De proxeneticis
(Concerning Brokers.)
1Ulpianus libro quadragensimo secundo ad Sabinum. Proxenetica iure licito petuntur.
1Ulpianus, On Sabinus, Book XLII. Brokers have a right to demand their commissions.
2Idem libro trigensimo primo ad edictum. Si proxeneta intervenerit faciendi nominis, ut multi solent, videamus an possit quasi mandator teneri. et non puto teneri, quia hic monstrat magis nomen quam mandat, tametsi laudet nomen. idem dico, et si aliquid philanthropi nomine acceperit: nec ex locato conducto erit actio. plane si dolo et calliditate creditorum circumvenerit, de dolo actione tenebitur.
2The Same, On the Edict, Book XXXI. If the services of a broker are employed for the purpose of making a note, as many persons are accustomed to do, let us see whether he will be liable as a mandator. I do not think that he will be liable, for although he may have praised the person for whom he acts, still, by doing so, he has reference rather to the debt to be contracted than to an act in the capacity of mandator. I hold that the same rule will be applicable, even if he has received something by way of compensation, and that an action on hiring and leasing will not lie. It is clear that if he deceives the creditor by means of fraud and cunning, he will be liable to an action on the ground of fraud.
3Idem libro octavo de omnibus tribunalibus. De proxenetico, quod et sordidum, solent praesides cognoscere: sic tamen, ut et in his modus esse debeat et quantitatis et negotii, in quo operula ista defuncti sunt et ministerium qualequale accommodaverunt. facilius quod Graeci ἑρμηνευτικὸν appellant, peti apud eos poterit, si quis forte condicionis vel amicitiae vel adsessurae vel cuius alterius huiuscemodi proxeneta fuit: sunt enim huiusmodi hominum (ut in tam magna civitate) officinae. est enim proxenetarum modus, qui emptionibus venditionibus, commerciis, contractibus licitis utiles non adeo improbabili more se exhibent.
3The Same, On All Tribunals, Book VIII. Governors are accustomed to take cognizance of the cases of brokers, and although it is considered a degrading occupation, still, in order to regulate the amount of their commissions and the business in which they are engaged, they, to some extent, supervise their calling. The Greeks designate their compensation by the term the “fee of an intermediary,” and it can easily be collected by them where, for instance, anyone acts as an agent for the purpose of contracting a bond of friendship, or to obtain an assistant for a judge, or anything else of this kind. For such occupations are pursued by certain men in large cities. The term “broker” applies to those who give their services and make themselves useful by negotiating purchases, sales, commercial matters, and lawful contracts in a way which is not objectionable.