Digestorum libri
Ex libro XXII
Dig. 34,4,17Celsus libro vicesimo secundo digestorum. Nihil prohibet priorem scripturam posteriore corrigere commutare rescindere.
Dig. 34,5,25Celsus libro vicesimo secundo digestorum. ‘Quem heredi meo dixero velle me liberum esse, liber esto. cui ut dare damnas sit heres meus, dixero, ei heres meus dare damnas esto’. testatoris voluntas, si quibusdam argumentis apparebit, de quo dixit, adimplenda est.
Celsus, Digest, Book XXII. “Let him be liberated whom I may tell my heir I desire shall be given his freedom, and let my heir be charged to give such-and-such a sum to him whom I shall designate.” The wishes of the testator should be carried out, if the identity of the slave whom he had in his mind can be established in any way.
Dig. 35,1,49Celsus libro vicesimo secundo digestorum. Si in annos decem heres dare damnatus aut quis liber esse iussus est, novissimo eius temporis die legatum debebitur et libertas optingit.
Dig. 40,7,23Celsus libro vicensimo secundo digestorum. ‘Si intra quinquennium Stichus centum dederit, liber esto’: nec Titio vel heredi vel emptori post quinquennium dabit. 1Si rationes reddidisset, liberum esse iussum non patitur heres rebus peculiaribus venditis reliqua solvere: perinde liber est, quasi condicioni paruerit.
Celsus, Digest, Book XXII. “Let Stichus be free if he pays a hundred aurei in five years.” The slave, after the five years have elapsed, can pay the said amount to the heir of the purchaser. 1Where the slave was ordered to be free if he rendered his accounts, and the heir, after the property belonging to the peculium has been sold, does not permit the slave to pay over the balance in his hands, he will be free just as if he had complied with the condition.