Si tutor vel curator magistratusve creatus appellaverit
(Where a Guardian, a Curator, or a Magistrate Having Been Appointed, Appeals.)
1Ulpianus libro tertio de officio consulis. Si qui ad munera publica nominati appellaverint nec causas probaverint, scient ad periculum suum pertinere, si quid damni per moram appellationis rei publicae acciderit. quod si apparuerit eos necessario provocasse, cui adscribendum sit id damnum, praeses vel princeps aestimabit.
1Ulpianus, On the Duties of Proconsul, Book III. When persons who have been appointed to public offices appeal, and do not establish a justification for doing so, they are hereby notified that it is at their risk if the State should suffer any loss by reason of the appeal being delayed. When it is apparent that the appeal was necessary, the Governor of the province, or the Emperor, shall decide who was responsible for the damage sustained.
2Hermogenianus libro quinto iuris epitomarum. Tutor vel curator retentus si provocaverit et ante causam actam moriatur, propter periculum medii temporis successores eius causas appellationis necesse habent reddere.
2Hermogenianus, Epitomes of Law, Book V. When a guardian or a curator is retained in office, and appeals, and dies before a decision has been rendered, his successors will be required to state the grounds of appeal, on account of the responsibility attaching to the intermediate time.