Digestorum a Paulo epitomatorum libri
Ex libro III
Dig. 5,4,9Paulus libro tertio epitomarum Alfeni digestorum. Cum multi heredes instituti essent, ex his unus in Asia erat: eius procurator venditionem fecit et pecuniam pro parte eius abstulerat: postea apparuerit eum qui in Asia erat antea decessisse instituto ex parte dimidia herede procuratore suo et ex parte alio. quaesitum est, quemadmodum pecunia ex hereditate petenda esset. responsum est ab eo, qui procurator eius fuisset, totam hereditatem, quia ex hereditate ea pecunia fuisset quae ad procuratorem ex venditione pervenisset, petere eos oportere: et nihilo minus partem dimidiam hereditatis a coheredibus eius. ita fore, sive omnis ea pecunia penes eum qui procurator fuisset resideret, ut omnem per iudicem ab eodem recuperarent, sive is partem dimidiam coheredi suo reddidisset, ipsum ex dimidia parte et ex dimidia coheredes eius condemnarent.
Paulus, Epitomes of the Digest of Alfenus, Book III. Where several heirs were appointed, and one of them at the time was in Asia, his agent made a sale and kept the money as the share of his principal. It was subsequently ascertained that the heir who was in Asia had previously died, after having appointed his agent heir to half his share and another party to the other half; and the question arose in what way an action to recover the money derived from the estate could be brought? The answer was that it ought to be brought for the entire estate against the party who had been the agent, because the money belonging to the estate had come into the possession of the said agent through the sale; nevertheless, they must bring an action against this co-heir for half the estate. The result would then be that if all the money was in the possession of the party who had been the agent, they might recover the entire amount from him, with the assistance of the court; or if he had returned half of it to his co-heir, they could take judgment against him for half, and against his co-heir for the other half.
Dig. 6,1,58Paulus libro tertio epitomarum Alfeni digestorum. A quo servus petebatur et eiusdem servi nomine cum eo furti agebatur, quaerebat, si utroque iudicio condemnatus esset, quid se facere oporteret. si prius servus ab eo evictus esset, respondit, non oportere iudicem cogere, ut eum traderet, nisi ei satisdatum esset, quod pro eo homine iudicium accepisset, si quid ob eam rem datum esset, id recte praestari. sed si prius de furto iudicium factum esset et hominem noxae dedisset, deinde de ipso homine secundum petitorem iudicium factum esset, non debere ob eam rem iudicem, quod hominem non traderet, litem aestimare, quoniam nihil eius culpa neque dolo contigisset, quo minus hominem traderet.
Paulus, Epitomes of The Digest of Alfenus, Book III. Where a man was sued for the recovery of a slave and also for a theft committed by the said slave; the question arose what it would be necessary for him to do if judgment was rendered against him in both cases, if the slave was recovered from him in the first place? The answer was that the judge should not compel him to deliver the slave, unless security was previously furnished that where any damages were paid by him he should be fully reimbursed for them, because he had joined issue in a case involving the same slave. Where, however, judgment was first rendered in the case involving the theft, and he surrendered the slave by way of indemnity, and then another judgment was rendered in favor of the plaintiff in the action for the recovery of the slave; the judge should not make an estimate of damages because the slave was not surrendered, since no negligence or malice could be attributed to the party in failing to deliver the slave.
Dig. 10,3,27Paulus libro tertio epitomarum Alfeni digestorum. De communi servo unus ex sociis quaestionem habere nisi communis negotii causa iure non potest.
Paulus, Epitomes of the Digest of Alfenus, Book III. A single joint-owner cannot legally put a slave owned in common to torture, except with respect to some matter in which all the parties were interested.
Dig. 14,2,7Paulus libro tertio epitomarum Alfeni digestorum. Cum depressa navis aut deiecta esset, quod quisque ex ea suum servasset, sibi servare respondit, tamquam ex incendio.
Paulus, Epitomes of the Digest of Alfenus, Book III. Where a ship is sunk or stranded, the opinion was given that whatever each one saves out of his own property he can keep for himself, just as in case of fire.
Dig. 17,2,71Idem libro tertio epitomarum Alfeni digestorum. Duo societatem coierunt, ut grammaticam docerent et quod ex eo artificio quaestus fecissent, commune eorum esset: de ea re quae voluerunt fieri in pacto convento societatis proscripserunt, deinde inter se his verbis stipulati sunt: ‘haec, quae supra scripta sunt, ea ita dari fieri neque adversus ea fieri? si ea ita data facta non erunt, tum viginti milia dari?’ quaesitum est, an, si quid contra factum esset, societatis actione agi posset. respondit, si quidem pacto convento inter eos de societate facto ita stipulati essent, ‘haec ita dari fieri spondes?’, futurum fuisse, ut, si novationis causa id fecissent, pro socio agi non possit, sed tota res in stipulationem translata videretur. sed quoniam non ita essent stipulati ‘ea ita dari fieri spondes?’ sed ‘si ea ita facta non essent, decem dari?’ non videri sibi rem in stipulationem pervenisse, sed dumtaxat poenam (non enim utriusque rei promissorem obligari, ut ea daret faceret et, si non fecisset, poenam sufferret) et ideo societatis iudicio agi posse. 1Duo colliberti societatem coierunt lucri quaestus compendii, postea unus ex his a patrono heres institutus est, alteri legatum datum est. neutrum horum in medium referre debere respondit.
The Same, Epitomes of the Digest of Alfenus, Book III. Two persons formed a partnership to teach grammar, and to share among themselves any profits that might be obtained from this profession. After having agreed in the articles of partnership on what they wished to be done, they then stipulated with one another as follows: “Whatever is written above must be carried out, and cannot be opposed, and if the said provisions are not complied with, then twenty thousand sesterces shall be paid.” The inquiry arose whether if any of these provisions was violated, an action on partnership could be brought? The answer was that if, after their agreement had been made with reference to the partnership, they had stipulated as follows: “Do you promise that these provisions shall be observed as herein set forth?” The result would be that if the parties had done this for the purpose of changing their contract, an action on partnership would not lie, but the whole matter would be considered to have become a stipulation. But if they had not stipulated in these terms, “Do you promise that these provisions shall be observed as herein set forth?” but, as follows, “If these provisions are not observed, then ten aurei shall be paid;” it was held by him that the matter had not become a stipulation, but only what related to the penalty had been altered, because the party promising had not bound himself to do both things, that is, he would make payment and also perform the agreement, and that if he did not do so he would suffer the penalty; and therefore an action on partnership would be available. 1Two fellow freedmen formed a partnership for the purpose of sharing all “gains, profits, and emoluments,” and afterwards one of them, having been appointed an heir by his patron, a legacy was left to the other. The answer was that neither of them was obliged to place what he received in the partnership fund.
Dig. 18,6,13Paulus libro tertio Alfeni epitomarum. Lectos emptos aedilis, cum in via publica positi essent, concidit: si traditi essent emptori aut per eum stetisset quo minus traderentur, emptoris periculum esse placet.
Paulus, Epitomes of the Digest of Alfenus, Book III. The ædile broke up some beds which a party had purchased, and which had been left on the highway. If they had been delivered to the purchaser, or if he was to blame for their not having been delivered, he must bear the loss.
Dig. 18,6,15Paulus libro tertio epitomatorum Alfeni. Quod si neque traditi essent neque emptor in mora fuisset quo minus traderentur, venditoris periculum erit. 1Materia empta si furto perisset, postquam tradita esset, emptoris esse periculo respondit, si minus, venditoris: videri autem trabes traditas, quas emptor signasset.
Paulus, Epitomes of the Digest of Alfenus, Book III. If the beds had not been delivered, and the purchaser had not prevented their delivery by delay, the loss must be borne by the vendor. 1Where materials that have been purchased are lost by theft, after delivery, it is held that the purchaser must bear the loss; otherwise, the vendor must do so. Timbers are considered to have been delivered as soon as the purchaser has marked them.
Dig. 19,1,27Paulus libro tertio epitomarum Alfeni. Quidquid venditor accessurum dixerit, id integrum ac sanum tradi oportet: veluti si fundo dolia accessura dixisset, non quassa, sed integra dare debet.
Paulus, Epitomes of Alfenus, Book III. Whatever the vendor states is an accessory must be delivered sound and in good condition; as, for instance, where he says that a certain number of casks are an accessory to the land, he must furnish them whole and not broken.
Dig. 19,2,30Idem libro tertio digestorum a Paulo epitomatorum. Qui insulam triginta conduxerat, singula caenacula ita conduxit, ut quadraginta ex omnibus colligerentur: dominus insulae, quia aedificia vitium facere diceret, demolierat eam: quaesitum est, quanti lis aestimari deberet, si is qui totam conduxerat ex conducto ageret. respondit, si vitiatum aedificium necessario demolitus esset, pro portione, quanti dominus praediorum locasset, quod eius temporis habitatores habitare non potuissent, rationem duci et tanti litem aestimari: sin autem non fuisset necesse demoliri, sed quia melius aedificare vellet, id fecisset, quanti conductoris interesset, habitatores ne migrarent, tanti condemnari oportere. 1Aedilis in municipio balneas conduxerat, ut eo anno municipes gratis lavarentur: post tres menses incendio facto respondit posse agi cum balneatore ex conducto, ut pro portione temporis, quo lavationem non praestitisset, pecuniae contributio fieret. 2Qui mulas ad certum pondus oneris locaret, cum maiore onere conductor eas rupisset, consulebat de actione. respondit vel lege Aquilia vel ex locato recte eum agere, sed lege Aquilia tantum cum eo agi posse, qui tum mulas agitasset, ex locato etiam si alius eas rupisset, cum conductore recte agi. 3Qui aedem faciendam locaverat, in lege dixerat: ‘quoad in opus lapidis opus erit, pro lapide et manupretio dominus redemptori in pedes singulos septem dabit’: quaesitum est, utrum factum opus an etiam imperfectum metiri oporteret. respondit etiam imperfectum. 4Colonus villam hac lege acceperat, ut incorruptam redderet praeter vim et vetustatem: coloni servus villam incendit non fortuito casu. non videri eam vim exceptam respondit nec id pactum esse, ut, si aliquis domesticus eam incendisset, ne praestaret, sed extrariam vim utrosque excipere voluisse.
The Same, Digest of Epitomes by Paulus, Book III. A man who rented a house for thirty aurei, sub-let the separate rooms on such terms that he collected forty for all of them. The owner of the building demolished it, because he said that it was about to fall down. The question arose what the amount of damages should be, and whether the party who rented the entire house could bring an action on lease. The answer was that if the building was in such a bad condition that it was necessary to tear it down, an estimate should be made, and the damages assessed in proportion to the amount for which the owner had leased the premises, and that the time when the tenants were unable to occupy them should also be taken into consideration. If, however, it was not necessary to demolish the house, but the owner did so because he wished to build a better one, the judgment must be for the amount of the interest which the tenant had in his sub-tenants not being compelled to leave the premises. 1An ædile rented baths in a certain town for the term of a year, in order that they might be used gratuitously by the citizens. The baths having been destroyed by fire after three months, it was held that an action on lease could be brought against the proprietor of the baths, that a part of the price should be refunded in proportion to the time during which the baths were not available. 2Inquiry was made as to the action to be brought where a man hired mules to be loaded with a certain weight, and he who hired them injured them with heavier loads. The answer was that the owner could legally proceed either under the Lex Aquilia or in an action on lease, but that, under the Lex Aquilia, he could only sue the party who had driven the mules at the time; but, by an action on lease, he could properly proceed against him who hired them, even if someone else had injured them. 3A man who contracted for the building of a house stated in the agreement: “I will furnish the stone necessary for the work, and the owner shall pay to the contractor seven sesterces for each foot, and as much for the stone as for the labor.” The question arose whether the work must be measured before, or after it was completed. The answer was that it should be measured while it was still unfinished. 4A tenant received a house under the condition that he would return it uninjured, except so far as damage might result through violence or age. A slave of the tenant burnt the house, but not accidentally. The opinion was given that this kind of violence would not appear to have been excepted; and that it was not agreed that the tenant should not be responsible if a slave burnt it, but that both the parties intended that violence exerted by strangers should be excepted.
Dig. 19,5,23Alfenus libro tertio digestorum a Paulo epitomatorum. Duo secundum Tiberim cum ambularent, alter eorum ei, qui secum ambulabat, rogatus anulum ostendit, ut respiceret: illi excidit anulus et in Tiberim devolutus est. respondit posse agi cum eo in factum actione.
Alfenus, Epitomes of the Digest of Paulus, Book III. Two persons were walking along the Tiber; one of them having asked the other to show him his ring, he did so, and, while he was examining it, it fell from his hands and rolled into the Tiber. The opinion was given that an action in factum was available.
Dig. 23,4,19Alfenus libro tertio digestorum a Paulo epitomatorum. Aliud est, si pater pro filia dotem promisit, ut annua bima trima quadrima quinto anno dos a se redderetur, et convenit, ut isdem diebus dos soluto matrimonio redderetur: hoc enim pactum ita valet, si patri filia heres exstitisset et interveniente ea pactum conventum fuerit.
Alfenus, Epitomes of the Digest by Paulus, Book III. It is different where a father, in promising a dowry for his daughter, agrees that it shall be paid by him in one, two, three, four, and five years; and states that it shall be returned in the same manner, if the marriage should be dissolved, for this agreement will be valid if the daughter should become the heir of her father, and if she was present at the time when the contract was made.
Dig. 23,5,8Alfenus libro tertio digestorum a Paulo epitomatorum. Vir in fundo dotali uxoris rogatu olivetum succiderat ad hoc, ut novellum reponeret: postea vir mortuus erat et uxori dotem relegaverat. ligna, quae ex oliveto excisa essent, oportere mulieri reddi respondit.
Alfenus, Epitomes of the Digest by Paulus, Book III. A certain man requested his wife to cut down an olive plantation which was on the dotal land, in order to replace it with a new one. The man afterwards died after bequeathing the dowry to his wife, and it was decided that the wood which had been cut from the olive trees should be returned to her.
Dig. 24,1,38Alfenus libro tertio digestorum a Paulo epitomatorum. Servus communis viri et fratris eius puerum donavit uxori fratris: pro qua parte is servus qui donasset viri esset, pro ea parte munus non esse factum mulieris respondit. 1Idem iuris erit, si ex tribus fratribus unus uxorem haberet et rem communem uxori donasset: nam ex tertia parte mulieris res facta non est, ex duabus autem partibus reliquis, si id scissent fratres aut posteaquam donata esset ratum habuissent, non debere mulierem reddere.
Alfenus, Epitomes of the Digest by Paulus, Book III. Where a slave, held in common by a husband and his brother, gave a young slave to the wife of the brother, it was held that the gift was not valid so far as the share belonging to the husband, which the slave had given, was concerned. 1The law will be the same where one of three brothers has a wife and gives her property held in common by them all, for one-third of the gift will not belong to the wife; but with reference to the other two-thirds, if the brothers knew that they were given, or, after this Was done, they confirm the act, the woman will not be obliged to make restitution.
Dig. 33,10,6Alfenus libro tertio digestorum a Paulo epitomatorum. Supellectilis eas esse res puto, quae ad usum communem patris familias paratae essent, quae nomen sui generis separatim non haberent: quare quae ad artificii genus aliquod pertinerent neque ad communem usum patris familias accommodatae essent, supellectilis non esse. 1Sed nec pugillares et codices in supellectili sunt.
Alfenus, Epitomes of the Digest by Paulus, Book III. I think that such things as are intended for the ordinary use of the head of the family should be included among household goods, where they have no distinct name peculiar to them. Therefore, articles which are employed in some trade, and are not adapted to the ordinary use of the head of the family, are not embraced in the term household goods. 1Small writing tablets and memorandum books are not classed as household goods.