Digestorum libri
Ex libro XXIX
Dig. 1,3,18Idem libro XXVIIII digestorum. Benignius leges interpretandae sunt, quo voluntas earum conservetur.
Dig. 1,5,19Celsus libro vicensimo nono digestorum. Cum legitimae nuptiae factae sint, patrem liberi sequuntur: volgo quaesitus matrem sequitur.
Dig. 28,5,61Celsus libro vicesimo nono digestorum. Qui solvendo non erat, servum primo loco et alterum servum secundo loco heredes scripsit. solus is qui primo loco scriptus est hereditatem capit: nam lege Aelia Sentia ita cavetur, ut, si duo pluresve ex eadem causa heredes scripti sint, uti quisque primus scriptus sit, heres sit.
Celsus, Digest, Book XXIX. A man who was insolvent appointed one slave in the first place, and another in the second place, his heirs. He alone who was appointed in the first place is entitled to the estate, for by the Lex Ælia Sentia, it is provided that where two or more are designated in the same way, the first one mentioned becomes the heir.
Dig. 40,2,19Celsus libro vicensimo nono digestorum. Si minor annis apud consilium matrimonii causa praegnatem manumiserit eaque interim pepererit, in pendenti erit, servus an liber sit, quem ea peperit.
Celsus, Digest, Book XXIX. If a minor of twenty years of age manumits a female slave who is pregnant, before the proper tribunal, for the purpose of marrying her, and, in the meantime, she should have a child, the condition of the child whom she brought forth, that is to say, whether it is a slave or a freeman, shall remain undetermined.