Digestorum libri
Ex libro XXIV
Dig. 42,7,3Celsus libro vicensimo quarto digestorum. Si plures eiusdem bonorum curatores facti sunt, in quem eorum vult actor, in solidum ei datur actio tam quam quivis eorum in solidum aget.
Dig. 46,3,69Celsus libro vicensimo quarto digestorum. Si hominem, in quo usus fructus alienus est vel qui erat pignori Titio obligatus, noxae dedisti, poterit is, cui condemnatus es, tecum agere iudicati, nec exspectabimus, ut creditor evincat. sed si usus fructus interierit vel dissoluta fuerit pignoris obligatio, existimo processuram liberationem.
Celsus, Digest, Book XXIV. If you surrender a slave by way of reparation for damage committed, and someone else has the usufruct in said slave, or he has been pledged for a debt to Titius, he in whose favor a judgment has been rendered against you can cause the judgment to be executed, and it will not be necessary to wait until the creditor evicts him. If, however, the usufruct should be extinguished, or the obligation of the pledge be discharged, I think that a release will take place.
Dig. 50,17,190Idem libro vicesimo quarto digestorum. Quod evincitur, in bonis non est.