Digestorum libri
Ex libro XXVIII
Dig. 1,7,5Celsus libro vicensimo octavo digestorum. In adoptionibus eorum dumtaxat, qui suae potestatis sunt, voluntas exploratur: sin autem a patre dantur in adoptionem, in his utriusque arbitrium spectandum est vel consentiendo vel non contradicendo.
Celsus, Digest, Book XXVIII. In adoption, the will of only those parties who are their own masters shall be consulted; but where children are given in adoption by their fathers, the will of both must be taken into consideration, either consent being given, or no opposition being offered.
Dig. 38,16,7Celsus libro vicensimo octavo digestorum. vel si vivo eo conceptus est, quia conceptus quodammodo in rerum natura esse existimatur.
Celsus, Digest, Book XXVIII. Or, if he had been conceived in his lifetime, because a child who has been conceived is, to a certain extent, considered as being in existence.
Dig. 39,5,21Celsus libro vicensimo octavo digestorum. Ut mihi donares, creditori meo delegante me promisisti: factum valet, ille enim suum recepit. 1Sed si debitorem meum tibi donationis immodicae causa promittere iussi, an summoveris donationis exceptione necne, tractabitur. et meus quidem debitor exceptione te agentem repellere non potest, quia perinde sum, quasi exactam a debitore meo summam tibi donaverim et tu illam ei credideris. sed ego, si quidem pecuniae a debitore meo nondum solutae sint, habeo adversus debitorem meum rescissoriam in id, quod supra legis modum tibi promisit ita, ut in reliquum tantummodo tibi maneat obligatus: sin autem pecunias a debitore meo exegisti, in hoc, quod modum legis excedit, habeo contra te condictionem.
Celsus, Digest, Book XXVIII. In order to make me a donation you bound yourself to my creditor, to whom I delegated you. The act is valid, for the creditor receives what he is entitled to. 1If, however, I order my debtor to bind himself to you for the purpose of making you a donation greater than that authorized by law, the question arises whether or not you can be barred by an exception upon the ground of the donation. My debtor cannot avail himself of the exception against you, if you bring an action, because I am in the same position as if I had given you the amount, after having collected it from my debtor, and you had lent it to him. If the money has not been paid by my debtor, I will be entitled to an action against him to annul anything which he has promised you above the amount authorized by law, so that he will only remain liable to you for the balance. If, however, you have already collected the entire amount from my debtor, I will be entitled to an action against you to recover the excess of what the law prescribes.