Corpus iurisprudentiae Romanae

Repertorium zu den Quellen des römischen Rechts

Digesta Iustiniani Augusti

Recognovit Mommsen (1870) et retractavit Krüger (1968)
Convertit in Anglica lingua Scott (1932)
Dig. L3,
De albo scribendo
Liber quinquagesimus

De albo scribendo

(Concerning the Register of Decurions.)

1Ulpianus libro tertio de officio proconsulis. Decuriones in albo ita scriptos esse oportet, ut lege municipali praecipitur: sed si lex cessat, tunc dignitates erunt spectandae, ut scribantur eo ordine, quo quisque eorum maximo honore in municipio functus est: puta qui duumviratum gesserunt, si hic honor praecellat, et inter duumvirales antiquissimus quisque prior: deinde hi, qui secundo post duumviratum honore in re publica functi sunt: post eos qui tertio et deinceps: mox hi qui nullo honore functi sunt, prout quisque eorum in ordinem venit. 1In sententiis quoque dicendis idem ordo spectandus est, quem in albo scribendo diximus.

1Ulpianus, On the Duties of Proconsul, Book III. The names of decurions should be entered upon a register, as is prescribed by the municipal law. Where, however, there is no law on this point, the rank of each should be considered, so that they may be registered in the order in which each one of them enjoys the highest distinction in the city; as, for instance, those who have held the office of duumvir, if this is the highest, and among the duumvirs, the one who first held office, shall take precedence; and after him those who have performed the duties of duumvirs in the municipal government; and, after them, those who come third, and the others in succession, and then those who previously have held no office shall be registered, so that each one shall appear in his proper place. 1In casting their votes, the same order shall be considered which we have stated should be observed in registering their names.

2Idem libro secundo opinionum. In albo decurionum in municipio nomina ante scribi oportet eorum, qui dignitates principis iudicio consecuti sunt, postea eorum, qui tantum municipalibus honoribus functi sunt.

2The Same, Opinions, Book II. The names of the recipients of honors at the hands of the Emperor should first be entered upon the register of the decurions in a city; and afterwards the names of those who only have discharged the duties of municipal offices.