Quaestionum libri
Ex libro III
Dig. 5,1,77Africanus libro tertio quaestionum. In privatis negotiis pater filium vel filius patrem iudicem habere potest:
Dig. 13,4,8Africanus libro tertio quaestionum. Centum Capuae dari stipulatus fideiussorem accepisti: ea pecunia ab eo similiter ut ab ipso promissore peti debebit, id est ut, si alibi quam Capuae petantur, arbitraria agi debeat lisque tanti aestimetur, quanti eius vel actoris interfuerit eam summam Capuae potius quam alibi solvi. nec oportebit, quod forte per reum steterit, quo minus tota centum Capuae solverentur, obligationem fideiussoris augeri: neque enim haec causa recte comparabitur obligationi usurarum: ibi enim duae stipulationes sunt, hic autem una pecuniae creditae est, circa cuius exsecutionem aestimationis ratio arbitrio iudicis committitur. eiusque differentiae manifestissimum argumentum esse puto, quod, si post moram factam pars pecuniae soluta sit et reliquum petatur, officium iudicis tale esse debeat, ut aestimet, quanti actoris intersit eam dumtaxat summam quae petetur Capuae solutam esse.
Africanus, Questions, Book III. Having stipulated that a hundred aurei should be paid to you at Capua, you received a surety; proceedings to recover the money should be instituted against the surety just as they should be against the promisor himself; that is to say, if an action is brought at any other place than Capua it ought to be an arbitrarian one, and the damages must be assessed at an amount equal to the interest that either the plaintiff or the defendant would have in the sum of money being paid at Capua rather than elsewhere. Nor should the obligation of the surety be increased because it was the fault of the principal debtor that the entire sum of a hundred aurei was not paid at Capua; for this case cannot properly be compared with an obligation for the payment of interest, for there there are two stipulations, but in this instance there is only one for money borrowed, and, with reference to the execution of the same, the amount of damages must be left to the discretion of the Court. I think that a very clear proof of the difference between these two cases is established by the fact that, if a portion of the money is paid after the party is in default and suit is brought for the remainder, the duty of the judge is to estimate the interest which the plaintiff has in payment to be made at Capua of only the amount involved in the action.
Dig. 18,2,18Africanus libro tertio quaestionum. Cum in diem duobus sociis fundus sit addictus, uno ex his pretium adiciente etiam pro ipsius parte a priore venditione discedi rectius existimatur.
Dig. 40,9,8Africanus libro tertio quaestionum. Cum is, qui sub condicione debet, manumittat fideicommissi causa, lex Aelia Sentia locum habet. 1Si miles iure militari testamento facto libertates dederit in fraudem creditorum et non solvendo moriatur, impediuntur libertates.
Africanus, Questions, Book III. The Lex Ælia Sentia does not apply where a man who owes money under a condition manumits a slave by virtue of a trust. 1Where a soldier makes a will under military law, and bequeaths freedom to slaves for the purpose of defrauding his creditors, and then dies insolvent, the bequest of freedom will be void.
Dig. 44,7,22Africanus libro tertio quaestionum. Cum quis in diem mercem stipulatus fideiussorem accepit, eius temporis aestimatio spectanda est, quo satis acceperit.
Dig. 46,6,10Africanus libro tertio quaestionum. Si, posteaquam pupillus ad pubertatem pervenerit, tutor in restituenda tutela aliquamdiu moram fecerit, certum est et fructuum nomine et usurarum medii temporis tam fideiussores eius quam ipsum teneri.
Africanus, Questions, Book III. If, after a ward has arrived at the age of puberty, his guardian should be in default for some time in rendering an account of his administration, it is certain that, so far as the profits and interest of the intermediate time are concerned, he, as well as his sureties, will be liable.
Dig. 48,10,6Africanus libro tertio quaestionum. Si quis legatum sibi adscripserit, tenetur poena legis Corneliae, quamvis inutile legatum sit: nam et eum teneri constat, qui eo testamento, quod postea ruptum vel etiam quod initio non iure fieret, legatum sibi adscripserit. hoc tamen tunc verum est, cum perfectum testamentum erit. ceterum si non signatum fuerit, magis est ut senatus consulto locus non sit, sicuti nec interdictum de tabulis testamenti exhibendis locum habet: prius enim oportet esse aliquod testamentum vel non iure factum, ut senatus consulto locus sit. nam et falsum testamentum id demum recte dicitur, quod, si adulterinum non esset, verum tamen testamentum recte dicetur. similiter igitur et non iure factum testamentum id appellatur, in quo si omnia rite facta essent, iure factum diceretur. 1Si institutus heres exheredationem nominatim filii vel aliarum personarum adscribat, senatus consulto tenetur. 2Similiter et is, qui libertatem sua manu ademit servi testatoris et maxime cui a se legata vel fideicommissa data erant, senatus consulto tenetur. 3Si patronus testamento liberti legatum sibi scripserit et venia impetrata abstinere legato iussus est, an emolumentum bonorum possessionis contra tabulas habere possit? et magis placet non posse. nec tamen huic consequens est, ut et, si uxor dotem vel creditor id, quod in diem sibi deberetur, sibi adscripserit et similiter venia impetrata abstinere se legato iubeantur, aut mulieri dotis aut creditori actio sua denegari debet, ne eorum uterque merito debito careat.
Africanus, Questions, Book III. When anyone writes a bequest of a legacy to himself, he is liable to the penalty of the Cornelian Law, although the legacy is void; for it is established that he is liable who writes a bequest of a legacy to himself in a will which is afterwards broken, even if it was not legally executed in the beginning. This, however, is only true when the will is perfect, for if it should not be sealed, the better opinion is that the Decree of the Senate will not apply; just as there would be no ground for an interdict to compel the production of the will; for it is necessary, in the first place, that there should be a will of some kind, even if it was not drawn up according to law, in order for the Decree of the Senate not to be applicable. For in order that a will may be properly designated as forged, it is essential that, after the forgery has been removed from it, it still can properly be called a will. Therefore, in like manner, a will is said to be made contrary to law in which, if all the regular formalities had been observed, it could be said that it was legally executed. 1If the appointed heir has written the disinheritance of a son, or of any other persons, mentioning them by name, he will be liable under the Decree of the Senate. 2In like manner he who, with his own hand, has deprived the testator’s slave of freedom, and, above all, if he is charged with the payment of legacies, or the execution of a trust, he will be liable under the Decree of the Senate. 3If a patron should write the bequest of a legacy in his own favor in the will of his freedman, and, after having obtained pardon for doing so, he has been ordered to relinquish the legacy, can he obtain the benefit of prætorian possession contrary to the provisions of the will? The better opinion is that he cannot do so. It does not, however, result from this that if a wife should include the bequest of her dower for her benefit in a will, or a creditor writes a bequest of what is due to him at a certain time, for his own benefit; and, in like manner, having been pardoned, they are ordered to surrender the legacies, an action for her dowry should not be refused to the woman, as well as one for his claim to the creditor, in order that neither of them may be deprived of that to which they are actually entitled.
Dig. 50,7,4Africanus libro tertio quaestionum. Cum quaeritur, an in eum, qui in legatione sit, actio dari debeat, non tam interest, ubi quis aut crediderit aut dari stipulatus sit, quam illud, an id actum sit, ut legationis tempore solveretur.
Africanus, Questions, Book III. When the question is asked whether an action should be granted against a person who is the member of a embassy, it is not so important to ascertain where the claimant either lent him money, or stipulated that something should be given, as to know where suit can be brought, so that payment may be made during the time of his mission.
Dig. 50,16,207Africanus libro tertio quaestionum. ‘Mercis’ appellatione homines non contineri Mela ait: et ob eam rem mangones non mercatores sed venaliciarios appellari ait, et recte.