Digestorum libri
Ex libro XIX
Dig. 23,3,58Celsus libro nono decimo digestorum. Si sponsalibus nondum factis Titio dotem Seiae nomine promiseris, cum ea nubere ei nollet, tamen, si postea nupserit, dotem debebis, nisi aliae nuptiae mediae intervenissent. 1Si mulier ancillam Pamphilam a Titio stipulata, deinde ei nuptura quod is sibi debebat doti habere permisit, etiamsi non erit viri Pamphila, an ipsa tamen Pamphila in dote et mulieris periculo erit? an et quod ea pepererit, reddi mulieri debebit? quia si in sua causa prior stipulatio mansisset, non redderetur. nisi forte refert, habuerit rem quam debebat vir, quo tempore dos constituebatur: nam ita poterit videri res ipsa ad eum pervenisse: an non habuerit: nam si non habuerit, magis est, ut liberatio obligationis potius quam res ipsa ad eum ita pervenisse videatur ideoque partus eius non debetur.
Celsus, Digest, Book XIX. If the betrothal has not yet been made, and you promise a dowry to Titius in behalf of Seia, at a time when she refused to marry him, and she should, notwithstanding, marry him afterwards, you will owe the dowry, unless another marriage should have taken place in the meantime. 1Where a woman entered into a stipulation with Titius for the female slave Pamphila, and, afterwards, being about to marry him, she permitted him to take as dowry what he owed her; even though Pamphila did not belong to him, would Pamphila, nevertheless, be included in the dowry, and would she be at the risk of the woman in case of her death? Or in case she should have a child, must it be returned to the woman? If the first stipulation remained in force, the offspring of the slave should not be given up, unless it made a difference whether the husband had possession of the property which he owed at the time that the dowry was constituted (for it could be held that the property itself came into his hands), or did not have possession of it; as, if the latter was the case, the better opinion is that the release from the obligation should rather be considered to have come into his hands than the property itself, and therefore that the offspring of the slave is not due to the woman.
Dig. 31,20Idem libro nono decimo digestorum. Et Proculo placebat et a patre sic accepi, quod servo communi legatum sit, si alter dominorum omitteret, alteri non adcrescere: non enim coniunctim, sed partes legatas: nam ambo si vindicarent, eam quemque legati partem habiturum, quam in servo haberet.
Ad Dig. 31,20Windscheid: Lehrbuch des Pandektenrechts, 7. Aufl. 1891, Bd. I, § 169a, Note 5.The Same, Digest, Book XIX. I learned from my father, and Proculus also held the same opinion, that where a legacy is bequeathed to a slave owned in common, and one of his masters refuses it, his share will not accrue to the other, for the bequest was not made conjointly, but a portion was left to each of the parties; and if both should demand it, each of them will be only entitled to a share of the same in proportion to his interest in the slave.
Dig. 33,8,13Celsus libro nono decimo digestorum. aliter atque si servus vestitus legatus foret.
Dig. 33,8,25Celsus libro nono decimo digestorum. Si servus liber esse iussus sit eique peculium legatum sit, vicariorum eius vicarii legato continentur.
Dig. 33,10,7Celsus libro nono decimo digestorum. Labeo ait originem fuisse supellectilis, quod olim his, qui in legationem proficiscerentur, locari solerent, quae sub pellibus usui forent. 1Tubero hoc modo demonstrare supellectilem temptat: instrumentum quoddam patris familiae rerum ad cottidianum usum paratarum, quod in aliam speciem non caderet, ut verbi gratia penum argentum vestem ornamenta instrumenta agri aut domus. nec mirum est moribus civitatis et usu rerum appellationem eius mutatam esse: nam fictili aut lignea aut vitrea aut aerea denique supellectili utebantur, nunc ex ebore atque testudine et argento, iam ex auro etiam atque gemmis supellectili utuntur. quare speciem potius rerum, quam materiam intueri oportet, suppellectilis potius an argenti, an vestis sint. 2Servius fatetur sententiam eius qui legaverit aspici oportere, in quam rationem ea solitus sit referre: verum si ea, de quibus non ambigeretur, quin in alieno genere essent, ut puta escarium argentum aut paenulas et togas, supellectili quis adscribere solitus sit, non idcirco existimari oportere supellectili legata ea quoque contineri: non enim ex opinionibus singulorum, sed ex communi usu nomina exaudiri debere. id Tubero parum sibi liquere ait: nam quorsum nomina, inquit, nisi ut demonstrarent voluntatem dicentis? equidem non arbitror quemquam dicere, quod non sentiret, ut maxime nomine usus sit, quo id appellari solet: nam vocis ministerio utimur: ceterum nemo existimandus est dixisse, quod non mente agitaverit. sed etsi magnopere me Tuberonis et ratio et auctoritas movet, non tamen a Servio dissentio non videri quemquam dixisse, cuius non suo nomine usus sit. nam etsi prior atque potentior est quam vox mens dicentis, tamen nemo sine voce dixisse existimatur: nisi forte et eos, qui loqui non possunt, conato ipso et sono quodam καὶ τῇ ἀνάρθρῳ φωνῇ dicere existimamus.
Celsus, Digest, Book XIX. Labeo says that the term “supellex” is derived from the custom of persons who, when about to start on a journey, were accustomed to place in skins such articles as would be of use to them. 1Tubero attempts to explain the term household goods as utensils destined for the daily use of the head of the family, which do not come under some other designation, as, for example, provisions, silver plate, clothing, ornaments, implements intended for farming or for a house. It is not strange that the name has changed with the manners of the citizens, and their use of different articles; for, in former times, household goods were composed of earthenware, wood, glass, or copper, and afterwards they were made of ivory, tortoise-shell, and silver, and, at present, gold and even jewels are employed as material for such things. Hence, it is necessary to consider the nature of the articles, rather than the material of which they are composed, in order to determine whether they should be classed as household goods, silver plate, or clothing. 2Servius admits that it is necessary to ascertain the intention of the person who made the bequest, and the category in which he was in the habit of placing the articles bequeathed. If, however, anyone is accustomed to designate as household goods things which there is no doubt should be classed otherwise (as, for instance, silver plate for the table, cloaks, and togas), it should not, for that reason, be held that the articles which he left are also included among his household goods; for the names should not be derived from the opinions of individuals, but from the custom of people in general. Tubero says that this does not seem to be clear to him, for he asks of what value are names unless to show the intention of the person who uses them. And, indeed, I do not think that anyone would say something which he did not intend, especially if he used the term by which the article was commonly designated; for we make use of speech, and no one should be presumed to have said what he did not have in his mind. However, although the judgment and the authority of Tubero has great weight with me, still, I do not dissent from the opinion of Servius, that a man should not be considered to have said anything because he did not make use of the name by which it is indicated. For although the intention of the person speaking is preferable, and more important than his words, still, no one is held to have said anything without speech, unless indeed, those who cannot talk, and by their gestures and the utterance of certain sounds, that is to say, by inarticulate expressions, are considered to have spoken.
Dig. 34,2,3Celsus libro nono decimo digestorum. Uxori legavit quae eius causa parata sunt et ante mortem divortit. non deberi, quia adempta videantur, Proculus ait. nimirum facti quaestio est: nam potest nec repudiatae adimere voluisse.
Celsus, Digest, Book XIX. A certain man left his wife everything which he had provided for her use, and obtained a divorce from her before his death. Proculus says that she will not be entitled to the property, because it appears that it was taken from her. This, however, is a question of fact, for even though he may have repudiated her, he could not have intended to deprive her of the legacy.
Dig. 50,16,93Celsus libro nono decimo digestorum. ‘Moventium’, item ‘mobilium’ appellatione idem significamus: si tamen apparet defunctum animalia dumtaxat, quia se ipsa moverent, moventia vocasse. quod verum est.