.
Dig. 13,7,35Florentinus libro octavo institutionum. Cum et sortis nomine et usurarum aliquid debetur ab eo, qui sub pignoribus pecuniam debet, quidquid ex venditione pignorum recipiatur, primum usuris, quas iam tunc deberi constat, deinde si quid superest sorti accepto ferendum est: nec audiendus est debitor, si, cum parum idoneum se esse sciat, eligit, quo nomine exonerari pignus suum malit. 1Pignus manente proprietate debitoris solam possessionem transfert ad creditorem: potest tamen et precario et pro conducto debitor re sua uti.
Florentinus, Institutes, Book VIII. Where something is due on account of both principal and interest from a party who owes money secured by pledges, whatever is received from the sale of the pledges must be credited upon the interest, which it is established is due at the time, and then, if there is anything left it must be credited on the principal. A debtor should not be heard if, when he is well aware that he is hardly solvent, he desires to make a choice as to the claim on which he prefers the pledge to be released. 1A pledge only transfers possession to the creditor the ownership of the property remaining in the debtor; the latter, however, can make use of his property by sufferance and also under a lease.
Dig. 18,1,43Florentinus libro octavo institutionum. Ea quae commendandi causa in venditionibus dicuntur, si palam appareant, venditorem non obligant, veluti si dicat servum speciosum, domum bene aedificatam: at si dixerit hominem litteratum vel artificem, praestare debet: nam hoc ipso pluris vendit. 1Quaedam etiam pollicitationes venditorem non obligant, si ita in promptu res sit, ut eam emptor non ignoraverit, veluti si quis hominem luminibus effossis emat et de sanitate stipuletur: nam de cetera parte corporis potius stipulatus videtur, quam de eo, in quo se ipse decipiebat. 2Dolum malum a se abesse praestare venditor debet, qui non tantum in eo est, qui fallendi causa obscure loquitur, sed etiam qui insidiose obscure dissimulat.
Florentinus, Institutes, Book VIII. Whatever is stated, while sales are being made, in praise of the property, will not bind the vendor, if the truth be clearly apparent; as, for example, where the vendor says that a slave is handsome, or a house well constructed. If, however, he should allege that the slave is well educated, or a skilled artisan, he must make his statements good, for he sold the property for a higher price by reason of them. 1Ad Dig. 18,1,43,1ROHGE, Bd. 10 (1874), S. 355: Der Verkäufer ist nicht bloß zur Vertretung der heimlichen, sondern schlechthin aller nicht angezeigten, nicht unerheblichen Mängel verbunden, sofern er nicht beweist, daß der Käufer sie gekannt hat oder kennen mußte.There are certain promises which do not bind the vendor if the property is in such a condition that the purchaser cannot be ignorant of it; as, for instance, where anyone buys a slave whose eyes have been torn out, and the vendor stipulates with regard to his soundness, for he is held to have stipulated for every other part of his body, with the exception of that in which he deceives himself. 2Ad Dig. 18,1,43,2ROHGE, Bd. 4 (1872), S. 319: Civilrechtlicher Dolus verübt durch Verschweigen von Thatsachen.The vendor should warrant that he is not guilty of fraudulent intent; and this not only applies where he speaks ambiguously for the purpose of deceit, but also where he treacherously and artfully dissimulates.
Dig. 29,2,54Florentinus libro octavo institutionum. Heres quandoque adeundo hereditatem iam tunc a morte successisse defuncto intellegitur.
Florentinus, Institutes, Book VIII. Where an heir enters upon an estate, he is understood to have succeeded the deceased from the date of his death.
Dig. 45,1,65Florentinus libro octavo institutionum. Quae extrinsecus et nihil ad praesentem actum pertinentia adieceris stipulationi, pro supervacuis habebuntur nec vitiabunt obligationem, veluti si dicas: ‘arma virumque cano: spondeo’, nihilo minus valet. 1Sed et si in rei quae promittitur aut personae appellatione varietur, non obesse placet: nam stipulanti denarios eiusdem quantitatis aureos spondendo obligaberis: et servo stipulanti Lucio domino suo, si Titio, qui idem sit, daturum te spondeas, obligaberis.
Florentinus, Institutes, Book VIII. Anything which you may add that is foreign to the stipulation and which has no reference to the present contract will be considered as superfluous, but will not vitiate the obligation; for instance, if you say, “I sing of arms and the man, I promise,” the stipulation will be valid. 1When, however, any change is made in the designation of the property, or of the person concerned in the transaction, it is held that this will present no obstacle. For if he stipulates for denarii, you will be bound, if you promise aurei to the same amount. And where a slave stipulates for Lucius, his master, and you promise to pay Titius, who is the same person, you will be liable.
Dig. 45,2,7Florentinus libro octavo institutionum. Ex duobus reis promittendi alius in diem vel sub condicione obligari potest: nec enim impedimento erit dies aut condicio, quo minus ab eo, qui pure obligatus est, petatur.
Florentinus, Institutes, Book VIII. One of two joint-promisors can be bound from a specified day, or conditionally, for neither the day nor the condition will present any obstacle to prevent him who is absolutely liable from being sued.
Dig. 45,3,15Florentinus libro octavo institutionum. Sive mihi sive sibi sive conservo suo sive inpersonaliter dari servus meus stipuletur, mihi adquiret.
Florentinus, Institutes, Book VIII. If my slave stipulates that property shall be given to me, to himself, or to a fellow-slave, or does not designate any particular person, he will acquire for my benefit.
Dig. 46,1,22Florentinus libro octavo institutionum. Mortuo reo promittendi et ante aditam hereditatem fideiussor accipi potest, quia hereditas personae vice fungitur, sicuti municipium et decuria et societas.
Florentinus, Institutes, Book VIII. A surety can be accepted even before the estate has been entered upon, if the principal debtor is dead, because the estate performs the function of a person in the same way as a municipality, a decurion, and a partnership.
Dig. 46,2,16Florentinus libro octavo institutionum. Servus nec peculiarem quidem obligationem citra voluntatem domini novare potest, sed adicit potius obligationem quam pristinam novat.
Ad Dig. 46,2,16Windscheid: Lehrbuch des Pandektenrechts, 7. Aufl. 1891, Bd. II, § 355, Noten 4, 5.Florentinus, Institutes, Book VIII. A slave cannot make a novation without the consent of his master, even where the obligation involves his peculium, but he rather creates a new obligation than renews the former one.
Dig. 46,3,2Florentinus libro octavo institutionum. dum in re agenda hoc fiat, ut vel creditori liberum sit non accipere vel debitori non dare, si alio nomine exsolutum quis eorum velit:
Florentinus, Institutes, Book VIII. When this is done, the creditor should be at liberty not to receive the money, or the debtor not to pay it, if either of them desires it to be applied to the settlement of some other claim.
Dig. 46,4,18Florentinus libro octavo institutionum. Et uno ex pluribus contractibus vel certis vel incertis vel, quibusdam exceptis, ceteris et omnibus ex causis una acceptilatio et liberatio fieri potest. 1Eius rei stipulatio, quam acceptio sequatur, a Gallo Aquilio talis exposita est: ‘quidquid te mihi ex quacumque causa dare facere oportet oportebit praesens in diemve, quarumque rerum mihi tecum actio quaeque adversus te petitio vel adversus te persecutio est eritve, quodve tu meum habes tenes possides: quanti quaeque earum rerum res erit, tantam pecuniam dari stipulatus est Aulus Agerius, spopondit Numerius Negidius’. ‘quod Numerius Negidius Aulo Agerio promisit spopondit, id haberetne a se acceptum, Numerius Negidius Aulum Agerium rogavit, Aulus Agerius Numerio negidio acceptum fecit’.
Florentinus, Institutes, Book VIII. A release and a discharge from liability can be granted either in one, or in several contracts, whether they are certain or uncertain; or with reference to some, reserving the others; or for all of them, for any reason whatsoever. 1The following is the formula of a stipulation and a release, drawn up by Gallus Aquilius: “All that you owe, or shall owe me for any reason whatsoever, either now or after a certain date, for which I can now, or shall be able to bring suit against you, on a claim, or a right to collect; or any property of mine which you have, hold, or possess, and all the value of any of the things aforesaid, Aulus Agerius has stipulated for, and Numerius Nigidius has promised to pay. And Numerius Nigidius has asked Aulus Agerius if he acknowledges the receipt of what he promised him, and Aulus Agerius has granted a release for the same to Numerius Nigidius.”
Dig. 50,16,211Florentinus libro octavo institutionum. ‘Fundi’ appellatione omne aedificium et omnis ager continetur. sed in usu urbana aedificia ‘aedes’, rustica ‘villae’ dicuntur. locus vero sine aedificio in urbe ‘area’, rure autem ‘ager’ appellatur. idemque ager cum aedificio ‘fundus’ dicitur.
Florentinus, Institutes, Book VIII. By the term “real property” all buildings and all land are understood; in speaking of buildings in a city, however, we usually call them sedes, and in the country villas. A site without a building in a city is called area, and in the country ager, and the latter, when a house is erected upon it, is styled fundus.