Digestorum libri
Ex libro XXVI
Dig. 1,3,17Celsus libro XXVI digestorum. Scire leges non hoc est verba earum tenere, sed vim ac potestatem.
Dig. 34,5,26Idem libro vicesimo sexto digestorum. Cum quaeritur in stipulatione, quid acti sit, ambiguitas contra stipulatorem est.
Dig. 45,1,97Celsus libro vicensimo sexto digestorum. Si ita stipulatus fuero: ‘te sisti? nisi steteris, hippocentaurum dari?’ proinde erit, atque ‘te sisti’ solummodo stipulatus essem. 1Possum utiliter a te ita stipulari: ‘Titii nomine te soluturum?’, neque enim hoc simile est illi ‘Titium daturum?’: sed ex ea stipulatione, dum interest mea, agere possum, et ideo, si locuples sit Titius, nihil ex hac stipulatione consequi possim: quid enim mea interest id a te fieri, quod si non feceris, aeque salvam pecuniam habiturus sum? 2‘Si tibi nupsero, decem dari spondes?’ causa cognita denegandam actionem puto, nec raro probabilis causa eiusmodi stipulationis est. item si vir a muliere eo modo non in dotem stipulatus est.
Celsus, Digest, Book XXVI. If I stipulate as follows, “Will you appear in court? And if you do not do so, will you deliver a centaur?” the stipulation will be the same as if I had merely promised to appear in court. 1Ad Dig. 45,1,97,1Windscheid: Lehrbuch des Pandektenrechts, 7. Aufl. 1891, Bd. II, § 361, Note 3.I can legally stipulate with you as follows: “Do you promise that you will pay in the name of Titius?” For this is not similar to the stipulation that “Titius will give something,” but under it I can bring an action, if I have any interest; and therefore if Titius is solvent, I can recover nothing under this stipulation, for what interest have I in inducing you to do something, while if you do not do it, I shall be equally sure of my money? 2“Do you promise to pay me ten aurei, if I marry you?” I think that, in this case, after proper cause has been shown, the action can be refused; still, there is not infrequently ground for a stipulation of this kind. The same rule applies where a husband stipulates with his wife in this way, when there is no reference to a dowry.
Dig. 46,3,70Idem libro vicensimo sexto digestorum. Quod certa die promissum est, vel statim dari potest: totum enim medium tempus ad solvendum promissori liberum relinqui intellegitur.