Digestorum libri
Ex libro IX
Dig. 1,3,24Celsus libro VIIII digestorum. Incivile est nisi tota lege perspecta una aliqua particula eius proposita iudicare vel respondere.
Dig. 24,1,48Idem libro nono digestorum. Quae iam nuptae maritus donavit, viri manent et potest ea vindicare: nec quicquam refert, quod ampla legata ab uxore ei relicta sunt.
Dig. 32,79Celsus libro nono digestorum. Si chorus aut familia legetur, perinde est quasi singuli homines legati sint. 1His verbis: ‘quae ibi mobilia mea erunt, do lego’ nummos ibi repositos, ut mutui darentur, non esse legatos Proculus ait: at eos quos praesidii causa repositos habet, ut quidam bellis civilibus factitassent, eos legato contineri. et audisse se rusticos senes ita dicentes pecuniam sine peculio fragilem esse, peculium appellantes, quod praesidii causa seponeretur. 2Area legata si inaedificata medio tempore fuerit ac rursus area sit, quamquam tunc peti non poterat, nunc tamen debetur. 3Servus quoque legatus si interim manumittatur et postea servus factus sit, peti potest.
Celsus, Digest, Book IX. Where a chorus, or a body of slaves were bequeathed, it is just the same as if the individuals composing them had been separately bequeathed. 1Proculus says that, by the words: “I give and bequeath all movable property which is found there,” money which is deposited in that place for the purpose of being loaned is not bequeathed, but that such as has been left there to render it secure (as certain persons were accustomed to do during the Civil Wars), will be included in the legacy; and he relates that he has heard old men in the country say that money without peculium is very easily lost, meaning by the term peculium what is put aside for safe-keeping. 2Ad Dig. 32,79,2Windscheid: Lehrbuch des Pandektenrechts, 7. Aufl. 1891, Bd. III, § 654, Note 4.Where a plot of land not built upon is devised, and, in the meantime, a house is erected upon it, and the house having bean demolished, the land again becomes vacant, the legatee will be entitled to it, although he could not have claimed it while the house stood there. 3Where a slave is bequeathed, and then, after having been manumitted, is again reduced to slavery, he can be claimed by the legatee.