Digestorum libri
Ex libro VI
Dig. 12,1,42Celsus libro sexto digestorum. Si ego decem stipulatus a Titio deinceps stipuler a Seio, quanto minus a Titio consequi possim: si decem petiero a Titio, non liberatur Seius, alioquin nequicquam mihi cavetur: at si iudicatum fecerit Titius, nihil ultra Seius tenebitur. sed si cum Seio egero, quantumcumque est quo minus a Titio exigere potuero eo tempore, quo iudicium inter me et Seium acceptum est, tanto minus a Titio postea petere possum. 1Labeo ait, cum decem dari curari stipulatus sis, ideo non posse te decem dare oportere intendere, quia etiam reum locupletiorem dando promissor liberari possit: quo scilicet significat non esse cogendum eum accipere iudicium, si reum locupletem offerat.
Celsus, Digest, Book VI. If I stipulate for ten aurei from Titius, and I afterwards stipulate from Seius for the amount of the debt which I may fail to collect from Titius, then, if I bring suit against Titius for ten aurei, Seius will not be released from liability, otherwise the security provided by Seius will be worthless; but if Titius complies with the judgment, Seius will be no longer liable. If, however, I proceed against Seius, whatever the amount I can collect from Titius, when issue is joined between Seius and myself, is less than the obligation, so much the less can I subsequently collect from Titius. 1Labeo says that if you stipulate that a party shall see that ten aurei are paid, you cannot, for this reason, claim that ten should be paid to you, because the promisor can be released by finding a wealthier debtor; and, in fact, this means that the party cannot be compelled to join issue if he offers to provide a wealthier debtor.
Dig. 12,6,47Celsus libro sexto digestorum. Indebitam pecuniam per errorem promisisti: eam qui pro te fideiusserat solvit. ego existimo, si nomine tuo solverit fideiussor, te fideiussori, stipulatorem tibi obligatum fore: nec exspectandum est, ut ratum habeas, quoniam potes videri id ipsum mandasse, ut tuo nomine solveretur: sin autem fideiussor suo nomine solverit quod non debebat, ipsum a stipulatore repetere posse, quoniam indebitam iure gentium pecuniam solvit: quo minus autem consequi poterit ab eo cui solvit, a te mandati iudicio consecuturum, si modo per ignorantiam petentem exceptione non summoverit.
Ad Dig. 12,6,47ROHGE, Bd. 22 (1878), Nr. 66, S. 299: Cond. possessionis gegen den aus Irrthum Besitzenden. Besitz ein Vermögensobject.Celsus, Digest, Book VI. You promised, through a mistake, to pay money which was not due, and the party who was your surety paid it. I am of the opinion that, if the surety paid it in your name you will then be liable to the surety, and the stipulator will be liable to you; for it is not to be expected that you should first ratify his act, since you may be held to have directed the surety to make payment in your name. If, however, the surety made payment in his own name of a sum which he did not owe, he can bring an action against the stipulator as having paid money which was not due under the Law of Nations; but where there is a deficiency in the amount which he can recover from the party whom he paid, this he can recover from you by an action on mandate; provided he who was bringing suit in ignorance of the facts should not be barred by an exception.
Dig. 12,6,48Idem libro sexto digestorum. Qui promisit, si aliquid a se factum sit vel cum aliquid factum sit, dare se decem, si, priusquam id factum fuerit, quod promisit dederit, non videbitur fecisse quod promisit atque ideo repetere potest.
The Same, Digest, Book VI. Where anyone promises that, if something is done by him or when it has been done, he will pay ten aurei, and he pays the sum that he promised before the act is performed; he will not be held to have done what he promised, and therefore he can bring an action to recover the money.
Dig. 15,1,6Celsus libro sexto digestorum. Definitio peculii quam Tubero exposuit, ut Labeo ait, ad vicariorum peculia non pertinet, quod falsum est: nam eo ipso, quod dominus servo peculium constituit, etiam vicario constituisse existimandus est.
Dig. 22,3,17Celsus libro sexto digestorum. Cum de lege Falcidia quaeritur, heredis probatio est locum habere legem Falcidiam: quod dum probare non potest, merito condemnabitur.
Dig. 31,15Celsus libro sexto digestorum. Si quis duobus heredibus institutis ita legaverit: ‘Stichum aut decem heredes danto’, non potest alter heredum quinque, alter partem Stichi dare, sed necesse est utrumque aut Stichum totum aut decem solvere.
Celsus, Digest, Book VI. Where anyone charges his two appointed heirs as follows: “Let my heirs either deliver Stichus or ten aurei,” one of the heirs cannot tender five aurei to the legatee, and the other tender him half of Stichus, for it is necessary for Stichus to be entirely given, or the ten aurei to be paid.
Dig. 42,1,13Celsus libro sexto digestorum. Si quis ab alio decem, ab alio satisdari stipulatus est, aestimandum erit, quantum stipulatoris intersit satisdari, idque aut tantundem erit aut minus aut interdum etiam nihil: neque enim vani timoris ulla aestimatio est. verum sorte soluta nullum iam pretium aestimationis est, aut quantum ex sorte fuerit solutum, tantundem ex aestimatione decedet. 1Si quis promiserit prohibere se, ut aliquid damnum stipulator patiatur, et faciat ne quod ex ea re damnum ita habeatur, facit quod promisit: si minus, quia non facit quod promisit, in pecuniam numeratam condemnatur, sicut evenit in omnibus faciendi obligationibus.
Celsus, Digest, Book VI. Where anyone stipulated for ten aurei to be paid by one person and security to be given by another, the amount of damages should be estimated in proportion to the interest of the stipulator in having security furnished him. This interest can amount to as much as what is due, or to less, or sometimes even to nothing; for no estimate can be made of groundless fear. If, however, the debt should be paid, there will be no remaining interest to be estimated, and if a certain amount of it has been paid, the value of the interest will decrease in proportion. 1When anyone promises that he will prevent the stipulator from sustaining any loss, and he does so, and the stipulator does not suffer any damage, he is considered to have done what he agreed to. If he fails to do this, judgment will be rendered against him for a certain sum of money, for the reason that he did not do what he promised, as happens in all kinds of obligations which relate to the performance of certain acts.