Institutionum libri
Ex libro X
Dig. 28,1,24Florentinus libro decimo institutionum. Unum testamentum pluribus exemplis consignare quis potest idque interdum necessarium est, forte si navigaturus et secum ferre et relinquere iudiciorum suorum testationem velit.
Ad Dig. 28,1,24Windscheid: Lehrbuch des Pandektenrechts, 7. Aufl. 1891, Bd. III, § 544, Note 4.Florentinus, Institutes, Book X. Anyone can make several copies of the same will, and indeed this is sometimes necessary; for example, where the testator is about to take a sea voyage, and desires to leave the will behind him, and take a copy with him.
Dig. 28,2,17Florentinus libro decimo institutionum. Filii etiam hoc modo exheredantur ‘filius exheres sit’: ‘filius exheres erit’.
Florentinus, Institutes, Book X. Sons can also be disinherited in the following terms: “Let my son be disinherited”; “My son shall be disinherited.”
Dig. 28,5,50Florentinus libro decimo institutionum. Si alienum servum liberum et heredem esse iussi et is postea meus effectus est, neutrum valet, quia libertas alieno servo inutiliter data est. 1In extraneis heredibus illa observantur: ut sit cum eis testamenti factio, sive ipsi heredes instituantur sive hi qui in potestate eorum sunt, et id duobus temporibus inspicitur, testamenti facti, ut constiterit institutio, et mortis testatoris, ut effectum habeat. hoc amplius et cum adibit hereditatem esse debet cum eo testamenti factio, sive pure sive sub condicione heres institutus sit: nam ius heredis eo vel maxime tempore inspiciendum est, quo adquirit hereditatem. medio autem tempore inter factum testamentum et mortem testatoris vel condicionem institutionis exsistentem mutatio iuris heredi non nocet, quia, ut dixi, tria tempora inspicimus.
Florentinus, Institutes, Book X. If I should direct a slave belonging to another to be free and my heir, and the slave should afterwards become mine, neither of these provisions will be valid, for the reason that freedom cannot legally be granted to the slave of another. 1So far as foreign heirs are concerned, the rule must be observed that, where all have testamentary capacity, whether they themselves are appointed heirs, or others are appointed who are under their control, the appointment has reference to two different times, that of the execution of the will, in order that the appointment may be made, and that of the death of the testator, in order that it may take effect. Moreover, the execution of the instrument will have reference to the acceptance of the estate, whether the heir was appointed absolutely or under some condition; for, with regard to the right of the heir, special attention must be paid to the time when he acquires the estate. A change in the right of the heir, if it took place in the intermediate time, that is, during the interval between the execution of the will and the death of the testator or the fulfillment of the condition of the appointment, will not prejudice him, because, as I have stated, we must take into consideration these three different dates.
Dig. 28,6,37Florentinus libro decimo institutionum. Vel singulis liberis vel qui eorum novissimus morietur heres substitui potest, singulis, si neminem eorum intestato decedere velit, novissimo, si ius legitimarum hereditatium integrum inter eos custodiri velit.
Florentinus, Institutes, Book X. An heir can be substituted for each of the children of a testator, or for one of them who may survive; for each one, where he does not wish that any of them should die intestate, for the survivor, if he desires the right of legitimate succession to remain unimpaired.
Dig. 28,7,17Florentinus libro decimo institutionum. Si plures institutiones ex eadem parte sub diversis condicionibus fuerint, condicio, quae prior exstiterit, occupabit institutionem.
Florentinus, Institutes, Book X. Where several appointments of heirs to the same share of an estate have been made under different conditions, the condition which is first performed will confer priority on the appointment.
Dig. 29,1,24Florentinus libro decimo institutionum. Divus Traianus Statilio Severo ita rescripsit: ‘Id privilegium, quod militantibus datum est, ut quoquo modo facta ab his testamenta rata sint, sic intellegi debet, ut utique prius constare debeat testamentum factum esse, quod et sine scriptura et a non militantibus fieri potest. si ergo miles, de cuius bonis apud te quaeritur, convocatis ad hoc hominibus, ut voluntatem suam testaretur, ita locutus est, ut declararet, quem vellet sibi esse heredem et cui libertatem tribuere: potest videri sine scripto hoc modo esse testatus et voluntas eius rata habenda est. ceterum si, ut plerumque sermonibus fieri solet, dixit alicui: “ego te heredem facio”, aut “tibi bona mea relinquo”, non oportet hoc pro testamento observari. nec ullorum magis interest, quam ipsorum, quibus id privilegium datum est, eiusmodi exemplum non admitti: alioquin non difficulter post mortem alicuius militis testes existerent, qui adfirmarent se audisse dicentem aliquem relinquere se bona cui visum sit, et per hoc iudicia vera subvertuntur’.
Florentinus, Institutes, Book X. The Divine Trajanus stated in a Rescript addressed to Statilius Severus that: “The privilege accorded to persons serving in the army which imparts validity to their wills, no matter how they have been executed, must be understood as follows, namely, in the first place, it must be established that the will was executed, which can be done without committing it to writing, which also applies to others who are not soldiers. Therefore, where a soldier, with reference to whose estate application has been made to you, has called together persons to witness his will, and declared in their presence whom he desired to be his heir, and to what slave he wished to grant freedom, it may be held that he, in this way, made a will without reducing it to writing, and his wishes must be carried into effect. If, however (as frequently happens), he should say to someone: “I constitute you my heir, or I leave you my property”; this must not be regarded as a will. Nor does it make any more difference to others than those to whom this privilege is granted, that such a disposition of property should not be allowed; for otherwise, it would not be difficult for witnesses to be found after the death of a soldier, who would assert that they had heard the latter say that he left his property to those whom they desired to benefit, and in this way the wills of soldiers would be overthrown.”
Dig. 38,2,28Florentinus libro decimo institutionum. Si in libertinum animadversum erit, patronis eius ius, quod in bonis eius habituri essent, si is in quem animadversum est sua morte decessisset, eripiendum non est. sed reliquam partem bonorum, quae ad manumissorem iure civili non pertineat, fisco esse vindicandam placet. 1Eadem servantur in bonis eorum qui metu accusationis mortem sibi consciverint aut fugerint, quae in damnatorum bonis constituta sunt.
Florentines, Institutes, Book X. If a freedman has incurred the penalty of death, the claim of his patron to that share of his estate to which he is entitled will not be extinguished, if he who had been sentenced to be executed should die a natural death; but it has been decided that the remainder of the estate which, under the Civil Law, would not belong to the person who emancipated him, may be demanded by the Treasury. 1The same rule should be observed with reference to the estates of those who have killed themselves, or have taken to flight, through fear of being accused, as has been established with respect to the property of those who have been condemned to death.
Dig. 50,16,209Florentinus libro decimo institutionum. ‘Coram Titio’ aliquid facere iussus non videtur praesente eo fecisse, nisi is intellegat: itaque si furiosus aut infans sit aut dormiat, non videtur coram eo fecisse. scire autem, non etiam velle is debet: nam et invito eo recte fit quod iussum est.
Florentinus, Institutes, Book X. Where anyone is ordered to do something in the presence of Titius, he is not understood to have done it in his presence, unless Titius understands that this is the case; therefore, if he should be insane, or a child, or asleep, he is not considered to have performed the act in his presence. He must know that it is done, but it is not necessary that he should be willing, for what is ordered will be legally done, even against his consent.