Institutionum libri
Ex libro III
Dig. 16,1,21Callistratus libro tertio institutionum. Si pro aliquo mulier intercesserit, sed in rem eius quod acceptum est versaretur, exceptio senatus consulti locum non habet, quia non fit pauperior. 1Item si quid liberaliter fecerit, veluti ne iudicatus pater eius propter solutionem vexetur, non erit tuta senatus consulto: oneribus enim earum senatus succurrit.
Callistratus, Institutes, Book III. Where a woman becomes surety for another party, and what has been paid is employed for her benefit, the exception based on the Decree of the Senate will not apply, because she has suffered no loss. 1Likewise, a woman will not be protected by the Decree of the Senate, if she has committed a generous act; as, for instance, where she binds herself for her father to prevent his being annoyed by the payment of a judgment which has been rendered against him, for the Senate gives relief to the burdens of such persons.