Digestorum libri
Ex libro XXXVI
Dig. 31,29Celsus libro trigesimo sexto digestorum. Pater meus referebat, cum esset in consilio Duceni Veri consulis, itum in sententiam suam, ut, cum Otacilius Catulus filia ex asse herede instituta liberto ducenta legasset petissetque ab eo, ut ea concubinae ipsius daret, et libertus vivo testatore decessisset et quod ei relictum erat apud filiam remansisset, cogeretur filia id fideicommissum concubinae reddere. 1Quod alicuius heredis nominatim fidei committitur, potest videri ita demum dari voluisse, si ille exstitisset heres. 2Si filio heredi pars eius, a quo nominatim legatum est, adcrescit, non praestabit legatum, quod iure antiquo capit.
Celsus, Digest, Book XXXVI. My father stated that when he was in the Council of the Consul, Ducenus Verus, his opinion was taken in the following case. Otacilius Catulus, having appointed his daughter sole heir to his estate, left his freedman the sum of two hundred aurei, and charged him to pay it to his concubine. The freedman died during the lifetime of the testator, and what had been left to the freedman remained in the hands of his daughter, and my father decided that the daughter should be compelled to pay to the concubine the sum left to her under the trust. 1Where an heir is specifically charged with a trust, it can be held that it was only intended that he should discharge it, if he became the heir. 2If the share of a son appointed as heir is increased by the accrual of a sum specially bequeathed to another charged with its payment as a legacy, he will not be compelled to pay the legacy, to which he is entitled by ancient law.