Quaestionum libri
Ex libro I
Dig. 1,3,38Callistratus libro I quaestionum. Nam imperator noster Severus rescripsit in ambiguitatibus quae ex legibus proficiscuntur consuetudinem aut rerum perpetuo similiter iudicatarum auctoritatem vim legis optinere debere.
Dig. 5,1,47Callistratus libro primo quaestionum. Observandum est, ne is iudex detur quem altera pars nominatim petat: id enim iniqui exempli esse divus Hadrianus rescripsit: nisi hoc specialiter a principe ad verecundiam petiti iudicis respiciente permittetur.
Callistratus, Questions, Book I. Care must be exercised that a person be not appointed judge, whom either side expressly petitions for; as the Divine Hadrian stated in a Rescript that this would offer a bad precedent unless it should be especially allowed by the Emperor through respect for him whose appointment was requested.
Dig. 12,3,10Callistratus libro primo quaestionum. In instrumentis, quae quis non exhibet, actori permittitur in litem iurare, quanti sua interest ea proferri, ut tanti condemnetur reus: idque etiam divus Commodus rescripsit.
Callistratus, Questions, Book I. Where anyone does not produce documents, the plaintiff is permitted to swear to the claim, so that judgment may be rendered against the defendant for an amount of damages equal to the interest the plaintiff has in having the documents produced; and this the Divine Commodus stated in a Rescript.
Dig. 17,2,64Callistratus libro primo quaestionum. Itaque cum separatim socii agere coeperint et unusquisque eorum sibi negotietur, sine dubio ius societatis dissolvitur.
Callistratus, Questions, Book I. Hence, if partners begin to act separately, and each one of them transacts business on his own account, there is no doubt that the partnership is dissolved.
Dig. 48,10,15Callistratus libro primo quaestionum. Divus Claudius edicto praecepit adiciendum legi Corneliae, ut, si quis, cum alterius testamentum vel codicillos scriberet, legatum sibi sua manu scripserit, proinde teneatur ac si commisisset in legem Corneliam, et ne vel is venia detur, qui se ignorasse edicti severitatem praetendant. scribere autem sibi legatum videri non solum eum qui manu sua id facit, sed etiam qui per servum suum vel filium, quem in potestatem habet, dictante testatore legato honoratur. 1Plane constitutionibus principalibus cavetur, ut, si testator specialiter subscriptione sua declaraverit dictasse servo alicuius, ut domino eius legatum ab heredibus suis daretur, id valere, nec generalem subscriptionem testatoris valere adversus senatus consulti auctoritatem et ideo legatum pro non scripto habendum et servo, qui etiam sibi legatum adscripsit, veniam dari. ego tutius esse puto veniam petendam ab imperatore, scilicet eo quod relictum est abstinentibus. 2Item senatus censuit, ut, si servus domini sui iussu testamento codicillisve libertatem sibi adscripserit, ob eam rem, quod ipsius manu adscriptum est, minus liber sit: sed libertas ei ex fideicommissi causa praestatur: si modo post eam scripturam manu sua testator testamento codicillisve subscripserit. 3Et quatenus de sola specie fideicommissae libertatis hoc senatus consulto continebatur, divus Pius rescripsit sententiam magis sequendam esse huius senatus consulti quam scripturam: nam servos, cum dominis suis parent, necessitate potestatis excusari, si tamen accedat domini auctoritas subscribentis se ea dictasse et recognovisse: videri enim ait ipsius domini manu scripta, cuius voluntate ea scripta sunt. ‘quod tamen’, inquit, ‘ad liberas personas, in quas nullum ius testator habuerit, extendi non debet: quaeri tamen debet, an aeque subsequendi necessitas et honesta excusatio est non facientibus, quod non sit concessum’. 4Matri quoque, cui per servum suum dictante filio legatum scriptum esset, veniam tribuendam legis Corneliae placuit. 5Idem in filiam, quae dictante matre sua per ignorantiam iuris legatum sibi scripserat, senatus censuit. 6Si quis duobus heredibus institutis adiecerit, ut, si alteruter heres sine liberis decessisset, ei qui superesset et liberos haberet hereditas redderetur vel, si uterque sine liberis decessisset, hereditas (deinde alia manu) scriptori testamenti restitueretur: placet testamentario poenam legis Corneliae remitti. sed benignius est, ut etiam ea, quae supra scripta sunt, simili modo consequatur.
Callistratus, Questions, Book I. The Divine Claudius ordered by an Edict that the following should be added to the Cornelian Law: “If anyone, while writing the will or the codicil of another, should insert with his own hand the bequest of a legacy to himself, he shall be liable, just as if he had violated the Cornelian Law; and no pardon shall be granted to those who pretend to have been ignorant of the severity of the Edict.” Not only one who has drawn up the bequest of a legacy for his own benefit, with his own hand, is considered to have done so; but also he who, through the agency of his slave, or his son who is under his control, is honored by a legacy at the dictation of the testator. 1It is clearly provided by the Imperial Constitutions that if a testator specifically states, over his signature, that he has dictated to a slave belonging to anyone, that a legacy should be paid the master of the latter by his own heirs, the bequest will be valid; but the general signature of the testator will not avail against the authority of the Decree of the Senate, and therefore the bequest will be considered as not having been written, and the slave who wrote it for his own benefit should be pardoned. I think, however, that it would be safer for pardon to be asked from the Emperor, of course after the parties interested have relinquished their claim to what was left to them. 2The Senate likewise decreed that if a slave, by the order of his master, should write the bequest of his own freedom in a will or a codicil, for the very reason that it is written with his own hand he will not become free; but freedom can be granted to him under the terms of a trust, provided that, after the writing had been done, the testator signed the will or the codicil with his own hand. 3And as only the kind of freedom acquired by means of a trust was embraced in this Decree of the Senate, the Divine Pius stated in a Rescript that the spirit of the Decree, rather than the letter of the same should be followed; for when slaves obey their masters, they are excused through the necessity of the power to which they are subjected; but when the authority of the master is added, he having stated over his signature that he had dictated and read what had been written, he says that it is considered to have been written by the hand of the master himself, when this had been done by his desire. This, however, should not be extended so as to include free persons over whom the testator has no right. Still, it must be ascertained whether the same necessity for obedience did not exist, and whether those who did not comply had an honorable excuse when they failed to do what was not permitted. 4It was decided that pardon for violating the Cornelian Law should also be granted to a mother, for whose benefit the bequest of a legacy had been written by her slave at the dictation of her son. 5The Senate also made the same decision with reference to a daughter who, at the dictation of her mother, through ignorance of the law, wrote a bequest to herself. 6If anyone, after having appointed two heirs, should add that if either one of them died without leaving children, the estate should be given to the survivor, if he had children, but if both should die without any, the estate (what follows was written in another hand) should be given to the person who wrote the will: it is held that he who wrote the will should be released from the penalty of the Cornelian Law; but it would be more beneficent to permit him to acquire what has been mentioned above.
Dig. 48,19,35Callistratus libro primo quaestionum. Mandatis principalibus, quae praesidibus dantur, cavetur, ne quis perpetuis vinculis damnetur: idque etiam divus Hadrianus rescripsit.
Callistratus, Questions, Book I. It is provided by the Imperial Mandates, which are communicated to Governors, that no one shall be sentenced to chains for life; and this was also stated by the Divine Hadrian in a Rescript.