Digestorum libri
Ex libro XX
Dig. 29,7,18Celsus libro vicesimo digestorum. Plotiana Celso suo salutem. Lucius Titius his verbis ita cavit: ‘si quid tabulis aliove quo genere ad hoc testamentum pertinens reliquero, ita valere volo’. quaero, an codicilli, qui ante hoc testamentum scripti sunt, debeant rati esse. Iuventius Celsus Plotianae salutem. Haec verba: ‘si quid ad hoc testamentum pertinens reliquero, valere volo’, etiam ea, quae ante testamentum scripta sunt, comprehendere.
Celsus, Digest, Book XX. Plotiana to her friend, Celsus, Greeting. Lucius Titius made the following provision in his will: “If I leave anything by will in any document, which in any way relates to this will, I desire it to be valid.” I ask whether a codicil made before this will should be confirmed. Juventius Celsus to Plotiana, Greeting. These words: “If I leave anything which relates to this will, I desire it to be valid,” also include everything which was bequeathed before the will was made.
Dig. 31,21Idem libro vicesimo digestorum. Cum quidam uxori suae dotem reddidisset, quadraginta ei legare voluisset et quamquam sciret dotem redditam, hoc tamen praetextu usus esset, quasi dotis reddendae nomine eam summam legaret, existimo deberi quadraginta: etenim reddendi verbum quamquam significationem habet retro dandi, recipit tamen et per se dandi significationem.
The Same, Digest, Book XX. Where a certain individual has returned her dowry to his wife, and wished to bequeath to her forty aurei, and although he knew that her dowry had been returned, still, he made use of the pretext that he was bequeathing to her the said sum on the ground of returning her the dowry, I think that the forty aurei will be due, for the term “return,” although it may have the signification to give back, also includes the meaning of the word to present.
Dig. 36,1,33Celsus libro vicensimo digestorum. Ballista filium familias heredem instituit ita: ‘Rebellianus si caverit coloniae Philippensium, si sine liberis morietur, quantacumque pecunia ex hereditate deve bonis meis ad eum pervenit, eam pecuniam omnem ad coloniam Philippensium perventuram’. respondi: ex his verbis quae proponis, id est ‘pecuniam’, existimo etiam fructus, quos ex hereditate percepit, restituere eum debere, perinde quasi specialiter hoc testator expressisset.
Celsus, Digest, Book XX. Ballista appointed a son under paternal control his heir, as follows, “Let Trebellianus be my heir, if he gives security to the colony of the Philippians that, if he should die without issue, all the money which may come into his hands from my estate will be given to the said colony of the Philippians.” I gave it as my opinion that although the testator made use of the word “money,” the heir must also surrender any other property which he may have received from the estate, just as if the testator has expressly designated it.
Dig. 46,3,87Celsus libro vicensimo digestorum. Quodlibet debitum solutum a procuratore meo non repeto, quoniam, cum quis procuratorem omnium rerum suarum constituit, id quoque mandare videtur, ut creditoribus suis pecuniam solvat neque post ea exspectandum est, ut ratum habeat.
Celsus, Digest, Book XX. Where a debt is paid by my agent, I cannot recover it, as where anyone appoints an agent for the transaction of all his business he is considered to have directed him to pay his creditors the money to which they are entitled, and it is not necessary to wait until the principal ratifies the transaction.
Dig. 50,16,94Idem libro vicensimo digestorum. Verbum ‘reddendi’ quamquam significatum habet retro dandi, recipit tamen et per se dandi significationem.