Digestorum libri
Ex libro XII
Dig. 13,1,15Celsus libro duodecimo digestorum. Quod ab alio servus subripuit, eius nomine liber furti tenetur: condici autem ei non potest, nisi liber contrectavit.
Dig. 38,1,30Celsus libro duodecimo digestorum. Si libertus ita iuraverit dare se, quot operas patronus arbitratus sit, non aliter ratum fore arbitrium patroni, quam si aequum arbitratus sit. et fere ea mens est personam arbitrio substituentium, ut, quia sperent eum recte arbitraturum, id faciant, non quia vel immodice obligari velint. 1In libertam, quae voluntate patroni nupsit, praeteritarum ante nuptias operarum actio datur.
Ad Dig. 38,1,30ROHGE, Bd. 4 (1872), S. 429: Unterschied zwischen Schiedsspruch und arbitrium boni viri bezüglich der Anfechtbarkeit.ROHGE, Bd. 16 (1875), Nr. 109, S. 427, 430: Vervollständigung absichtlich unvollständiger Vereinbarung. Arbitrium boni viri. Taxation des Geschäftsantheils eines ausgetretenen Gesellschafters.ROHGE, Bd. 18 (1876), Nr. 91, S. 345: Arbitrium merum, boni viri. Anfechtung propter magnam improbitatem.Celsus, Digest, Book XII. If a freedman should swear to render all the services that his patron may desire, the wishes of the patron will not be considered, except so far as is consistent with justice. The intention of freedmen who leave their services to the discretion of their patrons is based upon the fact that the latter will act with justice, and not because they wish to bind themselves heedlessly. 1An action is granted to a patron against his freedwoman, who marries without his consent, for services due from her before marriage.
Dig. 47,2,68Celsus libro duodecimo digestorum. Infitiando depositum nemo facit furtum (nec enim furtum est ipsa infitiatio, licet prope furtum est): sed si possessionem eius apiscatur intervertendi causa, facit furtum. nec refert, in digito habeat anulum an dactyliotheca quem, cum deposito teneret, habere pro suo destinaverit. 1Si tibi subreptum est, quod nisi die certa dedisses, poenam promisisti, ideoque sufferre eam necesse fuit, furti actione hoc quoque coaestimabitur. 2Infans apud furem adolevit: tam adulescentis furtum fecit ille quam infantis, et unum tamen furtum est: ideoque dupli tenetur, quanti umquam apud eum plurimi fuit. nam quod semel dumtaxat furti agi cum eo potest, quid refert propositae quaestioni? quippe, si subreptus furi foret ac rursus a fure altero eum recuperasset, etiam si duo furta fecisset, non amplius quam semel cum eo furti agi posset. nec dubitaverim, quin adulescentis potius quam infantis aestimationem fieri oporteret. et quid tam ridiculum est quam meliorem furis condicionem esse propter continuationem furti existimare? 3Cum servus inemptus factus sit, non posse emptorem furti agere cum venditore ob id, quod is servus post emptionem, antequam redderetur, subripuisset. 4Quod furi ipsi furtum fecerit furtivus servus, eo nomine actionem cum domino furem habiturum placet, ne facinora talium servorum non solum ipsis impunitatem, sed dominis quoque eorum quaestui erunt: plerumque enim eius generis servorum furtis peculia eorundem augentur. 5Si colonus post lustrum conductionis anno amplius fructus invito domino perceperit, videndum, ne messis et vindemiae furti cum eo agi possit. et mihi dubium non videtur, quin fur et si consumpserit rem subreptam, repeti ea ab eo possit.
Celsus, Digest, Book XII. No one commits a theft by denying that a deposit has been made with him. For the denial itself does not constitute an offence, although it comes very near doing so. But if the person should acquire possession of the property for the purpose of appropriating it, he perpetrates a theft. It does not make any difference whether the bailor had a ring on his finger, or the box which contained it, if, when it was deposited with the bailee, the latter intended to appropriate it. 1If an article which you have promised to return on a certain day under a penalty is stolen from you, and, for this reason, you are required to bear the loss, this will also be taken into account in bringing the action for theft. 2A stolen child grew up in the hands of the thief. The latter is guilty of stealing the youth as well as the child, and still, there is but one theft; hence he is liable for double damages; an estimate being made of the greatest value that the child had at any time after having been stolen. As the action for theft can only be brought once, what reference does this have to the question above proposed? For, if he had been stolen from the thief, and then recovered by him from the other criminal, even if he had committed two thefts, the action could not be brought against the thief more than once. I do not doubt that the estimate of the value of the youth rather than that of the infant should be made; for what would be so ridiculous as to consider the condition of the thief to be improved on account of the continuation of his crime? 3If the sale of a slave is annulled, the purchaser cannot bring the action of theft against the vendor, because the slave, after his purchase and before he was returned, stole something. 4When a stolen slave commits a theft against the thief himself, it is decided that the thief will be entitled to an action against the owner on this account, for fear that the crimes of such slaves may be committed with impunity to themselves, and be a source of profit to their masters, as the peculium of slaves of this kind is frequently increased by their thefts. 5If a tenant, after the expiration of his lease, remains for more than a year, and gathers the crops without the consent of the owner, let us see whether an action for the theft of the harvest and vintage cannot be brought against him. I do not think that there is any doubt that he is a thief, and if he consumes the stolen property suit can be brought to recover its value.
Dig. 50,17,186Idem libro duodecimo digestorum. Nihil peti potest ante id tempus, quo per rerum naturam persolvi possit: et cum solvendi tempus obligationi additur, nisi eo praeterito peti non potest.