Quaestionum libri
Ex libro IX
Dig. 8,3,33Idem libro nono quaestionum. Cum essent mihi et tibi fundi duo communes Titianus et Seianus et in divisione convenisset, ut mihi Titianus, tibi Seianus cederet, invicem partes eorum tradidimus et in tradendo dictum est, ut alteri per alterum aquam ducere liceret: recte esse servitutem impositam ait, maxime si pacto stipulatio subdita sit. 1Per plurium praedia aquam ducis quoquo modo imposita servitute: nisi pactum vel stipulatio etiam de hoc subsecuta est, neque eorum cuivis neque alii vicino poteris haustum ex rivo cedere: pacto enim vel stipulatione intervenientibus et hoc concedi solet, quamvis nullum praedium ipsum sibi servire neque servitutis fructus constitui potest.
The Same, Questions, Book IX. Where you and I held two tracts of land, the Titian and Seian Estates, in common, and in dividing the same it was agreed that the Titian Estate should belong to me, and the Seian to you, and we conveyed our respective shares to one another, and in doing so it was stated that each one should be allowed to conduct water through the land of the other; it was held that the servitude was properly established, especially if a stipulation was added to the contract. 1You conduct water through the land of several persons. No matter in what way the servitude was created, unless an agreement was entered into, or a stipulation made with reference to it, you cannot grant to any of the owners, or to any neighbors the right to draw water from channels, but where an agreement or a stipulation was entered into, it is usual for this to be granted; although no land can be the subject of a servitude in favor of itself, nor can the usufruct of a servitude be created.
Dig. 12,6,38Africanus libro nono quaestionum. Frater a fratre, cum in eiusdem potestate essent, pecuniam mutuatus post mortem patris ei solvit: quaesitum est, an repetere possit. respondit utique quidem pro ea parte, qua ipse patri heres exstitisset, repetiturum, pro ea vero, qua frater heres exstiterit, ita repetiturum, si non minus ex peculio suo ad fratrem pervenisset: naturalem enim obligationem quae fuisset hoc ipso sublatam videri, quod peculii partem frater sit consecutus, adeo ut, si praelegatum filio eidemque debitori id fuisset, deductio huius debiti a fratre ex eo fieret. idque maxime consequens esse ei sententiae, quam Iulianus probaret, si extraneo quid debuisset et ab eo post mortem patris exactum esset, tantum iudicio eum familiae erciscundae reciperaturum a coheredibus fuisse, quantum ab his creditor actione de peculio consequi potuisset. igitur et si re integra familiae erciscundae agatur, ita peculium dividi aequum esse, ut ad quantitatem eius indemnis a coherede praestetur: porro eum, quem adversus extraneum defendi oportet, longe magis in eo, quod fratri debuisset, indemnem esse praestandum. 1Quaesitum est, si pater filio crediderit isque emancipatus solvat, an repetere possit. respondit, si nihil ex peculio apud patrem remanserit, non repetiturum: nam manere naturalem obligationem argumento esse, quod extraneo agente intra annum de peculio deduceret pater, quod sibi filius debuisset. 2Contra si pater quod filio debuisset eidem emancipato solverit, non repetet: nam hic quoque manere naturalem obligationem eodem argumento probatur, quod, si extraneus intra annum de peculio agat, etiam quod pater ei debuisset computetur. eademque erunt et si extraneus heres exheredato filio solverit id, quod ei pater debuisset. 3Legati satis accepi et cum fideiussor mihi solvisset, apparuit indebitum fuisse legatum: posse eum repetere existimavit.
Ad Dig. 12,6,38Windscheid: Lehrbuch des Pandektenrechts, 7. Aufl. 1891, Bd. I, § 129, Note 7; Bd. II, § 289, Note 26.Africanus, Questions, Book IX. Where two brothers were under the control of the same party and one of them borrowed money from the other and paid it to him after the death of their father, the question arose can it be recovered by an action? The answer was that there was no doubt that suit might be brought for the amount of the share to which the heir was entitled to inherit from his father; but with reference to the share which his brother was to inherit, he could bring suit only in case that much had come into the hands of the brother out of his own peculium; for the natural obligation which existed was held to have been removed by the very fact that his brother had obtained part of the former’s peculium, and therefore, if the peculium had been previously bequeathed to the son, that is to say, the same one who was indebted to his brother, a deduction of this amount could be made by the latter. This exactly coincides with the opinion approved of by Julianus, that if the party had owed anything to a stranger and it had been collected from him after the death of his father; he would be entitled to a right of action for partition of the estate, in order to recover the amount from his co-heir to the extent that the creditor would have been able to collect from them by an action De peculio. Therefore, where proceedings are instituted in an action for partition of the estate, it is only just for the peculium to be divided, so that the party shall be indemnified by his co-heir with reference to a certain portion of it; and hence, as he could defend himself against a stranger, much more should he be indemnified against what he owed his brother. 1The question has been asked whether, where a father lends money to his son and the latter pays it after being emancipated, he can bring an action for the recovery of the same? The answer was that if no part of the peculium remains in the possession of the father, an action cannot be brought by the son, and what proves that the natural obligation still exists is that if a stranger brought an action De peculio within a year, the father could deduct what the son owed him. 2On the other hand, where a father owed money to his son and paid the latter after he has been emancipated, he cannot recover it; for it is proved by the same argument that the natural obligation still exists in this instance, because if a stranger should bring an action De peculio within a year, the peculium would be held to include what the father owes him. The same rule applies where a foreign heir pays a disinherited son what his father owed him. 3I received security for a legacy, when the surety paid me it appeared that I had no right to the legacy; and it was held that the surety could recover the money by an action.
Dig. 35,1,32Idem libro nono quaestionum. Quamvis rationes reddere nihil aliud sit quam reliqua solvere, tamen si et statuliberi et heredis culpa, sine fraude tamen servi minus solutum sit et bona fide redditas esse rationes existimatum fuerit, liberum fore: et nisi ita observetur, neminem, qui sub condicione ita manumissus esset, umquam ad libertatem perventurum, si per imprudentiam minus solutum esset. haec ita accipienda ait, si quando is, qui rationes reddere iussus sit, per aliquem errorem sine dolo malo ita rationes ediderit, ut dominus quoque circa computationem erraret.
The Same, Questions, Book IX. Although the words, “Render his accounts,” have no other signification than to pay the balance which was due, still, if less than is due is paid by a slave who is to be free under a certain condition, through the fault of the heir, and not on account of any fraud committed by the slave, and he is considered to have rendered his accounts in good faith, he will become free; and, unless this rule is observed, no slave who is manumitted under a condition would ever obtain his freedom, if, through want of knowledge, he should pay less than he ought to have paid. This must be understood to refer to cases where a slave is ordered to render his accounts, and, through some mistake but without fraudulent intent, he does so in such a way that his master may also be mistaken with reference to his calculation.
Dig. 39,1,15Africanus libro nono quaestionum. Si prius, quam aedificatum esset, ageretur ius vicino non esse aedes altius tollere nec res ab eo defenderetur, partes iudicis non alias futuras fuisse ait, quam ut eum, cum quo ageretur, cavere iuberet non prius se aedificaturum, quam ultro egisset ius sibi esse altius tollere. idemque e contrario, si, cum quis agere vellet ius sibi esse invito adversario altius tollere, eo non defendente similiter, inquit, officio iudicis continebitur, ut cavere adversarium iuberet nec opus novum se nuntiaturum nec aedificanti vim facturum. eaque ratione hactenus is, qui rem non defenderet, punietur, ut de iure suo probare necesse haberet: id enim esse petitoris partes sustinere.
Ad Dig. 39,1,15Windscheid: Lehrbuch des Pandektenrechts, 7. Aufl. 1891, Bd. I, § 198, Note 16.Africanus, Questions, Book XIX. Where suit is brought to prevent a house from being raised to a greater height by a neighbor, before any work has been performed, and the case is not defended by the said neighbor, it has been held to be the duty of the judge that nothing else shall be done before the party, against whom the action has been brought, shall be ordered to give security that he will not proceed with his building, before establishing his right to raise it higher. On the other hand, the same rule will apply when anyone brings an action, claiming that he has a right to build his house higher against his adversary’s consent, and, in like manner, no defence is made; for it is held to be the duty of the judge to order the adversary to give security that he will not notify him to discontinue the new work, nor employ violence against him to prevent him from building. In this case, also, he who does not defend the action is punished by requiring him to prove his right, for this is, in fact, to take the part of the plaintiff.
Dig. 39,2,44Africanus libro nono quaestionum. Cum postulassem, ut mihi damni infecti promitteres, noluisti et priusquam praetor adiretur, aedes tuae corruerunt et damnum mihi dederunt: potius esse ait, ut nihil novi praetor constituere debeat et mea culpa damnum sim passus, qui tardius experiri coeperim. at si cum praetor ut promitteres decrevisset et te non promittente ire me in possessionem iussisset et prius, quam eo venissem, corruerunt, perinde omnia servanda esse existimavit, atque si posteaquam in possessionem venissem damnum datum esset. 1Damni infecti nomine in possessionem missus possidendo dominium cepit, deinde creditor eas aedes pignori sibi obligatas persequi vult. non sine ratione dicetur, nisi impensas, quas in refectionem fecerim, mihi praestare sit paratus, inhibendam adversus me persecutionem. cur ergo non emptori quoque id tribuendum est, si forte quis insulam pigneratam emerit? non recte haec inter se comparabuntur, quando is qui emit sua voluntate negotium gerat ideoque diligentius a venditore sibi cavere et possit et debeat: quod non aeque et de eo, cui damni infecti non promittatur, dici potest.
Africanus, Questions, Book IX. I demanded that you give me a bond of indemnity against threatened injury and you refused to do so. Before I applied to the Prætor, your building fell down and caused me damage. It. was held that the Prætor should not render any decision in this case, and that I suffered the damage through my own Tault, because I began to institute proceedings too late. If, however, the Prætor decided that you should furnish me security, and you did not do so, and he then ordered me to take possession, and your building should collapse before I arrived, it was held that the same rule should be observed as if the injury had been sustained after I had come into possession of the property. 1Having been placed in possession of property on the ground of threatened injury, I obtained the ownership of the same through possession under the second decree of the Prætor. A creditor afterwards desired to prosecute his claim to the house which was hypothecated to him. It was held, and not without reason, that if I had incurred some expense in repairing the house, and the creditor was not willing to reimburse me for the same, he would not be permitted to bring suit against me. Why then should not this right also be conceded to a purchaser, if he had bought a house which had been hypothecated? These two cases cannot justly be compared with one another, since he who purchased the house entered into the transaction voluntarily, and therefore he could and should have been more diligent, and should have compelled the vendor to furnish him with security; but this cannot be said of him who failed to furnish indemnity against threatened injury.
Dig. 39,6,24Idem libro nono quaestionum. Quod debitori acceptum factum esset mortis causa, si convaluerit donator, etiam tempore liberato ei potest condici: namque acceptilatione interveniente abitum ab iure pristinae obligationis eamque in huius condictionis transfusam.
The Same, Questions, Book IX. When a release is given to a debtor as a donation mortis causa, and the donor recovers his health, he can collect the debt, even if the debtor has been released by lapse of time; for, by the release, the creditor has renounced his claim under the prior obligation, and it has been merged in the right to recover the donation.
Dig. 40,4,22Idem libro nono quaestionum. Qui filium impuberem heredem instituit, Stichum ratione argenti, quod sub cura eius esset, reddita liberum esse iusserat: is servus parte argenti subtracta cum tutore divisit atque ita tutor ei parem rationem adscripsit. consultus, an Stichus liber esset, respondit non esse liberum: nam quod alioquin placeat, si statuliber pecuniam dare iussus tutori det vel per tutorem stet, quo minus condicioni pareatur, pervenire eum ad libertatem, ita accipiendum, ut bona fide et citra fraudem statuliberi et tutoris id fiat, sicut et in alienationibus rerum pupillarium servatur. itaque et si offerente statulibero pecuniam tutor in fraudem pupilli accipere nolit, non aliter libertatem contingere, quam si servus fraude careat. eademque et de curatore dicenda. item quaesitum est, rationem argenti reddere iussus in quem modum intellegendus sit condicioni paruisse, id est an, si quaedam vasa sine culpa eius perierint atque ita reliqua vasa heredi bona fide adsignaverit, perveniat ad libertatem. respondit perventurum: nam sufficere, si ex aequo et bono rationem reddat: denique quam rationem bonus pater familias reciperet, ea heredi reddita impletam condicionem videri.
The Same, Questions, Book IX. A testator appointed his son, who had not reached the age of puberty, his heir, and ordered that Stichus should be emancipated after he had rendered an account of the silver plate, which was in his care. This slave had stolen a portion of the silver plate, which he had divided with the guardian, and he gave the other part of it to the guardian who took an account of it. Advice having been asked as to whether Stichus was free, the reply was given that he was not. But, on the other hand, as it has been decided if a slave who is to be free under a certain condition is directed to pay a certain sum of money, and pays it to the guardian, or it is the guardian’s fault that the condition was not complied with, he will obtain his freedom; this must be understood to mean that all is done in good faith, and without any fraud on the part of the slave or the guardian, just as is observed in the alienation of the property of a ward. Therefore, if the slave should tender the money and the guardian should not be willing to accept it because his ward will be defrauded, the slave cannot obtain his freedom, unless he was not guilty of fraud. The same rule applies with reference to a curator. The question also arose, where the slave was ordered to render an account of the silver plate, in what way he should be understood to have complied with the condition; that is to say, if any vessels had been lost without his fault, and he delivered the remaining ones to the heir, in good faith, whether he would be entitled to his freedom. The answer was that he would be entitled to it, for it is sufficient if he rendered an honest and just account. In short, he is considered to have complied with the condition by rendering to the heir such an account as the careful head of a household would accept.
Dig. 40,5,49Africanus libro nono quaestionum. Si is, cui servus legatus est, rogatus manumittere latitet, orcinum fieri libertum respondit: idem fore et si non legatarii, sed heredis fidei commissum esset. sed et si non omnium, sed quorundam heredum fidei commissum sit, aeque dicendum orcinum fieri: in eos autem qui latitaverint coheredibus, a quibus redimendae partes essent, utilem actionem eo nomine dari debere vel etiam familiae erciscundae iudicio recte eos acturos.
Africanus, Questions, Book IX. Where a person to whom a slave is bequeathed and who is charged to manumit him conceals himself, the slave is held to become the freedman of the deceased. The same rule will apply where not the legatee but the heir is charged with the execution of the trust. Where not all of them, but only some, are charged with its execution, it must also be said that the slave will become the freedman of the deceased. Moreover, an equitable action should be granted against those who have concealed themselves, and in favor of their co-heirs, by whom the value of their shares must be paid, or they can properly bring suit in partition against them.
Dig. 40,7,15Africanus libro nono quaestionum. Mortuo herede si statuliber locupletiorem hereditatem tanta pecunia, quantam dare sit iussus, fecerit, veluti creditoribus solvendo, cibaria familiae dando: statim eum ad libertatem esse venturum existimavit. 1Heres cum statuliberum decem dare iussum venderet, condicionem pronuntiavit et traditioni legem dixit, ut sibi potius quam emptori eadem decem darentur: quaerebatur, utri eorum statuliber pecuniam dando libertatem consequeretur. respondit heredi eum dare debere. sed et si talem legem dixisset, ut extraneo alicui statuliber pecuniam daret, respondit et hoc casu conventionem valere, quia heredi videtur solvere, qui voluntate eius alii solvit.
Africanus, Questions, Book IX. If a slave who was ordered to pay a certain sum of money at the death of the heir should have enriched the estate by an amount equal to that which he was ordered to pay, for instance, if he had paid the creditors, or had furnished the slaves with food, it was held that he would immediately be entitled to his liberty. 1An heir, who sold a slave who was to become free on the payment of ten aurei, stated at the time when he sold him that the condition was that the said ten aurei should be paid to him and not to the purchaser. The question arose, to which of the two must the slave pay the money in order to obtain his freedom? The answer was that he must pay it to the heir. If, however, he had stated the condition to be that the slave should make payment to a stranger, the opinion was given that the agreement would be valid, because the slave is considered to pay the heir, if he pays someone else with the former’s consent.
Dig. 44,1,16Africanus libro nono quaestionum. Fundum Titianum possides, de cuius proprietate inter me et te controversia est, et dico praeterea viam ad eum per fundum Sempronianum, quem tuum esse constat, deberi. si viam petam, exceptionem ‘quod praeiudicium praedio non fiat’ utilem tibi fore putavit, videlicet quod non aliter viam mihi deberi probaturus sim, quam prius probaverim fundum Titianum meum esse.
Africanus, Questions, Book IX. You are in possession of the Titian Estate, and you and I have a lawsuit with reference to the ownership of the same. I allege that there is due to this estate a right of way through the Sempronian Estate, which belongs to you. If I bring suit to recover the right of way, it is held that you can avail yourself of an exception on the ground that the action pending for the ownership of the property ought not to be prejudged; that is to say, that I cannot show that I am entitled to the right of way before I have proved that the Titian Estate is mine.
Dig. 44,1,18Africanus libro nono quaestionum. Fundi, quem tu proprium tuum esse dicis, partem a te peto et volo simul iudicio quoque communi dividundo agere sub eodem iudice: item si eius fundi, quem tu possideas et ego proprium meum esse dicam, fructus condicere tibi velim: quaesitum est an exceptio ‘quod praeiudicium fundo partive eius non fiat’ obstet an deneganda sit. et utrubique putat intervenire praetorem debere nec permittere petitori, priusquam de proprietate constet, huiusmodi iudiciis experiri.
Africanus, Questions, Book IX. I bring an action against you for half of a tract of land which you say is yours, and I wish, at the same time, to bring one in partition against you before the same judge. Again, if I allege that a tract of land of which you are in possession is mine, and I wish to recover the crops from you, the question arises whether an exception based on the principle that I ought not to bring a suit, the decision of which will prejudge the case which involves the ownership of all, or a part of the land in question, will operate as a bar, or should be denied. It is held that, in both instances, the Prætor should intervene, and not permit the plaintiff to institute proceedings of this kind, before the question of the ownership of the land has been determined.
Dig. 44,2,26Africanus libro nono quaestionum. Egi tecum ius mihi esse aedes meas usque ad decem pedes altius tollere: post ago ius mihi esse usque ad viginti pedes altius tollere: exceptio rei iudicatae procul dubio obstabit. sed et si rursus ita agam ius mihi esse altius ad alios decem pedes tollere, obstabit exceptio, cum aliter superior pars iure haberi non possit, quam si inferior quoque iure habeatur. 1Item si fundo petito postea insula, quae e regione eius in flumine nata erit, petatur, exceptio obstatura est.
Africanus, Questions, Book IX. I brought an action against you alleging that I had a right to raise my house ten feet higher, and lost it. I now bring one against you alleging that I Have a right to raise my house twenty feet higher. An exception on the ground of res judicata can undoubtedly be pleaded. If I again bring suit alleging that I have the right to raise my house still ten feet higher, an exception will operate as a bar; for since I could not raise it to a lower height, I certainly would not be entitled to raise it to a still higher one. 1Likewise, if having brought an action to recover a tract of land, and lost it, the plaintiff brings suit for an island which was formed in a river opposite said land, he will be barred by an exception.
Dig. 44,3,6Africanus libro nono quaestionum. Si duobus eandem rem separatim vendiderim, ea possessio, quae utramque venditionem praecesserit, soli priori emptori, cui et tradita sit, proficit. denique et si, quam rem tibi vendiderim, rursus a te emam et Titio vendam, et meam omnem et tuam possessionem Titio accessuram, videlicet quod et tu mihi et ego ei possessionem praestare debeamus. 1Vendidi tibi servum et convenit, ut, nisi certa die pecunia soluta esset, inemptus esset: quod cum evenerit, quaesitum est, quid de accessione tui temporis putares. respondit id quod servetur, cum redhibitio sit facta: hunc enim perinde haberi ac si retrorsus homo mihi venisset, ut scilicet, si venditor possessionem postea nactus sit, et hoc ipsum tempus et quod venditionem praecesserit et amplius accessio haec ei detur cum eo, quod apud eum fuit, a quo homo redhibitus sit.
Africanus, Questions, Book IX. If I sell the same property, separately, to two persons, the purchaser to whom it was first delivered will be the only one who will profit by the possession. For if I sell you anything, and afterwards purchase it from you, and then sell it to Titius, he will be entitled to the benefit of both your possession and mine, because you are obliged to give possession to me, and I am obliged to transfer it to him. 1I sold you a slave, and it was agreed between us that unless the price was paid by a certain date, the sale should be considered void. As this actually took place, the question arose what opinion should be given with reference to the additional time you held the slave. The answer was, that the same rule should be observed as in the case where the property is returned under a condition; for it is just as if you had sold me the slave a second time, and, when the vendor afterwards obtained possession of him, the time which preceded the sale was added to that during which the slave was held by the party by whom he was returned.