Quaestionum libri
Ex libro VII
Dig. 2,1,18Africanus libro septimo quaestionum. Si convenerit, ut alius praetor, quam cuius iurisdictio esset, ius diceret et priusquam adiretur mutata voluntas fuerit, procul dubio nemo compelletur eiusmodi conventioni stare.
Dig. 3,5,45Africanus libro septimo quaestionum. Mandasti filio meo, ut tibi fundum emeret: quod cum cognovissem, ipse eum tibi emi. puto referre, qua mente emerim: nam si propter ea, quae tibi necessaria esse scirem, et te eius voluntatis esse, ut emptum habere velles, agemus inter nos negotiorum gestorum, sicut ageremus, si aut nullum omnino mandatum intercessisset, aut Titio mandasses et ego, quia per me commodius negotium possim conficere, emissem. si vero propterea emerim, ne filius mandati iudicio teneatur, magis est, ut ex persona eius et ego tecum mandati agere possim et tu mecum actionem habeas de peculio, quia et si Titius id mandatum suscepisset et, ne eo nomine teneretur, ego emissem, agerem cum Titio negotiorum gestorum, et ille tecum et tu cum illo mandati. idem est, et si filio meo mandaveris, ut pro te fideiuberet, et ego pro te fideiusserim. 1Si proponatur te Titio mandasse, ut pro te fideiuberet, meque, quod is aliqua de causa impediretur quo minus fideiuberet, liberandae fidei eius causa fideiussisse, negotiorum gestorum mihi competit actio.
Africanus, Questions, Book VII. You directed my son to buy you a tract of land, and when I heard of it I myself bought the land for you. I think it should be considered with what intention I made the purchase; for if I knew it to be on account of something which was necessary to you, and also it was your will that you would be glad to have the purchase, a right of action based on business transacted arises between us; as there would be if there had been no mandate of any kind, or if you would have ordered Titius to make the purchase, and I had made it because I could attend to the matter more conveniently. If, however, I made the purchase to prevent my son from being liable to an action on mandate, it is the better opinion that I could bring an action on mandate against you in his behalf, and you would be entitled to an action de peculio against me; because, even if Titius had executed a mandate, and, to prevent his being held liable on that account, I had made the purchase, I could bring an action against Titius on the ground of business transacted, and he could bring one against you, and you one against him, on mandate. The same rule applies if you ordered my son to be surety for you, and I become surety for you myself. 1If the suggestion is made that you have ordered Titius to become your surety, and for some reason he, having been prevented from doing so, I become your surety in order to release him from his promise, I will be entitled to an action based on business transacted.
Dig. 4,4,4Africanus libro septimo quaestionum. Etenim quodcumque servus ita gerit, voluntate domini gerere intellegendus est. et magis hoc apparebit, si aut de institoria actione quaeratur, aut si proponatur maiorem annis viginti quinque negotium aliquod gerendum minori mandasse et illum in ea re deceptum esse.
Africanus, Questions, Book VII. For, whatever a slave does in a case of this kind, he is understood to do with the consent of his owner; and this will appear more clearly if the question arises with reference to an institorian action, or where a person over twenty-five years of age directed a minor to transact some business, and the latter was deceived while doing so.
Dig. 4,6,29Africanus libro septimo quaestionum. videlicet ne cui officium publicum vel damno vel compendio sit.
Dig. 4,6,43Africanus libro septimo quaestionum. Si quis stipulatus sit in annos singulos, quoad in Italia esset vel ipse vel promissor, et alteruter rei publicae causa abesse coeperit, officium praetoris est introducere utilem actionem. eadem dicemus, et si ita concepta stipulatio fuerit: ‘si quinquennio proximo Romae fuerit’, vel ita: ‘si Romae non fuerit, centum dare spondes?’
Africanus, Questions, Book VII. Where anyone stipulates for a certain sum every year, as long as he, or the party who makes the promise, shall remain in Italy, and one or the other happens to be absent in the service of the State; it is the duty of the Prætor to grant an equitable action. We hold that the same rule applies where the stipulation is in the following words: “If a certain man should be at Rome for the next five years”; or “If he should not be at Rome, do you agree to pay a hundred aurei?”
Dig. 7,1,37Idem libro septimo quaestionum. Quaesitum est, si, cum in annos decem proximos usum fructum de te dari stipulatus essem, per te steterit quo minus dares et quinquennium transierit, quid iuris sit. item si Stichi decem annorum proximorum operas de te dari stipulatus sim et similiter quinquennium praeteriit. respondit eius temporis usum fructum et operas recte peti, quod per te transactum est quo minus darentur.
The Same, Questions, Book VII. The question arose, if I stipulated with you for you to give me an usufruct for the next ten years, and you neglected to give it, and five years elapsed; what would be the law? Moreover, if I stipulated with you to give me the services of Stichus for the next ten years, and five years pass, as above stated, what then? The answer was that suit could properly be brought for both the usufruct and the services of the slave for the term that you permitted to elapse without giving them.
Dig. 10,3,9Africanus libro septimo quaestionum. Sed postquam socius servi communis nomine de peculio in solidum damnatus esset, si apud socium res peculiares intercidant, nihilo minus utile erit iudicium communi dividundo ad reciperandam partem pecuniae: alioquin iniquum fore, si tota ea res ad damnum eius qui iudicium acceperit pertineat, cum utriusque domini periculum in rebus peculiaribus esse debeat. nam et eum, qui mandatu domini defensionem servi suscepit, omne quod bona fide praestiterit servaturum, quamvis peculium postea interciderit. haec ita, si neutrius culpa intervenerit: etenim dominum, cum quo de peculio agitur, si paratus sit rebus peculiaribus petitori cedere, ex causa audiendum putavit, scilicet si sine dolo malo et frustratione id faciat.
Africanus, Questions, Book VII. But where one joint-owner, on account of a slave held in common, has judgment rendered against him in an action De peculio for the entire amount of the indebtedness, and the property belonging to said peculium is lost while in his hands; still, an equitable action in partition for a recovery of a portion of the money will lie; for otherwise it would be unjust if the whole matter should cause loss to be incurred by the party who defended the action; since there ought to be an equal risk imposed upon both owners with reference to property included in peculium. For where anyone undertakes the defence of a slave at the request of his owner, he will be repaid everything which he expended in good faith, even though the peculium should subsequently be lost. This is the case where no negligence has been committed by either party; since if an action De peculio is brought against the owner, and he is prepared to surrender to the plaintiff the property included in the peculium, it is held he should be heard if proper cause be shown, of course, if he did this without malicious or fraudulent intent.
Dig. 16,3,16Africanus libro septimo quaestionum. Si is, apud quem rem deposueris, apud alium eam deponat et ille dolo quid admiserit, ob dolum eius, apud quem postea sit depositum, eatenus eum teneri apud quem tu deposueris, ut actiones suas tibi praestet.
Africanus, Questions, Book VII. If he with whom you deposit property makes a deposit of the same with another, and the latter is guilty of fraud; he with whom you deposited the property will be liable for the bad faith of him with whom it was subsequently deposited, to the extent that he must assign his rights of action to him.
Dig. 18,4,20Africanus libro septimo quaestionum. Si hereditatem mihi Lucii Titii vendideris ac post debitori eiusdem heres existas, actione ex empto teneberis. 1Quod simplicius etiam in illa propositione procedit, cum quis ipse creditori suo heres exstitit et hereditatem vendidit.
Africanus, Questions, Book VII. If you should sell me your right to the succession of Lucius Titius, and you afterwards become the heir of his debtor, you will be liable to an action on sale. 1This is much more simple in the case where a party becomes the heir of his creditor, and sells his right of succession to the estate.
Dig. 23,4,23Africanus libro septimo quaestionum. Pater cum filiae suae nomine dotem daret, pactus est, ut mortua filia uno pluribusve liberis superstitibus deducta parte tertia reliqua dos sibi aut post mortem suam illi aut illi filiis quos in potestate habebat reddatur: deinde haec ita fieri stipulatus est: post mortem eius mulier in matrimonio decesserat relictis filiis: quaesitum est, an ex stipulatione duas partes illi petere possint. respondi posse: etenim vim eius stipulationis hanc esse, ut, si in matrimonio mortua esset, dos patri redderetur, et perinde habendum, ac si talis stipulatio interposita fuisset: ‘si navis ex Asia venerit, mihi aut post mortem meam Lucio Titio dari spondes?’ nam et si post mortem stipulatoris navis venisset, heredi deberi.
Africanus, Questions, Book VII. A father, at the time that he gave a dowry to his daughter, agreed that if she should die leaving one or more children, the dowry should be returned to him, after deducting the third part of the same; or, after his death, that it should be given to one or the other of the children who were under his control. This was afterwards expressly stipulated. After the death of the father, the woman died during marriage, leaving children. The question arose whether the children could claim two-thirds of the dowry, in accordance with the stipulation. I answered that they could, for the effect of the stipulation was that if the woman should die during marriage, her dowry should be returned to her father, and the same rule applies as where a stipulation was entered into in the following terms: “If a ship comes from Asia, do you agree to pay me a certain sum of money, or, after my death pay it to Lucius Titius?” for if the ship should arrive after the death of the stipulator, the money will be due to my heir.
Dig. 24,3,33Africanus libro septimo quaestionum. Quae dotis nomine certam pecuniam promiserat, quosdam adhibuerat, qui stipularentur partem dotis distracto matrimonio sibi solvi: ea nulla data dote obierat eodem marito suo herede relicto: is damnosam hereditatem eius adierat. nihilo minus stipulatoribus tenebitur, quoniam adeundo hereditatem debitricis intellegeretur secum pensasse: nec ad rem pertinere, quod solvendo non esset hereditas, quando ceteris etiam creditoribus teneatur.
Africanus, Questions, Book VII. A woman promised a certain sum of money by way of dowry, and produced parties who stipulated that a portion of it should be paid to them, in case the marriage was dissolved. The woman died before any dowry had been given, after appointing her husband her heir, and he entered upon her estate, which proved to be unprofitable. He will, nevertheless, be liable to the parties with whom the stipulation was made, as, by entering upon the estate of the woman who was his debtor he is understood to have repaid himself; and it makes no difference, so far as he is concerned, that the estate was insolvent, since he is liable to the other creditors.
Dig. 41,1,40Africanus libro septimo quaestionum. Quaesitum est, si is, cui liber homo bona fide serviret, decesserit eique is heres extiterit, qui liberum eum esse sciat, an aliquid per eum adquirat. non esse ait, ut hic bona fide possessor videatur, quando sciens liberum possidere coeperit, quia et si fundum suum quis legaverit, heres, qui eum legatum esse sciat, procul dubio fructus ex eo suos non faciet: et multo magis si testator eum alienum bona fide emptum possedit. et circa servorum igitur operam ac ministerium eandem rationem sequendam, ut, sive proprii sive alieni vel legati vel manumissi testamento fuerint, nihil per eos heredibus, qui modo eorum id non ignorarent, adquiratur. etenim simul haec fere cedere, ut, quo casu fructus praediorum consumptos suos faciat bona fide possessor, eodem per servum ex opera et ex re ipsius ei adquiratur.
Ad Dig. 41,1,40Windscheid: Lehrbuch des Pandektenrechts, 7. Aufl. 1891, Bd. I, § 186, Note 12.Africanus, Questions, Book VII. The question was raised, if a person whom a freeman was serving in good faith as a slave should die, and leave an heir who knew that the alleged slave was free, whether the heir could acquire any property by his agency. It cannot be said that he is a bona fide possessor, since, when he begins to have possession, he is aware that the man is free; because, if anyone should devise land to him and the heir knew that it had been devised, there is no doubt that the crops from the land do not become his; and there is much more reason for the application of this principle, if the testator had possession of the land in good faith, having bought it from one who was not the owner. The same rule must be observed with reference to the labor and agency of slaves; so that, whether they are ours or belong to strangers, and whether they have been bequeathed or manumitted by will, nothing will be acquired by them for the heirs, provided the latter were not ignorant of their status; for at the same time it must be admitted that, in the case where a bona fide possessor renders the crops, which he has used and which were derived from the land, his own, the profits of his labor or his property will also be acquired for him by the slave.
Dig. 41,2,40Africanus libro septimo quaestionum. Si de eo fundo, quem, cum possiderem, pignori tibi dedi, servus tuus te deiciat, adhuc te possidere ait, quoniam nihilo minus per ipsum servum possessionem retineas. 1Si forte colonus, per quem dominus possideret, decessisset, propter utilitatem receptum est, ut per colonum possessio et retineretur et contineretur: quo mortuo non statim dicendum eam interpellari, sed tunc demum, cum dominus possessionem apisci neglexerit. aliud existimandum ait, si colonus sponte possessione discesserit. sed haec ita esse vera, si nemo extraneus eam rem interim possiderit, sed semper in hereditate coloni manserit. 2Servum tuum a Titio bona fide emi et traditum possedi, deinde cum comperissem tuum esse, ne eum peteres, celare coepi. non ideo magis hoc tempore clam possidere videri me ait: nam retro quoque, si sciens tuum servum non a domino emerim et, cum clam eum possidere coepissem, postea certiorem te fecerim, non ideo desinere me clam possidere. 3Si servum meum bonae fidei emptori clam abduxerim, respondit non videri me clam possidere, quia neque precarii rogatione neque conductione suae rei dominum teneri et non posse causam clandestinae possessionis ab his duabus causis separari.
Africanus, Questions, Book VII. If your slave ejects you from land, which I gave you in pledge while it was in my possession, it is held that you continue to be in possession of the same, as you still retain possession by this same slave. 1If the tenant by whom the owner holds possession should die, it has been decided for the sake of public convenience that possession is retained and continued through the agency of the tenant. It should not be held that possession is immediately interrupted by the death of the latter, for this is not the case unless the owner neglects to take possession. A different opinion must be held, if the tenant voluntarily relinquishes possession. This, however, is only true where a stranger has not, in the meantime, been in possession, but it always remains as part of the estate of the tenant. 2I purchased your slave from Titius in good faith, and possessed him after he had been delivered, and then when I ascertained that he was yours, I concealed him, to prevent you from claiming him. It is held that, on his account, I should not be considered to have possessed him clandestinely during this time. For, on the other hand, if I should knowingly purchase your slave from someone who is not his owner, and should then retain clandestine possession of him, even after I notified you, I would not, for that reason, cease to have clandestine possession of the slave. 3If I clandestinely remove my own slave from a bona fide purchaser, it has been decided that I ought not to be considered to have clandestine possession of him, because the owner does not hold him under a precarious title, nor under a lease of his own property; and there are no other methods of acquiring clandestine possession.
Dig. 41,4,11Africanus libro septimo quaestionum. Quod volgo traditum est eum, qui existimat se quid emisse nec emerit, non posse pro emptore usucapere, hactenus verum esse ait, si nullam iustam causam eius erroris emptor habeat: nam si forte servus vel procurator, cui emendam rem mandasset, persuaserit ei se emisse atque ita tradiderit, magis esse, ut usucapio sequatur.
Africanus, Questions, Book VII. It is usually said that he who thinks that he has bought something and did not do so cannot, as a purchaser, acquire it by usucaption; but this is only true to the extent that the purchaser must have no just cause for entertaining his erroneous opinion. For if a slave or an agent who has been directed to purchase the property should persuade his principal that he has done so, and deliver the property to him, the better opinion is that usucaption will take place.
Dig. 44,7,23Idem libro septimo quaestionum. Traiecticiae pecuniae nomine, si ad diem soluta non esset, poena (uti adsolet) ob operas eius qui eam pecuniam peteret in stipulationem erat deducta: is qui eam pecuniam petebat parte exacta petere desierat, deinde interposito tempore interpellare instituerat. consultus respondit eius quoque temporis, quo interpellatus non esset, poenam peti posse: amplius etiamsi omnino interpellatus non esset: nec aliter non committi stipulationem, quam si per debitorem non stetisset, quo minus solveret: alioquin dicendum et si is, qui interpellare coepisset, valetudine impeditus interpellare desisset, poenam non committi. de illo sane potest dubitari, si interpellatus ipse moram fecerit, an, quamvis pecuniam postea offerat, nihilo minus poena committatur: et hoc rectius dicitur. nam et si arbiter ex compromisso pecuniam certo die dare iusserit neque per eum, qui dare iussus sit, steterit, non committi poenam respondit: adeo ut et illud Servius rectissime existimaverit, si quando dies, qua pecunia daretur, sententia arbitri conprehensa non esset, modicum spatium datum videri. hoc idem dicendum et cum quid ea lege venierit, ut, nisi ad diem pretium solutum fuerit, inempta res fiat.
Ad Dig. 44,7,23Windscheid: Lehrbuch des Pandektenrechts, 7. Aufl. 1891, Bd. II, § 285, Note 10.The Same, Questions, Book VII. A stipulation was entered into with reference to money to be employed in commerce, and as is customary, a penalty was inserted therein for the purpose of indemnifying the person who furnished the money, if it should not be paid by the specified time. The latter demanded the money, and a part of it having been paid, he neglected to demand the remainder then, but, after the lapse of some time, he did demand it. A jurist, having been consulted, gave it as his opinion that the penalty could be collected for the time during which the debtor had not been notified to pay, and that this could even be done if he had not been notified at all; and that the stipulation would become inoperative only where the debtor was responsible for payment not having been made. Otherwise, it must be said that, if he who had begun to push the claim should cease to do so because he was prevented by illness, the penalty would not attach. Hence, a doubt may arise, if the debtor, having been notified to pay, should himself be in default, whether the penalty would not attach, even though he afterwards tendered the money. This may be said to be more equitable, for if an arbiter appointed to arrange a settlement should order the money to be paid by a certain time, and he whom he ordered to pay it is not in default, it is held that the penalty will not attach; and therefore, Servius very properly held, if the day when the money was to be paid was not included in the decision of the arbiter, a reasonable time should be held to have been granted. The same rule will apply where anything has been sold under the condition that, unless the price is paid by a certain time, the transaction will be void.
Dig. 45,1,64Idem libro septimo quaestionum. Huiusmodi stipulatio interposita est: ‘si Titius consul factus fuerit, tum ex hac die in annos singulos dena dari spondes?’ post triennium condicio exstitit: an huius temporis nomine agi possit, non immerito dubitabitur. respondit eam stipulationem utilem esse ita, ut in ea eorum quoque annorum, qui ante impletam condicionem intercesserint, praestatio in id tempus collata intellegatur, ut sententia eius sit talis: tunc cum Titius consul factus fuerit, in annos singulos, etiam praeteriti temporis habita ratione, dena praestentur.
The Same, Questions, Book VII. The following stipulation was entered into: “If Titius should be made Consul, do you promise to pay ten sesterces annually, from to-day?” The condition was fulfilled after three years; may it not reasonably be doubted whether proceedings could be instituted to compel payment for this time? The answer was that the stipulation was valid, and that payment should be understood to be due even for those years which had elapsed before the condition was fulfilled, as the meaning was, that if Titius should be made Consul, ten sesterces must be paid every year, and that even the time which had passed ought to be included.
Dig. 46,1,21Africanus libro septimo quaestionum. Heres a debitore hereditario fideiussorem accepit, deinde hereditatem ex Trebelliano restituit: fideiussoris obligationem in suo statu manere ait idemque in hac causa servandum, quod servaretur, cum heres, contra quem emancipatus filius bonorum possessionem accepit, fideiussorem accepit. ideoque in utraque specie transeunt actiones. 1Non est novum, ut fideiussor duabus obligationibus eiusdem pecuniae nomine teneatur: nam si in diem acceptus mox pure accipiatur, ex utraque obligatur, et si fideiussor confideiussori heres exstiterit, idem erit. 2Servo tuo pecuniam credidi: eum tu manumisisti: deinde eundem fideiussorem accepi. si quidem in eam obligationem fideiubeat, quae adversus te intra annum sit, obligari eum ait: sin vero in naturalem suam, potius ut nihil agatur: non enim intellegi posse, ut quis pro se fideiubendo obligetur. quod si hic servus manumissus fideiussori suo heres existat, durare causam fideiussionis putavit et tamen nihilo minus naturalem obligationem mansuram, ut, si obligatio civilis pereat, solutum repetere non possit. nec his contrarium esse, quod, cum reus fideiussori heres existat, fideiussoria obligatio tollatur, quia tunc duplex obligatio civilis cum eodem esse non potest. retro quoque si fideiussor servo manumisso heres exstiterit, eadem adversus eum obligatio manet, quamvis et naturaliter teneatur nec pro se quis fideiubere possit. 3Quod si stipulator reum heredem instituerit, omnimodo fideiussoris obligationem peremit, sive civilis sive tantum naturalis in reum fuisset, quoniam quidem nemo potest apud eundem pro ipso obligatus esse. quod si idem stipulator fideiussorem heredem scripserit, procul dubio solam fideiussoris obligationem peremit. argumentum rei, quod, si possessio rerum debitoris data sit creditori, aeque dicendum est fideiussorem manere obligatum. 4Cum et tu et Titius eiusdem pecuniae rei essetis, eum, qui pro te fideiussit, posse et pro Titio fideiubere respondit, quamvis eandem pecuniam eidem debiturus sit: nec tamen inanem eam creditori futuram: nonnullis enim casibus emolumentum habituram, veluti si ei, pro quo ante fideiussisset, heres existat: tunc enim confusa prima obligatione posteriorem duraturam. 5Cum fideiussor reo stipulandi heres exstiterit, quaeritur, an, quasi ipse a se exegerit, habeat adversus reum mandati actionem. respondit, cum reus obligatus maneat, non posse intellegi ipsum a se fideiussorem pecuniam exegisse: itaque ex stipulatu potius quam mandati agere debebit.
Africanus, Questions, Book VII. An heir received a surety from the debtor of an estate, and then transferred the estate under the Trebellian Decree of the Senate. It is held that the obligation of the surety remains unimpaired. The same rule should be observed in this case which is applicable when an heir, against whom an emancipated son obtains prætorian possession of an estate, accepts a surety. Therefore, in both instances, the rights of action pass with the estate. 1There is nothing new in the fact that a surety is liable under two different obligations for the payment of the same sum of money; for if he was accepted from a certain day, and afterwards accepted absolutely, he will be bound by both obligations; and if a surety becomes the heir of his fellow-surety, the result will be the same. 2I lent money to your slave, you manumitted him, and then I accepted him as surety. If he gave security for the obligation which is payable to you within a year, the slave is said to be liable. If, however, it was done on account of the natural obligation, which is his own, it is better to hold that the agreement is void; for it is incomprehensible that a surety can become liable for himself. But if this slave, after manumission, should become the heir of his surety, it is held that the obligation of suretyship continues to exist, and that the natural obligation will still remain, so that if the civil obligation is extinguished, he cannot recover what has been paid. Nor can it properly be alleged in opposition to this, that when a principal debtor becomes the heir of his surety, the obligation of the surety is extinguished; for the reason that then the double civil obligation cannot exist with reference to the same person. And, on the other hand, if the surety should become the heir of the manumitted slave, the same obligation against him will continue to exist, although he is naturally liable, and no one can become surety for himself. 3If the stipulator should appoint his debtor his heir, he absolutely annuls the liability of the surety, whether the obligation of the debtor was a civil or a natural one; as no one can bind himself with reference to a third party while acting for the latter. When, however, the same stipulator appoints the surety his heir, there is no doubt that he, at once, cancels the sole obligation of the surety. The proof of this is, that if possession of the property of the debtor is delivered to the creditor, it must also be said that the surety will still remain liable. 4When you and Titius are jointly liable for the same sum of money, he who became surety for you can also answer as surety for Titius, although the same money is due to the same person; and this obligation will not be void, so far as the creditor is concerned. Indeed, in some cases, it will be productive of benefit, for instance, if he should become the heir of him for whom he previously became surety; for then, the first obligation having been extinguished through merger, the second one will continue to exist. 5When the surety becomes the heir of the stipulator, the question arises whether, as he himself has required payment, so to speak, from himself, he will be entitled to an action on mandate against the principal debtor. The answer was that, as the principal debtor remains liable, the creditor cannot be understood to have collected the money from himself, as surety. Therefore, he should bring an action under the stipulation, rather than one on mandate.
Dig. 46,3,38Africanus libro septimo quaestionum. Cum quis sibi aut Titio dari stipulatus sit, magis esse ait, ut ita demum recte Titio solvi dicendum sit, si in eodem statu maneat, quo fuit, cum stipulatio interponeretur: ceterum sive in adoptionem sive in exilium ierit vel aqua et igni ei interdictum vel servus factus sit, non recte ei solvi dicendum: tacite enim inesse haec conventio stipulationi videtur ‘si in eadem causa maneat’. 1Si debitorem meum iusserim Titio solvere, deinde Titium vetuerim accipere et debitor ignorans solverit, ita eum liberari existimavit, si non ea mente Titius nummos acceperit, ut eos lucretur. alioquin, quoniam furtum eorum sit facturus, mansuros eos debitoris et ideo liberationem quidem ipso iure non posse contingere debitori, exceptione tamen ei succurri aequum esse, si paratus sit condictionem furtivam, quam adversus Titium habet, mihi praestare: sicuti servatur, cum maritus uxori donaturus debitorem suum iubeat solvere: nam ibi quoque, quia nummi mulieris non fiunt, debitorem non liberari, sed exceptione eum adversus maritum tuendum esse, si condictionem, quam adversus mulierem habet, praestet. furti tamen actionem in proposito mihi post divortium competituram, quando mea intersit interceptos nummos non esse. 2De peculio cum domino actum est: is damnatus solvit. et fideiussores pro servo acceptos liberari respondit: eandem enim pecuniam in plures causas solvi posse argumentum esse, quod, cum iudicatum solvi satisdatum est et damnatus reus solvat, non solum actione iudicati, sed etiam ex stipulatu et ipse et fideiussores liberentur. et magis simile esse, quod, cum possessor hereditatis existimans se heredem esse solverit, heres non liberetur: tunc enim propterea id evenire, quod ille suo nomine indebitam pecuniam dando repetitionem eius haberet. 3Qui hominem promisit si statuliberum solvat, magis puto non esse exspectandam condicionem: sed et creditorem agere posse et illi condictionem competere. quod si interim condicio defecerit, liberatur, perinde atque si quis pendente condicione solvit per errorem et antequam condiceret, condicio exstiterit. illud nullo modo dici conveniet, si mortuo Sticho condicio deficiat, liberari debitorem, quamvis, si vivente eo defecerit, liberaretur, quando isto casu nullo tempore perfecte hominem meum feceris: alioquin prope erit, ut etiam, si eum servum, in quo usus fructus alienus est, mihi solveris isque usu fructu manente decesserit, ea solutione liberatus videaris: quod nullo modo probandum est, sicuti si communem solvisses isque decessisset. 4Si quis pro eo reverso fideiusserit, qui, cum rei publicae causa abesset, actione qua liberatus sit, deinde annus praeterierit, an fideiussor liberetur? quod Iuliano non placebat, et quidem si cum fideiussore experiundi potestas non fuit: sed hoc casu in ipsum fideiussorem ex edicto actionem restitui debere, quemadmodum in eum fideiussorem, qui hominem promissum occidit. 5Qui pro te apud Titium fideiusserat, pignus in suam obligationem dedit: post idem heredem te instituit. quamvis ex fideiussoria causa non tenearis, nihilo minus tamen pignus obligatum manebit. at si idem alium fideiussorem dederit atque ita heredem te instituerit, rectius existimari ait sublata obligatione eius, pro quo fideiussum sit, eum quoque qui fideiusserit liberari.
Africanus, Questions, Book VII. When anyone stipulates that payment shall be made to him, or to Titius, the better opinion is that it will only be properly made to Titius, when he remains in the same condition in which he was when the stipulation was entered into. If, however, he has been adopted, or sent into exile, or forbidden the use of fire and water, or has become a slave, it cannot be said that legal payment has been made, for this agreement, namely, “If he remains in the same condition,” is understood to have been tacitly included in the stipulation. 1If I order my debtor to pay Titius, and, afterwards I forbid Titius to receive the money, and my debtor not being aware of the fact, pays him, it was held that the debtor was released, if Titius did not receive the money with the intention of profiting by it; otherwise, it would remain the property of the debtor, just as if he was about to steal it, and hence he cannot be released by operation of law; still, it is but just that relief should be granted him by means of an exception, if he is ready to assign to me the right of personal action, on account of theft, to which he is entitled against Titius; as is done where a husband, being desirous of making a donation to his wife, directs his debtor to pay her. For, in this case also, because the money does not become the property of the woman, the debtor will not be released, but he can be protected against the husband by an exception, if he assigns to him the right of action which he has against his wife. In the case stated an action for theft will be in my favor, after a divorce has been granted, when it is to my interest that the money should not be appropriated. 2The action De peculia was brought against a master, and judgment having been rendered against him, he paid it. The opinion was given that the sureties received for the slave were released, for the same money can be used to satisfy several claims, because when security is given for the payment of a judgment, and judgment is rendered against the defendant, and he pays it himself, the sureties are released, not only on account of the satisfaction of the judgment but also under the stipulation. This case is quite similar to the one where the possessor of an estate, believing himself to be the heir, makes payment, and the heir is not released; for this happens because the possessor, by paying money which was not due in his own name, can recover it. 3Where he who has promised a slave delivers one who is to be free under a condition, I think that the better opinion is that we should not wait for the fulfillment of the condition, but that the creditor can bring a personal action for recovery. If, however, in the meantime, the condition should fail to be fulfilled, the promisor will be released, just as if anyone had made payment through mistake, while a condition was pending, and it should be fulfilled before he brought the personal action. But it certainly can not be said, that if Stichus should die, and the condition should fail to be fulfilled, the debtor would be released, although if it was not fulfilled during his lifetime he would be freed from liability, since, in this case, you have, at no time, absolutely made the slave mine. Otherwise, it might also be held that if you deliver me a slave in whom some other person enjoys the usufruct, and the slave should die during the continuance of the usufruct, you will be considered released by this delivery; which opinion can, by no means, be adopted, any more than if you had delivered a slave owned in common, and he should die. 4Where anyone becomes surety for a person who has returned after having been absent on public business, and he incurs no risk of being sued on this account, will the surety also be released after the expiration of a year? This opinion was not adopted by Julianus, even where no power to proceed against the surety existed. In this instance, however, in accordance with the terms of the Edict, restitution should be granted by means of an action against the surety himself, just as is done against a surety who kills the slave that had been promised. 5Where anyone who has become surety for you to Titius gives a pledge for the further security of his obligation, and you afterwards appoint him your heir, although you will not be liable by virtue of the suretyship, still, the pledge will still remain encumbered. If the same person gives another surety, and appoints you his heir, he says that it is better to hold that the obligation of the debtor for whom security was taken having been extinguished, he also who had become his surety will be released.
Dig. 47,2,61Africanus libro septimo quaestionum. Ancilla fugitiva quemadmodum sui furtum facere intellegitur, ita partum quoque contrectando furtivum facit.