Ad edictum monitorium libri
Ex libro III
Dig. 3,5,28Callistratus libro tertio edicti monitorii. Cum pater testamento postumo tutorem dederit isque tutelam interim administraverit nec postumus natus fuerit, cum eo non tutelae, sed negotiorum gestorum erit agendum: quod si natus fuerit postumus, tutelae erit actio et in eam utrumque tempus veniet, et quo, antequam nasceretur infans, gessit et quo, posteaquam natus sit.
Ad Dig. 3,5,28ROHGE, Bd. 15 (1875), Nr. 19, S. 48: Interesse, der Betrag, den der Beschädigte einem Dritten hat bezahlen müssen.Callistratus, Monitory Edict, Book III. Where a father by his will, appointed a guardian for his posthumous son, and the guardian, in the meantime, administered the guardianship, and the child was not born; an action will lie against him, not on the ground of guardianship, but on that of business transacted; but if a posthumous child should be born, there will be an action on guardianship, and this would include both terms of administration, the one before the child was born, and the one afterwards.
Dig. 26,2,18Callistratus libro tertio edicti monitorii. Quod si plures satisdare parati sint, tunc idonior praeferendus erit, ut et tutorum personae inter se et fideiussorum comparentur.
Callistratus, On the Monitory Edict, Book III. Where several guardians are prepared to furnish security, the most solvent of them should be given the preference; so that comparison may be made between the guardians and their sureties.
Dig. 36,4,13Callistratus libro tertio edicti monitorii. Quamvis minima res legata sit vel per fideicommissum relicta, tamen, si non solvatur ab herede vel eo nomine caveatur, cum caveri oporteat, in possessionem omnium bonorum, quae ex ea hereditate sunt, legatarium sive fideicommissarium praetor legatorum servandorum causa mittit.
Callistratus, On the Monitory Edict, Book III. Even though the property which has been bequeathed or left in trust may be only of trifling value, still, if it is not delivered by the heir, or security furnished by him to do so, when it is necessary to give security, the Prætor will place the legatee or the beneficiary of the trust in possession of the entire estate, for the purpose of securing the payment of the legacy.
Dig. 38,1,38Callistratus libro tertio edicti monitorii. Hae demum impositae operae intelleguntur, quae sine turpitudine praestari possunt et sine periculo vitae. nec enim si meretrix manumissa fuerit, easdem operas patrono praestare debet, quamvis adhuc corpore quaestum faciat: nec harenarius manumissus tales operas, quia istae sine periculo vitae praestari non possunt. 1Si tamen libertus artificium exerceat, eius quoque operas patrono praestare debebit, etsi post manumissionem id didicerit. quod si artificium exercere desierit, tales operas edere debebit, quae non contra dignitatem eius fuerint, veluti ut cum patrono moretur, peregre proficiscatur, negotium eius exerceat.
Callistratus, On the Monitory Edict, Book III. Services are only understood to be properly imposed where they can be performed without disgrace, and without danger to life. For if a slave, who is a prostitute, should be manumitted, she ought not to render the same services to her patron, although she may still profit by the sale of her body; and if a gladiator should be manumitted, he does not owe his patron the same services, because these cannot be performed without danger to life. 1Where, however, a freedman is employed in some trade, he should give his services relating thereto, even if he has learned the trade after his manumission. If he ceases to exercise that trade, he should contribute such services as are not inconsistent with his rank; as, for example, he can live with his patron, travel with him, or transact his business.