Digestorum libri
Ex libro V
Dig. 4,6,42Alfenus libro quinto digestorum. Non vere dicitur rei publicae causa abesse eum, qui sui privati negotii causa in legatione est.
Dig. 28,5,45Alfenus libro quinto digestorum. Pater familias testamento duos heredes instituerat: eos monumentum facere iusserat in diebus certis: deinde ita scripserat: ‘qui eorum non ita fecerit, omnes exheredes sunto’: alter heres hereditatem praetermiserat, reliquus heres consulebat, cum ipse monumentum exstruxisset, numquid minus heres esset ob eam rem, quod coheres eius hereditatem non adisset. respondit neminem ex alterius facto hereditati neque alligari neque exheredari posse, sed uti quisque condicionem implesset, quamvis nemo adisset praeterea, tamen eum heredem esse.
Alfenus, Digest, Book V. The head of a family appointed two heirs by his will, and ordered them to erect a monument for him within a certain time, and he afterwards inserted in his will: “Let him who does not do this be disinherited”. One of the heirs refused to enter upon the estate, and the other, inasmuch as he himself had built the monument, asked for an opinion as to whether he would not be entitled to the estate, because his co-heir had refused to accept it. The answer was that no one can be bound for, or deprived of, an estate by the act of another; but wherever anyone has complied with the condition, he will become the heir to the estate, even though none of the other heirs have entered upon the same.
Dig. 33,8,14Alfenus Varus libro quinto digestorum. Quidam in testamento ita scripserat: ‘Pamphilus servus meus peculium suum cum moriar sibi habeto liberque esto’. consulebatur, rectene Pamphilo peculium legatum videretur, quod prius quam liber esset peculium sibi habere iussus esset. respondit in coniunctionibus ordinem nullum esse neque quicquam interesse, utrum eorum primum diceretur aut scriberetur: quare recte peculium legatum videri, ac si prius liber esse, deinde peculium sibi habere iussus est.
Alfenus Verus, Digest, Book V. A certain individual inserted the following provision into his will: “When I die, let my slave Pamphilus have for himself his own peculium and let him be free.” It was asked whether or not the peculium should be held to have been legally bequeathed to Pamphilus, for the reason that he was directed to take the peculium before he became free. The answer was that there was no order to be observed in the two provisions, which in this instance were joined, and that it did not make any difference which of the two was mentioned or written first; and therefore that the peculium was held to have been legally bequeathed, just as if the slave had been directed to be free first, and to receive the peculium afterwards.
Dig. 34,8,2Alfenus Varus libro quinto digestorum. Quae in testamento scripta essent neque intellegerentur quid significarent, ea perinde sunt ac si scripta non essent: reliqua autem per se ipsa valent.
Alfenus Varus, Digest, Book V. Where the meaning of any testamentary provision cannot be ascertained, it is just as if it had not been written, but the other provisions will still be valid.
Dig. 35,1,27Alfenus Varus libro quinto digestorum. In testamento quidam scribserat, ut sibi monumentum ad exemplum eius, quod in via salaria esset Publii septimii Demetrii, fieret: nisi factum esset, heredes magna pecunia multare et cum id monumentum Publii septimii Demetrii nullum repperiebatur, sed Publii Septimii Damae erat, ad quod exemplum suspicabatur eum qui testamentum fecerat monumentum sibi fieri voluisse, quaerebant heredes, cuiusmodi monumentum se facere oporteret et, si ob eam rem nullum monumentum fecissent, quia non repperirent, ad quod exemplum facerent, num poena tenerentur. respondit, si intellegeretur, quod monumentum demonstrare voluisset is qui testamentum fecisset, tametsi in scriptura mendum esset, tamen ad id, quod ille se demonstrare animo sensisset, fieri debere: sin autem voluntas eius ignoraretur, poenam quidem nullam vim habere, quoniam ad quod exemplum fieri iussisset, id nusquam exstaret, monumentum tamen omnimodo secundum substantiam et dignitatem defuncti exstruere debere.
Alfenus Varus, Digest, Book V. A certain individual provided in his will that a monument, like that of Publius Septimius Demetrius which stands on the Salarian Way, should be erected to him, and if this was not done, that his heirs should be liable to a considerable fine. As no monument to Publius Septimius Demetrius could be found, but there was one erected to Publius Septimius Damas, and it was supposed that the party who made the will intended that a monument should be erected to him like the one aforesaid, the heirs asked advice as to what kind of a monument they would be obliged to erect, and whether they would be liable to the penalty if they did not erect any, because they could not find one to use as a pattern. The answer was that if it could be ascertained what kind of a monument the party who made the will intended to designate, even though he may not have described it in his will, it should still be erected in accordance with what he wished to indicate. If, however, his intention was not known, the penalty would have no force or effect, as there was no monument found which could serve as a pattern for the one which he ordered to be erected; but the heirs must, nevertheless, erect a monument corresponding in every respect with the wealth and rank of the deceased.