Corpus iurisprudentiae Romanae

Repertorium zu den Quellen des römischen Rechts

Digesta Iustiniani Augusti

Recognovit Mommsen (1870) et retractavit Krüger (1968)
Convertit in Anglica lingua Scott (1932)
Dig. XLVIII24,
De cadaveribus punitorum
Liber quadragesimus octavus

De cadaveribus punitorum

(Concerning the Corpses of Persons Who Are Punished.)

1Ulpianus libro nono de officio proconsulis. Corpora eorum qui capite damnantur cognatis ipsorum neganda non sunt: et id se observasse etiam divus Augustus libro decimo de vita sua scribit. hodie autem eorum, in quos animadvertitur, corpora non aliter sepeliuntur, quam si fuerit petitum et permissum, et nonnumquam non permittitur, maxime maiestatis causa damnatorum. eorum quoque corpora, qui exurendi damnantur, peti possunt, scilicet ut ossa et cineres collecta sepulturae tradi possint.

1Ulpianus, On the Duties of Proconsul, Book IX. The bodies of those who are condemned to death should not be refused their relatives; and the Divine Augustus, in the Tenth Book on his life, said that this rule had been observed. At present, the bodies of those who have been punished are only buried when this has been requested and permission granted; and sometimes it is not permitted, especially where persons have been convicted of high treason. Even the bodies of those who have been sentenced to be burned can be claimed, in order that their bones and ashes, after having been collected, may be buried.

2Marcianus libro secundo publicorum. Si quis in insulam deportatus vel relegatus fuerit, poena etiam post mortem manet, nec licet eum inde transferre aliubi et sepelire inconsulto principe: ut saepissime Severus et Antoninus rescripserunt et multis petentibus hoc ipsum indulserunt.

2Marcianus, Public Prosecutions, Book II. If anyone has been deported to an island or relegated, his punishment continues to exist even after his death, for it is not permitted for him to be taken elsewhere and buried, without the consent of the Emperor; as Severus and Antoninus repeatedly stated in Rescripts, and they frequently granted this as a favor to many persons who requested it.

3Paulus libro primo sententiarum. Corpora animadversorum quibuslibet petentibus ad sepulturam danda sunt.

3Paulus, Sentences, Book I. The bodies of persons who have been punished should be given to whoever requests them for the purpose of burial.