Digestorum libri
Ex libro XV
Dig. 17,2,75Celsus libro quinto decimo digestorum. Si coita sit societas ex his partibus, quas Titius arbitratus fuerit, si Titius antequam arbitraretur decesserit, nihil agitur: nam id ipsum actum est, ne aliter societas sit, quam ut Titius arbitratus sit.
Celsus, Digest, Book XV. Where a partnership has been formed with the understanding that Titius shall have the regulation of the shares, and Titius dies before he renders a decision, the partnership is void; because the intention was that no other partnership should exist than that which is subject to the decision of Titius.
Dig. 23,2,22Celsus libro quinto decimo digestorum. Si patre cogente ducit uxorem, quam non duceret, si sui arbitrii esset, contraxit tamen matrimonium, quod inter invitos non contrahitur: maluisse hoc videtur.
Celsus, Digest, Book XV. Where a son, being compelled by his father, marries a woman whom he would not have married if he had been left to the exercise of his own free will, the marriage will, nevertheless, legally be contracted; because it was not solemnized against the consent of the parties, and the son is held to have preferred to take this course.
Dig. 28,1,27Celsus libro quinto decimo digestorum. Domitius Labeo Celso suo salutem. Quaero, an testimonium numero habendus sit is, qui, cum rogatus est ad testamentum scribendum, idem quoque cum tabulas scripsisset, signaverit. Iuventius Celsus Labeoni suo salutem. Non intellego quid sit, de quo me consulueris, aut valide stulta est consultatio tua: plus enim quam ridiculum est dubitare, an aliquis iure testis adhibitus sit, quoniam idem et tabulas testamenti scripserit.
Celsus, Digest, Book XV. “Domitius Labeo to his friend Celsus, Greeting. I ask whether he is to be included in the number of witnesses who, after having been requested to write a will, attached his seal to the same after he had done so.” “Jubentius Celsus, to his friend, Labeo, Greeting. I either do not understand the point with reference to which you desire to consult me, or your request for advice is certainly foolish, for it is ridiculous to doubt whether such a person can act as a witness, since he himself drew up the will.”
Dig. 32,43Celsus libro quinto decimo digestorum. Si filiae pater dotem arbitratu tutorum dari iussisset, Tubero perinde hoc habendum ait ac si viri boni arbitratu legatum sit. Labeo quaerit, quemadmodum apparet, quantam dotem cuiusque filiae boni viri arbitratu constitui oportet: ait id non esse difficile ex dignitate, ex facultatibus, ex numero liberorum testamentum facientis aestimare.
Celsus, Digest, Book XV. Where a father ordered a dowry to be given to his daughter, to be fixed by the judgment of her guardian, Tubero says that this should be considered just as if the dowry had been bequeathed to her to the amount which would be approved of by a reputable citizen. Labeo asks in what way a dowry can be fixed for a girl in accordance with the judgment of a good citizen. He says that this is not difficult when the rank, the means, and the number of children of the party who made the will are taken into account.