Quaestionum libri
Ex libro IV
Dig. 5,3,56Africanus libro quarto quaestionum. Cum hereditas petita sit, eos fructus, quos possessor percepit, omnimodo restituendos, etsi petitor eos percepturus non fuerat.
Dig. 16,1,17Africanus libro quarto quaestionum. Vir uxori donationis causa rem viliori pretio addixerat et in id pretium creditori suo delegaverat. respondit venditionem nullius momenti esse et, si creditor pecuniam a muliere peteret, exceptionem utilem fore, quamvis creditor existimaverit mulierem debitricem mariti fuisse: nec id contrarium videri debere ei, quod placeat, si quando in hoc mulier mutuata est, ut marito crederet, non obstaturam exceptionem, si creditor ignoraverit in quam causam mulier mutuaretur, quoniam quidem plurimum intersit, utrum cum muliere quis ab initio contrahat an alienam obligationem in eam transferat: tunc enim diligentiorem esse debere. 1Si mulier dixisset sibi rem dotis nomine obligatam et creditor curasset ei pecuniam dotis solvi, qui idem pignus acciperet, mulieri etiam pecunia credita deberetur: si possessor creditor adversus eam Serviana agentem exciperet ‘si non voluntate eius pignus datum esset’, replicationem mulieri senatus consulti non profuturam, nisi creditor scisset etiam aliam pecuniam ei deberi. 2Mulier et Titius, cum in rem communem mutuarentur, eiusdem pecuniae rei facti sunt: non omnimodo mulierem pro parte socii videri intercessisse dicebat. nam si ob eam causam mutuati fuerint, ex qua, si creditor pecuniam non dedisset, maius damnum mulier passura fuerat, veluti quod communis insula fulta non esset vel quod fundus communis in publicum committeretur, potius esse, ut senatus consulto locus non sit. at si in aliquam emptionem mutua pecunia sit accepta, tunc pro parte intercessionem factam videri et ideo creditorem partem dumtaxat pecuniae a muliere petere posse: quod si totum petierit, exceptione pro parte summovetur.
Africanus, Questions, Book IV. Ad Dig. 16,1,17 pr.Windscheid: Lehrbuch des Pandektenrechts, 7. Aufl. 1891, Bd. II, § 485, Note 18.A husband, desiring to make a present to his wife, sold her property at a very low price, and substituted her for that price to one of his creditors. The answer was that the sale was of no force or effect, and if the creditor sued the woman for the money, an exception would be available, even if the creditor has thought that the woman was the debtor of her husband. This does not seem to be contrary to the established principle, in accordance with which if a woman has borrowed money for the purpose of lending it to her husband, an exception cannot be interposed if the creditor was ignorant with what intention she borrowed it; since, indeed, it makes a great deal of difference whether anyone contracts with a woman in the first place, or transfers the obligation of another to her, for then the creditor should be more diligent. 1Ad Dig. 16,1,17,1Windscheid: Lehrbuch des Pandektenrechts, 7. Aufl. 1891, Bd. II, § 485, Note 8.If a woman should say that she had received certain property in pledge to secure her dowry as well as the payment of a sum of money, and a creditor who was about to take the same property in pledge, should see that the dowry was paid, and, being in possession, opposes her when she brings the Servian Action on the ground that the pledge had not been given with her consent; a replication, based on the Decree of the Senate, will be of no advantage to the woman, unless the creditor was aware that other money, exclusive of that of the dowry, was also due to her. 2A woman and Titius borrowed money for the purpose of expending it upon property belonging to them in common, and they became joint-debtors for the said money. I said that the woman could not, by any means, be held to have given security for the share of her partner; for if they had borrowed money for a purpose for which the creditor did not lend it, the woman would sustain the greater loss, (as, for instance, where a house jointly owned by them was not propped up, or where a tract of land held in common was confiscated) and it should rather be considered that there was no ground for the application of the Decree of the Senate. But where the borrowed money was obtained for some purchase, then she would be held to have become surety for her share, and therefore the creditor could only collect part of the money from her; because, if he claimed the entire amount, he would be barred by an exception with reference to a portion of the same.
Dig. 16,1,19Africanus libro quarto quaestionum. Tutor pupilli decesserat herede instituto Titio: cum de adeunda hereditate dubitaret, quoniam male gesta tutela existimaretur, persuadente matre pupilli, ut suo periculo adiret, adiit stipulatusque de ea est indemnem se eo nomine praestari. si ex ea causa Titius pupillo aliquid praestitisset isque matrem conveniret, negavit exceptioni senatus consulti locum esse, quando vix sit, ut aliqua apud eundem pro eo ipso intercessisse intellegi possit. 1Nec dissimilem huic propositioni ex facto agitatam. cum quidam vir praetorius decessisset duobus filiis superstitibus, quorum alter impubes esset et alter legitimus tutor fratri esset et eum paterna hereditate abstinere vellet, mandatu uxoris defuncti, quae mater pupillo esset, abstento pupillo solum se hereditati miscuisse: ubi similiter se respondisse Iulianus ait, si ex ea causa agente pupillo damnum eo nomine passus esset, non impediri eum senatus consulto, quo minus a muliere rem servaret. 2In proposita specie et illud tractandum est, an is, qui mandato mulieris adierit, si damnum ob id patiatur, quod debitores hereditarii solvendo non fuerint, senatus consulto locus sit, quasi quodammodo eorum obligationes mulier susceperit. magis autem est, ut ne ob hanc quidem causam senatus consultum locum habeat, quando non ea mente fuerit, ut pro his intercederet, sed tutoris adversus pupillum et ceteros forte creditores indemnem heredem praestaret. 3Denique si ponamus mulierem in emptionem hereditatis eo nomine damnum pati, quod debitores hereditarii solvendo non sint, nulla puto dubitatio erit, quin senatus consulto locus non sit, etiamsi maxime creditoribus aliquantum praestiterit. 4Quid ergo si, cum propterea de adeunda hereditate dubitaret Titius, quod parum idonea nomina debitorum viderentur, mulier hoc ipsum repromisit, ut, quanto minus a quoquo eorum servari posset, ipsa praestaret? prope est, ut sit intercessio. 5Cum haberes Titium debitorem et pro eo mulier intercedere vellet nec tu mulieris nomen propter senatus consultum sequereris, petit a me mulier mutuam pecuniam solutura tibi et stipulanti mihi promisit ignoranti, in quam rem mutuaretur atque ita numerare me tibi iussit: deinde ego, quia ad manum nummos non habebam, stipulanti tibi promisi: quaesitum est, si eam pecuniam a muliere petam, an exceptio senatus consulti ei prosit. respondit videndum, ne non sine ratione dicatur eius loco, qui pro muliere fideiusserit, haberi me debere, ut quemadmodum illi, quamvis ignoraverit mulierem intercedere, exceptio adversus creditorem detur, ne in mulierem mandati actio competat, ita mihi quoque adversus te utilis exceptio detur mihique in mulierem actio denegetur, quando haec actio periculo mulieris futura sit. et haec paulo expeditius dicenda, si prius, quam ego tibi pecuniam solverim, compererim eam intercessisse: ceterum si ante solverim, videndum, utrumne nihilo minus mulieri quidem exceptio adversus me dari debeat et ego tibi condicere pecuniam possim, an vero perinde habendum sit, ac si initio ego pecuniam mulieri credidissem ac rursus tu mihi in creditum isses. quod quidem magis dicendum existimavit, ut sic senatus consulto locus non sit: sicuti et cum debitorem suum mulier deleget, intercessioni locus non sit. quae postea non recte comparari ait, quando delegatione debitoris facta mulier non obligetur, at in proposito alienam obligationem in se transtulerit, quod certe senatus fieri noluerit.
Africanus, Questions, Book IV. The guardian of a ward died after having appointed Titius his heir. The latter hesitated to accept the estate, because the guardianship was supposed to have been badly administered, and the mother of the ward having persuaded Titius to enter upon the estate at her risk, he did so, and made an agreement with her that she would indemnify him against any loss he might sustain. If Titius should be compelled to pay anything to the ward on account of the estate, and should sue the mother, it was denied that an exception based on the Decree of the Senate would be available, for it is scarcely to be supposed that any woman would become surety for a party in his presence. 1A proposition not unlike the one above mentioned was proposed, namely: A certain man of prætorian rank died leaving two sons, one of whom had not arrived at puberty, and the other who was the legal guardian of the first. The former wished to reject his father’s estate, but was prevailed upon to accept it by the wife of the deceased, who was the mother of the ward, the latter having refused it. Julianus says that he would have given a similar opinion if the guardian had had judgment rendered against him in a case brought by the ward on this account; and that he would not have been prevented by the Decree of the Senate from recovering damages from the woman. 2In this connection, the following point should be discussed, that is, if he who had entered upon the estate by the direction of the woman, suffers any loss because the debtors of the estate are insolvent, would the Decree of the Senate be applicable, since the woman had, to a certain extent, assumed their obligations? The better opinion is, however, that the Decree of the Senate would not be available on this ground, since she did not intend to become surety for them, but her intention was to guarantee the guardian against the ward, and perhaps the estate against other creditors. 3Finally, if we suppose that the woman suffered some loss on account of the purchase of the estate, because the debtors of the same were not solvent; I do not think that there can be any doubt that the Decree of the Senate will not apply, even though she was obliged to pay a certain amount to the creditors. 4But what if Titius should hesitate to enter upon the estate, because the obligations of the debtors seem to be of doubtful value; and the woman promised that she, herself, would make good whatever he failed to collect from any of said debtors? It is probable that, in this instance, she has become liable. 5Ad Dig. 16,1,19,5Windscheid: Lehrbuch des Pandektenrechts, 7. Aufl. 1891, Bd. II, § 485, Note 11; Bd. II, § 487, Note 7.You have Titius for your debtor, and the woman desires to become surety for him, and you did not accept her on account of the Decree of the Senate; whereupon she applied to me for the purpose of borrowing money with which to pay you, and I, being ignorant of the reason for her making the loan, she made a promise to me to pay it, and directed me to pay you the money. Then, for the reason that I did not have the sum on hand, I bound myself to pay it to you. The question arose whether I could collect that money from the woman, or whether an exception based on the Decree of the Senate could be effectually pleaded by her? The answer was, that it should be considered whether it might not reasonably be said that I could be held liable in the place of the party who had become surety for the woman, and that, just as an exception is granted against a creditor, although he may be ignorant that a woman has become security for him, lest an action on mandate may be available against the woman, so a valid exception can be granted against you, and an action against the woman will be refused me, since this obligation would be at her risk. This can the more readily be stated if, before I had paid you the money, I should discover that the woman had become the surety; but if I should have previously paid you, it should be considered whether or not, an exception would, nevertheless, be granted the woman against me, and I can bring a personal action against you to recover the money; or whether, in fact, it should be held that in the beginning I had lent the money to the woman, and afterwards you had made a loan to me. This indeed was held to be the better opinion, so that there was no ground for the Decree of the Senate, just as where a woman substitutes her debtor there is no ground for considering this as security. The authority states that these two examples cannot properly be compared with one another, since, when the substitution of the debt is made, the woman is not bound; but in the case stated she transfers the obligation of another to herself, which it is certain the Senate did not wish to be done.
Dig. 28,2,14Africanus libro quarto quaestionum. Si postumus a primo gradu exheredatus, a secundo praeteritus sit, quamvis eo tempore nascatur, quo ad heredes primo gradu scriptos pertineat hereditas, secundum tamen gradum vitiari placet ad hoc, ut praetermittentibus institutis ipse heres existat. immo et si defuncto eo heredes instituti omiserint hereditatem, non posse substitutos adire. itaque et si a primo gradu exheredatus, a secundo praeteritus, a tertio exheredatus sit et viventibus primis et deliberantibus decedat, quaeri solet omittentibus primis aditionem utrum ad eos, qui tertio gradu scripti sint, an potius ad legitimos heredes pertineat hereditas. quo et ipso casu rectius existimari putavit ad legitimos eam pertinere: nam et cum duobus heredibus institutis et in singulorum locum facta substitutione a primis exheredatus postumus, a secundis praeteritus fuerit, si alter ex institutis omiserit, quamvis postumus excludatur, non tamen magis substitutum admitti. 1Quod vulgo dicitur eum gradum, a quo filius praeteritus sit, non valere, non usquequaque verum esse ait: nam si primo gradu heres institutus sit filius, non debere eum a substitutis exheredari: ideoque si filio et Titio heredibus institutis Titio Maevius substitutus sit, omittente Titio hereditatem Maevium eam adire posse, quamvis filius secundo gradu exheredatus non sit. 2Si quis ita scripserit: ‘ille, quem scio ex me natum non esse, exheres esto’, hanc exheredationem ita nullius momenti esse ait, si probetur ex eo natus: non enim videri quasi filium exheredatum esse. cum elogium pater, cum filium exheredaret, proposuisset et adiecisset propter eam causam exheredare, probaturque patrem circa causam exheredationis errasse.
Africanus, Questions, Book IV. Where a posthumous child has been disinherited in the first degree, and passed over in the second, even though it was born at the time when the estate belonged to heirs appointed in the first degree, it is held that the will is broken with reference to the second degree, so that if the heirs who have been appointed fail to enter upon the estate, it itself will become the heir. Nay more, if the heirs who have been appointed fail to enter upon the estate after its death, the substituted heirs cannot do so. So if the posthumous child who was disinherited in the first degree, passed over in the second, and disinherited in the third, should die while the first heirs are deliberating whether they will accept the estate or not, it may be asked if the first ones should reject the estate, whether it will belong to those who are appointed in the third degree, or to the heirs-at-law. In this instance it is also held to be more equitable that it should belong to the heirs-at-law. For in a case where two heirs have been appointed and substitution has been made for each of them, and the posthumous child has been disinherited in the first degree, and passed over in the second, if either of the appointed heirs should not accept the estate—even though the posthumous child may have been excluded—still the substituted heir cannot be admitted. 1While it is commonly asserted that the rule having reference to a degree in which a child is passed over is not valid, this is not true in every instance; for if a son has been appointed heir in the first degree, he should not be disinherited in the substitution. Therefore, where a son and Titius have been appointed heirs, and Mævius was substituted for Titius, Titius having refused the estate, Mævius can enter upon it, even though the son may not have been disinherited in the second degree. 2If anyone should make the following statement in his will: “I disinherit So-and-So, whom I know is not my son”; a clause of this kind will be of no force or effect, where it is proved that the party referred to is the son of the testator; for a son is not held to have been disinherited merely because his father spoke disparagingly of him at the time, and added that he disinherited him for this reason, and it is proved that the father was mistaken with reference to his motive for disinheriting him.
Dig. 28,2,16Africanus libro quarto quaestionum. Si filius heres institutus sit omisso postumo filioque substitutus nepos ex eo sit, si interim moriatur filius, postumo non nato nepotem tam patri quam avo suum heredem futurum. quod si nemo filio substitutus sit et solus ipse institutus sit, tunc quia eo tempore, quo is moriatur, certum esse incipit neminem ex eo testamento heredem fore, ipse filius intestato patri heres existet: sicut evenire solet, cum sub ea condicione quae in ipsius potestate erit, filius heres institutus, prius quam ei pareret, moriatur.
Africanus, Questions, Book IV. Where a son is appointed heir by his father, who passes over a posthumous child, and his grandson who is the son of the said heir is afterwards substituted for him, and the son, in the meantime, dies, and the posthumous child should not be born, the said grandson will be the heir of both his father and grandfather. Where, however, no one is substituted for the son, and he alone is appointed heir, then, for the reason that, at the time when the son died, it begins to be certain that there will be no heir under the will, the son himself will become the heir of his father if the latter dies intestate; just as frequently happens where a son who is under the control of his father is appointed heir under some condition, and dies before he has complied with it.
Dig. 28,5,48Idem libro quarto quaestionum. Si ita scriptum fuerit: ‘Titius, immo Seius heres esto’, Seium solum heredem fore respondit. sed et si ita: ‘Titius heres esto: immo Seius heres esto’, idem erit dicendum. 1Quidam testamento ita heredes instituit: ‘Titia filia mea heres esto: si quid mihi liberorum me vivo mortuove nascetur, tunc qui virilis sexus unus pluresve nascentur, ex parte dimidia et quarta, qui feminini sexus una pluresve natae erunt, ex parte quarta mihi heres sit’: postumus ei natus est: consulebatur, quota ex parte postumus heres esset. respondit eam hereditatem in septem partes distribuendam, ex his filiam quattuor, postumum tres habituros, quia filiae totus as, postumo dodrans datus est, ut quarta portione amplius filia quam postumus ferre debeat. ideo si postuma quoque nata esset, tantundem sola filia, quantum uterque postumorum habituri essent. itaque in proposito cum as filiae, dodrans postumo sit datus, viginti unam partes fieri, ut filia duodecim, novem filius habeat. 2In testamento ita scriptum est: ‘Lucius Titius ex duabus unciis, Gaius Attius ex parte una, Maevius ex parte una, Seius ex partibus duabus heredes mihi sunto’: consulebatur quid iuris esset. respondit hanc scripturam illam interpretationem accipere posse, ut Lucius Titius duas uncias habeat, ceteri autem quasi sine partibus instituti ex reliquo dextante heredes sint: quem dextantem ita dividi oportet, ut Seius quincuncem, Attius et Maevius alterum quincuncem habeant.
The Same, Questions, Book IV. Where it is stated in a will, “Let Titius, not Seius, be my heir”, the opinion was that Seius alone will be the heir. Where, however, the following words are used: “Let Titius be my heir, not let Seius be my heir,” the same rule will apply. 1A certain testator appointed his heirs as follows: “Let Titia, my daughter, be my heir; and if any children are born to me during my lifetime, or after my death, then let one or more of those of the male sex who are born inherit half and a quarter of my estate, and let one or more of those of the female sex who may be born be heirs to the fourth part of my estate”; a posthumous male child was born to the testator, and it was asked what portion of the estate he would inherit. The answer was that the estate should be divided into seven parts, and that the daughter would be entitled to four of them, and the posthumous child to three; for the reason that the entire estate was bequeathed to the daughter, and three-fourths of it to the posthumous child, so that the daughter was entitled to a fourth more than the posthumous child. Therefore, if a posthumous daughter has also been born, the first daughter should be entitled to as much as both the posthumous children together. Hence, in the case stated, as the entire estate was given to the daughter, and three-fourths of it to the posthumous child, it should be divided into twenty-one shares, so that the daughter might have twelve shares and the son nine. 2Where the following provision was made in a will: “Let Lucius Titius be the heir to six shares of my estate, Gaius Attius to one share, Mævius to one share, and Seius to two shares”, the question arose as to what the law would be in this case. The answer was that the will should be interpreted in such a way that Lucius Titius should have one-sixth, and the others, as they had been appointed without definite shares, should be the heirs to the remainder of the estate, which should be divided so that Seius would receive five shares, and Attius and Mævius the remaining five between them.
Dig. 28,6,34Idem libro quarto quaestionum. Ex duobus impuberibus ei, qui supremus moreretur, heredem substituit. si simul morerentur, utrique heredem esse respondit, quia supremus non is demum qui post aliquem, sed etiam post quem nemo sit, intellegatur, sicut et e contrario proximus non solum is qui ante aliquem, sed etiam is ante quem nemo sit intellegitur. 1Filium impuberem et Titium heredes instituit: Titio Maevium substituit, filio, quisquis sibi heres esset ex supra scriptis, substituit: Titius omisit hereditatem, Maevius adiit. mortuo deinde filio putat magis ei soli ex substitutione deferri pupilli hereditatem, qui patris quoque hereditatem adierit. 2Etiamsi contra patris tabulas bonorum possessio petita sit, substitutio tamen pupillaris valet, et legata omnibus praestanda sunt, quae a substitutione data sunt.
The Same, Questions, Book IV. A testator who had two sons not yet arrived at puberty, substituted a certain person as heir of the survivor. If both should die at the same time, it was held that the substitute would be the heir of both, because the survivor is understood to mean not only one who comes after another, but also he whom no one succeeds; just as, on the other hand, the first is understood to mean not only one who comes before another, but also him who has no one before him. 1A testator appointed a son, who had not reached puberty, and Titius, his heirs. He substituted Mævius for Titius, and for his son he substituted any of his heirs who had previously been mentioned by him. Titius rejected the estate; Mævius entered upon it. The son having afterwards died, it was decided that the estate of the minor, which was derived from the substitution, would go to Mævius, as the sole heir who had entered upon the estate of the father. 2Even though application may be made for the possession of the estate contrary to the will of the father, the pupillary substitution will still be valid, and all the legacies bequeathed under said substitution should be paid.
Dig. 29,1,21Africanus libro quarto quaestionum. Quod constitutum est, ut testamentum militiae tempore factum etiam intra annum post missionem valeret, quantum ad verba eius ad eos dumtaxat qui mitti solent id beneficium pertinere existimavit: secundum quod neque praefectos neque tribunos aut ceteros, qui successoribus acceptis militare desinunt, hoc privilegium habituros.
Africanus, Questions, Book IV. The decision that a will executed during military service is also valid for a year after the discharge of the testator from the army seems by its terms to show that this privilege can only be enjoyed by those who are regularly discharged. Hence, neither prefects, tribunes, or other officers who cease to serve when their successors arrive will be entitled to it.
Dig. 29,2,47Idem libro quarto quaestionum. Qui servum suum heredem institutum adire iusserat, priusquam ille adiret, furiosus est factus. negavit recte servum aditurum, quoniam non nisi voluntate domini adquiri hereditas potest, furiosi autem voluntas nulla est.
The Same, Questions, Book VI. A certain man ordered his slave, who had been appointed an heir to accept the estate, and before he did so, the master became insane. It is said that the slave cannot legally enter upon the estate, as an estate cannot be acquired without the consent of his master, and an insane person cannot give his consent.
Dig. 29,2,49Africanus libro quarto quaestionum. Pupillum etiam eo tutore auctore, qui tutelam non gerat, hereditatem adeundo obligari ait.
Dig. 29,2,51Africanus libro quarto quaestionum. Eum, qui duobus testamentis eiusdem testatoris heres scribitur, cum dubitet, num posterius falsum sit, ex neutro eorum posse adire hereditatem placet. 1Filius familias heres scriptus patrem suum certiorem fecerat videri sibi solvendo esse hereditatem: pater rescripserat sibi parum idoneam renuntiari itaque debere eum diligentius explorare et ita adire, si idoneam comperisset: filius acceptis litteris patris adiit hereditatem: dubitatum est, an recte adisset. probabilius diceretur, quamdiu persuasum ei non sit solvendo esse hereditatem, patrem non obligasse. 2Sed et si quis ita dixerit: ‘si solvendo hereditas est, adeo hereditatem’, nulla aditio est.
Africanus, Questions, Book IV. Where an heir is appointed by two wills executed by the same testator, and is in doubt as to whether the last one may not be forged, it is held that he cannot enter upon the estate by virtue of either. 1A son under paternal control, having been appointed an heir, notified his father that the estate appeared to him to be solvent. His father replied that he had been informed that there was a question as to its solvency, and therefore that he should examine it more carefully, and accept it if he found that it was solvent. The son having received the letter of his father, entered upon the estate. It was doubted whether he did so according to law. It may be said to be more probable that if he was not thoroughly convinced that the estate was solvent, his father would not be liable. 2If anyone should say, “If the estate is solvent, I will accept it”, such an acceptance is void.
Dig. 37,4,14Africanus libro quarto quaestionum. Si duobus filiis emancipatis alter heres institutus sit, alter praeteritus, si institutus adierit, quamvis verbis edicti parum expressum sit, tamen non posse eum petere bonorum possessionem respondit, quia iudicium patris secutus sit: nec enim emancipatum, si legatum acceperit, admitti ad bonorum possessionem, sive ab heredibus institutis sive ab his, qui contra tabulas petierint, acceperit. sed illud observandum, ut praetor eum, qui heres institutus adierit, in eam partem qua scriptus sit tueri debeat, dum tamen non ampliorem, quam habiturus esset, si bonorum possessionem accepisset: ut hactenus deteriorem causam suam fecerit, quod, si ex minore parte sit institutus, eam dumtaxat retinere possit et quod extraneis quoque legata praestare cogatur. quod si is qui in potestate est heres institutus sit, quoniam necessarius heres fit, non aliud dici posse, quam et ipsum petere posse bonorum possessionem, si modo hereditati se non inmiscuerit: tunc enim, quia iudicium patris comprobasse videtur, in eodem loco quo emancipatum haberi debere. 1Filius in adoptiva familia uxore ducta filium sustulit eumque post mortem patris adoptivi emancipavit: hunc nepotem contra tabulas avi naturalis decreto posse petere bonorum possessionem respondit. item si filius emancipatus sublato filio et emancipato adrogandum se dederit et mortuo adoptivo patre decesserit, et contra patris et contra avi tabulas ex decreto hunc admitti minime dubitari debere, ne alioquin ab omnium bonis excluderetur.
Africanus, Questions, Book IV. If of two sons who had been emancipated one was appointed an heir, and the other was passed over in the will, and the one appointed should enter upon the estate, it is held that, although a case of this kind is not expressly referred to by the terms of the Edict, still, the son who was appointed heir cannot demand prætorian possession of the estate because he has accepted the will of his father. For the Edict does not permit an emancipated son to obtain prætorian possession if he has received the legacy, whether he received it from the appointed heir, or from those who under the Prætorian Law claim possession contrary to the provisions of the will. It must, however, be observed that the Prætor should protect the appointed heir who accepts the share of the estate left him by the will, provided he does not receive a larger share of the same than he would have been entitled to, if he had obtained prætorian possession; and it is in this respect only that he can prejudice himself. But if he was appointed heir to a small portion of the estate, he can only retain that portion, and he will be compelled to pay any legacies which may be due to foreign heirs. Where the appointed heir is under paternal control, and he becomes a necessary heir, it may be said that he can demand prætorian possession of the estate, provided he has not interfered in its affairs, for if he has, he will be considered to occupy the same position as an emancipated son, because he has approved the will of his father. 1A son, while a member of an adoptive family, married and had a son, and emancipated him after the death of his adoptive father. It was held that his grandson could, by a decree of the Prætor, claim possession of the property of the estate of his natural grandfather, in opposition to the will of the latter. Again, if an emancipated son, after having himself had a son, and emancipated him, should give himself to be arrogated, and die after the death of his adoptive father, there can be no doubt that, under a decree of the Prætor, he would be entitled to prætorian possession contrary to the provisions of the wills of his father and grandfather, in order to prevent him from otherwise being excluded from the estate of both of them.
Dig. 37,5,18Africanus libro quarto quaestionum. Nepos qui in potestate mansit et filius suus heredes instituti sunt: nepoti legatum dedit: pater eius emancipatus petit bonorum possessionem: nepos legato contentus est. quidam in eum solum, qui in potestate esset, legati actionem nepoti dandam responderunt, quia ei nihil auferatur et emancipatus partem filii sui occupet, in qua onus legatorum non consisteret. sed rectius dicetur in emancipatum solum dandam esse actionem nepoti, et quidem non ultra quadrantem,
Africanus, Questions, Book IV. A son and grandson were under the control of their father, were appointed his heirs, and the testator, in addition to this, left a legacy to the grandson. The father of the latter, another son, who had been emancipated, demanded prætorian possession of the estate, and the grandson remained content with the legacy. Certain authorities were of the opinion that an action to recover the legacy should be granted to the grandson against the son alone who remained under his father’s control, because he was deprived of nothing, and the son who was emancipated obtained the share of his son, which could not be burdened with a legacy. The more just decision is that an action would lie only against the emancipated son, and, indeed, for not more than a fourth of the estate,
Dig. 37,6,4Africanus libro quarto quaestionum. Filium emancipatum dotem, quam filiae suae nomine dedit, conferre non debere, quia non, sicut in matris familias bonis esse dos intellegatur, ita et in patris, a quo sit profecta.
Dig. 37,10,8Africanus libro quarto quaestionum. Decessit, quem ego filium meum et in mea potestate esse dico: existit impubes, qui eum patrem familias et ad se hereditatem pertinere dicat: decretum necessarium esse respondit. 1Item emancipatus decessit intestato superstite filio impubere, qui se ei suum esse dicit: ego contendo ante emancipationem conceptum atque ideo in mea potestate esse et bona emancipati ad me pertinere. et quidem hunc filium esse constat: sed hactenus de statu eius quaeritur, quod in potestate patris fuerit nec ne: sententia tamen edicti procul dubio ex Carboniano admittitur.
Africanus, Questions, Book IV. The person whom I declare to be my son, and under my control, died. A minor, under the age of puberty, appeared, who alleged that the deceased was the father of a family, and that the estate belonged to him. It was held that the decree should be rendered. 1Again, my emancipated son died intestate, leaving a son under the age of puberty, who alleged that he was the direct heir. I maintain the latter was conceived before emancipation took place, and, for this reason, was under my control, and that the estate of the emancipated son belonged to me. It was established that this child was the son of the deceased, but a question arose as to his legal condition, that is to say, whether he was under the control of his father, or not; and there is no doubt whatever that the Carbonian Edict is applicable in this instance.
Dig. 38,2,27Idem libro quarto quaestionum. Vivo filio si nepos exheredatur, nocebit ei exheredatio ad bona libertorum avitorum.
Dig. 40,4,21Idem libro quarto quaestionum. ‘Stichus, immo Pamphilus liber esto’. Pamphilum liberum futurum respondit: quodammodo enim emendasse errorem suum testatorem. idemque iuris fore etiam, si ita scriptum fuerit: ‘Stichus liber esto, immo Pamphilus liber esto’.
The Same, Questions, Book IV. “Let Stichus, or rather Pamphilus, be free.” It was decided that Pamphilus should be free, for the testator appeared to have, as it were, corrected a mistake. The same rule will apply where it was stated in a will, “Let Stichus be free, or rather let Pamphilus be free.”
Dig. 43,30,4Africanus libro quarto quaestionum. Si eum, qui se patrem familias dicat, ego in mea potestate esse et iussu meo adisse hereditatem dicam, tam de hereditate agi oportere quam ad interdictum de filio ducendo iri debere ait.
Dig. 50,16,208Idem libro quarto quaestionum. ‘Bonorum’ appellatio, sicut hereditatis, universitatem quandam ac ius successionis et non singulas res demonstrat.