Eum qui appellaverit in provincia defendi
(He Who Appeals Should Be Defended in His Own Province.)
1Ulpianus libro quarto de appellationibus. Eum, qui appellavit, oportere in provincia defendi in aliis suis causis, etiamsi appellationis causa peregrinetur, divi fratres Decimo Philoni rescripserunt.
1Ulpianus, On Appeals, Book IV. He who appeals must be defended in his own province, in all other cases of his own, even though he may be absent for the purpose of conducting his appeal. This the Divine Brothers stated in a Rescript addressed to Decimus Philo.
2Marcianus libro secundo de appellationibus. Hoc enim illis praestatur, ne necesse habeant se defendere, qui rei publicae causa absunt.
2Marcianus, On Appeals, Book II. This privilege is granted to those who are absent on business for the State, in order that they may not be required to defend themselves.