Digestorum libri
Ex libro XVII
Dig. 1,3,5Idem libro XVII digestorum. nam ad ea potius debet aptari ius, quae et frequenter et facile, quam quae perraro eveniunt.
Dig. 22,3,12Idem libro septimo decimo digestorum. Quingenta testamento tibi legata sunt: idem scriptum est in codicillis postea scriptis: refert, duplicare legatum voluerit an repetere et oblitus se in testamento legasse id fecerit: ab utro ergo probatio eius rei exigenda est? prima fronte aequius videtur, ut petitor probet quod intendit: sed nimirum probationes quaedam a reo exiguntur: nam si creditum petam, ille respondeat solutam esse pecuniam, ipse hoc probare cogendus est. et hic igitur cum petitor duas scripturas ostendit, heres posteriorem inanem esse, ipse heres id adprobare iudici debet.
Ad Dig. 22,3,12ROHGE, Bd. 22 (1878), Nr. 66, S. 300: Beweis fortdauernder Bereicherung.The Same, Digest, Book XVII. Fifty aurei were bequeathed to you by will, and the same legacy was included in codicils which were subsequently executed. It is important to ascertain whether the testator intended to double the legacy, or merely to repeatedly mention it, or did so, having forgotten that he had already made the bequest in his will. From which party then must proof of the intention of the testator be exacted? At first sight, it would appear more just that the plaintiff should prove what he claims, but there is no doubt that proof is sometimes required of the defendant; for if I bring suit for a claim and the defendant answers that the money has been paid, he himself is required to establish this. Therefore, in the present instance, if the plaintiff exhibits two instruments, and the heir alleges that the last one is void, the latter must prove this in court.
Dig. 30,63Celsus libro septimo decimo digestorum. Si ancillas omnes et quod ex his natum erit testator legaverit, una mortua Servius partum eius negat deberi, quia accessionis loco legatus sit: quod falsum puto et nec verbis nec voluntati defuncti accommodata haec sententia est.
Celsus, Digest, Book XVII. If a testator should bequeath all his female slaves and the children born of them, and one of said slaves should die, Servius denies that her child is due, for the reason that it was bequeathed by way of accessory. I think that this opinion is incorrect, and that it is in accordance with neither the language nor the intention of the deceased.
Dig. 31,18Celsus libro septimo decimo digestorum. Heredem meum ita tibi obligare possum, ut si, quandoque ego moriar, tuus servus Stichus non erit, dare eum tibi damnas sit.
Dig. 35,2,53Celsus libro septimo decimo digestorum. Si propter ea, quae sub condicione legata sunt, pendet legis Falcidiae ratio, praesenti die data non tota vindicabuntur.
Dig. 50,17,188Idem libro septimo decimo digestorum. Ubi pugnantia inter se in testamento iuberentur, neutrum ratum est. 1Quae rerum natura prohibentur, nulla lege confirmata sunt.