Corpus iurisprudentiae Romanae

Repertorium zu den Quellen des römischen Rechts

Digesta Iustiniani Augusti

Recognovit Mommsen (1870) et retractavit Krüger (1968)
Convertit in Anglica lingua Scott (1932)
Alfeni Opera

Alfeni Vari Opera



Digestorum libri(29 fragmenta)

Digestorum a Paulo epitomatorum libri

Ex libro I

Dig. 8,4,15Paulus libro primo epitomarum Alfeni digestorum. Qui per certum locum iter aut actum alicui cessisset, eum pluribus per eundem locum vel iter vel actum cedere posse verum est: quemadmodum si quis vicino suas aedes servas fecisset, nihilo minus aliis quot vellet multis eas aedes servas facere potest.

Paulus, Epitomes of the Digest of Alfenus, Book I. Where one party has granted another a right of passage or of driving cattle through a specified place, it is certain that he can grant either of these rights to several persons through the same place, just as, where anyone has imposed a servitude on his own house in favor of his neighbor, he can, nevertheless, impose a similar servitude on the same house in favor of as many other persons as he wishes.

Dig. 41,3,34Alfenus Varus libro primo digestorum a Paulo epitomatorum. Si servus insciente domino rem peculiarem vendidisset, emptorem usucapere posse.

Alfenus Verus, Epitomes of the Digest by Paulus, Book I. If a slave, without the knowledge of his master, sells property belonging to his peculium, the purchaser can acquire it by usucaption.

Dig. 48,22,3Alfenus libro primo epitomarum. Eum, qui civitatem amitteret, nihil aliud iuris adimere liberis, nisi quod ab ipso perventurum esset ad eos, si intestatus in civitate moreretur: hoc est hereditatem eius et libertos et si quid aliud in hoc genere repperiri potest. quae vero non a patre, sed a genere, a civitate, a rerum natura tribuerentur, ea manere eis incolumia. itaque et fratres fratribus fore legitimos heredes et adgnatorum tutelas et hereditates habituros: non enim haec patrem, sed maiores eius eis dedisse.

Alfenus, Epitomes, Book I. He who has lost his citizenship does not deprive his children of any rights, except those which would pass to them from him if he should die intestate while in the enjoyment of his citizenship; that is to say, his estate, his freedmen, and anything else of this kind that can be found. Whatever, indeed, is not derived from their father but from their family, from their town, and from the nature of things, will remain theirs entirely. Therefore, brothers who are legitimate will become heirs to one another, and will be entitled to the guardianship and estates of agnates, for not their father, but their ancestors, gave them these rights.

Ex libro II

Dig. 7,1,11Paulus libro secundo epitomatorum Alfeni digestorum. Sed si grandes arbores essent, non posse eas caedere.

Paulus, Epitomes of the Digest of Alfenus, Book II. But where the trees are larger he cannot cut them down.

Dig. 8,2,16Paulus libro secundo epitomarum Alfeni digestorum. Lumen id est, ut caelum videretur, et interest inter lumen et prospectum: nam prospectus etiam ex inferioribus locis est, lumen ex inferiore loco esse non potest.

Paulus, Epitomes of the Digest of Alfenus, Book II. Light is the power of seeing the sky, and a difference exists between light and view; for a view of lower places may be had, but light cannot be obtained from a place which is lower.

Dig. 8,3,29Paulus libro secundo epitomarum Alfeni digestorum. Qui duo praedia confinia habuerat, superiorem fundum vendiderat: in lege ita dixerat, ut aquam sulco aperto emptori educere in fundum inferiorem recte liceat: si emptor ex alio fundo aquam acciperet et eam in inferiorem ducere vellet, quaesitum est, an possit id suo iure facere nec ne. respondi nihil amplius, quam quod ipsius fundi siccandi causa derivaret, vicinum inferiorem recipere debere.

Paulus, Epitomes of the Digest of Alfenus, Book II. A party who had two adjoining tracts of land and sold the upper one. In the agreement it was stated that the purchaser should have the lawful right to discharge water upon the lower tract of land through an open ditch. The question then arose, if the purchaser should receive water from another tract, and wishes to discharge it upon the lower one, can he do so legally, or not? I answered that the lower neighbor was not obliged to receive more water than was necessary for the purpose of draining the land of the purchaser.

Dig. 21,2,44Alfenus libro secundo digestorum a Paulo epitomatorum. Scapham non videri navis esse respondit nec quicquam coniunctum habere, nam scapham ipsam per se parvam naviculam esse: omnia autem, quae coniuncta navi essent (veluti gubernacula malus antemnae velum), quasi membra navis esse.

Alfenus, Epitomes of the Digest by Paulus, Book II. It is held that a boat is no part of a ship and has no connection with it, for a boat is itself a little vessel; but everything which is attached to a ship, as, for instance, the rudder, the mast, the yards and the sails, are, as it were, the members of the ship.

Dig. 28,5,46Idem libro secundo digestorum a Paulo epitomatorum. ‘Si Maevia mater mea et Fulvia filia mea vivent, tum mihi Lucius Titius heres esto’. Servius respondit, si testator filiam numquam habuerit, mater autem supervixisset, tamen Titium heredem fore, quia id, quod impossibile in testamento scriptum esset, nullam vim haberet.

The Same, On the Epitomes of the Digest, by Paulus, Book II. “If my mother, Mævia, and my daughter Fulvia, should be living, then let Lucius Titius be my heir.” Servius was of the opinion that if the testator never should have a daughter and his mother should survive, Titius would still be his heir, because where anything that is impossible is inserted into a will it has no force.

Dig. 30,106Alfenus Varus libro secundo digestorum a Paulo epitomatorum. Si in testamento scriptum esset: ‘heres meus aureos centum Licinio damnas esto’ neque adscripsisset ‘dare’, deberi legatum constat.

Alfenus Verrus, Epitomes of the Digest by Paulus, Book II. Where the following was inserted in a will: “Let my heir be charged with a hundred aurei,” but did not add “the payment of,” it is settled that the legacy will be due.

Dig. 32,60Alfenus libro secundo digestorum a Paulo epitomatorum. Cum quaereretur, agni legati quatenus viderentur, quidam aiebant agnum dumtaxat sex mensum esse: sed verius est eos legatos esse, qui minores anniculis essent. 1Servis et ancillis urbanis legatis agasonem mulionem legato non contineri respondi: eos enim solos in eo numero haberi, quos pater familias circum se ipse sui cultus causa haberet. 2Lana lino purpura uxori legatis, quae eius causa parata essent, cum multam lanam et omnis generis reliquisset, quaerebatur, an omnis deberetur. respondit, si nihil ex ea destinasset ad usum uxoris, sed omnis commixta esset, non dissimilem esse deliberationem, cum penus legata esset et multas res quae penus essent reliquisset, ex quibus pater familias vendere solitus esset. nam si vina diffudisset habiturus usioni ipse et heres eius, tamen omne in penu existimare. sed cum probaretur eum qui testamentum fecisset partem penus vendere solitum esse, constitutum esse, ut ex eo, quod ad annum opus esset, heredes legatario darent. sic mihi placet et in lana fieri, ut ex ea quod ad usum annuum mulieri satis esset, ea sumeret: non enim deducto eo, quod ad viri usum opus esset, reliquum uxori legatum esse, sed quod uxoris causa paratum esset. 3Praediis legatis et quae eorum praediorum colendorum causa empta parataque essent, neque topiarium neque saltuarium legatum videri ait: topiarium enim ornandi, saltuarium autem tuendi et custodiendi fundi magis quam colendi paratum esse: asinum machinarium legatum videri: item oves, quae stercorandi fundi causa pararentur: item opilionem, si eius generis oves curaret.

Alfenus, On the Digest of the Epitomes by Paulus, Book II. As the question has been raised what should be considered a bequest of lambs, certain authorities hold that only lambs six months old are meant. The better opinion, however, is that those are bequeathed which are less than a year old. 1Where urban male and female slaves are bequeathed, I gave it as my opinion that muleteers are not included in the legacy; for only such slaves should be included in this designation whom the head of the household is accustomed to have about him, for his personal service. 2Where wool, flax and purple destined for her use were bequeathed to a wife, as the testator had left her a great deal of wool of different kinds, the question arose whether she was entitled to all of it. The answer was that, if none of this wool had been intended for the use of his wife, but all of it was mixed together, the decision must be the same as where provisions were bequeathed, and the testator left many things which were used as provisions, and which he was accustomed to sell, for if he had drawn different kinds of wine to be Used by himself and his heir, it all should be held to be included in the term “provisions.” But when it was proved that the party who made the will was accustomed to sell a portion of his provisions, it was decided that the heir should furnish the legatee with the amount of supplies which would be sufficient for his requirements during the year. It seems to me that the same rule should apply to the wool, and that the woman should receive what would be enough for her use for the term of a year; since after what had ordinarily been required by her husband had been deducted, the remainder should not be bequeathed to the wife, but only what was especially intended for her use. 3Where land, and everything purchased or intended for the cultivation of the same was left, it was held that neither the slave who was the gardener, nor the forester was bequeathed, as the gardener was intended to adorn the land, and the forester was employed for the purpose of watching and protecting it, rather than for its cultivation. A donkey, used for working a machine, is considered to have been bequeathed, as well as sheep intended to manure the land, together with the shepherd, if one had charge of sheep of this kind.

Dig. 33,1,22Alfenus Varus libro secundo digestorum a Paulo epitomatorum. ‘Filiae meae, quotienscumque vidua erit, in annos singulos centum heres meus dato’: quaeritur, si filia minus annui temporis vidua fuisset, numquid minus ei centum deberentur. respondit sibi videri, tametsi totus annus nondum fuisset, tamen deberi.

Alfenus Verus, Epitomes of the Digest by Paulus, Book II. “Let my heir pay a hundred aurei annually to my daughter every time that she becomes a widow.” The question arose, if the daughter should become a widow in less than a year, whether she would be entitled to less than a hundred aurei. The answer was that, although the entire year had not yet elapsed, the whole amount would be due to her.

Dig. 33,2,12Alfenus Varus libro secundo digestorum a Paulo epitomatorum. Heres in fundo, cuius usus fructus legatus est, villam posuit: eam invito fructuario demolire non potest, nihilo magis quam si, quam arborem posuisset, ex fundo is evellere vellet: sed si antequam usufructuarius prohibuerit, demolierit, impune facturum.

Alfenus Verus, Epitomes of the Digest by Paulus, Book II. An heir built a country-house on land, the usufruct of which had been bequeathed. He cannot demolish the building without the consent of the usufructuary, any more than he can remove a tree from the land which he had planted there; but if he should demolish the house before the usufructuary forbids him, he can do so with impunity.

Dig. 33,7,16Alfenus libro secundo digestorum a Paulo epitomatorum. Villae instrumento legato supellectilem non contineri verius est. 1Vinea et instrumento eius legato instrumentum vineae nihil esse Servius respondit: qui eum consulebat, Cornelium respondisse aiebat palos perticas rastros ligones instrumenti vineae esse: quod verius est. 2Quidam uxori fundum, uti instructus esset, in quo ipse habitabat, legavit. consultus de mulieribus lanificis an instrumento continerentur, respondit non quidem esse instrumenti fundi, sed quoniam ipse pater familias, qui legasset, in eo fundo habitasset, dubitari non oportere, quin et ancillae et ceterae res, quibus pater familias in eo fundo esset instructus, omnes legatae viderentur.

Alfenus, Epitomes of the Digest by Paulus, Book II. Where the utensils of a country-house are bequeathed, the better opinion is that the furniture is not included. 1Servius gave it as his opinion, where a vineyard and everything appertaining to it was left, that there were no such things as implements used for the cultivation of a vineyard. Cornelius, when his opinion was asked upon this point, replied that stakes, poles, and hoes are implements which belong to a vineyard; which is correct. 2A certain man left to his wife a tract of land where he himself resided, equipped for cultivation just as it was. When advice was taken whether the female slaves, who were spinners and weavers, were included in the devise, the answer was that they did not, properly speaking, constitute part of the equipment of the land; but, as the testator who devised the property lived upon it, there could be no doubt that the female slaves and other property which were on the premises for the use of the head of the household should be held to be embraced in the bequest.

Dig. 33,8,15Idem libro secundo digestorum a Paulo epitomatorum. Servo manumisso peculium legatum erat: alio capite omnes ancillas suas uxori legaverat: in peculio servi ancilla fuit. servi eam esse respondit neque referre, utri prius legatum esset.

The Same, Epitomes of the Digest by Paulus, Book II. His own peculium was bequeathed to a manumitted slave. By another clause of the will the testator left all his female slaves to his wife. One of these formed part of the peculium of the slave who had been manumitted, and it was decided that she belonged to the said slave, and that it did not make any difference which bequest had been made first.

Dig. 35,1,28Paulus libro secundo epitomarum Alfeni digestorum. Filiae suae ita quis legavit: ‘si Attia filia mea arbitratu Lucii Titii nubserit, ei tot heres meus dato’. Titio ante testatorem mortuo Attia nubserat: quaerebatur, an legatum ei deberetur. respondit deberi. 1‘Attia uxor mea optato Philargyrum puerum, Agatheam ancillam, qui mei erunt cum moriar’: is qui testamentum fecit Agatheam, quam testamenti tempore habuit, vendidit et postea ancillas emit, ex his uni Agatheae nomen imposuit: quaesitum est, an haec legata videretur. respondit legatam videri.

Paulus, Epitomes of the Digest of Alfenus, Book III. A testator made the following bequest to his daughter, “If my daughter, Attia, should marry with the consent of Lucius Titius, let my heir give her such-and-such a sum.” Titius having died before the testator Attia married, the question arose whether she would be entitled to the legacy. The answer was that she would. 1“Let my wife Attia take the boy Philargyrus and the girl Agathea from the slaves who will belong to me at the time of my death.” The testator sold Agathea, whom he owned at the time he made the will, and afterwards bought other female slaves, to one of whom he gave the name of Agathea. The question arose whether she should be considered as having been bequeathed. The answer was that she should be.

Dig. 46,3,35Alfenus Varus libro secundo digestorum a Paulo epitomatorum. Quod servus ex peculio suo credidisset aut deposuisset, id ei, sive venisset sive manumissus esset, recte solvi potest, nisi aliqua causa interciderit, ex qua intellegi possit invito eo, cuius tum is servus fuisset, ei solvi. sed et si quis dominicam pecuniam ab eo faeneratus esset, si permissu domini servus negotium dominicum gessisset, idem iuris est: videtur enim voluntate domini qui cum servo negotium contraheret et ab eo accipere et ei solvere.

Alfenus Varus, Epitomes of the Digest of Paulus, Book II. Whatever a slave has lent, or deposited, out of his peculium, although he may be sold or manumitted afterwards, can legally be paid to him; unless something should take place from which if may be inferred that payment has been made against the consent of the person to whom the slave belonged at the time. Where, however, anyone borrows, at interest, money from him which belonged to his master, while the slave was conducting the business of his master with his permission, the same rule will apply. For he who made the contract with the slave is considered to have received the money from him, and paid it to him, with the consent of his master.

Dig. 50,16,204Paulus libro secundo epitomarum Alfeni. ‘Pueri’ appellatio tres significationes habet: unam, cum omnes servos pueros appellaremus: alteram, cum puerum contrario nomine puellae diceremus: tertiam, cum aetatem puerilem demonstraremus.

Paulus, Epitomes of Alfenus, Book II. The term “boy” has three significations: first, we call all slaves “boys”; second, we speak of a boy in contradistinction to a girl; and third, we make use of the word to denote the age of childhood.

Ex libro III

Dig. 5,4,9Paulus libro tertio epitomarum Alfeni digestorum. Cum multi heredes instituti essent, ex his unus in Asia erat: eius procurator venditionem fecit et pecuniam pro parte eius abstulerat: postea apparuerit eum qui in Asia erat antea decessisse instituto ex parte dimidia herede procuratore suo et ex parte alio. quaesitum est, quemadmodum pecunia ex hereditate petenda esset. responsum est ab eo, qui procurator eius fuisset, totam hereditatem, quia ex hereditate ea pecunia fuisset quae ad procuratorem ex venditione pervenisset, petere eos oportere: et nihilo minus partem dimidiam hereditatis a coheredibus eius. ita fore, sive omnis ea pecunia penes eum qui procurator fuisset resideret, ut omnem per iudicem ab eodem recuperarent, sive is partem dimidiam coheredi suo reddidisset, ipsum ex dimidia parte et ex dimidia coheredes eius condemnarent.

Paulus, Epitomes of the Digest of Alfenus, Book III. Where several heirs were appointed, and one of them at the time was in Asia, his agent made a sale and kept the money as the share of his principal. It was subsequently ascertained that the heir who was in Asia had previously died, after having appointed his agent heir to half his share and another party to the other half; and the question arose in what way an action to recover the money derived from the estate could be brought? The answer was that it ought to be brought for the entire estate against the party who had been the agent, because the money belonging to the estate had come into the possession of the said agent through the sale; nevertheless, they must bring an action against this co-heir for half the estate. The result would then be that if all the money was in the possession of the party who had been the agent, they might recover the entire amount from him, with the assistance of the court; or if he had returned half of it to his co-heir, they could take judgment against him for half, and against his co-heir for the other half.

Dig. 6,1,58Paulus libro tertio epitomarum Alfeni digestorum. A quo servus petebatur et eiusdem servi nomine cum eo furti agebatur, quaerebat, si utroque iudicio condemnatus esset, quid se facere oporteret. si prius servus ab eo evictus esset, respondit, non oportere iudicem cogere, ut eum traderet, nisi ei satisdatum esset, quod pro eo homine iudicium accepisset, si quid ob eam rem datum esset, id recte praestari. sed si prius de furto iudicium factum esset et hominem noxae dedisset, deinde de ipso homine secundum petitorem iudicium factum esset, non debere ob eam rem iudicem, quod hominem non traderet, litem aestimare, quoniam nihil eius culpa neque dolo contigisset, quo minus hominem traderet.

Paulus, Epitomes of The Digest of Alfenus, Book III. Where a man was sued for the recovery of a slave and also for a theft committed by the said slave; the question arose what it would be necessary for him to do if judgment was rendered against him in both cases, if the slave was recovered from him in the first place? The answer was that the judge should not compel him to deliver the slave, unless security was previously furnished that where any damages were paid by him he should be fully reimbursed for them, because he had joined issue in a case involving the same slave. Where, however, judgment was first rendered in the case involving the theft, and he surrendered the slave by way of indemnity, and then another judgment was rendered in favor of the plaintiff in the action for the recovery of the slave; the judge should not make an estimate of damages because the slave was not surrendered, since no negligence or malice could be attributed to the party in failing to deliver the slave.

Dig. 10,3,27Paulus libro tertio epitomarum Alfeni digestorum. De communi servo unus ex sociis quaestionem habere nisi communis negotii causa iure non potest.

Paulus, Epitomes of the Digest of Alfenus, Book III. A single joint-owner cannot legally put a slave owned in common to torture, except with respect to some matter in which all the parties were interested.

Dig. 14,2,7Paulus libro tertio epitomarum Alfeni digestorum. Cum depressa navis aut deiecta esset, quod quisque ex ea suum servasset, sibi servare respondit, tamquam ex incendio.

Paulus, Epitomes of the Digest of Alfenus, Book III. Where a ship is sunk or stranded, the opinion was given that whatever each one saves out of his own property he can keep for himself, just as in case of fire.

Dig. 17,2,71Idem libro tertio epitomarum Alfeni digestorum. Duo societatem coierunt, ut grammaticam docerent et quod ex eo artificio quaestus fecissent, commune eorum esset: de ea re quae voluerunt fieri in pacto convento societatis proscripserunt, deinde inter se his verbis stipulati sunt: ‘haec, quae supra scripta sunt, ea ita dari fieri neque adversus ea fieri? si ea ita data facta non erunt, tum viginti milia dari?’ quaesitum est, an, si quid contra factum esset, societatis actione agi posset. respondit, si quidem pacto convento inter eos de societate facto ita stipulati essent, ‘haec ita dari fieri spondes?’, futurum fuisse, ut, si novationis causa id fecissent, pro socio agi non possit, sed tota res in stipulationem translata videretur. sed quoniam non ita essent stipulati ‘ea ita dari fieri spondes?’ sed ‘si ea ita facta non essent, decem dari?’ non videri sibi rem in stipulationem pervenisse, sed dumtaxat poenam (non enim utriusque rei promissorem obligari, ut ea daret faceret et, si non fecisset, poenam sufferret) et ideo societatis iudicio agi posse. 1Duo colliberti societatem coierunt lucri quaestus compendii, postea unus ex his a patrono heres institutus est, alteri legatum datum est. neutrum horum in medium referre debere respondit.

The Same, Epitomes of the Digest of Alfenus, Book III. Two persons formed a partnership to teach grammar, and to share among themselves any profits that might be obtained from this profession. After having agreed in the articles of partnership on what they wished to be done, they then stipulated with one another as follows: “Whatever is written above must be carried out, and cannot be opposed, and if the said provisions are not complied with, then twenty thousand sesterces shall be paid.” The inquiry arose whether if any of these provisions was violated, an action on partnership could be brought? The answer was that if, after their agreement had been made with reference to the partnership, they had stipulated as follows: “Do you promise that these provisions shall be observed as herein set forth?” The result would be that if the parties had done this for the purpose of changing their contract, an action on partnership would not lie, but the whole matter would be considered to have become a stipulation. But if they had not stipulated in these terms, “Do you promise that these provisions shall be observed as herein set forth?” but, as follows, “If these provisions are not observed, then ten aurei shall be paid;” it was held by him that the matter had not become a stipulation, but only what related to the penalty had been altered, because the party promising had not bound himself to do both things, that is, he would make payment and also perform the agreement, and that if he did not do so he would suffer the penalty; and therefore an action on partnership would be available. 1Two fellow freedmen formed a partnership for the purpose of sharing all “gains, profits, and emoluments,” and afterwards one of them, having been appointed an heir by his patron, a legacy was left to the other. The answer was that neither of them was obliged to place what he received in the partnership fund.

Dig. 18,6,13Paulus libro tertio Alfeni epitomarum. Lectos emptos aedilis, cum in via publica positi essent, concidit: si traditi essent emptori aut per eum stetisset quo minus traderentur, emptoris periculum esse placet.

Paulus, Epitomes of the Digest of Alfenus, Book III. The ædile broke up some beds which a party had purchased, and which had been left on the highway. If they had been delivered to the purchaser, or if he was to blame for their not having been delivered, he must bear the loss.

Dig. 18,6,15Paulus libro tertio epitomatorum Alfeni. Quod si neque traditi essent neque emptor in mora fuisset quo minus traderentur, venditoris periculum erit. 1Materia empta si furto perisset, postquam tradita esset, emptoris esse periculo respondit, si minus, venditoris: videri autem trabes traditas, quas emptor signasset.

Paulus, Epitomes of the Digest of Alfenus, Book III. If the beds had not been delivered, and the purchaser had not prevented their delivery by delay, the loss must be borne by the vendor. 1Where materials that have been purchased are lost by theft, after delivery, it is held that the purchaser must bear the loss; otherwise, the vendor must do so. Timbers are considered to have been delivered as soon as the purchaser has marked them.

Dig. 19,1,27Paulus libro tertio epitomarum Alfeni. Quidquid venditor accessurum dixerit, id integrum ac sanum tradi oportet: veluti si fundo dolia accessura dixisset, non quassa, sed integra dare debet.

Paulus, Epitomes of Alfenus, Book III. Whatever the vendor states is an accessory must be delivered sound and in good condition; as, for instance, where he says that a certain number of casks are an accessory to the land, he must furnish them whole and not broken.

Dig. 19,2,30Idem libro tertio digestorum a Paulo epitomatorum. Qui insulam triginta conduxerat, singula caenacula ita conduxit, ut quadraginta ex omnibus colligerentur: dominus insulae, quia aedificia vitium facere diceret, demolierat eam: quaesitum est, quanti lis aestimari deberet, si is qui totam conduxerat ex conducto ageret. respondit, si vitiatum aedificium necessario demolitus esset, pro portione, quanti dominus praediorum locasset, quod eius temporis habitatores habitare non potuissent, rationem duci et tanti litem aestimari: sin autem non fuisset necesse demoliri, sed quia melius aedificare vellet, id fecisset, quanti conductoris interesset, habitatores ne migrarent, tanti condemnari oportere. 1Aedilis in municipio balneas conduxerat, ut eo anno municipes gratis lavarentur: post tres menses incendio facto respondit posse agi cum balneatore ex conducto, ut pro portione temporis, quo lavationem non praestitisset, pecuniae contributio fieret. 2Qui mulas ad certum pondus oneris locaret, cum maiore onere conductor eas rupisset, consulebat de actione. respondit vel lege Aquilia vel ex locato recte eum agere, sed lege Aquilia tantum cum eo agi posse, qui tum mulas agitasset, ex locato etiam si alius eas rupisset, cum conductore recte agi. 3Qui aedem faciendam locaverat, in lege dixerat: ‘quoad in opus lapidis opus erit, pro lapide et manupretio dominus redemptori in pedes singulos septem dabit’: quaesitum est, utrum factum opus an etiam imperfectum metiri oporteret. respondit etiam imperfectum. 4Colonus villam hac lege acceperat, ut incorruptam redderet praeter vim et vetustatem: coloni servus villam incendit non fortuito casu. non videri eam vim exceptam respondit nec id pactum esse, ut, si aliquis domesticus eam incendisset, ne praestaret, sed extrariam vim utrosque excipere voluisse.

The Same, Digest of Epitomes by Paulus, Book III. A man who rented a house for thirty aurei, sub-let the separate rooms on such terms that he collected forty for all of them. The owner of the building demolished it, because he said that it was about to fall down. The question arose what the amount of damages should be, and whether the party who rented the entire house could bring an action on lease. The answer was that if the building was in such a bad condition that it was necessary to tear it down, an estimate should be made, and the damages assessed in proportion to the amount for which the owner had leased the premises, and that the time when the tenants were unable to occupy them should also be taken into consideration. If, however, it was not necessary to demolish the house, but the owner did so because he wished to build a better one, the judgment must be for the amount of the interest which the tenant had in his sub-tenants not being compelled to leave the premises. 1An ædile rented baths in a certain town for the term of a year, in order that they might be used gratuitously by the citizens. The baths having been destroyed by fire after three months, it was held that an action on lease could be brought against the proprietor of the baths, that a part of the price should be refunded in proportion to the time during which the baths were not available. 2Inquiry was made as to the action to be brought where a man hired mules to be loaded with a certain weight, and he who hired them injured them with heavier loads. The answer was that the owner could legally proceed either under the Lex Aquilia or in an action on lease, but that, under the Lex Aquilia, he could only sue the party who had driven the mules at the time; but, by an action on lease, he could properly proceed against him who hired them, even if someone else had injured them. 3A man who contracted for the building of a house stated in the agreement: “I will furnish the stone necessary for the work, and the owner shall pay to the contractor seven sesterces for each foot, and as much for the stone as for the labor.” The question arose whether the work must be measured before, or after it was completed. The answer was that it should be measured while it was still unfinished. 4A tenant received a house under the condition that he would return it uninjured, except so far as damage might result through violence or age. A slave of the tenant burnt the house, but not accidentally. The opinion was given that this kind of violence would not appear to have been excepted; and that it was not agreed that the tenant should not be responsible if a slave burnt it, but that both the parties intended that violence exerted by strangers should be excepted.

Dig. 19,5,23Alfenus libro tertio digestorum a Paulo epitomatorum. Duo secundum Tiberim cum ambularent, alter eorum ei, qui secum ambulabat, rogatus anulum ostendit, ut respiceret: illi excidit anulus et in Tiberim devolutus est. respondit posse agi cum eo in factum actione.

Alfenus, Epitomes of the Digest of Paulus, Book III. Two persons were walking along the Tiber; one of them having asked the other to show him his ring, he did so, and, while he was examining it, it fell from his hands and rolled into the Tiber. The opinion was given that an action in factum was available.

Dig. 23,4,19Alfenus libro tertio digestorum a Paulo epitomatorum. Aliud est, si pater pro filia dotem promisit, ut annua bima trima quadrima quinto anno dos a se redderetur, et convenit, ut isdem diebus dos soluto matrimonio redderetur: hoc enim pactum ita valet, si patri filia heres exstitisset et interveniente ea pactum conventum fuerit.

Alfenus, Epitomes of the Digest by Paulus, Book III. It is different where a father, in promising a dowry for his daughter, agrees that it shall be paid by him in one, two, three, four, and five years; and states that it shall be returned in the same manner, if the marriage should be dissolved, for this agreement will be valid if the daughter should become the heir of her father, and if she was present at the time when the contract was made.

Dig. 23,5,8Alfenus libro tertio digestorum a Paulo epitomatorum. Vir in fundo dotali uxoris rogatu olivetum succiderat ad hoc, ut novellum reponeret: postea vir mortuus erat et uxori dotem relegaverat. ligna, quae ex oliveto excisa essent, oportere mulieri reddi respondit.

Alfenus, Epitomes of the Digest by Paulus, Book III. A certain man requested his wife to cut down an olive plantation which was on the dotal land, in order to replace it with a new one. The man afterwards died after bequeathing the dowry to his wife, and it was decided that the wood which had been cut from the olive trees should be returned to her.

Dig. 24,1,38Alfenus libro tertio digestorum a Paulo epitomatorum. Servus communis viri et fratris eius puerum donavit uxori fratris: pro qua parte is servus qui donasset viri esset, pro ea parte munus non esse factum mulieris respondit. 1Idem iuris erit, si ex tribus fratribus unus uxorem haberet et rem communem uxori donasset: nam ex tertia parte mulieris res facta non est, ex duabus autem partibus reliquis, si id scissent fratres aut posteaquam donata esset ratum habuissent, non debere mulierem reddere.

Alfenus, Epitomes of the Digest by Paulus, Book III. Where a slave, held in common by a husband and his brother, gave a young slave to the wife of the brother, it was held that the gift was not valid so far as the share belonging to the husband, which the slave had given, was concerned. 1The law will be the same where one of three brothers has a wife and gives her property held in common by them all, for one-third of the gift will not belong to the wife; but with reference to the other two-thirds, if the brothers knew that they were given, or, after this Was done, they confirm the act, the woman will not be obliged to make restitution.

Dig. 33,10,6Alfenus libro tertio digestorum a Paulo epitomatorum. Supellectilis eas esse res puto, quae ad usum communem patris familias paratae essent, quae nomen sui generis separatim non haberent: quare quae ad artificii genus aliquod pertinerent neque ad communem usum patris familias accommodatae essent, supellectilis non esse. 1Sed nec pugillares et codices in supellectili sunt.

Alfenus, Epitomes of the Digest by Paulus, Book III. I think that such things as are intended for the ordinary use of the head of the family should be included among household goods, where they have no distinct name peculiar to them. Therefore, articles which are employed in some trade, and are not adapted to the ordinary use of the head of the family, are not embraced in the term household goods. 1Small writing tablets and memorandum books are not classed as household goods.

Ex libro IV

Dig. 8,3,30Idem libro quarto epitomarum Alfeni digestorum. Qui duo praedia habebat, in unius venditione aquam, quae in fundo nascebatur, et circa eam aquam late decem pedes exceperat: quaesitum est, utrum dominium loci ad eum pertineat an ut per eum locum accedere possit. respondit, si ita recepisset: ‘circa eam aquam late pedes decem’, iter dumtaxat videri venditoris esse.

The Same, Epitomes of the Digest of Alfenus, Book IV. A man who had two tracts of land, in the sale of one of them reserved the water which came from a spring on the land, and also a space of ten feet around it. The question arose whether the ownership of the ground reserved belonged to him, or merely whether he was entitled to access to it? The answer was that, “If what he retained was ten feet wide around said spring”, it should be held that the vendor had only a right of way.

Dig. 10,4,19Paulus libro quarto epitomarum Alfeni. Ad exhibendum possunt agere omnes quorum interest. sed quidam consuluit, an possit efficere haec actio, ut rationes adversarii sibi exhiberentur, quas exhiberi magni eius interesset. respondit non oportere ius civile calumniari neque verba captari, sed qua mente quid diceretur, animadvertere convenire. nam illa ratione etiam studiosum alicuius doctrinae posse dicere sua interesse illos aut illos libros sibi exhiberi, quia, si essent exhibiti, cum eos legisset, doctior et melior futurus esset.

Ad Dig. 10,4,19ROHGE, Bd. 11 (1874), Nr. 121, S. 395: Klage des Inhabers des Umlaufexemplars (Secunda) gegen den Verwahrer des Acceptexemplars (Prima) des Wechsels auf Herausgabe. Begründung der Klage.Paulus, Epitomes of Alfenus, Book IV. Any one who is interested can bring an action for production. A certain person, however, made inquiry as to whether this action was available to compel the production of the accounts of his adversary for his inspection, as he alleged had a great interest in having the same produced. The answer was that the law should not be employed to cause annoyance, and that terms ought not to be captiously construed, but that it was proper to consider with what intention the words were uttered; for, in accordance with this principle, if anyone was desirous of studying some branch of knowledge, he might state that he had an interest in such and such books being produced for his benefit, because if they were produced, after he had read them he would become a more learned and a better man.

Dig. 18,1,40Paulus libro quarto epitomarum Alfeni digestorum. Qui fundum vendebat, in lege ita dixerat, ut emptor in diebus triginta proximis fundum metiretur et de modo renuntiaret, et si ante eam diem non renuntiasset, ut venditoris fides soluta esset: emptor intra diem mensurae quo minorem modum esse credidit renuntiavit et pecuniam pro eo accepit: postea eum fundum vendidit et cum ipse emptori suo admetiretur, multo minorem modum agri quam putaverat invenit: quaerebat, an id quod minor is esset consequi a suo venditore posset. respondit interesse, quemadmodum lex diceretur: nam si ita dictum esset, ut emptor diebus triginta proximis fundum metiatur et domino renuntiet, quanto modus agri minor sit, quo post diem trigensimum renuntiasset, nihil ei profuturum: sed si ita pactum esset, ut emptor in diebus proximis fundum metiatur et de modo agri renuntiet, etsi in diebus triginta renuntiasset minorem modum agri esse, quamvis multis post annis posse eum quo minor is modus agri fuisset repetere. 1In lege fundi aquam accessuram dixit: quaerebatur, an etiam iter aquae accessisset. respondit sibi videri id actum esse, et ideo iter quoque venditorem tradere oportere. 2Qui agrum vendebat, dixit fundi iugera decem et octo esse, et quod eius admensum erit, ad singula iugera certum pretium stipulatus erat: viginti inventa sunt. pro viginti deberi pecuniam respondit. 3Fundi venditor frumenta manu sata receperat: in eo fundo ex stipula seges erat enata: quaesitum est, an pacto contineretur. respondit maxime referre, quid est actum: ceterum secundum verba non esse actum, quod ex stipula nasceretur, non magis quam si quid ex sacco saccarii cecidisset aut ex eo quod avibus ex aere cecidisset natum esset. 4Cum fundum quis vendiderat et omnem fructum receperat, et arundinem caeduam et silvam in fructu esse respondit. 5Dolia, quae in fundo domini essent, accessura dixit: etiam ea, quae servus qui fundum coluerat emisset peculiaria, emptori cessura respondit. 6Rota quoque, per quam aqua traheretur, nihilo minus aedificii est quam situla.

Paulus, Epitomes of the Digest of Alfenus, Book IV. A man who sold a tract of land stated in the contract: “That the purchaser should measure the land within the next thirty days, and should give him notice of the measurement, and if he did not do so Within that time, the vendor should be released from his obligation.” The purchaser gave notice of the measurement within the stated time, Which was found to be less in extent than he supposed, and on this account he received money from the vendor. He afterwards sold the land, and when he himself was measuring it for his own purchaser, he found that there was very much less land in the tract than he thought there was. The question arose whether the amount of the deficiency could be recovered from his vendor. The answer was that the terms of the contract should be examined. For if it had been stated “That the purchaser should measure the land within the next thirty days, and notify the owner how much was lacking in the measurement,” and he notified him after the thirtieth day had passed, it would be of no advantage to him; but if it had been set forth in the agreement “That the purchaser should measure the land within the next thirty days, and notify him of the measurement of the same,” even though he notified him that the tract was smaller in size than had been supposed, he could, even after several years, bring an action to recover the value of the deficiency. 1In a contract for the sale of land the vendor granted the right to obtain water; and the question arose whether a right of way to the water was also included. The answer was that this seemed to have been the intention of the parties, and therefore that the vendor was compelled to grant a right of way. 2A party who sold a field, stated that it contained eighteen jugera, and stipulated that after it had been measured he should receive a certain price for each jugerum. The field was found to contain twenty jugera, and it was held that payment for twenty was due. 3The vendor of a tract of land reserved the grain that had been sowed with the hand, and on the tract a crop had grown from grain which had fallen from the stalk. The question arose whether this was included in the contract. The answer was that the intention should be carefully considered, but, according to the terms of the agreement, the intention seemed to be that what had fallen from the stalk should not be included, any more than if it had fallen from the sack of the sower, or had grown from seeds dropped by birds. 4Where a party sold a tract of land and reserved the entire crop of the same, it was held that reeds and wood that were cut were included in said crop. 5A slave stated that casks which were on land belonging to his master were accessory to the same. It was held that the casks, which had been bought by the slave who had cultivated the land, and which formed part of his peculium, should be delivered to the purchaser. 6The wheel also by which the water is drawn is a part of the building as well as the bucket.

Dig. 21,2,45Idem libro quarto digestorum a Paulo epitomatorum. Qui fundum tradiderat iugerum centum, fines multo amplius emptori demonstraverat. si quid ex his finibus evinceretur, pro bonitate eius emptori praestandum ait, quamvis id quod relinqueretur centum iugera haberet.

The Same, Epitomes of the Digest by Paulus, Book IV. Where a person sold and delivered a tract of land containing a hundred jugera, he showed a tract of much greater extent to the purchaser, if the latter should, in consequence, be evicted from a part of the land, the vendor will be obliged to make good the amount in proportion to the quality of the soil; even though the remaining portion may include a hundred jugera.

Dig. 39,3,24Alfenus libro quarto digestorum a Paulo epitomatorum. Vicinus loci superioris pratum ita arabat, ut per sulcos itemque porcas aqua ad inferiorem veniret: quaesitum est, an per arbitrum aquae pluviae arcendae possit cogi, ut in alteram partem araret, ne sulci in eius agrum spectarent. respondit non posse eum facere, quo minus agrum vicinus quemadmodum vellet araret. 1Sed si quos sulcos transversos aquarios faceret, per quos in eius agrum aqua deflueret, hosce ut operiret, per arbitrum aquae pluviae arcendae posse cogere. 2Sed et si fossas fecisset, ex quibus aqua pluvia posset nocere, arbitrum, si appareat futurum, ut aqua pluvia noceret, cogere oportere fossas eum explere et, nisi faceret, condemnare, tametsi antequam adiudicaret, aqua per fossas nunquam fluxisset. 3Lacus cum aut crescerent aut decrescerent, numquam neque accessionem neque decessionem in eos vicinis facere licet.

Alfenus, Epitomes of the Digest by Paulus, Book IV. A man who owned a field situated above that of another plowed it in such a way that the water was carried by the furrows and ridges upon the land of his neighbor below. The question arose whether he could be compelled by an action requiring him to take care of the rainwater, to plow in a different direction, so that the furrows would not be turned toward the premises of the neighbor. The answer was that he could not do anything to interfere with his neighbor plowing in any way that the latter desired. 1If, however, anyone plows across a water-course, and by means of the furrows, the water should be diverted upon the land of a neighbor, in such a way as to obstruct the water-course, he can be compelled to open it by means of this action. 2But if he should dig ditches by which the rain-water could injure a neighbor, he can be compelled by the court to fill them up, if it appears that the rain-water might afterwards cause damage, and judgment could be rendered against him, unless he did so; even though, before a decision was rendered, the water had not yet begun to flow through the ditches. 3When lakes either rise or fall, the neighbors have no right to do anything to affect either the increase or the diminution of the water.

Dig. 41,1,38Alfenus Varus libro quarto digestorum a Paulo epitomatorum. Attius fundum habebat secundum viam publicam: ultra viam flumen erat et ager Lucii Titii: fluit flumen paulatim primum omnium agrum, qui inter viam et flumen esset, ambedit et viam sustulit, postea rursus minutatim recessit et alluvione in antiquum locum rediit. respondit, cum flumen agrum et viam publicam sustulisset, eum agrum eius factum esse, qui trans flumen fundum habuisset: postea cum paulatim retro redisset, ademisse ei, cuius factus esset, et addidisse ei, cuius trans viam esset, quoniam eius fundus proximus flumini esset. id autem, quod publicum fuisset, nemini accessisset. nec tamen impedimento viam esse ait, quo minus ager, qui trans viam alluvione relictus est, Attii fieret: nam ipsa quoque via fundi esset.

Alfenus Varus, Epitomes of the Digest of Paulus, Book IV. Attius had a tract of land along a public highway; beyond the highway there was a river, and a field belonging to Lucius Titius. The river gradually surrounded the field, which was situated between the road and the river, and afterwards covered the road, then it receded little by little, and by alluvium returned to its ancient bed. The conclusion arrived at was that, since the river had covered both the field and the highway, the field became the property of him who owned land on the other side of the stream, and afterwards, having little by little receded to its former channel, the land was taken away from him whose property it had become, and was added to that of him who was on the other side of the highway, as his land was nearest to the river. The highway, however, which was public, could belong to no one by accession. It was decided that the highway offered no impediment to prevent the field which was left on the other side of it by alluvium from becoming the property of Attius, for the highway itself was also part of his land.

Dig. 47,2,58Alfenus libro quarto digestorum a Paulo epitomatorum. Si cretae fodiundae causa specum quis fecisset et cretam abstulisset, fur est, non quia fodisset, sed quia abstulisset.

Alfenus, Epitomes of the Digest of Paulus, Book IV. If anyone makes an excavation for the purpose of taking out chalk, and removes it, he is a thief, not because he dug out the chalk, but because he took it away.

Dig. 50,16,205Idem libro quarto epitomarum Alfeni. Qui fundum vendidit, ‘pomum’ recepit: nuces et ficos et uvas dumtaxat duracinas et purpureas et quae eius generis essent, quas non vini causa haberemus, quas Graeci τρωξίμους appellarent, recepta videri.

The Same, Epitomes of Alfenus, Book IV. When anyone sells a tract of land, reserving the fruit, he is understood to reserve the nuts, figs, and grapes whose skins are hard and purple, and are of the kind which we do not use in making wine, and which the Greeks call suitable for eating purposes.

Ex libro V

Dig. 8,2,33Paulus libro quinto epitomarum Alfeni digestorum. Eum debere columnam restituere, quae onus vicinarum aedium ferebat, cuius essent aedes quae servirent, non eum, qui imponere vellet. nam cum in lege aedium ita scriptum esset: ‘paries oneri ferundo uti nunc est, ita sit’, satis aperte significari in perpetuum parietem esse debere: non enim hoc his verbis dici, ut in perpetuum idem paries aeternus esset, quod ne fieri quidem posset, sed uti eiusdem modi paries in perpetuum esset qui onus sustineret: quemadmodum si quis alicui cavisset, ut servitutem praeberet, qui onus suum sustineret, si ea res quae servit et tuum onus ferret, perisset, alia in locum eius dari debeat.

Paulus, Epitomes of the Digest of Alfenus, Book V. The person who is required to replace a column which supported a neighboring house is the owner of the house subject to the servitude, and not he who wishes this to be done; for where it is stated in the written contract for the sale of a house that, “The wall must support the same burden as at present”, the meaning is clear enough that the wall must exist in perpetuity; for it is not stated in these words that the wall must be there forever, as this indeed could not happen, but that there should always be a wall of this kind to support the weight; just as where anyone binds himself to another that he will grant him a servitude in order to support his building, and if the house which is subject to the servitude and sustains the burden should be destroyed, another will be erected in its place.

Dig. 12,6,36Paulus libro quinto epitomarum Alfeni digestorum. Servus cuiusdam insciente domino magidem commodavit: is cui commodaverat pignori eam posuit et fugit: qui accepit non aliter se redditurum aiebat, quam si pecuniam accepisset: accepit a servulo et reddidit magidem: quaesitum est, an pecunia ab eo repeti possit. respondit, si is qui pignori accepisset magidem alienam scit apud se pignori deponi, furti eum se obligasse ideoque, si pecuniam a servulo accepisset redimendi furti causa, posse repeti: sed si nescisset alienam apud se deponi, non esse furem, item, si pecunia eius nomine, a quo pignus acceperat, a servo ei soluta esset, non posse ab eo repeti.

Paulus, Epitomes of the Digest of Alfenus, Book V. The slave of a certain party without the knowledge of his master lent a dish, and the party to whom he lent it pledged it and took to flight, and he who received it in pledge said that he would not return it unless he received the money; which was paid to him by the slave, and he returned the dish. The question arose whether an action could be brought against him for the recovery of the money? The answer was that if he who received the dish in pledge knew that it belonged to another, he had rendered himself liable for theft; and therefore if he received money from the slave for the purpose of redeeming stolen property, an action could be brought against him. But if he did not know that the article which was deposited with him belonged to another, he is not a thief; and besides, if the money had been paid to him by the slave in behalf of the party from whom he had received the pledge, suit could not be brought against him for the recovery of the same.

Dig. 13,7,30Paulus libro quinto epitomarum Alfeni Vari digestorum. Qui ratiario crediderat, cum ad diem pecunia non solveretur, ratem in flumine sua auctoritate detinuit: postea flumen crevit et ratem abstulit. si invito ratiario retinuisset, eius periculo ratem fuisse respondit: sed si debitor sua voluntate concessisset, ut retineret, culpam dumtaxat ei praestandam, non vim maiorem.

Paulus, Epitomes of the Digest of Alfenus Verus, Book V. A party who had lent money to the owner of a boat, detained the boat in the river on his own authority, as the money was not paid at the appointed time; and the river afterwards rose and carried away the boat. The opinion was that, if the creditor had retained the boat against the consent of the owner, the boat was at his risk; but if the debtor had voluntarily agreed that he should retain it, he should only be indemnified for negligence, and not for superior force.

Dig. 19,2,31Idem libro quinto digestorum a Paulo epitomatorum. In navem Saufeii cum complures frumentum confuderant, Saufeius uni ex his frumentum reddiderat de communi et navis perierat: quaesitum est, an ceteri pro sua parte frumenti cum nauta agere possunt oneris aversi actione. respondit rerum locatarum duo genera esse, ut aut idem redderetur (sicuti cum vestimenta fulloni curanda locarentur) aut eiusdem generis redderetur (veluti cum argentum pusulatum fabro daretur, ut vasa fierent, aut aurum, ut anuli): ex superiore causa rem domini manere, ex posteriore in creditum iri. idem iuris esse in deposito: nam si quis pecuniam numeratam ita deposuisset, ut neque clusam neque obsignatam traderet, sed adnumeraret, nihil alius eum debere apud quem deposita esset, nisi tantundem pecuniae solveret. secundum quae videri triticum factum Saufeii et recte datum. quod si separatim tabulis aut heronibus aut in alia cupa clusum uniuscuiusque triticum fuisset, ita ut internosci posset quid cuiusque esset, non potuisse nos permutationem facere, sed tum posse eum cuius fuisset triticum quod nauta solvisset vindicare. et ideo se improbare actiones oneris aversi: quia sive eius generis essent merces, quae nautae traderentur, ut continuo eius fierent et mercator in creditum iret, non videretur onus esse aversum, quippe quod nautae fuisset: sive eadem res, quae tradita esset, reddi deberet, furti esse actionem locatori et ideo supervacuum esse iudicium oneris aversi. sed si ita datum esset, ut in simili re solvi possit, conductorem culpam dumtaxat debere (nam in re, quae utriusque causa contraheretur, culpam deberi) neque omnimodo culpam esse, quod uni reddidisset ex frumento, quoniam alicui primum reddere eum necesse fuisset, tametsi meliorem eius condicionem faceret quam ceterorum.

Ad Dig. 19,2,31Windscheid: Lehrbuch des Pandektenrechts, 7. Aufl. 1891, Bd. II, § 401, Note 12.The Same, Epitomes of the Digest by Paulus, Book V. Several persons loaded the ship of Saufeius with grain without separating it; Saufeius delivered to one of them his grain out of the common heap, and the vessel was afterwards lost. The question arose whether the others could bring an action against the master of the ship with reference to their share of the grain on the ground that he had diverted the cargo. The answer was that there are two kinds of leases of property, one of them where the article must itself be returned, as where clothing is entrusted to a fuller to be cleaned, or where something of the same kind must be given back; as, for instance, where a mass of silver is given to a workman to be made into vases, or gold is given to be made into rings. In the first instance, the property still belongs to the owner; in the second, he becomes the creditor for its value. The same rule of law applies to deposits, for where a party has deposited a sum of money without having enclosed it in anything, or sealed it up, but simply after counting it, the party with whom it is left is not bound to do anything but repay the same amount of money. In accordance with this, the grain seems to have become the property of Saufeius, and he very properly gave up a portion of it. If, however, the grain of each of the parties had been separately enclosed by means of boards, or in sacks, or in casks, so that what belonged to each could be distinguished, it could not be changed; for then the owner of the wheat which the master of the ship had delivered could bring an action for its recovery, and, therefore, the authorities do not approve of actions on the ground of the diversion of the cargo in this case, because the merchandise which was delivered to the master was either all of the same kind and at once became his, and the owner became his creditor (for it is not held that there was a diversion of the cargo since it became the property of the master); or the identical article which was delivered must be restored, and in this instance, an action for theft would lie against the master, and hence an action on the ground of the diversion of the cargo would be superfluous. Where, however, the merchandise was delivered with the understanding that the same kind should be returned, the party receiving it would only be liable for negligence, as liability for negligence exists where the contract is made for the benefit of both parties, and no negligence can exist where the master returned to one of the owners a portion of the grain, since it was necessary for him to deliver his share to one of them before the others, even though he would be in a better condition than the others by his doing so.

Ex libro VI

Dig. 42,1,62Alfenus Varus libro sexto digestorum a Paulo epitomatorum. Cum quaerebatur, iudex, si perperam iudicasset, an posset eodem die iterum iudicare, respondit non posse.

Alfenus Varus, Epitomes of the Digest of Paulus, Book VI. The question was raised whether a judge who had rendered an improper decision could render another on the same day. The answer was that he could not do so.

Ex libro VIII

Dig. 32,61Idem libro octavo digestorum a Paulo epitomatorum. Textoribus omnibus, qui sui essent cum moreretur, legatis quaesitum est, an et is, quem postea ex his ostiarium fecisset, legato contineretur. respondit contineri: non enim ad aliud artificium, sed ad alium usum transductum esse.

The Same, Epitomes of the Digest by Paulus, Book VIII. Where certain weavers who belonged to the testator at the time of his death were bequeathed, the question arose whether one of them whom he had subsequently appointed porter should be included in the legacy. The answer was that he was included, for he was not transferred to another trade but was only temporarily assigned to a different task.

Dig. 33,2,40Alfenus Varus libro octavo digestorum a Paulo epitomatorum. ‘Illi cum illo habitationem lego’: perinde est, ac si ita ‘illi et illi’ legasset.

Alfenus Verus, Epitomes of the Digest of Paulus, Book VIII. “I bequeath lodging for So-and-So along with So-and-So.” This is just the same as if the testator had left it “To So-and-So and So-and-So.”

Digestorum libri

Ex libro II

Dig. 8,5,17Alfenus libro secundo digestorum. Si quando inter aedes binas paries esset, qui ita ventrem faceret, ut in vicini domum semipedem aut amplius procumberet, agi oportet ius non esse illum parietem ita proiectum in suum esse invito se. 1Cum in domo Gaii Sei locus quidam aedibus anni ita serviret, ut in eo loco positum habere ius Seio non esset, et Seius in eo silvam sevisset, in qua labra et tenes cucumellas positas haberet, annio consilium omnes iuris periti dederunt, ut cum eo ageret ius ei non esse in eo loco ea posita habere invito se. 2Secundum cuius parietem vicinus sterculinum fecerat, ex quo paries madescebat, consulebatur, quemadmodum posset vicinum cogere, ut sterculinum tolleret. respondi, si in loco publico id fecisset, per interdictum cogi posse, sed si in privato, de servitute agere oportere: si damni infecti stipulatus esset, possit per eam stipulationem, si quid ex ea re sibi damni datum esset, servare.

Alfenus, Digest, Book II. If there should be a wall between two houses, which projects a half a foot or more towards the adjacent building, proceedings must be instituted alleging that the defendant ought not to permit the wall to project in this manner over the premises of the plaintiff without his permission. 1A certain part of the premises of Gaius Seius was subject to a servitude for the benefit of the house of Annius, which provided that Seius should have no right to put anything in that place; but Seius planted trees there, and under them kept basins and other vessels. All persons learned in the law advised Annius to bring suit against Seius on the ground that he had no right to have those things in that place without his consent. 2Ad Dig. 8,5,17,2Windscheid: Lehrbuch des Pandektenrechts, 7. Aufl. 1891, Bd. I, § 169, Note 7.A neighbor placed a dunghill against the wall of another party from which the wall became damp; and advice was asked in what way he could compel his neighbor to remove the dunghill. I answered, that if he had done this in a public place he could be compelled to remove it by means of an interdict; but if it was done in a private place, it would be necessary to bring an action with reference to a servitude; and if there had been any stipulation for the prevention of threatened injury, the party could avail himself of the stipulation if he had sustained any damage on account of what had been done.

Dig. 9,1,5Alfenus libro secundo digestorum. Agaso cum in tabernam equum deduceret, mulam equus olfecit, mula calcem reiecit et crus agasoni fregit: consulebatur, possetne cum domino mulae agi, quod ea pauperiem fecisset. respondi posse.

Alfenus, Digest, Book II. While a groom was leading a horse to the stable of an inn, the horse sniffed at a mule, and the mule kicked and broke the groom’s leg. An opinion was requested whether suit could be brought against the owner of the mule, on the ground that it had caused the injury, and I answered that it could.

Dig. 9,2,52Alfenus libro secundo digestorum. Si ex plagis servus mortuus esset neque id medici inscienta aut domini neglegentia accidisset, recte de iniuria occiso eo agitur. 1Tabernarius in semita noctu supra lapidem lucernam posuerat: quidam praeteriens eam sustulerat: tabernarius eum consecutus lucernam reposcebat et fugientem retinebat: ille flagello, quod in manu habebat, in quo dolor inerat, verberare tabernarium coeperat, ut se mitteret: ex eo maiore rixa facta tabernarius ei, qui lucernam sustulerat, oculum effoderat: consulebat, num damnum iniuria non videtur dedisse, quoniam prior flagello percussus esset. respondi, nisi data opera effodisset oculum, non videri damnum iniuria fecisse, culpam enim penes eum, qui prior flagello percussit, residere: sed si ab eo non prior vapulasset, sed cum ei lucernam eripere vellet, rixatus esset, tabernarii culpa factum videri. 2In clivo Capitolino duo plostra onusta mulae ducebant: prioris plostri muliones conversum plostrum sublevabant, quo facile mulae ducerent: inter superius plostrum cessim ire coepit et cum muliones, qui inter duo plostra fuerunt, e medio exissent, posterius plostrum a priore percussum retro redierat et puerum cuiusdam obtriverat: dominus pueri consulebat, cum quo se agere oporteret. respondi in causa ius esse positum: nam si muliones, qui superius plostrum sustinuissent, sua sponte se subduxissent et ideo factum esset, ut mulae plostrum retinere non possint atque onere ipso retraherentur, cum domino mularum nullam esse actionem, cum hominibus, qui conversum plostrum sustinuissent, lege Aquilia agi posse: nam nihilo minus eum damnum dare, qui quod sustineret mitteret sua voluntate, ut id aliquem feriret: veluti si quis asellum cum agitasset non retinuisset, aeque si quis ex manu telum aut aliud quid immississet, damnum iniuria daret. sed si mulae, quia aliquid reformidassent et muliones timore permoti, ne opprimerentur, plostrum reliquissent, cum hominibus actionem nullam esse, cum domino mularum esse. quod si neque mulae neque homines in causa essent, sed mulae retinere onus nequissent aut cum coniterentur lapsae concidissent et ideo plostrum cessim redisset atque hi quo conversum fuisset onus sustinere nequissent, neque cum domino mularum neque cum hominibus esse actionem. illud quidem certe, quoquo modo res se haberet, cum domino posteriorum mularum agi non posse, quoniam non sua sponte, sed percussae retro redissent. 3Quidam boves vendidit ea lege, uti daret experiundos: postea dedit experiundos: emptoris servus in experiundo percussus ab altero bove cornu est: quaerebatur, num venditor emptori damnum praestare deberet. respondi, si emptor boves emptos haberet, non debere praestare: sed si non haberet emptos, tum, si culpa hominis factum esset, ut a bove feriretur, non debere praestari, si vitio bovis, debere. 4Cum pila complures luderent, quidam ex his servulum, cum pilam percipere conaretur, impulit, servus cecidit et crus fregit: quaerebatur, an dominus servuli lege Aquilia cum eo, cuius impulsu ceciderat, agere potest. respondi non posse, cum casu magis quam culpa videretur factum.

Alfenus, Digest, Book II. Ad Dig. 9,2,52 pr.Windscheid: Lehrbuch des Pandektenrechts, 7. Aufl. 1891, Bd. II, § 258, Note 18.Where a slave dies from the effect of blows, and this is not the result of the ignorance of a physician or of the neglect of the owner, an action for injury can be brought for his death. 1The keeper of a shop placed his lantern on a stone in a street at night, and a passer-by took it away; the shopkeeper followed him and demanded the lantern, and detained the party as he was trying to escape. The latter began to strike the shopkeeper with a whip which he held in his hand and to which an iron was attached, in order to compel him to release his hold. The struggle having become more serious, the shopkeeper knocked out the eye of the party who had taken away his lantern, and he asked for an opinion whether he could not be considered not to have inflicted unlawful damage, as he had been first struck with a whip? I answered that unless he had knocked out his eye designedly he would not be considered to have caused unlawful damage, because the party who first struck him with the whip was to blame; but if he had not first been beaten, but had fought with the party who is trying to take the lantern from him, the shopkeeper must be held to be responsible for the act. 2Mules were hauling two loaded wagons up the Capitoline Hill, and the drivers were pushing the first wagon which was inclined to one side in order that the mules might haul it more easily; in the meantime the upper wagon began to go back, and as the drivers were between the two wagons they withdrew, and the last wagon was struck by the first and moved back, crushing a slave boy who belonged to someone. The owner of the boy asked me against whom he ought to bring an action? I answered that it depended upon circumstances, for if the drivers who had hold of the first wagon voluntarily got out of the way, and the result was that the mules could not hold the wagon and were pulled back by its weight, then no action would lie against the owner of the mules, but an action under the Lex Aquilia could be brought against the men who had hold of the wagon; for if a party, while he was supporting something, by voluntarily releasing his hold enabled it to strike someone, he, nevertheless, committed damage; as for instance, where anyone was driving an ass and did not restrain it; or where anyone were to discharge a weapon, or throw some other object out of his hand. But if the mules gave way because they were frightened, and the drivers, actuated by fear of being crushed, released their hold on the wagon, then no action can be brought against the men but one could be brought against the owner of the mules. And if neither the mules nor the men were the cause of the accident, but the mules could not hold the load, or while striving to do so slipped and fell, and this caused the wagon to go back, and the men were unable to support the weight when the wagon was inclined to one side, then no action could be brought either against the owner of the mules or the men. This, however, is certain, that no matter what the circumstances were, no action would lie against the owner of the mules which were in the rear, as they did not go back voluntarily, but because they were struck. 3A certain man sold some oxen under the condition that he would permit the purchaser to try them, and he afterwards delivered them to be tried; and a slave of the purchaser while trying them was struck with the horn of one of the oxen. The question arose whether the vendor must pay damages to the purchaser? I answered that if the purchaser held the oxen as already purchased, he would not be compelled to pay; but if he had not obtained them with that understanding, then, if through the slave’s negligence he was wounded by the ox, damages would not have to be paid, but if it was due to the viciousness of the ox, they would be. 4Where several persons were playing ball, one of them pushed a small slave while he was trying to pick up the ball, and the slave fell and broke his leg. The question arose whether the owner of the slave could bring suit under the Lex Aquilia against the party who, by pushing him, had caused him to fall. I answered that he could not, as this seemed to have been done rather through accident than through negligence.

Dig. 10,3,26Alfenus Varus libro secundo digestorum. Communis servus cum apud alterum esset, crus fregit in opere: quaerebatur, alter dominus quid cum eo, penes quem fuisset, ageret. respondi, si quid culpa illius magis quam casu res communis damni cepisset, per arbitrum communi dividundo posse reciperare.

Alfenus Verus, Digest, Book II. A slave owned in common, while in the hands of one of his owners, broke his leg while working; and the question arose what kind of an action the other owner could bring against him with whom the slave had been at the time? I answered that if the common property had been injured rather through negligence than through accident, he could recover whatever damages were assessed by an arbiter in an action for the partition of common property.

Dig. 11,3,16Alfenus Varus libro secundo digestorum. Dominus servum dispensatorem manumisit, postea rationes ab eo accepit et cum eis non constaret, conperit apud quandam mulierculam pecuniam eum consumpsisse: quaerebatur, possetne agere servi corrupti cum ea muliere, cum is servus iam liber esset. respondi posse, sed etiam furti de pecuniis quas servus ad eam detulisset.

Alfenus Varus, Digest, Book II. The owner of a slave who had employed him as a steward manumitted him, and subsequently caused him to produce his accounts, and finding that they were not correct, he ascertained that the slave had spent the money on some woman. The question arose whether he could bring suit against this woman for corrupting the slave, as the slave was already free? I answered that he could, and that he could also do this for theft on account of the money which the slave had given her.

Dig. 15,3,16Alfenus libro secundo digestorum. Quidam fundum colendum servo suo locavit et boves ei dederat: cum hi boves non essent idonei, iusserat eos venire et his nummis qui recepti essent alios reparari: servus boves vendiderat, alios redemerat, nummos venditori non solverat, postea conturbaverat: qui boves vendiderat nummos a domino petebat actione de peculio aut quod in rem domini versum esset, cum boves pro quibus pecunia peteretur penes dominum essent. respondit non videri peculii quicquam esse, nisi si quid deducto eo, quod servus domino debuisset, reliquum fieret: illud sibi videri boves quidem in rem domini versos esse, sed pro ea re solvisse tantum, quanti priores boves venissent: si quo amplioris pecuniae posteriores boves essent, eius oportere dominum condemnari.

Alfenus, Digest, Book II. A certain party leased a tract of land to his slave for cultivation, and gave him oxen, and as these oxen were unsuitable for the work, he ordered them to be sold and others to be obtained by means of the money received. The slave sold the oxen, and bought others, but did not pay the money to the vendor, and afterwards became financially embarrassed. He who sold the oxen brought suit against the master in an action on the peculium, and for money which had been employed in his business, as the oxen on account of which the money was demanded were in possession of the master. The answer was, that no peculium was held to exist, except what remained after what the slave owed to the master had been deducted, and that it seemed to him that the oxen were, in fact, employed in the master’s affairs, but that he had paid on this account the amount that the first oxen had been sold for; and that judgment should be rendered against the master for the excess of the value of the last oxen.

Dig. 18,6,12Alfenus Varus libro secundo digestorum. Si vendita insula combusta esset, cum incendium sine culpa fieri non possit, quid iuris sit? respondit, quia sine patris familias culpa fieri potest neque, si servorum neglegentia factum esset, continuo dominus in culpa erit, quam ob rem si venditor eam diligentiam adhibuisset in insula custodienda, quam debent homines frugi et diligentes praestare, si quid accidisset, nihil ad eum pertinebit.

Ad Dig. 18,6,12ROHGE, Bd. 6 (1872), S. 216: Klage des Mandanten gegen den Mandatar auf Ersatz des durch Verabsäumung der vertragsmäßigen Diligenz verursachten Schadens. Beweislast der DiligenzAlfenus Verus, Digest, Book II. Where a house which has been sold is burned, as a fire cannot take place without someone being responsible, what is the law? The answer is that, because a fire can take place without the fault of the head of the household, if it was not caused by the negligence of his slaves, the master will not necessarily be to blame. Hence, if the vendor exercises the same diligence in taking care of the house as thrifty and diligent men are accustomed to do, and any accident should happen, he will not be responsible.

Dig. 19,1,26Alfenus Varus libro secundo digestorum. Si quis, cum fundum venderet, dolia centum, quae in fundo esse adfirmabat, accessura dixisset, quamvis ibi nullum dolium fuisset, tamen dolia emptori debebit.

Alfenus Verus, Digest, Book II. If anyone, when he sold a tract of land, stated that there were a hundred casks on the premises, which were accessory to the same; even though there was but one cask there, he will, nevertheless, be compelled to furnish a hundred casks to the purchaser.

Dig. 19,2,27Alfenus libro secundo digestorum. Habitatores non, si paulo minus commode aliqua parte caenaculi uterentur, statim deductionem ex mercede facere oportet: ea enim condicione habitatorem esse, ut, si quid transversarium incidisset, quamobrem dominum aliquid demoliri oporteret, aliquam partem parvulam incommodi sustineret: non ita tamen, ut eam partem caenaculi dominus aperuisset, in quam magnam partem usus habitator haberet. 1Iterum interrogatus est, si quis timoris causa emigrasset, deberet mercedem necne. respondit, si causa fuisset, cur periculum timeret, quamvis periculum vere non fuisset, tamen non debere mercedem: sed si causa timoris iusta non fuisset, nihilo minus debere.

Alfenus, Digest, Book II. It is not always necessary to make a deduction from the rent in the case where tenants have been put to a little inconvenience, with reference to a part of their lodgings; for the tenant is in such a position that if anything should fall on the building, and by reason of this the owner be compelled to demolish a portion of the same, he ought to bear the slight inconvenience resulting therefrom; but, in doing so, the owner must not open that part of the house of which the tenant is accustomed to make the most use. 1Ad Dig. 19,2,27,1ROHGE, Bd. 8 (1873), S. 341: Befugniß des Schiffsmanns auf Dienstentlassung wegen Kriegsgefahr nach ausgebrochenem Kriege.Again, the question is asked, if a tenant should leave on account of fear, will he be obliged to pay the rent, or not? The answer is that, if he had good reason to be afraid, even though there was not actually any danger, he will not owe the rent; but if there was no just cause for fear, it will still be due.

Dig. 39,2,43Alfenus Varus libro secundo digestorum. Damni infecti quidam vicino repromisserat: ex eius aedificio tegulae vento deiectae ceciderant in vicini tegulas easque fregerant: quaesitum est, an aliquid praestari oportet. respondit, si vitio aedificii et infirmitate factum esset, debere praestari: sed si tanta vis venti fuisset, ut quamvis firma aedificia convelleret, non debere. et quod in stipulatione est ‘sive quid ibi ruet’, non videri sibi ruere, quod aut vento aut omnino aliqua vi extrinsecus admota caderet, sed quod ipsum per se concideret. 1Cum parietem communem aedificare quis cum vicino vellet, priusquam veterem demoliret, damni infecti vicino repromisit adeoque restipulatus est: posteaquam paries sublatus esset et habitatores ex vicinis cenaculis emigrassent, vicinus ab eo mercedem, quam habitatores non redderent, petere vult: quaesitum est, an recte petet. respondit non oportuisse eos, cum communem parietem aedificarent, inter se repromittere neque ullo modo alterum ab altero cogi potuisse: sed si maxime repromitterent, tamen non oportuisse amplius quam partis dimidiae, quo amplius ne extrario quidem quisquam, cum parietem communem aedificaret, repromittere deberet. sed quoniam iam in totum repromisissent, omne, quod detrimenti ex mercede vicinus fecisset, praestaturum. 2Idem consulebat, possetne, quod ob eam rem dedisset, rursus repetere, quoniam restipulatus esset a vicino, si quid ob eam rem, quod ibi aedificatum esset, sibi damnum datum esset, id reddi, cum et ipsam hanc pecuniam, quam daret, propter illud opus perderet. respondit non posse propterea quia non operis vitio, sed ex stipulatione id amitteret.

Alfenus Varus, Digest, Book II. A certain man promised indemnity against threatened injury to his neighbor. Tiles from his building were thrown by the wind upon those of his neighbor and broke them. The question arose whether any damages were to be paid. The answer was that this should be done if the accident resulted from any defect or weakness of the building, but if the force of the wind was such that it could even have demolished buildings that were strongly constructed, no damages could be collected. And even though it were provided in the stipulation that damages would be payable even if anything should fall, nothing would be considered to have fallen, where anything was thrown down either by the violence of the wind, or by any other external force, but only what fell of itself. 1A man who desired to rebuild a party-wall which he owned in common with his neighbor, before he demolished it, gave him security against threatened injury, and obtained the same from him. After the wall was removed, the lodgers in the rooms of the neighbor left, and the latter attempted to recover from the other joint-owner of the wall the rent which the lodgers had not paid. The question arose whether he could lawfully make such a demand. The answer was that, as the party-wall was being rebuilt, it was not necessary for the joint-owners of the same to give security to one another, nor could either of them, under any circumstances, be compelled to do so by the other; but if they did give security, they still could not give it for more than the half owned by each, for neither of them should give security, even to a stranger, for any more than this, when he intended to rebuild the party-wall. As, however, both had given security for the entire amount, the one who built the wall must be responsible for any damage sustained by his neighbor on account of the loss of his rent. 2The same neighbor applied for advice as to whether he could not recover what he had paid on this account, for the reason that it had been agreed by his neighbor that he would reimburse him for any loss which he might have incurred on account of what he had built, and he had lost the money which he had paid on account of the work which he had done. The answer was that he could not do so, because the loss which he had sustained was not due to any defect of construction, but by virtue of the stipulation.

Dig. 44,1,14Alfenus Varus libro secundo digestorum. Filius familias peculiarem servum vendidit, pretium stipulatus est: is homo redhibitus et postea mortuus est. et pater eius pecuniam ab emptore petebat, quam filius stipulatus erat. placuit aequum esse in factum exceptionem eum obicere: ‘quod pecunia ob hominem illum expromissa est, qui redhibitus est’.

Ad Dig. 44,1,14Windscheid: Lehrbuch des Pandektenrechts, 7. Aufl. 1891, Bd. II, § 321, Note 2; Bd. II, § 355, Note 6.Alfenus Varus, Digest, Book II. A son under paternal control sold a slave forming part of his peculium, and a stipulation was made for the price. The slave was returned under a conditional clause of the contract and afterwards died, and the father demanded from the purchaser the money which the son had stipulated should be paid to him. It was decided to be just that an exception in factum should be pleaded against him, setting forth that the money had been promised for the slave who had afterwards been returned under a condition of the contract.

Dig. 44,7,20Alfenus libro secundo digestorum. Servus non in omnibus rebus sine poena domino dicto audiens esse solet, sicuti si dominus hominem occidere aut furtum alicui facere servum iussisset. quare quamvis domini iussu servus piraticam fecisset, iudicium in eum post libertatem reddi oportet. et quodcumque vi fecisset, quae vis a maleficio non abesset, ita oportet poenas eum pendere. sed si aliqua rixa ex litibus et contentione nata esset aut aliqua vis iuris retinendi causa facta esset et ab his rebus facinus abesset, tum non convenit praetorem, quod servus iussu domini fecisset, de ea re in liberum iudicium dare.

Alfenus, Digest, Book II. A slave should not, under all circumstances, go unpunished, where he has listened to the commands of his master; for instance, when the latter has ordered him to kill someone, or to commit a theft. Wherefore, although a slave may commit piracy by order of his master, he should be prosecuted for doing so after he has obtained his freedom; and any act of violence which he may have committed, which is criminal, will render him liable to punishment. If, however, a quarrel arose on account of a controversy or a dispute, or force was employed for the purpose of maintaining a right to which his master was entitled, and no crime was perpetrated, then the Prætor should not grant an action on this ground against a freedman, who, when a slave, had obeyed the commands of his master.

Dig. 50,16,202Alfenus Varus libro secundo digestorum. Cum in testamento scriptum esset, ut heres in funere aut in monumento ‘dumtaxat aureos centum’ consumeret, non licet minus consumere: si amplius vellet, licet neque ob eam rem contra testamentum facere videtur.

Alfenus Varus, Digest, Book II. When it is stated in a will that the heir shall only expend a hundred aurei for funeral expenses, or for the erection of a monument, he cannot spend any less than that amount; but, if he desires to spend more, he can do so, and he will not be considered to have done anything contrary to the terms of the will.

Ex libro IV

Dig. 40,1,6Alfenus Varus libro quarto digestorum. Servus pecuniam ob libertatem pactus erat et eam domino dederat: dominus prius quam eum manumitteret, mortuus erat testamentoque liberum esse iusserat et ei peculium suum legaverat. consulebat, quam pecuniam domino dedisset ob libertatem, an eam sibi heredes patroni reddere deberent necne. respondit, si eam pecuniam dominus, posteaquam accepisset, in suae pecuniae rationem habuisset, statim desisse eius peculii esse: sed si interea, dum eum manumitteret, acceptum servo rettulisset, videri peculii fuisse et debere heredes eam pecuniam manumisso reddere.

Alfenus Varus, Digest, Book IV. A slave, having agreed to give a certain sum in order to obtain his freedom, paid it to his master, but the latter died before manumitting him, and ordered him to be free by his will, and also bequeathed him his peculium. The slave asked whether the money, which he had paid to his master in consideration of obtaining his freedom, should be refunded to him by the heirs of his patron, or not? The answer was that if, after the master had received the money, he kept an account of it as his own, it immediately ceased to form part of the peculium of the slave; but if, in the meantime, before he manumitted him, he set the money aside, as having been paid by the slave, it should be considered to belong to his peculium, and the heirs must return it to the manumitted slave.

Dig. 40,7,14Alfenus Varus libro quarto digestorum. Servus, qui testamento domini, cum decem heredi dedisset, liber esse iussus erat, heredi mercedem referre pro operis suis solebat: cum ex mercede heres amplius decem recepisset, servus liberum esse aiebat: de ea re consulebatur. respondit non videri liberum esse: non enim pro libertate, sed pro operis eam pecuniam dedisse nec magis ob eam rem liberum esse, quam si fundum a domino conduxisset et pro fructu fundi pecuniam dedisset. 1Servus cum heredi annorum septem operas dedisset, liber esse iussus erat: is servus fugerat et annum in fuga fecerat. cum septem anni praeterissent, respondit non esse liberum: non enim fugitivum operas domino dedisse: quare nisi totidem dies, quot afuisset, servisset, non fore liberum. sed et si ita scriptum esset, ut tum liber esset, cum septem annis servisset, potuisse liberum esse, si tempus fugae reversus servisset.

Alfenus Varus, Digest, Book IV. A slave, who was ordered to be free by the will of his master under the condition of paying ten aurei to the heir, paid to the latter the wages of his labor, and as the heir received from the same a larger sum than ten aurei, the slave alleged that he was free. Advice was taken on this point. The answer was that the slave did not appear to be free, as the money which he had paid was not in consideration of his freedom, but on account of the labor which he had performed; and that he was no more free on this account than if he had leased a tract of land from his master and paid him the money instead of giving him the crops. 1A slave was ordered to be free after he had given his services to the heir for the term of seven years. He took to flight and remained absent for a year. When the seven years had expired, the opinion was given that he was not free, for he had not rendered his services to his master while he was a fugitive, and he would not become free until he had served his master for the number of days that he was absent. If, however, it had been stated in the will that he should be free after he had served seven years, he could become free if he served his master for the time of his flight, after his return.

Ex libro V

Dig. 4,6,42Alfenus libro quinto digestorum. Non vere dicitur rei publicae causa abesse eum, qui sui privati negotii causa in legatione est.

Alfenus, Digest, Book V. He cannot be said correctly to be absent in the service of the State, who has joined an embassy on account of his own private affairs.

Dig. 28,5,45Alfenus libro quinto digestorum. Pater familias testamento duos heredes instituerat: eos monumentum facere iusserat in diebus certis: deinde ita scripserat: ‘qui eorum non ita fecerit, omnes exheredes sunto’: alter heres hereditatem praetermiserat, reliquus heres consulebat, cum ipse monumentum exstruxisset, numquid minus heres esset ob eam rem, quod coheres eius hereditatem non adisset. respondit neminem ex alterius facto hereditati neque alligari neque exheredari posse, sed uti quisque condicionem implesset, quamvis nemo adisset praeterea, tamen eum heredem esse.

Alfenus, Digest, Book V. The head of a family appointed two heirs by his will, and ordered them to erect a monument for him within a certain time, and he afterwards inserted in his will: “Let him who does not do this be disinherited”. One of the heirs refused to enter upon the estate, and the other, inasmuch as he himself had built the monument, asked for an opinion as to whether he would not be entitled to the estate, because his co-heir had refused to accept it. The answer was that no one can be bound for, or deprived of, an estate by the act of another; but wherever anyone has complied with the condition, he will become the heir to the estate, even though none of the other heirs have entered upon the same.

Dig. 33,8,14Alfenus Varus libro quinto digestorum. Quidam in testamento ita scripserat: ‘Pamphilus servus meus peculium suum cum moriar sibi habeto liberque esto’. consulebatur, rectene Pamphilo peculium legatum videretur, quod prius quam liber esset peculium sibi habere iussus esset. respondit in coniunctionibus ordinem nullum esse neque quicquam interesse, utrum eorum primum diceretur aut scriberetur: quare recte peculium legatum videri, ac si prius liber esse, deinde peculium sibi habere iussus est.

Alfenus Verus, Digest, Book V. A certain individual inserted the following provision into his will: “When I die, let my slave Pamphilus have for himself his own peculium and let him be free.” It was asked whether or not the peculium should be held to have been legally bequeathed to Pamphilus, for the reason that he was directed to take the peculium before he became free. The answer was that there was no order to be observed in the two provisions, which in this instance were joined, and that it did not make any difference which of the two was mentioned or written first; and therefore that the peculium was held to have been legally bequeathed, just as if the slave had been directed to be free first, and to receive the peculium afterwards.

Dig. 34,8,2Alfenus Varus libro quinto digestorum. Quae in testamento scripta essent neque intellegerentur quid significarent, ea perinde sunt ac si scripta non essent: reliqua autem per se ipsa valent.

Alfenus Varus, Digest, Book V. Where the meaning of any testamentary provision cannot be ascertained, it is just as if it had not been written, but the other provisions will still be valid.

Dig. 35,1,27Alfenus Varus libro quinto digestorum. In testamento quidam scribserat, ut sibi monumentum ad exemplum eius, quod in via salaria esset Publii septimii Demetrii, fieret: nisi factum esset, heredes magna pecunia multare et cum id monumentum Publii septimii Demetrii nullum repperiebatur, sed Publii Septimii Damae erat, ad quod exemplum suspicabatur eum qui testamentum fecerat monumentum sibi fieri voluisse, quaerebant heredes, cuiusmodi monumentum se facere oporteret et, si ob eam rem nullum monumentum fecissent, quia non repperirent, ad quod exemplum facerent, num poena tenerentur. respondit, si intellegeretur, quod monumentum demonstrare voluisset is qui testamentum fecisset, tametsi in scriptura mendum esset, tamen ad id, quod ille se demonstrare animo sensisset, fieri debere: sin autem voluntas eius ignoraretur, poenam quidem nullam vim habere, quoniam ad quod exemplum fieri iussisset, id nusquam exstaret, monumentum tamen omnimodo secundum substantiam et dignitatem defuncti exstruere debere.

Alfenus Varus, Digest, Book V. A certain individual provided in his will that a monument, like that of Publius Septimius Demetrius which stands on the Salarian Way, should be erected to him, and if this was not done, that his heirs should be liable to a considerable fine. As no monument to Publius Septimius Demetrius could be found, but there was one erected to Publius Septimius Damas, and it was supposed that the party who made the will intended that a monument should be erected to him like the one aforesaid, the heirs asked advice as to what kind of a monument they would be obliged to erect, and whether they would be liable to the penalty if they did not erect any, because they could not find one to use as a pattern. The answer was that if it could be ascertained what kind of a monument the party who made the will intended to designate, even though he may not have described it in his will, it should still be erected in accordance with what he wished to indicate. If, however, his intention was not known, the penalty would have no force or effect, as there was no monument found which could serve as a pattern for the one which he ordered to be erected; but the heirs must, nevertheless, erect a monument corresponding in every respect with the wealth and rank of the deceased.

Ex libro VI

Dig. 5,1,76Alfenus libro sexto digestorum. Proponebatur ex his iudicibus, qui in eandem rem dati essent, nonullos causa audita excusatos esse inque eorum locum alios esse sumptos, et quaerebatur, singulorum iudicum mutatio eandem rem an aliud iudicium fecisset. respondi, non modo si unus aut alter, sed et si omnes iudices mutati essent, tamen et rem eandem et iudicium idem quod antea fuisset permanere: neque in hoc solum evenire, ut partibus commutatis eadem res esse existimaretur, sed et in multis ceteris rebus: nam et legionem eandem haberi, ex qua multi decessissent, quorum in locum alii subiecti essent: et populum eundem hoc tempore putari qui abhinc centum annis fuissent, cum ex illis nemo nunc viveret: itemque navem, si adeo saepe refecta esset, ut nulla tabula eadem permaneret quae non nova fuisset, nihilo minus eandem navem esse existimari. quod si quis putaret partibus commutatis aliam rem fieri, fore ut ex eius ratione nos ipsi non idem essemus qui abhinc anno fuissemus, propterea quod, ut philosophi dicerent, ex quibus particulis minimis constiteremus, hae cottidie ex nostro corpore decederent aliaeque extrinsecus in earum locum accederent. quapropter cuius rei species eadem consisteret, rem quoque eandem esse existimari.

Alfenus, Digest, Book VI. The following case was suggested. Certain judges were appointed to hear the same action, some of them having been excused after it was tried, others were appointed in their stead; and the question arose whether the change of some individual judges left the case in the same condition, or placed it in a different one? I answered that not only one or two might be changed, but all of them as well, and that the action would continue to be the same that it was previously, and in fact this was not the only case in which it happened that though the parts were changed, still the thing itself was considered to be the same, but this occurred in many other instances. For a legion is considered to be the same, even though many of those belonging to it may have been killed, and others put in their places; and the people are deemed to be the same now as they were a hundred years ago, although not one of them may at present be living; and also, where a ship has been so frequently repaired that not even a single plank remains which is not new, she is still considered to be the same ship. And if anyone should think that if its parts are changed, an article would become a different thing, the result would be that, according to this rule, we ourselves would not be the same persons that we were a year ago, because, as the philosophers inform us, the very smallest particles of which we consist are daily detached from our bodies, and others from outside are being substituted for them. Therefore, where the outward appearance of anything remains unaltered, the thing itself is considered to be the same.

Dig. 6,1,57Alfenus libro sexto digestorum. Is a quo fundus petitus erat ab alio eiusdem fundi nomine conventus est: quaerebatur, si alterutri eorum iussu iudicis fundum restituisset et postea secundum alterum petitorem res iudicaretur, quemadmodum non duplex damnum traheret. respondi, uter prior iudex iudicaret, eum oportere ita fundum petitori restitui iubere, ut possessori caveret vel satisdaret, si alter fundum evicisset, eum praestare.

Alfenus, Digest, Book VI. A party against whom a suit was brought for the recovery of land, was again sued by another for the same land; and the question arose if he should deliver the land to either of the plaintiffs by order of court, and afterwards judgment should be rendered in favor of the other plaintiff, how would he avoid sustaining a double loss? I answered that whichever judge decided the case first must order the land to be delivered to the plaintiff under the condition that he would execute a bond or give security to the possessor that if the other party recovered the land, he would deliver the same.

Ex libro VII

Dig. 4,8,50Alfenus libro septimo digestorum. Arbiter ex compromisso sumptus cum ante eum diem, qui constitutus compromisso erat, sententiam dicere non posset, diem compromissi proferri iusserat: alter ex litigatoribus dicto audiens non fuerat: consulebatur possetne ab eo pecunia ex compromisso peti. respondi non posse, ideo quod non esset arbitro permissum ut id iuberet.

Alfenus, Digest, Book VII. An arbiter was selected under an agreement for arbitration, and, not having been able to make his award within the period mentioned in the agreement, ordered the time of the hearing to be extended. One of the parties was not willing to obey the order; hence an opinion was asked as to whether an action could be brought against him for the penalty arising from the arbitration? I answered that this could not be done, for the reason that authority had not been granted to the arbiter to extend the time.

Dig. 19,2,29Alfenus libro septimo digestorum. In lege locationis scriptum erat: ‘redemptor silvam ne caedito neve cingito neve deurito neve quem cingere caedere urere sinito’. quaerebatur, utrum redemptor, si quem quid earum rerum facere vidisset, prohibere deberet an etiam ita silvam custodire, ne quis id facere possit. respondi verbum sinere utramque habere significationem, sed locatorem potius id videri voluisse, ut redemptor non solum, si quem casu vidisset silvam caedere, prohiberet, sed uti curaret et daret operam, ne quis caederet.

Alfenus, Digest, Book VII. The following was inserted in the contract of a lease: “The lessee shall neither cut down trees, nor girdle nor burn them, nor permit anyone to girdle, cut down, or burn the same.” The question arose whether the lessee should prevent anyone whom he saw doing something of this kind, or whether he should keep such a watch upon the trees that no one could do this. I answered that the word “permit” includes both significations, but that the lessor seemed to have intended that the lessee should not only prevent anyone whom he saw cutting down trees, but should also be careful and take such precautions that no one could cut them down.

Dig. 34,2,28Alfenus Varus libro septimo digestorum. Cum in testamento alicui argentum, quod usus sui causa paratum esset, legaretur, itemque vestis aut supellex, quaesitum est, quid cuiusque usus causa videretur paratum esse, utrumne id argentum, quod victus sui causa paratum pater familias ad cotidianum usum parasset an et si eas mensas argenteas et eius generis argentum haberet, quo ipse non temere uteretur, sed commodare ad ludos et ad ceteras apparationes soleret. et magis placet, quod victus sui causa paratum est, tantum contineri.

Alfenus Verus, Digest, Book VII. Where silver destined for the use of the testator is left by will to anyone, together with his wardrobe and his furniture, the question arises for what use these articles would seem to be intended; whether the silver designed for daily table service of the head of the household was meant, or whether the silver tables and other things of the same kind which the testator did not use continually, but was accustomed to lend for games, and on other important occasions were referred to. The better opinion is that the silver only is included in such a bequest which was designed for the ordinary table service of the testator.

Dig. 38,1,26Alfenus Varus libro septimo digestorum. Medicus libertus, quod putaret, si liberti sui medicinam non facerent, multo plures imperantes sibi habiturum, postulabat, ut sequerentur se neque opus facerent: id ius est nec ne? respondit ius esse, dummodo liberas operas ab eis exigeret, hoc est ut adquiescere eos meridiano tempore et valetudinis et honestatis suae rationem habere sineret. 1Item rogavi, si has operas liberti dare nollent, quanti oporteret aestimari. respondit, quantum ex illorum operis fructus, non quantum ex incommodo dando illis, si prohiberet eos medicinam facere, commodi patronus consecuturus esset.

Alfenus Varus, Digest, Book VII. Where a physician, who thought that if his freedmen did not practice medicine he would have many more patients, demanded that they should follow him and not practice their profession, the question arose whether he had the right to do this or not. The answer was that he did have that right, provided he required only honorable services of them; that is to say, that he would permit them to rest at noon, and enable them to preserve their honor and their health. 1I also ask, if the freedmen should refuse to render such services, how much the latter should be considered to be worth. The answer was that the amount ought to be determined by the value of their services when employed, and not by the advantage which the patron would secure by causing the freedmen inconvenience through forbidding them to practice medicine.

Dig. 39,4,15Alfenus Varus libro septimo digestorum. Caesar cum insulae Cretae cotorias locaret, legem ita dixerat: ‘ne quis praeter redemptorem post idus Martias cotem ex insula Creta fodito neve eximito neve avellito’. cuiusdam navis onusta cotibus ante idus Martias ex portu Cretae profecta vento relata in portum erat, deinde iterum post idus Martias profecta erat. consulebatur, num contra legem post idus Martias ex insula Creta cotes exisse viderentur. respondit, tametsi portus quoque, qui insulae essent, omnes eius insulae esse viderentur, tamen eum, qui ante idus Martias profectus ex portu esset et relatus tempestate in insulam deductus esset, si inde exisset non videri contra legem fecisse, praeterea quod iam initio evectae cotes viderentur, cum et ex portu navis profecta esset.

Alfenus Varus, Digest, Book VII. When the Emperor leased the quarries of the island of Crete, he inserted the following clause in the lease: “No one except the farmer of the revenue shall make an excavation, or remove, or take out a single stone from the quarries of the Island of Crete, after the Ides of March.” A ship belonging to a certain individual, which was loaded with flints, having departed from the harbor of Crete before the Ides of March, was driven back into the harbor by the wind and departed the second time after the Ides of March. Advice was asked whether the flints should be held to have been removed contrary to law after the Ides of March. The answer was that although the harbors, which themselves were parts of the island, should all be considered as belonging to it, still, as the vessel, having left the port before the Ides of March, was driven back to the island by a storm, and afterwards departed, it should not be held to have done so in violation of law; especially as the flints must be considered to have been removed before the time prescribed, since the ship had already left the harbor.

Dig. 40,1,7Idem libro septimo digestorum. Duo filii familias peculiares servos separatim uterque habebant: ex his alter servulum suum peculiarem vivo patre manumisit: pater utrique testamento peculium praelegaverat. quaerebatur, servus iste utrum amborum, an eius a quo manumissus erat libertus esset. respondit, si prius testamentum pater fecisset, quam filius eum liberum esse iussisset, unius esse libertum, ideo quod eum quoque in peculio legasse videretur: sed si postea testamentum pater fecisset, non videri eam mentem eius fuisse, ut eum, qui manumissus esset, legaret eumque servum, quoniam praelegatus non esset, mortuo patre amborum servum fuisse.

The Same, Digest, Book VII. Two sons under paternal control had, as part of the peculium of each, separate slaves. One of them, during the lifetime of his father, manumitted a young slave who belonged to his peculium. The father, by his will, bequeathed to each son his own peculium, as a preferred legacy. The question arose whether the above-mentioned slave became the freedman of both of the sons, or only of the one by whom he had been manumitted? The answer was that if the father made his will before the son manumitted the slave, he would only become the freedman of that one, for the reason that he would be considered to have been bequeathed with the remainder of the peculium. If, however, the father had made his will afterwards, he would not be held to have intended to bequeath the slave who had been manumitted; and as he did not bequeath the said slave as a preferred legacy, after the death of the father he would be the slave of the two brothers.

Dig. 50,16,203Idem libro septimo digestorum. In lege censoria portus Siciliae ita scriptum erat: ‘servos, quos domum quis ducet suo usu, pro is portorium ne dato’. quaerebatur, si quis a Sicilia servos Romam mitteret fundi instruendi causa, utrum pro his hominibus portorium dare deberet nec ne. respondit duas esse in hac scriptura quaestiones, primam quid esset ‘domum ducere’, alteram, quid esset ‘suo usu ducere’. igitur quaeri soleret, utrum, ubi quisque habitaret sive in provincia sive in Italia, an dumtaxat in sua cuiusque patria domus esse recte dicetur. Sed de ea re constitutum esse eam domum unicuique nostrum debere existimari, ubi quisque sedes et tabulas haberet suarumque rerum constitutionem fecisset. quid autem esset ‘usu suo’, magnam habuisse dubitationem. et magis placet, quod victus sui causa paratum est, tantum contineri. itemque de servis eadem ratione quaeri, qui eorum usus sui causa parati essent? utrum dispensatores, insularii, vilici, atrienses, textores, operarii quoque rustici, qui agrorum colendorum causa haberentur, ex quibus agris pater familias fructus caperet, quibus se toleraret, omnes denique servos, quos quisque emisset, ut ipse haberet atque eis ad aliquam rem uteretur, neque ideo emisset, ut venderet? et sibi videri eos demum usus sui causa patrem familias habere, qui ad eius corpus tuendum atque ipsius cultum praepositi destinatique essent, quo in genere iunctores, cubicularii, coci, ministratores atque alii, qui ad eiusmodi usum parati essent, numerarentur.

The Same, Digest, Book VII. It was stated in the law relating to the collection of duties in the harbors of Sicily: “That no one should pay any duty on slaves which he was taking to his own house for private use.” The question arose if anyone should send slaves from Sicily to Rome, for the purpose of cultivating land, whether or not he would be compelled to pay duty on them. The answer was that in this law two points were involved: first, what did the words, “Take to his own house,” mean; and second, what was the meaning of the expression, “For his private use”? Therefore, if the word “house” meant where someone lived, inquiry should be made whether this was in a province, or in Italy; or whether his house could only properly be said to be in his own country. On this point it was decided that anyone’s house should be considered to be where he had his home, kept his accounts, and transacted his business. There is, however, great doubt as to the signification of the expression, “For his private use,” and it was decided that this only had reference to what was prepared for his subsistence. For the same reason it might also be asked with reference to slaves who are alleged to be for the use of their master whether stewards, porters, farmers, overseers, weavers, and farm laborers, who are employed in the cultivation of the soil, from which the owner obtains his living and supports himself, are meant; or whether all the slaves which any person purchased and kept for his own use, as well as those whom he employed for other purposes, and were not bought to sell again, are included. It seems to me that only those destined for the use of the head of the family, who are appointed for his personal service and support, which class includes valets, domestic, servants, cooks, attendants, and all others devoted to employments of this kind are meant.