Digestorum libri
Ex libro XXXIX
Dig. 1,7,7Celsus libro trigensimo nono digestorum. Cum adoptio fit, non est necessaria in eam rem auctoritas eorum, inter quos iura adgnationis consequuntur.
Celsus, Digest, Book XXXIX. When an adoption is made, the consent of those who will be connected by agnation is not necessary for that purpose.
Dig. 43,8,3Celsus libro trigensimo nono digestorum. Litora, in quae populus Romanus imperium habet, populi Romani esse arbitror: 1Maris communem usum omnibus hominibus, ut aeris, iactasque in id pilas eius esse qui iecerit: sed id concedendum non esse, si deterior litoris marisve usus eo modo futurus sit.
Celsus, Digest, Book XXXIX. I think that the shores of the sea over which the Roman people have control belong to them. 1The use of the sea as well as that of the air is common to all men, and the piles which are driven into it belong to the person who has placed them there; but this should not be conceded if the shore is damaged, or the future use of the sea is impaired on account of it.
Dig. 50,16,98Idem libro trigensimo nono digestorum. Cum bisextum kalendis est, nihil refert, utrum priore an posteriore die quis natus sit, et deinceps sextum kalendas eius natalis dies est: nam id biduum pro uno die habetur. sed posterior dies intercalatur, non prior: ideo quo anno intercalatum non est sexto kalendas natus, cum bisextum kalendis est, priorem diem natalem habet. 1Cato putat mensem intercalarem additicium esse: omnesque eius dies pro momento temporis observat extremoque diei mensis Februarii adtribuit Quintus Mucius. 2Mensis autem intercalaris constat ex diebus viginti octo.
The Same, Digest, Book XXXIX. When anyone is born on the kalends of a bissextile year, it makes no difference whether his birth takes place on the preceding or succeeding day, and his birthday is said to be the sixth of the kalends; for these two days are only considered as one, and it is the last day, and not the first, which is intercalated. Therefore, if he should be born on the sixth of the kalends, in a year which is not intercalated, and when the intercalary day falls on the kalends, the preceding day will be that of his birth. 1Cato held that an intercalary, month was an addition to the others; and Quintus Mucius added all its days from the time when it was computed to the last day of the month of February. 2It is, however, established that there are twenty-eight days in the intercalary month.