Digestorum libri
Ex libro XXXIII
Dig. 1,3,19Idem libro XXXIII digestorum. In ambigua voce legis ea potius accipienda est significatio, quae vitio caret, praesertim cum etiam voluntas legis ex hoc colligi possit.
The Same, Digest, Book XXIII. When the terms of the law are ambiguous, that meaning is to be accepted which is without incongruity; especially when the intention of the law can be ascertained therefrom.
Dig. 50,17,191Idem libro trigensimo tertio digestorum. Neratius consultus, an quod beneficium dare se quasi viventi Caesar rescripserat, iam defuncto dedisse existimaretur, respondit non videri sibi principem, quod ei, quem vivere existimabat, concessisset, defuncto concessisse: quem tamen modum esse beneficii sui vellet, ipsius aestimationem esse.
The Same, Digest, Book XXXIII. Neratius, having been consulted as to whether a privilege granted by the Emperor to a person whom he believed to be living, but who in fact was already dead, should be considered to take effect, answered that it did not seem to him that the Emperor would have bestowed it if he had known that the grantee was dead, but still that it should be ascertained from him himself, to what extent he intended the privilege to be applicable.