Institutionum libri
Ex libro II
Dig. 1,7,29Callistratus libro secundo institutionum. Si pater naturalis loqui quidem non possit, alio tamen modo quam sermone manifestum facere possit velle se filium suum in adoptionem dare: perinde confirmatur adoptio, ac si iure facta esset.
Callistratus, Institutes, Book II. Where the natural father does not possess the power of speech, but can indicate in some other way than verbally his desire to give his son in adoption, that adoption shall be confirmed; just as if it had taken place under the forms prescribed by law.
Dig. 11,7,41Callistratus libro secundo institutionum. Si plures sint domini eius loci, ubi mortuus infertur, omnes consentire debent, cum extranei inferantur: nam ex ipsis dominis quemlibet recte ibi sepeliri constat etiam sine ceterorum consensu, maxime cum alius non sit locus in quo sepeliretur.
Callistratus, Institutes, Book II. Where several persons own the place where a body is brought for interment, all of them must give their consent if the remains are those of a stranger; for it is established that any one of the joint-owners themselves can properly be buried there, even without the consent of the others, especially when there is no other place in which he could be buried.
Dig. 41,1,12Callistratus libro secundo institutionum. Lacus et stagna licet interdum crescant, interdum exarescant, suos tamen terminos retinent ideoque in his ius alluvionis non adgnoscitur. 1Si aere meo et argento tuo conflato aliqua species facta sit, non erit ea nostra communis, quia, cum diversae materiae aes atque argentum sit, ab artificibus separari et in pristinam materiam reduci solet.
Callistratus, Institutes, Book II. Although lakes and ponds sometimes increase in dimensions, and sometimes dry up, they still retain their original boundaries, and therefore the right of alluvium is not admitted, so far as they are concerned. 1If a vessel of any kind is made by melting my copper and your silver together, it will not become our common property; because, as copper and silver are different materials, they can be separated by the artificers, and returned to their former condition.
Dig. 41,1,25Callistratus libro secundo institutionum. nisi voluntate domini alterius nomine id factum sit: propter consensum enim domini tota res eius fit, cuius nomine facta est.
Callistratus, Institutes, Book II. Unless this is done in the name of another with the consent of the owner; for then, by virtue of his consent, the entire article will belong to him in whose name it was made.