Digestorum libri
Ex libro IV
Dig. 5,3,45Celsus libro quarto digestorum. Qui se liti optulit, cum rem non possideret, condemnatur, nisi si evidentissimis probationibus possit ostendere actorem ab initio litis scire eum non possidere: quippe isto modo non est deceptus et qui se hereditatis petitioni optulit ex doli clausula tenetur: aestimari scilicet oportebit, quanti eius interfuit non decipi.
Celsus, Digest, Book IV. Where anyone volunteers in the defence of a case without having the property in his possession, judgment shall be rendered against him; unless he can show by the clearest evidence that the plaintiff, from the beginning of the suit, was aware that he was not in possession of the property; because, under these circumstances, he was not deceived, and he who volunteered in defence of the action for recovery will be liable on the ground of fraud; and of course the damages must be estimated according to the interest the plaintiff had in not being deceived.