Digestorum libri
Ex libro XXXV
Dig. 32,80Idem libro trigesimo quinto digestorum. Coniunctim heredes institui aut coniunctim legari hoc est: totam hereditatem et tota legata singulis data esse, partes autem concursu fieri.
Dig. 34,7,1Celsus libro trigesimo quinto digestorum. Catoniana regula sic definit, quod, si testamenti facti tempore decessisset testator, inutile foret, id legatum quandocumque decesserit, non valere. quae definitio in quibusdam falsa est. 1Quid enim, si quis ita legaverit: ‘si post kalendas mortuus fuero, Titio dato?’ an cavillamur? nam hoc modo si statim mortuus fuerit, non esse datum legatum verius est quam inutiliter datum. 2Item si tibi legatus est fundus, qui scribendi testamenti tempore tuus est, si eum vivo testatore alienaveris, legatum tibi debetur, quod non deberetur, si testator statim decessisset.
Celsus, Digest, Book XXXV. The Rule of Cato is stated as follows, “Any legacy that would be void if the testator died immediately after making his will will not be valid no matter how long afterwards he may die.” This rule does not hold good in certain cases. 1But what if anyone should make a bequest as follows: “Let such-and-such a sum be paid to Titius, if I should die after the Kalends.” Shall we quibble with reference to this? For, in this instance, if the testator should die immediately, it is better to hold that the legacy was not bequeathed at all, than that it was bequeathed illegally. 2Ad Dig. 34,7,1,2Windscheid: Lehrbuch des Pandektenrechts, 7. Aufl. 1891, Bd. III, § 654, Note 21.In like manner, if a tract of land left to you was yours at the time the will was executed, and you alienated it during the lifetime of the testator, you will be entitled to the bequest, but you will not be entitled to it if the testator died immediately after having made his will.