Corpus iurisprudentiae Romanae

Repertorium zu den Quellen des römischen Rechts

Digesta Iustiniani Augusti

Recognovit Mommsen (1870) et retractavit Krüger (1968)
Convertit in Anglica lingua Scott (1932)
Dig. XL10,
De iure aureorum anulorum
Liber quadragesimus

De iure aureorum anulorum

(Concerning the Right to Wear a Gold Ring.)

1Papinianus libro primo responsorum. Inter ceteros alimenta liberto relicta non idcirco non debentur, quia ius aureorum anulorum ab imperatore libertus acceperit. 1Diversum in eo probatur, qui iudicatus ingenuus conlusione per alium patronum detecta condicioni suae redditus alimenta sibi, quae tertius patronus reliquerat, praeberi desiderat. hunc enim etiam beneficium anulorum amittere placuit.

1Papinianus, Opinions, Book I. Where provision for support is left to a freedman along with several others, he will not cease to be entitled to it because he has obtained from the Emperor the right to wear a gold ring. 1A different opinion prevails in the case of a freedman who has been judicially declared to be freeborn, and has been returned to his former condition through the collusion of another patron, which has been exposed, and who desires to obtain for himself the support that the third patron relinquished; for, in this instance, it has been established that the freedman will forfeit the right to wear a gold ring.

2Idem libro quinto decimo responsorum. Intra quinque annos pro ingenuitate sententia dicta rescissa fuerat: victum anulorum aureorum beneficium, quod ante sententiam pro ingenuitate dictam acceperit ac deposuit, non retinuisse respondi.

2The Same, Opinions, Book XV. A decision rendered with reference to the free birth of a freedman within five years was set aside. I gave it as my opinion that he had lost his right to wear a gold ring which he had received and relinquished before the decision was rendered.

3Marcianus libro primo institutionum. Divus Commodus et ius anulorum datum ademit illis, qui invitis aut ignorantibus patronis acceperant.

3Marcianus, Institutes, Book I. The Divine Commodus also deprived those of the right of wearing a gold ring who had obtained it without the knowledge or consent of their patrons.

4Ulpianus libro tertio ad legem Iuliam et Papiam. Etiam feminae ius anulorum aureorum impetrare et natalibus restitui poterunt.

4Ulpianus, On the Lex Julia et Papia, Book III. Even women can obtain the right to wear a gold ring, as well as that of being considered freeborn, and be restored to the privileges they are entitled to by their birth.

5Paulus libro nono ad legem Iuliam et Papiam. Is, qui ius anulorum impetravit, ut ingenuus habetur, quamvis in hereditate eius patronus non excludatur.

5Paulus, On the Lex Julia et Papia, Book IX. He who has obtained the right to wear a gold ring is considered as having been freeborn; even though his patron may not have been excluded from his succession.

6Ulpianus libro primo ad legem Iuliam et Papiam. Libertinus si ius anulorum impetraverit, quamvis iura ingenuitatis salvo iure patroni nactus sit, tamen ingenuus intellegitur: et hoc divus Hadrianus rescripsit.

6Ulpianus, On the Lex Julia et Papia, Book I. A freedman who has obtained the right to wear a gold ring (although he may obtain the right attaching to the condition of being freeborn, reserving the rights of his patron), is still considered as freeborn. This the Divine Hadrian stated in a Rescript.