Quaestionum libri
Ex libro II
Dig. 14,2,4Callistratus libro secundo quaestionum. Navis onustae levandae causa, quia intrare flumen vel portum non potuerat cum onere, si quaedam merces in scapham traiectae sunt, ne aut extra flumen periclitetur aut in ipso ostio vel portu, eaque scapha summersa est, ratio haberi debet inter eos, qui in nave merces salvas habent, cum his qui in scapha perdiderunt, proinde tamquam si iactura facta esset: idque Sabinus quoque libro secundo responsorum probat. contra si scapha cum parte mercium salva est, navis periit, ratio haberi non debet eorum, qui in nave perdiderunt, quia iactus in tributum nave salva venit. 1Sed si navis, quae in tempestate iactu mercium unius mercatoris levata est, in alio loco summersa est et aliquorum mercatorum merces per urinatores extractae sunt data mercede, rationem haberi debere eius, cuius merces in navigatione levandae navis causa iactae sunt, ab his, qui postea sua per urinatores servaverunt, Sabinus aeque respondit. eorum vero, qui ita servaverunt, invicem rationem haberi non debere ab eo, qui in navigatione iactum fecit, si quaedam ex his mercibus per urinatores extractae sunt: eorum enim merces non possunt videri servandae navis causa iactae esse, quae perit. 2Cum autem iactus de nave factus est et alicuius res, quae in navi remanserunt, deteriores factae sunt, videndum, an conferre cogendus sit, quia non debet duplici damno onerari et collationis et quod res deteriores factae sunt. sed defendendum est hunc conferre debere pretio praesente rerum: itaque verbi gratia si vicenum merces duorum fuerunt et alterius aspargine decem esse coeperunt, ille cuius res integrae sunt pro viginti conferat, hic pro decem. potest tamen dici etiam illa sententia distinguentibus nobis, deteriores ex qua causa factae sunt, id est utrum propter iacta nudatis rebus damnum secutum est an vero alia ex causa, veluti quod alicubi iacebant merces in angulo aliquo et unda penetravit. tunc enim conferre debebit: an ex priore causa collationis onus pati non debet, quia iactus etiam hunc laesit? adhuc numquid et si aspargine propter iactum res deteriores factae sunt? sed distinctio suptilior adhibenda est, quid plus sit, in damno an in collatione: si verbi gratia hae res viginti fuerunt et collatio quidem facit decem, damnum autem duo, deducto hoc, quod damnum passus est, reliquum conferre debeat. quid ergo, si plus in damno erit quam in collatione? ut puta decem aureis res deteriores factae sunt, duo autem collationis sunt. indubitate utrumque onus pati non debet: sed hic videamus, num et ipsi conferre oporteat. quid enim interest iactatas res meas amiserim an nudatas deteriores habere coeperim: nam sicut ei qui perdiderit subvenitur, ita et ei subveniri oportet, qui deteriores propter iactum res habere coeperit. haec ita Papirius Fronto respondit.
Callistratus, Questions, Book II. If, for the purpose of lightening an overloaded ship because she could not enter a river or reach a harbor with her cargo, a certain portion of the merchandise is placed in a boat to prevent the vessel from being in danger outside the river, or at the entrance of the harbor, or in the latter, and the boat is sunk, an account should be taken between those who have their merchandise preserved on the ship and those who lost theirs in the boat, just as if the latter had been thrown overboard. Sabinus also adopts this view in the Second Book of Opinions. On the other hand, if the boat is saved with part of the merchandise, and the ship is lost, no account should be taken with reference to those who lost their property in the ship, because jettison necessitates contribution only where the ship is saved. 1But where a ship, which has been lightened in a storm by throwing overboard the goods of a merchant, is sunk in some other place, and the goods of certain merchants are recovered by divers for compensation; Sabinus also says an account must be taken between the party whose goods were thrown overboard during the voyage for the purpose of lightening the ship, and those who subsequently recovered their goods by means of divers. But, on the other hand, no account must be presented by the party whose merchandise was thrown overboard during the voyage to those whose merchandise was not thereby preserved, if any of it was recovered by divers; for it cannot be held to have been thrown overboard for the purpose of saving the ship which was lost. 2But where jetsam is made from the ship, and the merchandise of anyone which remained on board, is damaged; it is a matter for consideration whether he should be compelled to contribute, since he ought not to be oppressed by the double loss of contribution and deterioration of his property. The point, however, may be maintained that he should contribute in proportion to the present value of his property. Thus, for example, where the merchandise of two persons was each worth twenty aurei, and that of one of them became only worth ten, on account of having been wet; the party whose property was not damaged should contribute in the proportion of twenty and the other in the proportion of ten. An opinion can, however, be given in this instance, if we make a distinction as to the cause of the deterioration; that is to say, whether the damage resulted on account of the exposure resulting from throwing the merchandise overboard, or for some other cause; for example, where the merchandise lay somewhere in a corner, and the waves reached it. In this instance the owner will be compelled to contribute, but in the former one, ought he not to be released from the burden of contribution because the jetsam also injured him? Or ought he to be liable even if his goods were deteriorated by the splashing of water on account of the jetsam? A still finer distinction should be made, namely, as to whether the greater loss is sustained through the damage, or through the contribution; for example, if the merchandise is worth twenty aurei, and the contribution is assessed at ten, the damage, however, amounts to two, and this having been deducted because of the loss, must the owner contribute the remainder? How then if the damage amounted to more than the contribution? For example, if the property was damaged to the amount of ten aurei, and the contribution amounted to two, there is no doubt that the party should not bear both burdens. But here let us see whether a contribution should not be made to him; for what difference does it make whether I lose my property by its being thrown overboard, or have it deteriorated by being exposed? For just as relief is granted to a party for the loss of his property, so, also, it should be granted to him whose property has become deteriorated on account of the jetsam. Papirius Fronto also stated this in an opinion.
Dig. 21,2,72Callistratus libro secundo quaestionum. Cum plures fundi specialiter nominatim uno instrumento emptionis interposito venierint, non utique alter alterius fundus pars videtur esse, sed multi fundi una emptione continentur. et quemadmodum, si quis complura mancipia uno instrumento emptionis interposito vendiderit, evictionis actio in singula capita mancipiorum spectatur, et sicut aliarum quoque rerum complurium una emptio facta sit, instrumentum quidem emptionis interpositum unum est, evictionem autem tot actiones sunt, quot et species rerum sunt quae emptione comprehensae sunt: ita et in proposito non utique prohibebitur emptor evicto ex his uno fundo venditorem convenire, quod una cautione emptionis complures fundos mercatus comprehenderit.
Callistratus, Questions, Book II. Where several tracts of land are sold and expressly and specifically described in one and the same instrument of sale, each of these is not held to be a part of any other, but all the tracts are included in a single purchase. And, just as if anyone should sell several slaves by a single bill of sale, the action for eviction will include each head of said slaves individually; and just as also where a single purchase is made of several other articles, and only one bill of sale is drawn up, there are, however, as many actions for eviction as there are different kinds of property included in the purchase; so, in the case stated, the purchaser certainly will not be prohibited from bringing suit against the vendor if one of said tracts is evicted, because the transaction included several pieces of land conveyed by one instrument of sale.
Dig. 22,4,5Callistratus libro secundo quaestionum. Si res gesta sine litterarum quoque consignatione veritate factum suum praebeat, non ideo minus valebit, quod instrumentum nullum de ea intercessit.
Callistratus, Questions, Book II. Where a transaction shows that it has actually been concluded without any documentary evidence, it will be none the less valid because no written instrument with reference to it exists.
Dig. 23,2,64Callistratus libro secundo quaestionum. Libertum eundemque tutorem pupillae eo, quod in matrimonium collocata ipsi tutori suo vel filio eius est, senatus relegandum censuit. 1Senatus consulti, quo prohibentur tutores et filii eorum pupillas suas ducere, puto heredem quoque tutoris extraneum sententia adprehendi, cum ideo prohibuerit huiusmodi nuptias, ne pupillae in re familiari circumscribantur ab his, qui rationes eis gestae tutelae reddere compelluntur. 2Tutor autem pupilli non prohibetur filiam suam collocare pupillo suo in matrimonium.
Callistratus, Questions, Book II. The Senate decreed that a freedman, who was also the guardian of his patron’s daughter, should be banished because she married him, or his son. 1I think that the foreign heir of a guardian should be included in the terms of the Decree of the Senate by which guardians and their sons are forbidden to marry their female wards; since marriages of this kind are prohibited to prevent wards from being cheated by those who are compelled to account to them for the administration of their guardianship. 2A guardian is not forbidden to give his daughter in marriage to his ward.
Dig. 23,3,8Callistratus libro secundo quaestionum. Sed nisi hoc evidenter actum fuerit, credendum est hoc agi, ut statim res sponsi fiant et, nisi nuptiae secutae fuerint, reddantur.
Callistratus, Questions, Book II. Where, however, it is evident that such action has not been taken, it must be held to be understood that the property immediately passes to the betrothed, and unless the marriage is solemnized it must be returned.
Dig. 24,3,48Callistratus libro secundo quaestionum. Si dotali instrumento ita stipulatio interposita sit, ut liberorum nomine dos apud maritum resideat, nepotum quoque nomine dos retinebitur.
Callistratus, Questions, Book II. If it was stipulated in the dotal instrument that the dowry should remain in the hands of the husband for the benefit of the children, it can also be retained by him for the benefit of the grandchildren.
Dig. 35,1,82Callistratus libro secundo quaestionum. Cum servus ita liber esse iussus sit ‘si rationes reddiderit’ eique fundum heres dare damnas sit, videamus, utrum condicio libertati praeposita sit an vero et legato. et quidem si libertati soli accipiamus praepositam, nullus tractatus amplius superest: nam legatum purum invenitur et ideo inutile fit: quod si condicio etiam legato insita sit, quod quidam recte putant, simul cum libertate dies quoque legati utiliter cedit. quid ergo continetur his verbis ‘si rationes reddiderit?’ quidam hoc aiunt ‘si reliqua reddiderit’, quasi nihil intersit, utrum sub hac condicione ‘si reliqua’ vel hac ‘si rationes reddiderit’. sed nos neque condicionem meram putamus esse, quae in datione exsistit, neque meram condicionem, quae in facto sit, sed eam condicionem, quae ex mixtura quadam consistit. nam non utique si ille in folle reliqua optulerit, liber erit: non enim testator hoc sensit, sed illud, ut rationes reddat, quomodo servus reddere solet, id est legendas offerre rationes primum, deinde computandas, ut explorari possit, imputationes probe an improbe referantur, accepta recte relata an non recte: ita enim incipit quidem res a facto, pervenit autem ad pecuniam. inest his verbis etiam heredes notitia instrui rationum, ut sciant, quid in quaque ratione scriptum sit. nam quod ipse vivus facturus erat, ab heredibus suis fieri iussisse intellegitur: ille autem utique non sic solebat servo suo ostendenti reliqua rationes subscribere, sed ita, ut legeret examinaret exciperet. itaque cum servo sub hac condicione testamento libertas datur ‘si rationes reddiderit’, non hanc solam habet significationem, si cautiones instrumentaque omnia actus sui exhibuerit heredi, sed et si reliqua solverit.
Callistratus, Questions, Book II. Where a slave is directed to be free as follows, “Let my heir be charged with the delivery of such-and-such a tract of land to my slave, if he renders his accounts,” let us see whether the condition has reference to the grant of freedom, or to the legacy. And, indeed, if we decide that it only refers to the grant of freedom, no further consideration is necessary, for the legacy is absolute, and therefore void. If, however, the condition was imposed on the legacy, as some authorities very properly hold, it becomes legally payable at the very moment when the slave obtains his freedom. What then is the meaning of the words, “If he renders his accounts”? Certain jurists say that it signifies if he should give a statement of the balance in his hands, just as if there was no difference between the two conditions, “If he renders an account of the balance remaining in his hands,” or, “If he renders his accounts.” We, however, do not think that the condition only has reference to payment, or to some act which is to be performed, but that it includes both of these things, since if the slave should tender the balance of the money in a bag, he will not be released from liability, as this was not the intention of the testator, but he wished him to render his accounts in the way in which a slave usually does so; that is to say, that if he should first show the accounts to the heir, and then the calculations, in order that it may be ascertained whether they are correctly or incorrectly made out, and whether the receipts which have been taken correspond with the statement, or not. In this way the investigation begins with an act, and finishes with the payment of money. These words also mean that the heirs can ascertain from the examination of each item what is contained in the several accounts, for the heir is understood to have ordered the same thing to be done by his heirs which he himself would have done if he had been living. For he was certainly not accustomed to sign accounts, where his slave merely showed him the balance which was due, but he was accustomed to read them, scrutinize them, and take exception to them; therefore, where freedom is left to a slave under the condition, “If he renders his accounts,” it has not merely the signification that he will deliver to his heir all the bonds and documents relating to his administration, but that he will also pay him any balance remaining in his hands.
Dig. 40,12,37Callistratus libro secundo quaestionum. Conventio privata neque servum quemquam neque libertum alicuius facere potest.
Callistratus, Questions, Book II. A private agreement cannot make anyone either the slave or the freedman of another.
Dig. 41,1,59Callistratus libro secundo quaestionum. Res ex mandatu meo empta non prius mea fiet, quam si mihi tradiderit qui emit.
Ad Dig. 41,1,59Windscheid: Lehrbuch des Pandektenrechts, 7. Aufl. 1891, Bd. I, § 155, Note 6.Callistratus, Questions, Book II. Property purchased by my order does not become mine until the person who bought it has delivered it to me.
Dig. 42,8,20Callistratus libro secundo quaestionum. Debitorem, qui ex senatus consulto Trebelliano totam hereditatem restituit, placet non videri in fraudem creditorum alienasse portionem, quam retinere potuisset, sed magis fideliter facere.
Callistratus, Questions, Book II. It is settled that a debtor who has transferred an entire estate, in accordance with the Trebellian Decree of the Senate, is not considered to have defrauded his creditors, if he also transfers the portion which he was entitled to retain by law, but that he has, with the greatest fidelity, complied with the wishes of the deceased.
Dig. 47,9,7Idem libro secundo quaestionum. Ne quid ex naufragiis diripiatur vel quis extraneus interveniat colligendis eis, multifariam prospectum est. nam et divus Hadrianus edicto praecepit, ut hi, qui iuxta litora maris possident, scirent, si quando navis vel inficta vel fracta intra fines agri cuiusque fuerit, ne naufragia diripiant, in ipsos iudicia praesides his, qui res suas direptas queruntur, reddituros, ut quidquid probaverint ademptum sibi naufragio, id a possessoribus recipiant. de his autem, quos diripuisse probatum sit, praesidem ut de latronibus gravem sententiam dicere. ut facilior sit probatio huiusmodi admissi, permisit his et quidquid passos se huiusmodi queruntur, adire praefectos et ad eum testari reosque petere, ut pro modo culpae vel vincti vel sub fideiussoribus ad praesidem remittantur. a domino quoque possessionis, in qua id admissum dicatur, satis accipi, ne cognitioni desit, praecipitur. sed nec intervenire naufragiis colligendis aut militem aut privatum aut libertum servumve principis placere sibi ait senatus.
The Same, Questions, Book II. Many precautions have been taken to hinder property from being stolen during a shipwreck, or to prevent strangers from coming in and taking possession of it. For the Divine Hadrian provided by an Edict that those who owned land on the shore of the sea should, when a ship either badly damaged or broken up within the boundaries of any of them, see that nothing was stolen from the wreck; and that the Governors of provinces should grant actions against them in favor of those who were searching for the property of which they had been deprived, to enable them to recover anything which they could prove had been taken from them during the shipwreck, by those who had possession of the same. With reference to such as are proved to have taken the property, the Governor should impose a severe sentence upon them, as upon robbers. And in order to render proof of the commission of crimes of this kind more easy, he permitted those who complained of having suffered any loss to go before the Prefect and give their evidence, and search for the guilty parties, in order that they might be sent before the Governor either in chains, or under bond, in proportion to the gravity of their offences. He also directed that security be taken from the owner of the property alleged to have been stolen not to desist from the prosecution. The Senate also decreed that neither a soldier, nor any private individual, nor a freedman, nor a slave of the Emperor, should interfere in the collection of articles dispersed by shipwreck.
Dig. 50,16,220Callistratus libro secundo quaestionum. ‘Liberorum’ appellatione nepotes et pronepotes ceterique qui ex his descendunt continentur: hos enim omnes suorum appellatione lex duodecim tabularum comprehendit. totiens enim leges necessariam ducunt cognationem singulorum nominibus uti (veluti filii, nepotes, pronepotis ceterorumve qui ex his descendunt), quotiens non omnibus, qui post eos sunt, praestitum voluerint, sed solis his succurrent, quos nominatim enumerent. at ubi non personis certis, non quibusdam gradibus praestatur, sed omnibus, qui ex eodem genere orti sunt, liberorum appellatione comprehenduntur. 1Sed et Papirius Fronto libro tertio responsorum ait praedio cum vilico et contubernali eius et filiis legato nepotes quoque ex filiis contineri, nisi voluntas testatoris aliter habeat: filii enim appellatione saepe et nepotes accipi multifariam placere. 2Divus quoque Marcus rescripsit non videri sine liberis defunctum, qui nepotem suum heredem reliquit. 3Praeter haec omnia natura nos quoque docet parentes pios, qui liberorum procreandorum animo et voto uxores ducunt, filiorum appellatione omnes qui ex nobis descendunt continere: nec enim dulciore nomine possumus nepotes nostros quam filii appellare. etenim idcirco filios filiasve concipimus atque edimus, ut ex prole eorum earumve diuturnitatis nobis memoriam in aevum relinquamus.
Callistratus, Questions, Book II. By the term “children,” grandchildren and great-grandchildren, and all their descendants are understood, for the Law of the Twelve Tables includes all these under the term “proper heirs.” When the laws consider it necessary to use separate names for different relatives, for instance, sons, grandsons, great-grandsons, and their descendants, they do not mean that this shall extend to all who come after them. But when certain persons or degrees are not specified, but only those are mentioned who are descended from the same stock, they are included under the term “children.” 1Papirius Fronto, however, in the Third Book of Opinions, says that where land, with a farmer and his wife and children, is devised, the grandchildren descended from the sons are also included, unless the intention of the testator was otherwise; for it has been frequently decided that in the term “children,” grandchildren are also included. 2The Divine Marcus stated in a Rescript that anyone who left a grandson his heir was not considered to have died without issue. 3In addition to all this, Nature teaches us that affectionate fathers, who marry with the intention and desire to have children, inelude under the term all who are descended from them. For we cannot designate our grandchildren by a more loving name than that of children, since we have, and rear sons and daughters for the purpose of perpetuating our memory, for all time, by means of their offspring.