Digestorum libri
Ex libro XXV
Dig. 27,5,2Celsus libro vicesimo quinto digestorum. Si is, qui pro tutore negotia gerebat, cum tutor non esset, rem pupilli vendidit nec ea usucapta est, petet eam pupillus, quamquam ei cautum est: non enim eadem huius quae tutoris est rerum pupilli administratio.
Celsus, Digest, Book XXV. Where anyone transacts business as a guardian while he does not occupy the office, and sells property of the ward which is not subsequently acquired by usucaption; the latter can bring suit for said property even though security may have been given to him, for the reason that the administration of the affairs of a ward by a person acting as guardian is not the same as that of a real guardian.
Dig. 42,1,14Idem libro vicensimo quinto digestorum. Quod iussit vetuitve praetor, contrario imperio tollere et remittere licet: de sententiis contra.
Dig. 43,19,7Celsus libro vicensimo quinto digestorum. Si per fundum tuum nec vi nec clam nec precario commeavit aliquis, non tamen tamquam id suo iure faceret, sed, si prohiberetur, non facturus, inutile est ei interdictum de itinere actuque: nam ut hoc interdictum competat, ius fundi possedisse oportet.
Ad Dig. 43,19,7Windscheid: Lehrbuch des Pandektenrechts, 7. Aufl. 1891, Bd. I, § 163, Note 6.Celsus, Digest, Book XXV. If anyone has passed to and fro through your land without the employment of violence, or without acting clandestinely, or under a precarious title, and still did so without any right, but with the intention of not traversing the land, if he had been forbidden; this interdict will not lie under these circumstances, for, to enable it to do so, the person referred to must possess some right in the land.
Dig. 43,24,18Celsus libro vicensimo quinto digestorum. Si inmaturam silvam caeduam cecidit quis, interdicto quod vi aut clam tenetur: si maturam similiter caeduam neque damno dominus adfectus est, nihil praestabit. 1Non absurde responsum est: si magistratum rogasses, ut adversarium tuum adesse ad iudicium iuberet, ne opus novum tibi nuntiaret, clam videris opus fecisse, quod interim feceris.
Celsus, Digest, Book XXV. If anyone cuts down any timber before it is mature, he will be liable under the interdict Quod vi aut clam. In like manner, if he cuts it down after it has matured, and the owner sustains no damage, he will not be liable for anything. 1It has been very properly stated that if you should petition a magistrate to order your adversary to appear in court, in order to prevent him from serving notice upon you not to construct a new work, you will be held to have acted clandestinely, if, in the meantime, you proceed with the work.
Dig. 43,26,12Idem libro vicensimo quinto digestorum. Cum precario aliquid datur, si convenit, ut in kalendas Iulias precario possideat, numquid exceptione adiuvandus est, ne ante ei possessio auferatur? sed nulla vis est huius conventionis, ut rem alienam domino invito possidere liceat. 1Precario rogatio et ad heredem eius qui concessit transit: ad heredem autem eius qui precario rogavit non transit, quippe ipsi dumtaxat, non etiam heredi concessa possessio est.
The Same, Digest, Book XXV. When anything is granted under a precarious tenure, and it is agreed that the grantee shall hold possession under it until the Kalends of July, will he who received it be entitled to an exception to prevent him from being deprived of possession of the property before that time? An agreement of this kind is of no force or effect, for it is not lawful for property belonging to another to be held in possession against the consent of the owner. 1Property held by a precarious tenure passes to the heir of him who granted it, but it does not pass to the heir of him who received it, because possession was given only to himself, and not to his heir.
Dig. 50,15,6Celsus libro vicensimo quinto digestorum. Colonia Philippensis iuris Italici est.
Dig. 50,16,96Celsus libro vicensimo quinto digestorum. Litus est, quousque maximus fluctus a mari pervenit: idque Marcum Tullium aiunt, cum arbiter esset, primum constituisse. 1Praedia dicimus aliquorum esse non utique communiter habentium ea, sed vel alio aliud habente.
Celsus, Digest, Book XXV. The shore of the sea is reckoned from the point reached by the greatest flow. It is said that Marcus Tullius was the first to establish this rule, when he served as arbiter in a certain case. 1When we say that land belongs to several persons, this does not merely mean that they hold it in common, but that part of it may be separately held by each one of them.
Dig. 50,16,158Celsus libro vicensimo quinto digestorum. In usu iuris frequenter uti nos Cascellius ait singulari appellatione, cum plura generis eiusdem significare vellemus: nam ‘multum hominem venisse Romam’ et ‘piscem vilem esse’ dicimus. item in stipulando satis habemus de herede cavere ‘si ea res secundum me heredemve meum iudicata erit’ et rursus ‘quod ob eam rem te heredemve tuum’: nempe aeque si plures heredes sint, continentur stipulatione.
Celsus, Digest, Book XXV. Cascellius states that, in legal phraseology, we frequently make use of the singular number when we wish to indicate several things of the same kind; for we say many a man has arrived at Rome, and also that there are bad fish. Likewise, in making a stipulation, it is sufficient to refer to the heirs in the singular number, “If the case is decided in favor of me, or my heir,” and again, “Whatever concerns you or your heir,” as it is clear that if there are several heirs, they are included in a stipulation of this kind.