Institutionum libri
Ex libro XI
Dig. 7,1,42Florentinus libro undecimo institutionum. Si alii usus, alii fructus eiusdem rei legetur, id percipiet fructuarius, quod usuario supererit: nec minus et ipse fruendi causa et usum habebit. 1Rerum an aestimationis usus fructus tibi legetur, interest: nam si quidem rerum legetur, deducto eo, quod praeterea tibi legatum est, ex reliquis bonis usum fructum feres: sin autem aestimationis usus fructus legatus est, id quoque aestimabitur, quod praeterea tibi legatum est. nam saepius idem legando non ampliat testator legatum: re autem legata etiam aestimationem eius legando ampliare legatum possumus.
Florentinus, Institutes, Book XI. Where a bequest of the use of some property is left to one man, and the yield of it to another, the usufructuary will obtain whatever remains after the demands of the party entitled to the use are satisfied, but he himself will have a certain amount of use for the purpose of enjoyment. 1It makes a difference whether the usufruct of property or the value of the same is bequeathed to you; for if the usufruct of the property is left to you, any article which was bequeathed to you in addition, must be deducted from it, and you will be entitled to an usufruct in whatever remains; but where the usufruct of the value in money is left you, this also will be estimated, because it is an additional bequest, for by bequeathing the same property several times the testator does not increase the legacy; but where one specific article has been bequeathed, we can increase the legacy by bequeathing the estimated value of it also.
Dig. 15,1,39Florentinus libro undecimo institutionum. Peculium et ex eo consistit, quod parsimonia sua quis paravit vel officio meruerit a quolibet sibi donari idque velut proprium patrimonium servum suum habere quis voluerit.
Florentinus, Institutes, Book XI. The peculium also consists of what anyone has saved by his own economy, or what he has, by the performance of any service, merited as a gift from someone, where the donor intended that the slave should have this as his own property.
Dig. 30,116Florentinus libro undecimo institutionum. Legatum est delibatio hereditatis, qua testator ex eo, quod universum heredis foret, alicui quid collatum velit. 1Heredi a semet ipso legatum dari non potest, a coherede potest. itaque si fundus legatus sit ei qui ex parte dimidia heres institutus est et duobus extraneis, ad heredem cui legatus est sexta pars fundi pertinet, quia a se vindicare non potest, a coherede vero semissario duobus extraneis concurrentibus non amplius tertia parte: extranei autem et ab ipso herede cui legatum est semissem et ab alio herede trientem vindicabunt. 2Alienus servus heres institutus legari ipse a se nec totus nec pro parte potest. 3Servo hereditario recte legatur, licet ea adita non sit, quia hereditas personae defuncti, qui eam reliquit, vice fungitur. 4Fundus legatus talis dari debet, qualis relictus est. itaque sive ipse fundo heredis servitutem debuit sive ei fundus heredis, licet confusione dominii servitus exstincta sit, pristinum ius restituendum est. et nisi legatarius imponi servitutem patiatur, petenti ei legatum exceptio doli mali opponetur: si vero fundo legato servitus non restituetur, actio ex testamento superest.
Florentinus, Institutes, Book XI. A legacy is a deduction from an estate whereby a testator desires that something should be given to a person which otherwise would have entirely belonged to the heir. 1Ad Dig. 30,116,1Windscheid: Lehrbuch des Pandektenrechts, 7. Aufl. 1891, Bd. III, § 627, Note 8.An heir cannot be charged with a legacy for his own benefit, but you, as his co-heir, can be charged with one for his benefit. Therefore, if a tract of land is devised to a person who is appointed heir to half of the estate, and there are also two heirs who are strangers, the sixth part of the said tract of land will belong to the heir to whom the land was left, because he cannot claim half of it from himself; and with respect to the other half held by his co-heir he cannot claim more than the third part conjointly with the two strangers. The strangers, however, will have a right to claim half of the land from the heir to whom it has been devised, and each of them a third from the other heir. 2Where a slave belonging to another is appointed an heir, he cannot be charged with a legacy of himself, either entirely or partially. 3A legacy can lawfully be bequeathed to a slave who forms part of an estate, even though it has not been entered upon, because the estate represents the person of the deceased who left it. 4Where real property is devised, it should be delivered in the same condition in which it was left. Therefore, whether it owes a servitude to land belonging to the heir, or the latter owes it a servitude, and even though these servitudes may have been extinguished through confusion of ownership, the former right must be restored, and if the legatee does not permit the servitude to be imposed, and claims the legacy, he can be opposed by an exception on the ground of bad faith. Where, however, the servitude is not restored to the land entitled to it, an action under the will will remain in favor of the legatee.
Dig. 33,10,2Florentinus libro undecimo institutionum. Id est res moventes non animales.
Florentinus, Institutes, Book XI. That is to say, movable property, but not animals, is classed under this head.
Dig. 34,2,29Florentinus libro undecimo institutionum. Si quando alterius generis materia auro argentove iniecta sit, si factum aurum vel argentum legetur, et id quod iniectum est debetur. 1Utra autem utrius materiae sit accessio, visu atque usu rei, consuetudinis patris familias aestimandum est.
Florentinus, Institutes, Book XI. Where material of another description is inserted in gold or silver, and the legacy consists of manufactured gold or silver, whatever is inserted in them will be due to the legatee. 1In order to determine which of the two materials is accessory, the intention and custom of the testator, as well as the use which he made of the article in question, must be ascertained.
Dig. 34,4,14Florentinus libro undecimoaaDie Großausgabe liest primo statt undecimo. institutionum. Legata inutiliter data ademptione non confirmantur, veluti si domino herede instituto, servo pure legatum sub condicione adimatur: nam pure legatum si sub condicione adimatur, sub contraria condicione datum intellegitur et ideo confirmatur. ademptio autem, quo minus, non quo magis legatum debeatur, intervenit. 1Quibus ex causis datio legati inutilis est, ex isdem causis etiam ademptio inefficax habetur, veluti si viam pro parte adimas aut pro parte liberum esse vetes.
Florentinus, Institutes, Book XI. Legacies which are void when granted, are not rendered valid by being suppressed; as, for instance, after having appointed the master of a slave his heir, the testator conditionally deprives the said slave of an absolute bequest which he had made to him of the same. For where an absolute bequest is taken away by imposing a condition, it is held to have been bequeathed under the contrary condition, and therefore is confirmed. This, however, does not apply where the legacy which was suppressed was not valid in the first place. 1The same reasons for which a legacy becomes void when bequeathed, cause its suppression also to become of no force or effect; as, for example, if you deprive a legatee of a part of his right of way, or direct a slave to be only partly free.
Dig. 35,1,34Florentinus libro undecimo institutionum. Nominatim alicui legatur ita ‘Lucio Titio’ an per demonstrationem corporis vel artificii vel officii vel necessitudinis vel adfinitatis, nihil interest: nam demonstratio plerumque vice nominis fungitur. nec interest, falsa an vera sit, si certum sit, quem testator demonstraverit. 1Inter demonstrationem et condicionem hoc interest, quod demonstratio plerumque factam rem ostendit, condicio futuram.
Florentine, Institutes, Book XI. Where a bequest is made to anyone specifically, as, for example, to Lucius Titius; it would make no difference whether he designated him in this way, or by mentioning his physical characteristics, his trade, employment, relationship, or affinity; for a designation of this kind generally takes the place of the name, nor is it of any consequence whether it be false or true, provided it is positively known whom the testator meant. 1There is this difference between designation and a condition: a designation generally refers to something which has already been done, a condition to something which is to take place.
Dig. 35,2,90Florentinus libro undecimo institutionum. Si heres, cuius fidei commissum est, ut accepta certa pecunia hereditatem restituat, a voluntate eius qui testamentum fecit discedat et postea legis Falcidiae beneficio uti volet: etsi non detur ei, quo accepto hereditatem restituere rogatus est, tamen fideicommissum restituere cogi debet, quoniam quod ei pater familiae dari voluit legis Falcidiae commodum praestat.
Florentinus, Institutes, Book XI. Where an heir, who was charged by a trust to transfer the estate to someone after the receipt of a certain sum of money, refuses to carry out the will of the testator, and afterwards desires to avail himself of the benefit of the Falcidian Law, even though the money may not have been paid to him who, on receipt of it, was asked to transfer the estate; still, he will be compelled to execute the trust, since what the testator wished to be given him will take the place of the Falcidian portion.