Quaestionum libri
Ex libro I
Dig. 29,2,46Africanus libro primo quaestionum. Cum falsum testamentum diceretur, si quidem ipse heres accusaretur, quoniam certus esse debeat se falsum non fecisse, recte adibit hereditatem: sin autem alius argueretur citra conscientiam eius, non potest adire, quasi dubitet verum esse testamentum.
Africanus, Questions, Book I. A will is said to be forged even if the heir himself is accused of having fabricated it, since he must be sure that he did not commit the forgery in order to be able to legally enter upon the estate; but where another is accused of having done this without the knowledge of the heir, he cannot enter upon the estate if there is any doubt of the will being genuine.
Dig. 38,5,10Africanus libro primo quaestionum. Si id, quod a liberto in fraudem alienatum est, non extet, actio patroni cessat, quemadmodum si pecuniam in fraudem abiecisset aut etiam si is, qui mortis causa a liberto accepisset, eam rem vendidisset et bonae fidei emptor eam usu cepisset.
Africanus, Questions, Book I. If the property which was fraudulently alienated by the freedman is no longer in existence, the patron cannot bring the action, just as if the freedman had thrown away the money in order to perpetrate a fraud; nor, even if he who obtained a donation mortis causa from the freedman should have sold the property, and a bona fide purchaser has acquired it by usucaption.
Dig. 39,6,22Africanus libro primo quaestionum. In mortis causa donationibus non tempus donationis, sed mortis intuendum est, an quis capere possit.
Dig. 40,4,20Africanus libro primo quaestionum. Servos legavit et cavit ita: ‘rogo, si te promeruerunt, dignos eos libertate existimes’. praetoris hae partes sunt, ut cogat libertatem praestari, nisi si quid tale hi servi admiserint, ut indigni sint, quo libertatem consequantur, non etiam ut talia officia ab his exigantur, pro quibus libertatem mereri debent. arbitrium tamen eius erit qui rogatus sit, quo tempore quemque velit manumittere, ita ut, si vivus non manumississet, heres eius statim libertatem praestare cogatur.
Africanus, Questions, Book I. A testator bequeathed his slaves, and made the following provision in his will: “I ask that you regard my slaves as worthy of their freedom, if they have acted meritoriously towards you.” It is the duty of the Prætor to compel freedom to be given the slaves, unless they have done something which renders them unworthy of obtaining their freedom, without such services being required of them as may be considered necessary for them to deserve it. The person who was asked to liberate them will still have the right to fix the time when he will do so; as, if he does not manumit them during his lifetime, his heir can be compelled to grant them their freedom immediately after his death.