Institutionum libri
Ex libro VI
Dig. 1,8,3Florentinus institutionum libro sexto. Item lapilli, gemmae ceteraque, quae in litore invenimus, iure naturali nostra statim fiunt.
Florentinus, Institutes, Book VI. Likewise, precious stones, gems, and other things which we find upon the seashore also at once become ours by natural law.
Dig. 41,1,2Florentinus libro sexto institutionum. vel quae ex his apud nos sunt edita.
Florentinus, Institutes, Book VI. The same rule applies to their offspring, born while they are in our hands.
Dig. 41,1,4Florentinus libro sexto institutionum. nisi si mansuefacta emitti ac reverti solita sunt.
Florentinus, Institutes, Book VI. Unless, having been tamed, they are accustomed to depart and return.
Dig. 41,1,6Florentinus libro sexto institutionum. item quae ex animalibus dominio nostro eodem iure subiectis nata sunt:
Florentinus, Institutes, Book VI. Likewise, the increase of animals of which we are the owners belongs to us by the same law.
Dig. 41,1,16Florentinus libro sexto institutionum. In agris limitatis ius alluvionis locum non habere constat: idque et divus Pius constituit et Trebatius ait agrum, qui hostibus devictis ea condicione concessus sit, ut in civitatem veniret, habere alluvionem neque esse limitatum: agrum autem manu captum limitatum fuisse, ut sciretur, quid cuique datum esset, quid venisset, quid in publico relictum esset.
Florentinus, Institutes, Book VI. It is established that the right of alluvium does not exist with reference to land having boundaries. This was also decided by the Divine Pius. Trebatius says that where land taken from conquered enemies is granted under the condition that it shall belong to some city, it will be entitled to the right of alluvium, and has no established boundaries; but that land taken by individuals has prescribed boundaries, so that it may be ascertained what was given, and to whom, as well as what was sold, and what remained public.
Dig. 49,15,26Florentinus libro sexto institutionum. Nihil interest, quomodo captivus reversus est, utrum dimissus an vi vel fallacia potestatem hostium evaserit, ita tamen, si ea mente venerit, ut non illo reverteretur: nec enim satis est corpore domum quem redisse, si mente alienus est. sed et qui victis hostibus recuperantur, postliminio redisse existimantur.
Florentinus, Institutes, Book VI. It makes no difference in what way a captive returns, whether he has been sent back, or has escaped from the power of the enemy by force, or strategy; provided that he conies with the intention of not returning thither; for it is not sufficient for anyone merely to return bodily, when his intention is otherwise. Those, however, who are recovered from defeated enemies, are considered to have returned with the right of postliminium.