Digestorum libri
Ex libro XXVII
Dig. 5,1,31Celsus libro vicensimo septimo digestorum. Si petitor plures heredes reliquerit unusque eorum iudicio egerit, non erit verum totam rem quae in priore iudicio fuerit deductam esse: nec enim quisquam alienam actionem in iudicium invito coherede perducere potest.
Celsus, Digest, Book XXVII. Where a plaintiff dies and leaves several heirs, and one of them institutes proceedings, it is not true that everything involved in the case up to that time is in Court; for no one can conduct a suit in court which has already been begun by another, if his co-heir does not consent.
Dig. 8,3,11Celsus libro vicensimo septimo digestorum. Per fundum, qui plurium est, ius mihi esse eundi agendi potest separatim cedi. ergo suptili ratione non aliter meum fiet ius, quam si omnes cedant et novissima demum cessione superiores omnes confirmabuntur: benignius tamen dicetur et antequam novissimus cesserit, eos, qui antea cesserunt, vetare uti cesso iure non posse.
Celsus, Digest, Book XXVII. Where the right of passing or driving through land belongs to several persons, it can be granted to me separately by each of them. Therefore, strictly speaking, the right will not become mine unless all of them grant it; and when the last grant is made all those made previously will become operative. The more favorable construction, however, is, that before the last party makes the grant, those who have previously done so cannot prevent me from using the right already granted.
Dig. 19,1,12Celsus libro vicesimo septimo digestorum. Si iactum retis emero et iactare retem piscator noluit, incertum eius rei aestimandum est: si quod extraxit piscium reddere mihi noluit, id aestimari debet quod extraxit.
Celsus, Digest, Book XXVII. If I purchase the cast of a fisherman’s net, and the latter refuses to cast his net, the uncertainty of the result must be taken into account in assessing the damages. If the fisherman refuses to deliver to me the fish which he has caught, an estimate should be made of what he did catch.
Dig. 21,2,10Celsus libro vicesimo septimo digestorum. Si quis per fundum quem cum alio communem haberet, quasi solus dominus eius esset, ius eundi agendi mihi vendiderit et cesserit, tenebitur mihi evictionis nomine ceteris non cedentibus.
Celsus, Digest, Book XXVII. If anyone should sell and transfer to me a right of way which he has in common with another, as if he were the sole owner of the same, he will be liable to me on the ground of eviction, if the other party refuses to transfer to me his right.
Dig. 21,2,62Celsus libro vicesimo septimo digestorum. Si rem quae apud te esset vendidissem tibi: quia pro tradita habetur, evictionis nomine me obligari placet. 1Si ei qui mihi vendidit plures heredes exstiterunt, una de evictione obligatio est omnibusque denuntiari et omnes defendere debent: si de industria non venerint in iudicium, unus tamen ex is liti substitit, propter denuntiationis vigorem et praedictam absentiam omnibus vincit aut vincitur, recteque cum ceteris agam, quod evictionis nomine victi sint. 2Si fundum, in quo usus fructus Titii erat, qui ei relictus est quoad vivet, detracto usu fructu ignoranti mihi vendideris et Titius capite deminutus fuerit et aget Titius ius sibi esse utendi fruendi, competit mihi adversus te ex stipulatione de evictione actio: quippe si verum erat, quod mihi dixisses in venditione, recte negarem Titio ius esse utendi fruendi.
Celsus, Digest, Book XXVII. If I should sell you any property which is in your possession, it is settled that I will be liable on the ground of eviction, for the reason that it is considered the same as delivered. 1Where several heirs are left by a party who sold me property, the obligation with reference to eviction applies to all of them and all of them should be notified, and all ought to defend the suit. If they purposely do not appear in court, or one of them appears for all in the case, all of them will be successful, or will be defeated on account of the effect of the notice, and the absence above mentioned, and I can legally proceed against the others, because they were defeated on the ground of eviction. 2If you should sell me a tract of land with the reservation of the usufruct in the same, and the said usufruct belonged to Titius, to whom it had been left during his lifetime, and I am ignorant of the fact, and Titius should forfeit his civil rights, but afterwards having recovered them, should bring suit claiming that he was entitled to the right of the use and enjoyment of the property, an action under the stipulation, on the ground of eviction, will lie in my favor against you; although if what you stated to me at the time of the sale were true, I could very properly deny that Titius was entitled to the use and enjoyment of said property.
Dig. 46,3,71Idem libro vicensimo septimo digestorum. Cum decem mihi aut Titio dari stipulatus quinque accipiam, reliquum promissor recte Titio dabit. 1Si fideiussor procuratori creditoris solvit et creditor post tempus, quo liberari fideiussor poterit, ratum habuit, tamen quia fideiussor, cum adhuc ex causa fideiussionis teneretur, solvit, nec repetere potest nec minus agere adversus reum mandati potest, quam si tum praesenti dedisset. 2Item si ignorans creditor procuratori suo solutum servo debitoris filiove acceptum fecerit, postea autem rescierit et ratum habuerit, confirmatur solutio et quod acceptum latum sit, nullius momenti est: et contra, si ratum non habuerit, quod acceptum fecerit, confirmatur. 3Sed si ignorans solutum litem contestatus est, si pendente iudicio ratum habuit, absolvi oportet illum, cum quo actum est, si ratum non habuit, condemnari.
The Same, Digest, Book XXVII. When, having stipulated for ten aurei to be paid to myself or to Titius, I accept five; the promisor can properly pay the remaining five to Titius. 1If a surety pays the agent of the creditor, and the latter ratifies the payment after the time when the surety could have been released has elapsed, still, for the reason that the surety paid while he still was liable on account of his suretyship, he cannot recover what he paid, and he is just as much entitled to the action on mandate against the principal debtor as if he had paid the creditor when present. 2Ad Dig. 46,3,71,2Windscheid: Lehrbuch des Pandektenrechts, 7. Aufl. 1891, Bd. I, § 74, Note 7.Again, if the creditor, not being aware that payment has been made to his agent, gives a release to the slave or the son of the debtor, and he afterwards learns of the payment, and ratines it, it is confirmed; and the release which he gave becomes of no force or effect. And on the other hand, if he does not ratify the payment, the release remains valid. 3If, however, not being aware of the payment, he institutes legal proceedings, and ratifies the payment while the suit is pending, the party against whom the action is brought will be discharged; but if he does not ratify it, judgment shall be rendered against the defendant.